Chapter 18-The Bind

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(Amira) I dreamed of him again..I dreamed of his blue eyes that once pierced mine..I dreamed of his lips that kissed me so gently..I dreamed of the man who didn't exist. I began to question who that man was in my dreams. Could he have just been someone I made up when I had lost my mind? How did I know what he looked like did I manifest did I hear his voice, and see his smile? It was all a dream..a dream just like this one. The man who I thought would save me..the man who would free me from that darkness was nothing but a fraud.. I thought I knew what lonliness was before..but this..this was something truly wicked. I jolted awake, breathing heavily as I tried to let my eyes adjust. I was now back in the cell I first woke up in. I blinked my eyes as a sharp pain began to radiate from my chest..prompting me to peer down as I pulled the sheer fabric I still wore down below my shoulder. I felt my mouth fall open as I could barely see a black mark on my chest..the only light shining through was from that small window on the iron door that locked me in here. I looked down at the spot right over my heart, realizing it was now etched with a black raven..the raven had its head turned, and inside was a swirling design with a crescent moon. I reached my fingers up, gliding my fingertips across the black swollen flesh, causing a shooting pain to go straight to my heart. Was this some type of tattoo or brand? Did he give me this while I was passed out? Wincing, I laid my head back on the thin mattress below me as I let out a shuddering breath. So I wasn't stabbed..what did this mean then? He made me give my life to him and I thought that meant death..but did that mean I had to live in this cell for eternity? I curled my knees up to my chest, tears filling my eyes as I cried for the first time since I had gotten here..letting my emotions finally take over. I cried for the times I was trapped in my own mind, for the man I thought that would save me..for the realization that he wasn't real. I cried for how close to death I truly had been..for the way the lord of darkness spoke to me. I cried for being Theia’s reincarnation..that being the only reason I was alive was because of her. The only reason I was ever even born was for her. I felt like nothing, like nobody, a person who was created for the purpose to give another life. How was I still alive? Why was I still alive? Suddenly the metal on my cell door clanged, causing me to wipe my eyes and sit up before backing into the wall quickly as I feared who was there. Just then the door creaked open, revealing the man with the maroon hair now standing in the archway. Alden..that was his name. He was carrying a bowl as he stepped into the room. I crossed my arms in front of my knees, looking down at the floor..not sure of what to say or if I should even say anything at all. He walked further into my cell before turning to close the door, causing a light to turn on above me. I quickly shut my eyes tight, wincing from the abrupt change as I heard his steps growing closer. Peeking out, I watched hesitantly as he placed the food in front of me and squatted down, reaching his hand out and pulling the sheer fabric on my shoulder down. He looked at the black raven symbol curiously as I turned my head to the side, feeling my chest being practically exposed as he examined it. Alden's hazel eyes studied me intently before he finally pulled the fabric back up and stood. "Eat, it will help you heal quicker, you need all the strength you can get." He stated coldly and turned to walk out. "W..Wait..please.." I said weakly, gathering all of my courage to speak. I needed to know what Kamaris did to me, what was this? He stopped, with his back still facing me. I decided to speak quickly before he could change his mind and leave. "Why aren't I dead? Why didn't he kill me?" I asked, wincing as my chest began throbbing once more. "Because that would be too easy, he owns you now, your life is his for eternity." He spoke cooly and walked out of the cell, shutting the iron door firmly behind him. That was it..that was all he said. The light above me disappeared as soon as he left, leaving me in complete darkness once more. I laid on the mattress, that pain shooting through me as I had no appetite to eat anything. It felt as if every bone in my body was filling with poison..whatever he put in me, it was taking over, filling every inch of me. I cried out, my heart beating rapidly as I began to pant, the pain becoming too much to bear as dry heaves began wrecking my body. I ran to the bucket in the corner, my body trying to purge this darkness but nothing would come. I fell back on the cool stone floor, sweat dripping down my back as I whimpered. It felt like my body was trying to fight a virus, trying to get this thing out of me as I began to tremble and shake uncontrollably. After a few more attempts at throwing up, I fell asleep eventually, drifting in and out of consciousness for what felt like days. I remember hearing the door open and close..then feeling someone examining me as I lay there, my eyes so heavy that I couldn't even open them. I tried to call out for help and see who was there but I couldn't do anything. I felt water dripping on my lips as the cool liquid slid down my throat, my eyes closing once more as I lost consciousness again. Suddenly I heard voices talking around me but was still unable to see. "Her body is fighting the magic more than shouldn't be taking this long." A man's voice whispered. Then I felt someone touch my forehead, feeling me as I groaned. "He will kill her at this rate." Another voice whispered harshly, panic in his voice. "That seems to be the case..but maybe that's what he wants..If it doesn't absorb soon, she won't make it another night." The first man said grimly. Then I went into the darkness once more..this time I felt my body as if I could see a light deep inside of me as it was fighting away this darkness, struggling to keep me safe. I reached down, feeling that darkness..looking at it now, it didn't scare me. It was just like the darkness that held me all of those felt like a friend I had known for eternity. I subdued that light, letting the black shadows absorb into me, knowing it was my only way to survive. I fought with my subconscious, was I worth saving? Would it be easier to give up now and end it here? No...I had already survived once..I had fought through so many things. I had overcome obstacles I didn't even know existed..I had to be here for a reason, the tree must've saved me for a reason. Just then, I heard that voice echoing through me, remembering that light that kept me alive. "Breathe..just breathe.." I spoke to myself, taking a shuddering breath as I finally opened my eyes. That's when I saw a tan hand reach for me, lifting my head as they pressed a cup to my lips. I swallowed the cool liquid quickly, fluttering my eyes open as I saw a man with shoulder-length black hair sitting next to me. He reached out, helping me sit up as I felt like my arms and legs were numb from the trauma I had just endured for who knows how long. "Here, drink more." He spoke softly, placing the glass to my mouth once more as confusion filled me. Then I suddenly realized who this was, Kamaris's brother. I recognized him from the line of thrones. His name was Gideon I believed. He reached out, brushing the hair from my face as I took a huge gulp of water. I stared at him wearily, unsure of why he was here as his blue eyes watched me intently. After setting the glass down on the floor, he sat back and looked at me. I froze with fear, unsure what Gideon was like, and began to wonder if he was just as bad as the lord of darkness...or if could he genuinely be here to help me. Gideon reached behind his back, pulled out a tray of food, and placed it in front of me. His armor was much different than Kamaris's..he had grey and red mixed with black leather. His hair was tucked behind his ears and his eyes were a steel blue color..he resembled Kamaris the most between him and the other brother. Only Gideon's skin was tanner and he looked more masculine. Gideon cleared his throat while lifting the lid off of the tray, and opened his mouth to speak. "My brother has bound you to him, his magic now runs deep in your veins." He explained while lifting a spoon and bringing it over to a steaming bowl of what looked like stew. The smell wafting up to me and making my mouth water. He must've seen the confusion on my face because he began to speak again. "The dark lord now owns you, if you were to try and run or betray him in any way, he controls your fate." He spoke seriously before lifting a spoonful of the food to my lips and began feeding me. I was too hungry to question the contents, not having eaten for who knows how long. I opened my mouth, taking a bite slowly as Gideon looked at me with humor filling his gaze. The feel of food in my mouth was almost overwhelming.. My eyes closed as I tasted the savory contents on my tongue. It felt as if I had to learn how to eat all over again, chewing slowly and swallowing. "What does he want with me?" I asked softly before clearing my throat.. I was so confused as to why Kamaris had even left me alive. "He wants your life..and whatever he pleases to do with it..all those in the castle are bound here. The Dark Lord's magic flows through every servant's veins that live within these walls." He said while grabbing another spoonful. I looked down, feeling confused and wondering why Gideon was even here. "Will you get in trouble for being here?" I asked quietly..I wasn't sure what their relationship was like but I had a feeling the lord of Darkness wasn't kind to anyone. He scoffed, bringing the spoon up and feeding me another bite as I already began to feel some of my energy returning just from drinking the water earlier. "You aren't his biggest concern right now, he thinks you are still unconscious. You have been asleep for five days." He informed me nonchalantly, making my eyes widen in shock. "Five days?" I gasped, wondering how binding someone to you even works and what my body had just gone through. Gideon looked me in the eyes as he studied me intently, and then he picked up the water and offered it to me. "The process usually takes twenty-four hours, but your body fought hard. Maybe because you are still new." He put the glass down, letting me sit for a moment as I thought this through. I bit my lip nervously, looking down at the food, and began to feel grateful. This person has shown me the first glimpse of kindness since coming here. "Thank you.." I spoke softly, pulling my hand up shakily and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Gideon nodded his head and began to examine me once again as we sat in silence. "What was it like? Being near the tree of life.." His voice was full of curiosity and barely a whisper as he spoke. I looked up into his eyes, trying to read his expression. Wondering why he was so curious about the tree. "It was beautiful, I didn't know something like that existed." Which was the truth, that tree is like something out of a movie or book. The way it glowed and the breathtaking orbs that floated down around it...It is something that will be forever burned into my mind for the rest of my life..however long that will be. I peered down at my hands, noticing my nails were filled with dirt and my arms looked filthy. I quickly tucked them in my lap, feeling self-conscious, and realized I probably looked like a complete mess, not that it mattered... Gideon reached forward, his hand slipping under my chin and holding me gently. "Witnessing the tree is rare, but one thing that is certain is the tree never makes mistakes." He breathed while gazing into my eyes while his lips pulled into a warm smile. I blinked at him, his words making my heart flutter as they echoed through me. He didn't think I was a mistake? Just then the door banged loudly, causing me to jump as I let out a gasp. Hadeon quickly dropped my chin and stood before turning his body towards the door. Alden now appeared in front of us, his gaze darting between the two of us before settling on Gideon with a glare. "Now that you are awake, you need to come with me." He snapped coldly while still glaring at Gideon. I glanced between them, wondering where I would be going. "Really Alden? He expects her to begin tonight? She just woke up..." Gideon sounded irritated...staring right back at Alden as I felt the room filling with tension. This can't be good..
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