Stupid Night

1371 Words
Everything started in a usual routine of the day. Waking up late and having a joint breakfast and lunch. Checking mails while eating to ease the lonely ambiance in that square apartment room. Another day to be spent. I picked up the note sticking out in the bathroom's door, its from mom of course, its just the two of us who lives in this apartment anyways I left your one-week allowance on your drawer. Have a good night in the party and say hi to Angela for me and give Hannah a goodluck kiss for the show, mwuaah  love, your beautiful mother How nice to be left alone every time. But what's new? it's already been 3 years since my life become like this. I should already become used to it. GC :> H U M A N I S T A 1ALIEN INVASION< pretty me: are you guys going to attend the play tonight? four eyes: erhmm... not sure... you? pretty me: Stupid. Definitely I will. I'm one of the casts remember? four eyes: ohh yeah right. I forgot. pretty me: thou I'm not sure if I'll stay after the play for the Night party. four eyes: that's the only reason why most of the students are going to attend thou. keroro alien: what will you wear for the after party? pretty me: mom prepared me pink straight dress. four eyes: not sure if I'm going to attend but I already buy a pink dress. how about u? keroro alien: yeah. 'still thinking what to wear. The play will start at 4 o'clock and the afternoon but the gate will open at 3 pm to accommodate the early comers. Most of the SHS students who will come is only after the party while the College students are mandatory to attend for the reason that they need to critic the play played by the selected SHS students. When the clock strike 1- dresses, pants, skirt, blouses and shoes are messed up in the perimeter of the apartment's space, can't still choose what to wear during the play and for the after party. The attire should be semi-formal for the play while for the after party is casual or whatever your choice is. I just put on something that will fit the both event Picking up a brownish yellow sleeveless blouse for the top and a dark brown skirt and a pair of pastel wedged will do for the after party, maybe. It also had a semi-formal look. yeah this will do rather than a pair of black pants. Putting make up is out not an option I'll be fine with a simple lip tint and a half-tight ponytail. Will it be an enjoyable night? Whatever the outcome is, I'm wishing to be home before 9 pm. I put all my clothes in a clean paper bag, I'll just change when I got there. When I arrived at the annex building, I already saw Angela waiting for me. Unlike me, she's already dressed with her pink dress and a flat-shoes. After I change my clothes we headed to the venue and take our sit on the second row of the seat. We want to video the part were Hannah will be playing as an old grandmother. The play started at 5 rather than its scheduled time 4, yeah right. The play started with an old grandmother looking for her child, but the story was about a mother who lost his husband that causes for her son to be a rebel. As the play go on the part where an old grandmother looking for her child doesn't make sense, she's more like a side story rather than being part of the main story. The rebel son become more aggressive as the story goes on, until his mother went missing because the man whom her mother had a debt r***d her after that the body was thrown somewhere but cannot be found and was declared dead afterwards. The son's life become miserable but in then it was revealed that he became a priest after his long sufferings. In the end of the story a little sacristan approached the old grandmother and offered her to ask help from the head priest of the parish where he was raised. After that scene the audience goes like "I'll bet that that sacristan is her child!" and comments like "okay you found her old lady. now will you be my gf?" yeah right I know that Hannah has the beauty for that role. And it was then revealed that the old grandmother was the priest's mother who've gone missing for the long time, more like a glitch in time of the story that most of the students there were like "ohh yeah I didn't see that coming" or like "ohh I thought she was thrown in the river that's why her body wasn't found during the search" and " ohh I thought it was the sacristan" and such more related comments from the audience. The play had an interesting flow that we didn't mind the time and it's almost 7pm when it ended. The snacks were distributed by the SSG officers from both the college and SHS department. While most of the students are busy eating their snacks and the cast are changing for the night party, the Band is playing on the stage that causes the ruckus in the center area, many girls are taking videos and pictures while they were playing. After the band and the snack time the DJ already blast the music and the crowd enter the center area to dance of the music. yep I'm just in a corner enjoying my unfinished drink. After the first song, Angela and I met with Hannah in the changing room and hit the dance floor together and I took a break after one song. The night was lively but it was boring. yep. definitely boring but who would have thought that I would make one of the biggest mistakes and unforgettable time in my life. When the DJ turned the music from party blast to slow dance the party goers took a break and the couples enjoy the center area. Someone asked Hannah to dance and we just stared at them while grinning from ear to ear. The place had a dim and colorful blinking lights that makes the place look like a freaking bar or some party area for the people who have lots of free time in their hands. After they danced, we hit the photo booth though there are two groups ahead of us, after a couple of minutes another group of guys followed us in the line, there were five of them, I didn't realized it sooner that one of the was a friend of mine due to the dim surroundings, it was Christian- Christian was my classmate during Junior High and a closed-friend due to most of the groupings we worked together. We greeted each other and make a small chat as we waited in the line, when it was our turn, Angela, Hannah and I make a formal pic and a wacky-pictures in the photo booth. It was continues shot with 10-seconds interval, not enough time to think about your next pose. After some shots we already took off, when the in-charge there called us and said "you still have one more shot left" so I grabbed Christian's arms and told him "let's have a pic" He was facing the camera while I faced him and then I wrap my hands on his neck like a usually do. *click* /flash/ "omygaaaaaash!" Christian screamed from my behind while laughing out loud in floor. That's is when I realize that it wasn't Christian whom I grabbed, but a friend of his whom I don't know. _____________
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