Chapter Fourteen

1154 Words

Laurel Dunaway Journal Entry Something about him makes me nervous. Me, nervous. I know. I can hardly believe it myself. Me,I suppose it makes sense. The nerves…the uneasiness I feel toward him. It’s not like our last conversation at Caring Hands had gone that well. Considering that he’d been inside me, I expected at least a little friendliness on his part during his evening rounds. But no. littleThere was none of that. Not that this was completely Max’s fault. I was tired. And I hate doctors, and I hate that nursing home. But there isn’t time to write about that now. James is due home any moment, and I have to properly hide this. I have to make sure I have time to reapply my makeup and break out of these sweats. Just as soon as I finish this, I’m going to put on something upbeat. J

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