Chapter Fifteen

587 Words

Dr. Max Hastings AFTER “Did Mrs. Dunaway ever discuss her home life with you, Dr. Hastings?” I thought we’d covered this. “Our relationship wasn’t really like that.” “So she was secretive about it then?” “I wouldn’t say that. We just didn’t discuss the ins and outs of our personal lives.” “But over the course of eight months or so, you met at least a dozen times…” “Yes.” “How did you feel about Mrs. Dunaway? Would you say you were falling in love?” “No,” I admit. I’ve only really ever loved one woman—my daughter. But how could I explain that to Dr. Jones without playing into her hand exactly as she wanted me to do? I couldn’t. So, I offer her the next best thing. “But I sure did like her a lot.” This lands well with her, because there’s truth in it. “Laurel was an incredible lo

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