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J A M E S My Secretary and Special Assistant, Miss Norah Noah, made sure that I got no breathing space. I couldn't complain because I paid her handsomely for her commitment. She was diligent, effective, committed, and resourceful. In fact, I had so much confidence in her that I could entrust the affairs of the company to get and take a vacation. Could. Not that I would ever trust someone with such a massive responsibility. If you want a job to be properly done, do it yourself. Despite how good she was at her job, it would never give me the satisfaction that I'll get when I do it myself. “Sir, you have a meeting for the hockey team you are considering buying. A lunch meeting with the C.E.O of Lanterns, the energy company you are considering to partner with. Some paperwork that I've already dropped on your deal before your arrival and a few emails to attend to. Your first meeting will be in the next thirty minutes.” “Thank you, Miss Noah. That would be all.” I said calmly. She gave me a slight nod with somewhat of a surprised look, which she immediately covered up with a smile before she left. She must have been confused at my sudden show of emotion and gratitude. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't some kind of devil on Prada. I didn't just go around throwing thank you at every little effort one puts in his or her work, but for Norah, I had to today. The incident with the mystery girl made me realize that Norah might have some of those emotions bottled up within her, waiting for the perfect opportunity to dump them on me. I can take it. I am always prepared for anything. But, to start grooming someone else for her position, I didn't want that. There are more competent and qualified people out there, waiting for the perfect opportunity to dive in but, from what I've seen, she was hardworking. Making sure that her side was faultless, the least I could do is be kind to people working for me. Not unnecessarily, but when the need arises. Remembering how Norah walked into my office some two years ago, for her job interview, all naive and very clumsy. Compared to what she has become today, it showed so much that she had grown and is replaying that gratefulness she owed to me. The fact that I didn't reject or fire her, even when I had a thousand and one reasons to, gave her that opportunity. She reminded me of 'her'. Maybe, if she was being treated better and given more opportunities, she would have turned out more. I think that should be my new campaigning strategy. Treating my employees better. Getting to know them. This would also boost my investors. Because when I have happy employees that would mean a happy company and a happy company means that, all-round, productivity. The success of a company starts with the workers. Why didn't I think about this sooner? My company is successful, but, I need it to be beyond successful. I need it to be the one company that puts others out of business. It needs to have no competition. It must be exceptional. I had to use this strategy together with the headline that occurred this morning to grow my investors. Once it is successful, then I can dump both of them. After all, one way or the other, we are all ambitious. The only difference is, how you go about it. And, what you are willing to do. In my case, I was willing to do anything. Because, getting up here wasn't easy, and to equally stay at the top isn't easy. For the rest of the day, I was so busy that it went by in a blur. From one meeting to the other. A lot of them were successful and a few, unsuccessful. Which, of course, I have to go back and review what caused me to fail in them and make sure that I come back stronger. After the activities of the day, closing for work, Athens forwards the detail of the venue for my date. My date! That almost slipped my mind. I've never been one to give such things relevance, and, it was already past six. I still had to go home, freshen up and change. But whatever the case may be, I needed to be punctual. One of my self-disciplines has been punctuality. No excuse or whatsoever. Just up on time. Don't keep me waiting. A quick stop at the house and I took off to the restaurant. Rodriguez already had the details of where we were heading to, so, I didn't bother with reviewing it. I had heard so many good deeds about the restaurants and coincidentally, I was equally looking into doing business with them. This was killing two birds with a stone. Have a date with Victoria while I overviewed the restaurant. It needs to be a great one, so I don't go into something unprofitable. Before we got there, Athens had already had my security units positioned in strategic places. I had eyes and ears on me at all times. Security was essential. Especially when I am in an open place. It wouldn't have been difficult for me to rent out the entire space and have it closed down for the evening, but I didn't want to. I preferred not to spoil people's beautiful evening plans just because I wanted to have a chat with Victoria. It would be so unfair to those people. Driving in, the name SUNSHINE C'io glowed all around the restaurant. It would be difficult to forget the name of the place from how every corner held a sample of it, the owner made sure of that. Furthermore, it was up to Victoria's taste. I had two men security with me, apart from the other ones that had already been stationed. My reservation was taken care of by one of my men, so, I only had to walk straight to our table. “Good evening, Mr. Preston. Welcome to our restaurant. It is an honor to have you here.” The owner of the restaurant, Cecilia Sunshine, walked up to me and said, as soon as she spotted me. A male around his early forties, tall, red-haired, wearing a black suit accompanied her. “It is my pleasure to be spending my evening in somewhere as beautiful as this. I really love what you have done with the place.” Smiling and stretching out my hand. She returned the smile and took my hand. She had a room-grabbing smile and her eyes danced with delight. Cecilia was one of those women that defiled the law of aging. She aged backwards. This was my first time seeing her in person. Other times were on magazines or over a video call. I must say that those don't do justice to her beauty. She was almost Seventy but, she was very much agile, strong and energetic. Her skin was autumn brown and as smooth as a moonstone. She had walnut-brown eyes. Long dirty-brown hair that cascaded over her shoulders in tumbles of cinnamon-brown. She had an astonishing body which apart from the contribution eating healthy, exercising and meditating gave, genetics partook hugely to it. Apart from her physical appearance, she was a smart businesswoman too. I could say that given the evidence of what she turned the restaurant into barely a year after her husband's death. Managing it alone, she made it one place that everyone was dying to have their memorable moments. And that boosted her business, increased the stock price of the restaurant and naturally attracted a wide range of investors, partners, and sponsors from which she could comfortably choose. Smart woman. “If those compliments are coming from you, I am fulfilled.” She briefly whispered to the man in a neat suit that had accompanied her. Turning to me, “forgive my manners, this is my Executive Chef, Kim Hong. He will personally handle your orders. Please don't hesitate to ask for anything. Having one of the Preston, in my place, is always an honor.” “I hope we can seal the friendship off very soon,” I chipped in. Smiling, “always making a king move, James. Even during a cool and peaceful evening like this one.” “I live for business,” setting down. “I am still thinking about your proposal. I wouldn't want to make a deal with the devil. You know.” Glancing around, “I'll leave you to enjoy your evening. Do have a lovely one.” “You too.” Smiling, she left. The chef was staring at me with such intensity and unease. He was really on his toes, bits of sweat streaming down at the corners of his face. That was the way most people felt around me. Always found me intimidating, and, I didn't blame them. I would be equally intimidated if I was standing before myself. “Just surprise me, Chef,” I said. “And, least I forget, nothing with carrots in them.” “Okay, Sir. How many guests are you expecting?” “Excuse me?” He used his eyes to scan where I sat, and I understood why he asked the question. It was a result of how the V.I.P segment took its arrangement. Each table had four chairs to it. Of course, he had to ask. “Just one more person. A lady. You can throw in something that could impress a lady, but not over the top. And, I would love two glasses of your most exquisite wine.” “We don't serve them in glasses.” “A bottle then,” rolling my eyes at him. “Okay, sir. Your appetizer will be served shortly. Enjoy the rest of your evening,” giving a small bow, he equally left. Now I was left alone, giving me the opportunity to scan and observe the rest of the restaurant. Not that I had anything to worry about. I had my men around but, I was always security conscious. When I had finished quickly checking out the environment to see that nothing was out of the ordinary, I glanced at my wristwatch. She was doing exactly one of the things I despised, one running late. To rub salt to injury, she was doing it on purpose. Because she already knew that I didn't appreciate it when one kept me waiting. It was twenty minutes past eight, and she wasn't here. I was getting disgusted. Picking up the phone, I dialed her number, seconds before it connected something extraordinary caught my attention that made me hang up. A girl. Where I sat gave me access to see who came in and left through the V.I.P door. So, it was easy for me to spot the girl. Many girls had come and left through that door, but, I hadn't noticed any until my eyes fell on this particular one. She was the most angelic, beautiful, sexy and cute girl I have ever seen. As she neared, I made out finer details of her appearance. Her jet-black hair was thick, swooping in coils down past her shoulders., She had quarter-moon eyebrows and seashell-shaped ears that offset her orbit-shaped eyes. Her eyes were lake-green, like two pools of liquid fire. Pools of liquid fire? I seethed at myself. Where the f**k did that come from? Her button nose sat perfectly on her oval face. Don't even get me started on those puffy, pouting lips that looked blossom soft, begging to be put to use as she spoke. For the first time, I noticed that she was with someone. The striking resemblance gave them away. They were sisters. When she smiled at her sister with her piano key teeth, I was bewitched. Her smile was lovely and revealed two dimples. My eyes continued tracing down her long swan neck, it was adorned with a beautiful lake-green choker that matched the color of her eyes. She was wearing a skimpy backless black dress that showed off her shapely figure. An imp-thin body, wasp-waist and the black dress made her pale skin glitter. Her legs were taut and shapely under the short dress. Her bareback and arms were slim. She wore a matching lake-green bracelet and strappy heels. Damn! The girl was fire. I wanted to walk up to her and ask her to turn in a circle for me. But of course, I wouldn't. That would be the highest of insanity. It took all the self-control within me not to do so. I desire to check out her backside. But I figured that it was only a pervert who would think of such a thing. Take me for my word, I was about to become one because of her. It was a relief that no one could hear my ridiculous thought. Absent-mindedly, she tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ears and licked her lips, while conversing with her sister as they walk to their table. That was so hot! Fuccccck, I thought, and I knew that I was her display was going to get me somehow in trouble, one way or another. It would certainly get me in something. Or maybe someone. I hoped that it would and wouldn’t all at the same time. Either I eased my thought imagining her or I would get her. My c**k twitched again. Traitor. “Have you been waiting for long?” That one voice that I would so much love to avoid, interrupted. “You know I don't appreciate being kept waiting.” I snapped. “Oh, chill, Jamie. A little lateness has never killed anybody.” Putting up her sassy attitude. “Don't ever call me Jamie. It is James and nothing has changed that fact!” I stated firmly, causing her to jolt a bit. “You seem angrier than usual. This is not how someone who just proposed to behave while on a romantic date with her.” Smiling broadly, she leaned in towards my direction, causing me to withdraw. I had to look around and find out the reason she was being unnecessarily dramatic. And, she had put a show. “It appears someone tipped off the press about our meeting,” I growled, anger blazing through more than ever. “Let's say it was an overjoyed fiancé who couldn't contain her happiness,” she said, blowing slightly on her long pink-petal nails. Leaning back in, “I happened to had granted a quick interview before coming here. That is the reason I showed up late,” she added. She said it like that was supposed to make me feel any different from the way I was feeling. Raising her left hand to my eye level, she made sure it was enough to catch my attention on the big five-carat Emerald cut diamond ring she was wearing. “Victoria, what the f**k is that on your finger?” I asked through gritted teeth. “The ring which you proposed to me with.” She said confidently. I was beyond angry. On a normal day, her shenanigans were not enough to get me this mad. I think I was angry for the fact that she had to cons in at the wrong time, interrupting the good sight and thought I was having. And, to top it, she came with so much bad energy. She involved the press, granted an interview without my consent. Her brother made the announcement, and now she was wearing a ring that she had announced that I bought for her, which people will believe. Because it was up to my standard and the works knew that I never settle for less. Oh, Victoria. What are you doing? Taking a deep breath, I exhaled. I wasn't going to let her read my emotions. I was going to play along, but, she would regret all these. “So, how do you like it?” She asked. I heard her but pretended that my attention was distracted. Or, maybe it was. My eyes were scanning desperately for the girl. She was nowhere to be found. Don't tell me she had left? I needed to see her once more. “James!” Snapping her fingers to get my attention. “What?” I barked. Did you even hear any of the things that I just said?” “What did you say?” Still glancing over her shoulder, searching for the girl. Turning her back, she followed my gaze. “What are you looking for? I am sitting right in front of you. Why do your eyes keep wandering around?” Thankfully, the waiter interrupted just before I was about to say something. The waiter was a young boy, smartly dressed in a black suit over a sky-blue shirt. He looked to be in his early twenties, blonde and blue eyes. He was tall. Slender but tall. “Good evening, ma'am. Sir.” He greeted with a bow and a polite smile. Victoria began to twist her hair with her fingers. This was something that she did when she is trying to be seductive. She looked at the waiter, passionately. She was practically undressing the poor boy with her eyes. The boy noticed the way she was staring at him and immediately flushed. Just because she thinks that I find have a way out of the mess she was creating, she has started showing her true color. Victoria before now would have never done such a thing in my presence. She was showing the typical rich, sassy, spoiled slut side of her. The waiter placed the silver tray in-between us, placing carefully the different colorful dishes in front of us. Another waiter came, pushing a cart that containing the wine in an Ice bucket. He carefully lifted it, opened and filled our glasses before dropping the bottle on our table. Ignoring what was going in before me, I searched once again for the girl and to my relief, there she was. It appeared to be that they had gone out through one of the doors behind. Seeing her, I felt some kind of excitement. “James, you are smiling,” Victoria informed me with a happy tone. I covered up the smile with my normal poker face. Damn mystery girl! She was the reason for that. “Baby, you are distracted once more.” Victoria gently tapped my hand. “The waiter was trying to explain what we are having.” I gave him a weary look, once he saw it, he bent his head. I noticed the constant camera and videos flash, coming from all angles. We had created quite a scene and all attention was now on us. Yet, she didn't give two f***s about what was going on. Instead, her attention was fixed on her sister and whatever they were discussing. Whatever that was going on, didn't bother her. Rodriguez was the one closest to me at that moment, so I signalled for him to come over. “I don't appreciate what is happening. Take care of it.” I told him. He gave a small nod and left. It was getting more uncomfortable for me. Victoria, in contrast, seemed to have been enjoying the attention. It only pissed me off. "We are so sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Preston. Miss Alonso. Our management is working effortlessly to tame the situation," one of the staff announced as soon as he approached our table. "That is fine," I said, knowing that it wasn't their fault but that of Victoria's Posing for the camera, “baby, you would have gotten a reservation close to the window for a better view. We are going to be the talk of the town.” My eyes shot daggers at her. I was so restricting myself from standing and walking away from the trash she was displaying. “For your appetizer, this is a vegetable salad with chicken ribs. This is potato chips with sauce. Buffalo Chicken Celery Sticks. Ham and Pickle Rolls.” Pointing at each dish. “The mean meal that is prepared and would be here as soon you are done with the appetizers.” He spoke in such a hurry that you could tell that he was uncomfortable. As soon as he finished, he slightly bowed and left. Without saying a word to Victoria, I dug into my food. “Mmh!” I exclaimed. The chef really outdid himself. The food tasted, heavenly. Dry, fluffy and meaty with a little fruity taste. I couldn't stop myself from wanting more, I just kept eating and eating. I have seen and tasted different dishes, but this has proven to be one of the best. No wonder business here was flourishing. I have to work my ass off to make sure that I had shares and would become an important partner of SUNSHINE C'io. A small survey of how the restaurant ran, showed that in a few years, with proper management, it was going to be one of the big names on every mouth in the world. People would kill just to eat here. “What are you thinking about? You keep staring into space.” Victoria asked. She had a thing of always interrupting my thought. “Business,” I mumbled. She tried to make small talks and make us look like a happy couple which I tried as much as possible to restrict from yelling, “Victoria, I don't really give a f**k about these conversations you are trying to create. I just want to eat in peace. Can you f*****g keep quiet!” I didn't. I just nodded absentmindedly where I felt I needed to. Where I wasn't interested, I just ignored her. After our appetizer, I swirled my wine before taking a sip of my wine, then nodded. Just like the food, the burgundy content was exquisite. Not disappointing in any way. It had this sweet-sour taste. For sure, it was my kind of wine “1949 Domaine Leroy Richebourg Grand Cru," we both echoed as soon as the wine hit our tongue. This was the very reason I got attracted to Victoria. Her high taste for wines. But, not anymore. Whatever emotion that I had for her was dead. To me, she was just another proposal that I am waiting for the right time to dump. It wouldn't have been that way, if not that she made herself look desperate and cheap before me. And those are two qualities, added with her other defaults, that drove me away. She ruined our pleasure. “I have something important to discuss with you, Victoria.” Dropping my wine glass on the table. “I would have appreciated it if you and Fernando had informed me about this huge step. I don't why I get to be taken unawares for something that concerns me. We had already come to an agreement that we weren't going for anything serious. Why did you choose now, of all times, to create this mess? You even had to go as far as bringing the press, when you know how much I value my privacy. You keep f*****g up all the time, and it is getting unbearable. Like my good girl that you are, fix this.” I lashed out at. Smiling, she blew on her fingers once more. Precisely, her ring. “The earlier you come to terms that we are getting married, the better for you. Unless you want to lose everything. Would you want that?” She fixed her gaze on my eyes and waited for an answer. I gave her no reply or expression. Just silence. “I didn't think so. Do what you've always wanted to do. Be ambitious. Grab the opportunity.,” She continued. “You have come too far to crash.” She fluttered her long lashes at me. Memories came rushing of how I met her. I knew that she would one day grow desperate, but, I didn't expect it to be this quick. Aside from her being useful to me, when I needed private information about the Alonso' business, she knew how to f**k. Those were the two reasons why I still kept her. She has proven to become a liability than an asset. And when that happens, she becomes dispensable.
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