Chapter 25-Bite Me

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(Amira) I awoke to a dull light filling my new room, making my eyes gently flutter open. Turning my head, I saw Alden holding out his palm with an orb of light hovering above it as he came to the side of my bed. Looking at his hand..I suddenly realized I had seen that light once before, but for some reason, I never put two and two together...Alden must've been from the light region..Aeron..the same as Terik. Alden's maroon hair was tied back and today he wore black armor, he looked as elegant as ever. "It's time to get up, my lord is waiting for his breakfast." He informed me, causing me to sit up as I rubbed my eyes sleepily, confusion filling me as I slid my legs out of bed. I had never served Kamaris breakfast before, so this was new. I didn't even bother speaking as I waited for Alden to hand me my clothes. He reached into the dresser from across my bed, pulling out a deep red dress. It was low cut and had short sheer sleeves, the length looked like it would go to my ankles with two long slits visible on each side. He set it on the bed and turned around, prompting me to pull my nightgown off, and quickly slipped the dress on. My cleavage was exposed and I didn't even bother looking in the mirror..that's how over this I was. Alden kept glancing over at me, causing my annoyance to rise and I couldn't hold it in any longer. "What is it?" I blurted, trying to not seem rude but I was getting pissed off by everything already.. Alden turned towards me, a small smile meeting his lips as he shrugged lightly. That had to he the first genuine smile I had ever seen from him.. "Nothing, just making sure you were still in there." He stated before walking to the door, turning the nob, and pulling it open. "My lord takes his breakfast in his room, so you will serve him in there directly." Alden explained as stepped towards the doors across the hall. I nodded, standing up straighter as I walked behind him. If Kamaris wants to break me, well bring it on, I have had someone trying to break me since I was ten. Realization suddenly hit me that this was nothing compared to the abuse I had endured my whole life, and I was fed up, maybe it was time Kamaris saw how much I could truly endure...I won't let him win. I walked across the hall and straight into the room. Once I opened the door the first thing I saw was a large bed with sheer red and black fabrics hanging around it, and laying inside was Kamaris and Esmerelda. Great..even better.. Annoyance filled me as she slept in the crook of his arm, completely naked. Suddenly I realized he was naked as well, causing me to turn away quickly as my cheeks began burning, feeling embarrassment fill every inch of my body..he just sleeps naked?! I heard someone getting up and I froze, not sure what to do as I just stood there, not wanting to risk seeing something I shouldn't. "Tea now." Kamaris ordered coldly, startling me with how close he suddenly was as I couldn't help but jump. "Did you hear me?" He asked, and I swear I heard amusement lacing his voice..something I hadn't heard since the dream world. I turned slowly, bracing myself for what I might see and almost let out a sigh of relief when I saw red pajama bottoms now on his lower half. His long hair was neatly behind him as he glanced up at me with those black eyes, hiding any type of emotions he might be feeling. I walked over to the leather couch he was now sitting on with a tea kettle, and two cups waiting on a tray atop the coffee table below him. I quickly poured him a cup, setting it in front of him as I glanced towards Esmerelda on the bed, unsure if I should pour her one as well. "I'm guessing you're room is suitable enough for you?" He asked cooly, a smirk pulling at his lips as I returned my attention back towards him. I reached down pulling the lid off of his tray as I felt like this was my chance to show him he wasn't getting to me..well..not fully. "I quite like that I have grown accustomed to it." I said coldly, trying not to peak at whatever expression he might have now as I tried to be just as mysterious as he was. Kamaris scoffed before setting his tea down as I placed his tray of food in front of him. After serving him his meal, I stepped back and bowed deeply. "I hope you have a wonderful breakfast, my lord." I rushed out, knowing he wouldn't let this be the end of it but I tried really hard to make it that way and went to leave. "Stop right there." He ordered with a firm tone. I stopped, sighing heavily as I just wanted to go to my dark room and crawl into my dark bed...can't I ever sleep in for once? "Turn around." He commanded once more. I turned, not meeting his gaze, and braced myself for whatever harsh words he would have for me. "Look at me." He stated with clear irritation now showing. I looked up, making our eyes meet as he spoke. "Aren't you going to thank me for the room?" He asked arrogantly. I clenched my fist behind my back..wishing so badly that I could hit that pretty face of his as annoyance filled me. "Thank you, my lord." I said slowly, emphasizing each word so he wouldn't make me say it twice. "On your knees." He added casually before getting up and walking over to me. I stood there for a moment, knowing If I wanted to get out of this room this was the only I kneeled..peeking up as he stood in front of me, his smooth bare chest shimmered in the light as he walked closer..he had the body of a god..that's for sure, but he sure acted like the devil. Kamaris reached down, gripping my face in his hand before leaning closer to me. "Fuck..I think you look best when you're on your knees Amira." He whispered, his eyes wandering down my body and rising back up, before settling on my lips. I tried so hard not to react..but when his thumb reached up as he brushed across my bottom lip, I couldn't help but shiver. "Tisk tisk, we can't have you walking around like this." His warm breath fanned against me. Kamaris inched closer, smashing his lips to mine roughly as his tongue forced its way inside my mouth, making me gasp. My body tensed as he swiped his tongue against my own, licking and tasting me greedily like I was his to claim. Fine, if he wants to play this game, then I will play. I reached up, gripping his arms as I kissed him back, my tongue now rubbing his as I groaned, causing a growl of surprise to leave him. Just as he was pulling away to look at me I bit down on his bottom lip hard, drawing blood just as he had to me every night for I don't even know how long anymore. He gasped and pulled away, looking at me in shock as I swiped my mouth using the back of my hand and looked at him with disgust. His lip began to bleed, dripping down his chin as he stared at me completely stunned. I stood quickly, realizing the grave I had just dug for myself as I turned on my heel. "Thank you for the room and enjoy your meal." I spoke hastily as I ran to the door, before slipping out quickly. Alden looked at me with surprise as I ran to my own room. I opened the door, stepped inside, and closed it behind me right in Alden's face. A huge sigh left me as I finally relaxed against the cool wood. That's what he gets for forcing himself on's about time he had a little taste of his own medicine. I smirked, feeling proud of myself as I turned around, and let out a scream. Kamaris was now sitting on my bed, his lip healed and the blood did he get in here so fast?! "You thought you could just do that and leave?" He said cooly, causing me to swallow hard as I backed into the door once again. Kamaris rose off of the bed slowly, his pants hanging low on his hips, showcasing his hard abdomen that seemed to be sculpted from stone. I shook the thought from my head as he stalked towards me like a predator. My heart began beating erratically, the mere sight of him making my stomach tie into knots as I thought this truly might be the end for me. Why was I reacting this way, my breathing turned heavy, my eyes burning into his as I felt my core tingle like it never had before. No..Amira, he is a complete asshole, he has been rude and constantly putting you down, he choked you goddammit. Kamaris took another step forward, causing my legs to squeeze together just from the energy seeping off of him. His hands slammed against the door on either side of my head and I heard Alden's footsteps walking towards my room quickly..he must've been confused by what was going on. "Go, Alden." Kamaris yelled loudly, making the noise outside stop abruptly. Kamaris's hand reached over, gripping my chin as he looked at me intently..a look that would make any person cower in fear... and yet..I was transfixed.. "Did you think that was fun? Kissing me like that?" He whispered mere inches from my lips. Shit, I thought as my head instinctively nodded yes. No Amira, you can't do this to yourself, this isn't the Kamaris from your dreams. Suddenly Kamaris's hands swirled with shadows as his fingers turned into long claws before gently dragging them across my throat, making my eyes widen at the sight. Quickly he slashed his hand down, using his razor-sharp claws to split my dress completely in half, causing me to gasp as it fell to the floor. I had to look down just to make sure he didn't cut me, gazing upon my fair skin relief filled me as there wasn't a single scratch in sight. I went to cover my body and he shook his head no, gripping both my wrists with one hand before raising them above my head. His other hand shifted back to normal as he reached for the crook of my neck, holding it tenderly. "If you want to play Amira..we can play..but I must warn you. I don't play fair." He whispered wickedly, my eyes looking into his now as my heart hammered in my chest. Suddenly he bent down, biting my breast roughly as he took me in his mouth, his tongue circling my hard n*****s as his hands let go of me. Kamaris began exploring my body while he dragged his palms down my curves and settled on my ass, squeezing hard. I gasped, the pain shooting through me as it was all too soon followed by a feeling of wanting..a feeling of desire I had never experienced in my life.. I moaned as he bit me again, this time on my stomach as he licked down my navel before kneeling, dragging his teeth to my hips and biting roughly. I closed my eyes, knowing I shouldn't be feeling this way, and angry with myself for wanting more. I went to move away as he gripped me roughly and spoke. "Stay still." He commanded, his lips gliding across my smooth skin as he bit me several more times. My breathing turned to panting as each bite caused a feeling of desperation to pulse through me. Then he suddenly stopped and stood up straight before looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Now the problem here is you want me to f**k release that pent-up feeling between your legs." He stated smugly, looking down between my legs. "But I won't, instead you can sit and think about me as you hear the other woman in my bed screaming my name, f*****g her the same way you wished I would've f****d you." He smiled wickedly, disappearing right before my very eyes as his dark magic swirled where he just left. I stood there frozen, my back against the door as I tried to understand what the hell had just happened... I groaned out, frustration filling me as I stomped my foot like a damn child. Why did I let myself do that? My hands went up to my face, shame filling me from my lack of control. No man had ever touched me like that, was I so desperate for attention that I even craved it from this lunatic? I felt disappointed with myself as I turned to look in the mirror, seeing dozens of bite marks all across my body...and that's when I heard Esmerelda screaming out Kamaris's name...making everything that much worse. I crawled into the bed, putting a pillow over my head as I tried to muffle the noises. They only grew louder and louder...Esmerelda moaned for what felt like hours. I was going crazy, how could I live with this for an eternity? How could I have been so stupid to think he wanted me, it was another trick to show how foolish I am. I groaned and hid myself under the comforter. Now I have to look at myself with these bite marks all over my body...I had to find a way to get out of here...I won't let him break me...I won't..
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