Chapter 62-Fire Play

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(Amira) I felt Kamaris's magic wash over me, making me glance down as I examined the dark blue silk pajamas I was now in. Then my eyes drifted to Kamaris, realizing he was wearing matching ones, this time even a shirt...I couldn't help bur smile happily..why was that so freaking adorable when he made us match? Kamaris went to the side of the bed, helping me stand as his hand reached for mine. Excitemeht filled me as I saw the bracelet still securely around his wrist as he wrapped his arm aound my waist. "Let's get you some food. Then we will go back to bed." He growled playfully before kissing me on the lips and pulling me towards the door. Kamaris dragged me down a hall that ended up spitting us out by the sitting room I briefly remembered from earlier. That's when I heard the sound of people talking as we rounded the corner, before running straight into Cinead. "There you guys are, I'd figured you would be hungry after all that screaming you did earlier." He teased, causing Kamaris to glare at him as I hid my face in embarrassment, not realizing how loud I had been. "I just wanted to remind you who she belongs to case you forgot." Kamaris added cockily before winking at him as he swiftly lifted me up and carried me into the large kitchen. I was shocked Kamaris was being so playful..I mean..winking?! Yeah..I felt like if I wasn't standing, my legs might've given out for that one. "It will take many years to forget your name being screamed through these halls. I might just have to burn that room and start all over." Cinead grumbled while meeting my gaze and noticing how red my cheeks were. "Having gotten to know you Cinead, I'm sure every surface in this house needs to be burned." I blurted before laughing, seeing Kamaris look down at me and smile..maybe I still had a little bit of liquid courage left in me. Cinead shrugged, not denying it as I looked at the deep red marble counter tops and frowned, realizing that nowhere in this palace was probably safe to touch. Cinead followed my gaze and smiled wildly, confirming my thoughts immediately. His laughter boomed throughout the kitchen as we walked through it. The kitchen was quite stylish as it had the deep red marbled tops and dark wood cabinets. There was a large double door refrigerator and even a dishwasher. I was surprised by the modern appliances as kamaris carried me towards the next room, noting that the dining room table was the same dark wood with matching chairs. A large red and orange stained glass light fixture hung above it and I realized soft music was playing from somewhere in the room. Looking at the table I saw Dante, Stella and Alden all sitting down with a woman that I hadn't met before. She was sitting by Stella as she smiled and laughed about something. The woman had shoulder length white hair and eyes that looked like blue ice. She instantly reminded me of Donavan as her skin was a dark chocolate brown. Stella waved happily towards me and I could see another wine glass in her hand and realized she must be even more intoxicated than earlier. Kamaris set me down slowly as Cinead walked up towards the other woman. "Amira this is Siena, she is a longtime friend." He said happily as he sat next to her. I smiled at her politely and she just nodded coldly. She even had the same personality as Donavan it seemed. Looking over I noticed a wide spread of food was covering the table top as my mouth instantly began to water. There were dozens of meats and cheeses with all different kinds of fruits and nuts. Some I had never even seen before, it all looked amazing. Kamaris started to pile food on my plate as I noticed Alden set a glass of water infront of me and instantly took the wine glass away. Stella rolled her eyes at Alden from the gesture and turned her attention back to Siena. "Siena, if you would've gotten here earlier you could've gone shopping with us. I don't know why you have to constantly go to Eirwen and back." She whined as she waved her hand dramatically in the air. Siena reached for her glass and smirked. "If you are already this drunk I'm sure it must have went well.." Sienna mumbled sarcastically as she brought her drink up to her lips slowly. For a moment I wondered where Eirwen was..kamaris must have seen my interest because he leaned in whispering to me. "Siena is from the mountain region of Alysian." He said while taking a strawberry and placing it against my lips. I took a bite before looking into his eyes, seeing them flash as my mouth opened slowly. Moving the strawberry he leaned in, kissing me deeply and licking the sweet strawberry juice off of my lips. "You are right, he really does have it bad." Siena mumbled under her breath while staring at us intently. Her eyes flashing to mine. "You might have met my brother. He lives in Dolus. He is the b***h's main guard." She informed me with a serious tone. I blinked my eyes rapidly at what Siena said and knew it was Donovan she was speaking they were related. I thought it was just a coincidence but I could definitely see it. "Speaking of Dalia, I heard you have caused quite a s**t storm Kamaris." She added while taking another drink. He just shrugged, feeding me a piece of cheese now. "Nothing out of the ordinary. Dalia always has something to complain about. I'm just the lucky bastard this time." He said casually, acting as if it really were a common thing. She smiled, a genuine smile as she nodded her head. "That's true, remember when Cinead spilled wine on her dress that one time and yelled at him for hours, I think she made you cry didn't she?" She spoke with a smirk on her face. Cinead's eyes flashed to me as he turned to glare at Siena. "I was eight.." he added quickly, taking a sip of his wine and grumbling. I tried not to laugh while picking up my water glass..realizing Cinead was staring at me now. I blinked at him as he smirked, his eyebrows raising slightly as his crimson orbs swirled like fire. That's when I heard a loud thump from under the table and Cinead suddenly jumped, making a small yelp escape him. "Keep your foot on that side of the table fire boy, or I will break it." Kamaris grumbled while pulling me into him. "Can't blame a man for trying." Cinead added with a small wink. I burst out laughing while leaning into Kamaris as I shook my head in disbelief..Cinead is determined..I will give him that..and the funny part is I'm sure he is doing it just to get under Kamaris's skin more than anything. Kamaris placed a soft kiss to my neck as he glared at Cinead who was trying to change the subject quickly by talking to Alden about the new training routine they were implementing and Dante seemed to become engrossed in the conversation. Stella seemed to be watching Dante's every move while playing with her necklace, placed right between her cleavage. She began telling a story next about Cinead meeting her parents for the first time. How he had tried to help her mom cook dinner but ended up catching the kitchen on fire instead. Cinead looked at me frowning as I smiled at him brightly. "Why do you always end up catching things on fire?" I asked giggling. "What can I say? I'm just too hott." He stated smuggly, making everyone in the room groan. "I dont think that's the reason.." Sienna mummbled under her breath. "You should see his trick to impress women, that's how it always starts, innocent fireplay." She added sarcastically. "That's how he got me in his bed the first night." Stella said while slurring her words. "See! He has one signature move." Siena quipped after taking a long sip of wine, making Cienad scoff. "At least I have a move, some here think giving a woman the cold shoulder is their form of foreplay. " He said glancing towards Kamaris. I nodded my head agreeing with him, having experienced it firsthand. He definitely pushed me away in the beginning..and yet here we are now. Kamaris shot me a look and I heard Cinead laughing as I bent over, hugging Kamaris tightly as he peered down at me before frowning. I reached up kissing him on the cheek. "Aww baby don't be sad." I whispered, smiling seductively as he blinked his eyes rapidly, looking at me with surprise. Then without warning, he crashed his lips to mine. His kiss growing deeper as I heard Cinead suddenly clear his throat. "First the strawberry, now this?" He grumbled, making me chuckle against kamaris as I pulled away. Kamaris's hand slid across my thigh while resting my head on his arm as his gaze remained glued to mine. Turning back to the table, I heard Cinead talking about his success rate as I finally remembered our previous conversation. "Well, what is your signature move then?" I asked him curiously. "Here we go." Stella and Siena spoke at the same time, causing them to laugh. Cinead turned serious for a moment before reaching his tanned hand across the table with his palm facing up, confusing me. I looked at Kamaris and he was just glaring at Cienad as his eyes swirled with those black shadows. Even Alden seemed to look annoyed for some reason. "No touching." Kamaris said, making Cinead smile even wider, getting the permission he wanted. Cinead's eyes burned brightly, as if the fire in him wanted to come out. "Let me see your hand Amira, I want to check something." I reached my hand out hesitiantly before checking with Kamaris one last time as he nodddd softly. Then I placed my palm above Cinead, making sure not to touch him as my arn wobbled, causing me to laugh. Kamaris sat there staring intently, his hand resting inbeteen my thighs now, gripping me possessively. "I want to check if we have a spark." Cinead whispered seductively, his eyes blazing. I kept my hand above his and suddenly it began to feel warm. He slowly moved his hand under mine, causing a circular ball of fire to form between us, the colors changing from red to blue and then white. Cinead's eyes flashed as his smile widened and suddenly the ball of fire burst, causing little butterflies made of flames to flutter around the room and vanish into puffs of smoke. I blinked in surprise and Stella gasped, smacking Cinead on the arm. "You didn't do that for me!" She said pouting. "No wonder you keep catching things on fire." Dante mumbled under his breath, causing everyone to laugh. I looked over at kamaris and he was staring at Cinead, confusion filling him for a moment while I followed his gaze. Cinead's eyes were smoldering as he stared at me as if he were in shock. "That was really cool." I stated awkwardly, feeling some type of wierd tension as Stella nodded her head in agreement. "Do me next." She said happily as I laughed softly. Something in the air seemed to shift though. Kamaris was staring at Cinead intently as Cinead stared at me. Then Alden was glaring at Cinead while Stella began looking at Dante.. I turned to Kamaris, his demeanor stiff and his face appeared annoyed promoting me to wrap my arms around his waist before looking up at him as he seemed upset. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. He blinked his eyes rapidly, seeming to get out of this trance as he looked down at me. "We should go to bed soon." His voice was cold and lacking emotion...Did I do something wrong? Before I could say anything else, Sienna cleared her throat, gathering everyone's attention. "There is one more thing." She stated, her expression growing serious as she took a quick drink. "What is it." Kamaris snapped, seeming visibly annoyed now. "Well, my dear brother has shared something interesting with me." She said as her icy blue eyes seemed to glow. Kamaris pulled me closer to him, as if his protective instincts began to kick in. "And what would that be Siena?" He asked while the blacks of his eyes swirled. "It would seem that there is a bounty out for Amira."
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