
347 Words
The flat surface in front of me is only 25 inches away, and the space that divides our position is nearly 50 inches. I can see her features. Her eyes were a little swollen maybe because of lack of sleep, a small red dot blinks in the tip of her nose whenever the light strikes on it. She keeps on blinking her eyes to reduce the anxiety that is filling her, I can see that she's lost into something making her look like 3 years older than her actual age, matured yet inexperienced.  The space facing her back, maybe nearly 40 inches away, it is occupied by someone whom I can barely see, her eyes were covered by some of her hair strands like she's hiding herself out. Her chin is rested in her right hand, looking at her would make you feel bored, but she still keep on waiting, waiting for something to come at her. Maybe 50 inches away at her back, someone occupies the small space, half of her face was covered with shadows, I can't see her clearly, she looks like a silhouette but I can her lips twitched as a response to the chattering and noise around her. It's like she's there but no one can noticed her, like she's just waiting for the time to passed by so that she can already go. Just completing the 8 hours work in the office. "Dear, will you please go to the maintenance section?" my superior-in-charge said making me come back from my own space mind. "Sure Madam" I replied politely as I recollect myself from being lost in the oblivion. She hands me out a pile of papers to be delivered in the maintenance section. I stared once again in the fiber glass in front of working desk that serves as a divider and the other fiber glass that leads outside the hallway and on the other one that serves as a wall of other section. I smiled at my own three reflection in the fiber glass before I give myself a small cheer. "phew.. you can do it.. fightoo!!"
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