Chapter Sixteen

1272 Words

Laurel Dunaway Journal Entry My hand shook as I applied the mascara. I checked my reflection in the mirror, making the decision to skip the eyeliner altogether. I applied lipstick, only to decide the color was too much. It’s all going to be fine. You have nothing to worry about. It’s all going to be fine. You have nothing to worry about.I took several deep breaths. I balled my fists and then released them, the way the therapist told me to do whenever I’m feeling tense. I rubbed my hands together and shook them out. You can do this, I said to the woman in the mirror, a version of myself I hardly recognized. James set an appointment. They always made me feel a bit out of sorts. Antsy. Knotted up. Conflicted. I suppose it’s always been this way, even in the beginning. That was a part of th

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