Chapter 60-A Gift

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(Amira) After following behind Stella and Dante for what felt like hours..Alden guided me into the next shop as I tried to act as sober as wasn't going too well.. We entered through the glass doors and looking around I soon realized this was a jewelry store. They had shelves lined with all sorts of sparkly things, and across the room were older-looking items placed along the shelves neatly. Something in particular caught my eye as if it were calling to me. Suddenly an older-looking man stepped in front of us. He had white hair and a white mustache. His eyes were a soft brown and his mouth was curled up into a smile. "Good afternoon, are you looking for anything in particular?" He asked in a gentle tone as Alden told him no. I glanced past the man, his gaze following mine as those brown eyes lit up with excitement. He must've known exactly what I had been looking at. "Ah, the box of Ismenia." The man said as he walked over slowly, pulling the box off of the shelf as he brought it over to the counter. I blinked, looking at it curiously. "Have you heard the story, My Lady?" He asked me sweetly while glancing between Alden and me as I shook my head no. The alcohol still made my mind feel fuzzy as my eyes were drawn to the box once again. The box was black with a shimmering triangular-shaped white stone decorating each side. A black metal swirled around the clasps and there seemed to be a keyhole. It was magnificent looking, I had never seen anything like it. "It was said to be a box created by the original Emery." The man explained with excitement, you could tell he must have loved sharing the history of this item with his customers. I glanced at Alden and he was staring at me with a soft smile on his lips as he studied me carefully. "What was it used for?" I asked quietly, realizing if it was created by the original Emery it must have been very valuable. The man smiled, stroking his mustache for a brief moment before speaking. "That's where things get interesting. It is said the purest of souls would touch the box and their heart's desire would appear within." He whispered, smiling slyly. "Hearts desire?" I asked confused, wondering what that could even mean.. "It is said there are some treasures in the universe that were made as if magic itself had formed them. They would be brought to one in this box as a form of protection for the intended owner." He explained while stepping behind the counter and looking in a drawer for something. I wasn't sure if I was too drunk to understand but what the man said wasn't exactly making sense. Alden must have realized my confusion as he leaned into me. "The box would bring the original Emery treasures that could not be hunted or found by the living. As if the treasure were hiding where no one could reach, only this box could retrieve it for whomever it deemed fit." He said, trying to make it sound simpler to me. I nodded, still not understanding fully but I guess I never had use for treasure, or wouldn't even know what that consisted of. "Here it is." The man exclaimed as he turned back around. In between his fingers now appeared a small key, as he extended it out to me, encouraging me to take it. I blinked, looking down at the key as my hand slowly reached for it. "I can open it?" I asked quietly, unsure if it was okay. This thing had to be looked like it should be in some type of museum or something.. The older gentleman nodded his head while smiling as I held the key in my palm. "I always let those interested in the box open it, hoping one day maybe something will appear." He added with a wink. My head was spinning now at this point and I wondered for a moment if I could even get the key in the damn hole. I gathered up all of my concentration..not wanting to make a fool of myself as I tried to sober up as much as I could for this one moment. Don't embarrass yourself Amira... I thought, as I slowly brought the key to the box, placing it inside easily. Surprise filled me by how accurate I had was almost like the key guided me too it, that wasn't so hard. Then I turned it clockwise, hearing a small click. Alden was asking the man a question as I slowly lifted the box's lid and peered inside.. When I saw something inside, I let out a gasp..wait..wasn't it supposed to be empty? Just then the man whipped his head around, peering over my shoulder as he gazed upon an object lying inside. I blinked in confusion, maybe someone had left something in there beforehand. Alden looked at me with a puzzled expression as he stared into the box and back at me. I quickly examined the inside of this magnificent was lined with velvet that was a deep purple and on the bottom sat an oval object. Focusing my eyes I realized it was a braided black leather bracelet. It had two silver bird heads on the ends of each side with their mouths partially open. A crescent moon was clutched tightly between their beaks that were covered in black jewels. The most amazing thing was the gems that made the bird's eyes, they were almost identical to my earrings...the ones Kamaris gave I seeing things? "Maybe someone left this in there?" I whispered, feeling puzzled while glancing at the man. His face was filled with surprise as he looked at me curiously, his eyes studying me as he finally found the words to speak. "You are the first person to ever find an object in this box." He announced in amazement. "You don't think someone might have put it in there?" I asked, not understanding fully what was going on. He shook his head, looking at Alden. "I am the only one who works here my lady, the box never leaves my sight." He spoke gently, looking at me intently once more. "My Lady, the object is yours." He said in wonderment. His words surprised me..I wasn't sure what to think, why was something in there..I don't understand. Alden nodded his head, encouraging me to take the item. "I can't just take it, I would feel bad." I rushed out. Suddenly the man closed the box, locking it once more. "Young man, can you try something please." He asked calmly before taking the key out and handing it to Alden. Alden nodded his head, taking the key and placing it back into the box's keyhole. He turned it swiftly, the click sounding as he opened the box slowly. My heart was beating rapidly as I gazed into the now-empty box. We all looked at each other, bewildered. "My lady, please try once more." The man whispered. Alden closed and locked the box, handing me the key again. My nerves began to rise as the anticipation of what I might find in the box made my heart race while the image of that bracelet burned into my mind. What if it was there again? What would that mean? I shakily brought the key to the box and turned it over...hearing that click once more, this time it felt as if the noise had echoed throughout the room. A deafening silence surrounded us as we waited on bated breath. I slowly lifted the top and my heart stopped. There it was, the bird's blue eyes glistening in the store's light. "It is yours, my lady." The man added quietly, looking at me intently. I swallowed hard, my hand slowly reaching in, picking it up shakily and feeling the heavy silver against my skin. Upon further inspection, the bird heads were no ordinary birds, they were ravens. My stomach twisted, why was this in there? Just then Stella and Dante burst through the door, causing all three of us to jump as I almost had a damn heart attack. "There you two are, we have been looking for you everywhere." She said laughing. I had a feeling that wasn't true considering Dante's shirt was disheveled and Stella's dress was hiked up a little too high. Alden glared at Dante, who now cleared his throat and stood up straighter, realizing his shirt was buttoned wrong as he turned to fix it. "Just one moment." Alden stated before turning back to us. "We will wait outside." Stella chirped before giggling as she walked back out with Dante. My head felt lighter as I looked down at my palm, the wine fully taking effect now as I began to sway. Alden must've realized as he grabbed my arm and steadied me. "Let's get going Amira." He declared before glancing at the man as he turned us to leave. Just then I looked back, realizing the older gentleman was now staring at me intently. "Thank you, I didn't catch your name." I said, slurring my words. He smiled softly, glancing at the bracelet in my hand and back up to me. His eyes sparkled as he spoke. "My name is Beryl, my lady." He informed me as his eyes filled with warmth, making me return it with a smile. "Thank you again, Beryl, it was so nice to meet you..and thank you for this..I hope I can repay you one day." I added and before he could even respond Alden pulled me out onto the street. "We should go back, it's getting late." Alden said with a serious tone. I looked down at my palm, glancing at the bracelet while Stella whined and moaned, begging to go to one more store. Seeing the bracelet I had a strong urge to give this to Kamaris. It looked as if it were made for a man, the black leather and the couldn't just be a coincidence could it? Then my bind suddenly flashed through my mind. I leaned into Alden as he glared at Stella, not giving in to her request. "Alden, doesn't this bracelet look a lot like my bind?" I asked before pulling my dress down and revealing it. Alden's eyes widened, reaching forward as he pulled my dress strap back up. "It does Amira..but can we please refrain from stripping down in public..." He grumbled as I let out a laugh while my cheeks burned red..I had almost forgotten we were in public. "Come on..Kamaris is ready for you to come back." Alden informed me as I held the bracelet tightly in my hand..this had to mean something..I could just feel it..and I knew it was meant for him, something deep inside of me just knew..because I thought for a moment..what are my deepest desires? Then I's him..Kamaris is the only thing I desire in this world.
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