Chapter 20-Feed Me

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(Amira) Alden shoved me inside before shutting the doors quickly as the noise trembled through me, freezing me in place. I let my eyes wander my new surroundings carefully as I noticed a long rectangular stone table with black chairs that took up most of the middle space. A massive iron chandelier hung above and large pots with green plants sat alongside the walls. I blinked before crossing my arms in front of me, feeling unsure of what to even do. Then he spoke again, the lord of darkness, just as rude as ever... "Nice to see you haven't died yet." Kamaris said with a wide grin now appearing on his face. This smile was nothing like the ones I remembered..this one was cold and vicious. Raising his hand, Kamaris began beckoning me over. I just stood there, not wanting to get any closer as his black eyes glared into me. I refused to be next to him...not with the way he has treated me, no way in hell was I going to listen to him. Suddenly his face turned dark as I swear small black wisps of shadows began swirling around his skin as his black eyes bore into me. My chest shot with that horrible pain once more as every inch of me felt like it was on fire. I cried out before gripping my chest and then it slowly went away. Kamaris looked at me intently, smiling wickedly as he beckoned me once more. I took a step this time, walking towards him slowly as I knew if I didn't listen, the pain would only get worse. It must've been something to do with the magic he put inside of me. "Good, you are a quick learner." His words were full of arrogance as the tone of them annoyed me even more..what a jerk. As I continued to step closer, he lifted his empty wine glass and tipped it from side to side.. I got the not so subtle hint..he wanted me to fill it for him. "I'm thirsty." He added cooly, his eyes not leaving mine once as I had to uncross my arms to grab the wine bottle. His smirk widened at the sight of me as I could feel his gaze lower down and linger on my chest. What a perv! "I do have to give it to you Amira, your body is much more..appealing than Theia’s ever was." He said wryly, his words causing bile to reach the back of my throat as he compared the two of us..his words made me more irritated than ever before. I reached over, filling his wine glass as he watched my every move carefully. After I stopped pouring, he lifted the cup slowly and placed it to his lips before drinking the red liquid, not breaking his gaze from me once. After setting it back down he waved his hand again, motioning over to the food now instead. So he wanted me to just be his personal servant? I guess that's better than the alternative...I could do this easily. I went to reach for a platter with what looked like roasted chicken on it and he shook his head no. I switched to a platter with beef and he shook his head again... Irritation began filling me as he looked as if he were having the time of his life. I finally hovered over a fish plate and he didn't do anything, so I was guessing that was the right answer. I took a few large chunks and piled them on his plate, setting the serving spoon down as I stood there awkwardly and waited for him to eat. "Feed me." He stated, his words echoing off the walls before settling inside of me..wait what did he say? "Feed you?" I blurted out in shock, not sure if I understood him correctly. "Yes, your lord wants to be you." He said more seriously in a threatening tone. I had to fight every urge in my body to not roll my eyes and pour his wine on his lap. All of that anger from being fooled by this asshole trying to fight its way up as I reached over, grabbed his fork, and carefully picked up a piece of fish. I lifted my hand and held it shakily as I brought it over to his mouth. He reached out and ate it slowly, keeping his eyes on mine as I tried not to spill it all over him. Who knows what he would do to punish me for that... He made me feed him his entire meal..each bite chewed slower than the last as my knuckles turned white from gripping the damn fork so hard. I wanted to stab him in the thigh with it..more than once. "Did you feel disappointed when the man you expected to save you was nothing like you thought?" He asked smugly, making my heart drop from his words. I looked away feeling ashamed...I didn't even want to think about it anymore..considering the man who I thought I knew was in reality a complete stranger. Suddenly Kamaris stood before walking right up next to me as he spoke, his hand reaching out and tracing the raven bind that sat above my heart, completely exposed. His touch caused my body to tense while goosebumps pebbled my flesh..Why was I still reacting like this..I don't understand. "You were so easy to trick..I knew who you were since the moment I found you." He said while arrogance filled his voice. I couldn't stop the gasp that left me..did he really know the whole time? "How.." I managed to voice barely a whisper. "Because I used a seeking spell, to find you and bring you to me. I couldn't reach Theia’s mind, but a weak human like you..that was easy." He said wickedly, his hand reaching up and gripping around my throat, caressing me slowly as he began to squeeze. I swallowed hard, my eyes fluttering as he inched closer, his hot breathing fanning against my skin. "Your silver-haired friend came looking for you. I guess the woman you saved kept her part of the deal, I told her to send him a message." He spoke softly, bringing his mouth close to my ear, causing me to close my eyes. My stomach turned as his grip tightened around my neck. "I said he could have you, but not until I break you completely." He confessed breathlessly before pushing me up against the wall as his body pressed into mine holding my neck tightly. "You thought you suffered before, you don't even know the true meaning of suffering." His words were like a slap to my face as he bent down and roughly pressed his mouth to mine. His action startled me and caused my body to tense as he attempted to shove his tongue in between my lips. "Open for me." He growled, I shook my head no, my eyes wide as I searched his own dark orbs as they pierced into me. I clamped my lips together, refusing to open and making him roar in frustration. His mouth slid across me, nipping and licking at my skin as his words echoed through my mind and made my stomach ache as my fists clenched at my side. I felt as if time had been body unable to move or react as I was completely stunned by his actions. I wanted to fight and push him away, and yet all I could do was stand there frozen as he continued to assault my mouth. The memories of the Kamaris I once knew flashed through me, causing my heart to ache as sadness engulfed me. He quickly pulled my bottom lip between his teeth, biting down hard and making me snap back to reality. The pain caused a yelp to escape me and made my mouth part as he forced his way inside. Sliding his tongue between my teeth he grunted loudly, slipping against my mouth and tasting me wildly. The sensation shocked me as his hand tightened around my throat and pushed me away, taking my lower lip between his teeth and biting down much harder than before, causing blood to spill against my tongue. I gasped and thrust my hands forward, mustering every ounce of strength I had to shove against his solid chest..not even moving him an inch. The action had been enough to make his grip loosen as I slumped to the floor beneath him, gasping for air greedily. He bent down before staring at me with a wicked smirk that made a shiver trembled through me...his black eyes swirling as he licked his now blood-stained lips. "See you tomorrow Amira... Oh, and if I find out my brother is visiting you won't just be his hand I break next time." he stepped past me, walking towards the doors as I sat there panting..wondering what the hell had just happened..
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