Chapter 21-Daily Routine

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(Amira) What a complete psycho.. My eyes grew wide as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, blood coating my tan skin as I slowly stood. The moment Kamaris left, Alden walked in, his eyes flashing with surprise and then turning stoic once more, as if nothing had happened to me. He walked over, gripping my arm before pulling me towards the door. I didn't say a word, embarrassment filling me and seeping out into my cheeks as I kept my eyes down walking through the halls. Suddenly Gideon appeared before me, his eyes searching my face as he stepped forward. "f**k Amira what did he do to you?" He said angrily trying to reach for me. Alden quickly stepped between us as I looked down, seeing Gideon's hand in a bandage, Kamaris's words ringing through my head. He really did break his hand..because of me.. I spoke quietly, looking down at the ground. "Please don't visit me anymore.." I felt stupid saying this, considering he had only been to see me once, but if something else happened because of me, I would feel terrible. Who's to say he was going to even see me again though? He took a long step forward trying to reach past Alden. "I'm not afraid of him." He stated firmly, making my eyes shoot up to his now, studying his steel blue gaze. I could see the fear plain as day, and I didn't blame him, I now felt that same fear in me. Alden tugged me along, pulling me around Gideon before I could speak another word. Just as we were rounding the corner I heard Alden curse under his breath, stopping abruptly and kneeling on the floor before dragging me down with him. What now?! I was totally done with today,..I just wanted to go to my cell and curl up on my tiny little mattress.. Glancing forward, I felt my stomach drop at Kamaris's mother and other brother were heading towards us, escorted by the white-haired guard from before. I noticed everyone they passed kneeling and bowing their heads so I too followed suit and bowed my own, praying to whatever gods were listening that she wouldn't stop and notice us. I had a feeling Alden must've been thinking the same thing because he stiffened next to me before lowering his head down. Just then, Kamaris's mother stopped right in front of us, her shoes and clothes both made from gold fabric and that yellow snake hanging around her shoulders. She cleared her throat, signaling me and Alden to raise our heads as I held my breath anxiously. Just as I lifted my chin the woman gasped while looking at my face intently. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked towards Axton who was now staring at me as well. His face lacked emotion as he glanced toward Alden instead..maybe I wasn't entertaining enough for him..he always seemed very bored since the first time I saw him on those thrones. "My dear girl, are you okay?" She gasped before looking at me. Her snake flicked its tongue out as its red eyes stared into me, making me feel slightly uneasy. This woman knew exactly what happened to me and I'm sure she was ecstatic about it. I just nodded my head, too exhausted to play into this game as I looked back down, prompting her to step even closer. "I do hope you have been feeling comfortable in Dolus, if you need anything at all my dear don't be afraid to ask." She said sweetly, I knew she didn't mean a single word though..I could see right through her. I just nodded my head, trying not to cause any more issues as I was smart enough not to talk back to her. "Thank you, my lady." I managed to choke out, my throat still throbbing from what Kamaris had just done. I thought that should satisfy her enough when she suddenly leaned down, bending next to my ear as an overpowering scent of roses filled my nostrils. Her long brown hair was pulled up into a tight braided crown, as her snake slithered down her arms, reaching for me. My eyes watched it intently, its yellow and white scales shimmering beneath the hallway almost looked beautiful to me. "Between you and me, I always liked Theia before she went mad. For a while I believed she and Kamaris would actually get married. Such a shame she turned on us and our family." She spoke quietly, her smile turning sinister before pulling away. Shock filled me, Theia and Kamaris would have gotten married? I blinked up at her, unable to speak from the information she had just told me. "Who knows, absence does make the heart grow fonder." She added quickly and turned, the yellow serpent hissing towards us before she walked away. Axton glanced back, his brown eyes lacking any emotion as he turned around and followed his mother. Alden stood, tugging me up with him, and walked us back through the hallway leading me down to my cell. After Alden let me into the dark damp room, I noticed he hesitated at the door before looking back and speaking firmly. "It would be wise to eat everything we place in front of you. You will need the energy." He stated sternly and turned, leaving the cell as the iron door slammed shut behind him. My new life had now begun..the life of being bound to the dark Lord and doing everything he asks of me.. How was I going to survive this? I lifted my fingers up gently, tracing my swollen lip as that horrible kiss played back into my mind. It was nothing like the one we shared in the forest..nothing at all. Disgust filled me as I placed my hand over my neck now, knowing it was hard to be red and swollen. He vowed to break me but what does that entail? His torment and abuse were nothing I couldn't handle. I had been abused for over half my life..this was nothing..the part I hated most though was being back in this darkness. I felt trapped without any escape, even my dreams were always dark or just filled with him..the old him. I would wake up with tears on my cheeks, unsure of why because I didn't remember most dreams. But over the next week, I continued to serve Kamaris and it always ended in the same way. My lip bleeding and my spirit dampened from his harsh words. At the end of the day I always wondered why he chose not to kill me, did he plan to truly return me to Terik and exchange me for Theia? And what did his mother mean when she said absence makes the heart grow fonder, was she hoping he would accept Theia and marry her? There were so many unanswered questions and I soon learned Kamaris's mother's name was Dalia and her snake was called Manasa. She carried the serpent around everywhere she went and I have heard from the other women that she even sleeps and bathes with it. I had run into Dalia a few times and in each instance I hoped she wouldn't say anything...but of course I hadn't been so lucky. Even Alden dreaded the encounters, I could see it on his face as she caressed his shoulder, or whispered something into his ear. I had heard a rumor that she had her way with the guards. They say the men hanging on the dungeon walls are the men who have refused her. I don't know if that is true, but a part of me deep down believes it full-heartedly. I soon learned we were also residing in the region of earth and nature, Anthea. Dolus was an army city run by the kingdom of Darkness, they were allied with Anthea. I hadn't seen outside yet but walking by the windows I would occasionally slow my steps and listen to the sound of birds chirping and when I was lucky enough a cool breeze would blow in, carrying a floral scent from somewhere beyond these walls. Gideon tried to visit me but Kamaris had my cell heavily guarded now and he was always turned away each time. I didn't know how many times he came to visit but I heard him outside at least four that I knew of. I would feed Kamaris only for dinner, and yet he would still have me woken up in the early hours of the morning. Exhaustion would always hit me by the time I returned from his dinner and then I wouldn't get to bed until the late hours of the night. I felt as if I were running on fumes...I had spoken to a few of the women who worked here, the redheaded woman's name was Esmerelda. She was one of Kamaris's regulars..he usually had between twenty women that he cycled through, but she would be the one he was with the most. I began to realize every time I was around her, she would start bossing me around as if I had to do everything she asked just because she was the Lord of Darkness favorite. The women began gossiping about me, wondering why I was Kamaris's servant and not his lover. They all questioned why he refused to touch me beyond the kissing. They noticed my body lacking bruises and my smooth skin bare. Unlike their own, they had the signs of being the Dark Lord's lover and they all wore them proudly. There had to be hundreds of women working here, and their number one goal was to get in that man's bed, I swear. I didn't care, they could have him. The last thing I wanted to be was another object for the Lord of Darkness to claim..
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