Chapter 63-Bounty

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(Amira) "A bounty?" I asked quietly, my voice the only thing filling the silence as Siena looked toward me. "A bounty for you to be returned to Dolus. There is a reward.." She said seriously, her eyes landing on Kamaris. From the corner of my eye, I watched as Alden sat up straighter, his gaze snapping to Siena as he seemed to be on edge. Stella suddenly burst out in laughter, completely surprising me as she quickly chugged the rest of her wine before waving her hand dismissively.. "What could Dalia have to offer that would make people go against the lord of darkness?" She scoffed..she had a point..who would be foolish enough to go against Kamaris? Siena took a long drink from her wine glass before opening her mouth to answer. "A stone of immortality." She stated cooly, making Stella gasp. Dante's head snapped to Siena now, his eyes widening as the room went silent once again.. Kamaris stared at Siena, his eyes black and swirling as Alden spoke. "She is using the Seveca.." Alden noted quietly while I sat there. "What is the stone of immortality?" I asked, the tension in the room beginning to scare me. "The stone of immortality is just as the name suggests. It was found in the bottom of the pool of the Tree of Life, it has the ability to turn Seveca into Athuney. There have only been three known in existence." She said, taking another sip of wine. Suddenly Cinead slammed his fist against the table, surprising me as it made me jump. Kamaris looked at him, his eyes shooting a warning gaze. "She can't do use people like's sickening." Cinead began to yell, anger filling him. "Cinead, calm down." Kamaris commanded as I couldn't help but shudder from the power that pulsed out of him. I glanced at Dante, his eyes glued to the table as Alden watched him carefully. "Whatever plans Dalia has..they don't matter. We stick to the plan and this doesn't change a single thing. Do you understand?" Kamaris ordered with a serious tone. Cinead nodded, glancing at me once more as I stared down into my lap, feeling guilt rising up inside of me. "I'm sorry..for causing all of this trouble.." I whispered sadly...and that's when Kamaris grabbed my face firmly and turned my head to meet his gaze. "Don't you dare apologize for have done nothing wrong." He breathed, his eyes searching mine as I nodded adamantly before leaning in and kissing Kamaris deeply. I felt him returning it just as desperately, his hands locking around my body as his tongue slipped inside of me, tasting me hungrily. Seina cleared her throat, trying to catch our attention as my cheeks burned from embarrassment..maybe it wasn't the best time to get lost in Kamaris. "Amira, I know we haven't met before, but if my brother hates you then I know you must be a decent person...considering who he works for... That is why I came to warn you both. For Dalia to do use the Seveca people like this. It is a true injustice. " She stated passionately as I nodded my head. "Thank you.." I whispered. "Well, that's one way to make someone sober up quickly." Stella groaned before resting her head on the table as Cinead kept his eyes glued to Kamaris. The atmosphere felt weird now..everyone was on edge as Kamaris held me tightly. I looked down at the bracelet he wore, my fingers tracing it slowly as a shiver ran through me, the thought of being hunted now finally settling in. For a seveca to have the ability to turn into Athuney..that was huge. I snuck a glance over at Dante and noticed him staring at me..only this time instead of the usual warmth I saw..his eyes were dark and cold. Siena stood, drawing my attention towards her as she reached for Stella. "I'll take Stella to bed, Cinead you and Kamaris should talk." She suggested with a serious tone and turned towards me once more. "Amira, I want you to know that Eirwen stands behind you and the dark lord." She added firmly. "When we pledged our allegiance it was to align with the dark lord, not just Dolus or Vardis." Her words were honest and true as she wrapped an arm around Stella before leading her down a hallway as we all sat in silence. Cinead's eyes were blazing, the crimson and orange burning brighter than ever. "I should go with you guys, this is too dangerous now Kamaris." He stated, his hands clenched into fists as he rested them on the table. "I need you here Cinead, you know that. If they were to gain access into Marudeva..if your father were to try and attack. You know whose side he will be on." Kamaris's voice was steady as he spoke. Cinead sighed while tilting his head back against the chair. "Why are our parents so f****d up?" He asked with a chuckle. I knew he found no humor in this though..I knew he was serious about it. Kamaris turned to me, his hands sliding up my waist as he spoke gently. "You should get some rest, let me take you to bed." He spoke softly, his warm breath tickling my neck as he leaned into me. I nodded my head, while turning to Cinead who was now standing right next to me. I stood up and he reached for me, pulling me into a hug. I noticed Kamaris tightening his grip around my waist, standing with me as Cinead hugged me. "Everything will be okay Amira." Cinead spoke softly, his arms wrapped around me as he pulled back, his eyes burning into mine. "Okay that's enough.." kamaris said through clenched teeth. Cinead nodded, pulling away as he continued to stare at me. "No matter what, we will do everything we can to protect you." He announced, his eyes continuing to swirl as he glanced at Kamaris. His behavior surprised me..why did Cinead seem to feel protective over me now? How bad was this? "I will meet you in the study in a little bit." Cinead said nodding his head and turning towards the hall. "Goodnight Cinead." I blurted quickly, almost shocked to see him acting so seriously. Kamaris pulled me into him, his arm wrapping around my waist as he began to walk us out of the room. I looked back once more, seeing Alden continuing to stare at Dante as I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. I bit my lip anxiously, following Kamaris numbly as he took me to our room. Kamaris pulled back the comforter and helped me in before laying next to me. "I will stay until you fall asleep." He whispered to me. I nodded my head, my arms wrapping around him as I snuggled my cheek against his chest. I didn't want him to leave..but I knew he had to speak with Cinead about this. "Are you okay?" I asked gently, feeling his body was tense beneath me. His arms pulled me into him even tighter as he took a shuddering breath and then inhaled my scent deeply. "I won't let them get you Amira..I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe." His words were if he knew the road ahead of us would be long and hard. I pulled away, looking at him as I stroked his smooth face gently. "I know I am always safe with you." I whispered into him, my lips crashing against his as desperation filled us. His hands pulled me close as he gasped against me. . "You are all that matters to me now." He confessed breathlessly, his lips finding mine once more. His words filled me with so much hope as our lips glided together, the happiness inside of me bursting through as my heart ached for him. "As long as I have you that's all that matters. I just want you.." I gasped into his mouth, his tongue savoring each word as he slowly pulled away. Exhaustion eventually found me and began weighing down my eyelids as I couldn't stay awake much longer. "You need to sleep My Love, don't fight it." He noted softly while caressing my face as he looked into me. My heart fluttered from his words as I nodded to him. "Will you come to bed soon?" I mumbled while stifling a yawn. He let out a deep chuckle before kissing my forehead as he spoke. "Soon, I promise." He whispered against me. "Now sleep." He commanded, his hands rubbing my back gently as I nuzzled into him once more. I slowly drifted to sleep as something inside of me knew tomorrow everything would change. I felt it deep in my bones..what some seveca might do to get their hands on a stone of immortality. It could possibly put me in the hands of Dalia.. Kamaris won't let that happen, I know he would do anything to protect me and I wasn't sure if that's what scared me the most about it all. I awoke to a loud bang, my head was throbbing as I looked around the room. Kamaris was still not in bed and I suddenly had a horrible feeling deep inside of me. I heard the loud thud again causing me to sit up. I slowly pulled the covers off and began to creep across the room. Trying to listen to where those sounds were coming from. Just then I heard something, it sounded like someone tapping on the door. My heart dropped as I slowly reached my hand out, seeing the handle jiggle. Could Kamaris of accidentally locked himself out? I was about to grab it when someone appeared behind me, their hands sliding around my waist making me let out a small shriek. "It's just me Amira.." Kamaris whispered into me, causing me to turn around and hug him tightly. "You scared me." I rushed out breathlessly. "I think there is someone trying to get in." My voice was only a small whisper, prompting Kamaris to look towards the door quickly. Just then I heard the handle jiggle once more. "Alden has the horses ready, it's time to go." He spoke quickly, his magic washing over me as I was dressed in leather armor this time..just like Kamaris. Then his shadows swirled around us and we were gone. I blinked my eyes quickly, seeing Alden mounted on Onyx with Kamaris's black horse Ash in front of us. Kamaris placed his hands on my waist and quickly placed me on top of the horse. I looked around, realizing Dante wasn't here as Kamaris swiftly climbed up behind me. We were at the base of the tree now and the sight above us was absolutely breathtaking as the massive tree lit up and illuminated against the night sky. The stars shone even brighter above us..I looked up in wonder, seeing them shine so brightly making me lose my breath as the cool air blew towards me, causing a shiver to fill my body. Kamaris wrapped his arm around me, pulling me back into him as I rested my head against his chest. "We will ride to the shield and teleport from there, then we will have to travel by horse the rest of the way." He whispered into me as he kissed the top of my head gently. I looked around once more, seeing Dante was nowhere to be found as I met Alden's gaze. He looked at me intently, glancing behind us every few seconds. I felt bad for not being able to say goodbye to Stella and Cinead...I hope I will be able to see them again soon. Kamaris nodded his head and we were off, I turned around, looking one more time as I whispered to Kamaris. "Where's Dante?" I asked, looking up at his cool expression. "He is staying behind." He spoke firmly, causing a knot to form in my stomach. "At the door..that wasn't.." I asked quietly and Kamaris cut me off before I could even finish. "The only reason Dante is alive right now is because I know what he has been through and has lost..I don't want to speak about it any further. Or I might turn around and change my mind." He stated angrily as his grip tightened even more. So it was heart sank..I thought he was someone we could trust.. I nodded my head, gripping his arm tighter as I felt his bracelet beneath my fingertips.. I leaned back into him, his mouth kissing me on the head once more as we continued to ride through Marudeva.. Things have now gotten so much more serious..and now I'm starting to wonder..what will it take to bring all of this to an end?
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