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J A M E S This had better be good news that would fix my current mood! I found my way to his bathroom. It was just the door adjacent to the sofa I had earlier sat on. Without carefully observing, you would never notice the red button beside the door, which opens the doors of the bathroom once you press it. Getting inside, I met quite a good standard for a bathroom. Carlos has proven that he wasn't a total dumbass with pickle brains, he had quite the taste. The bathroom was up to standard. Everything was white, for starters. Floor to ceiling and every other little detail, all shiny white. He had quite the standard. Exquisite, extravagant and neat. A crystal Isis Commode Bedazzles toilet, glittering. An oval white bathtub a few feet away from the toilet, centered by the right. It had a shower to it. They were separated by transparent glass and a row of three white sinks with a giant mirror that hung firmly on the wall in front of the sinks. The walls were white granite. Entering the bathroom gave way for my adrenaline to come rushing. The anger I had earlier felt, started fading away. Giving room for me to think properly. I have never been one to make decisions while angry. It was never a good thing because my emotion at that moment would get the best of my judgement. And, something that had to do with business, will not get affected by anger. Turning on the faucet lever, caused the water to stream from the spray hose into the sink, creating the perfect noise that I wanted. This was to cause a distraction and to also mask the sound of my conversation so that Carlos would not hear a thing, even if he was eavesdropping. Athens was the one that called earlier, and, I needed to find out what Carlos was bragging about. “Speak!” I growled into the phone speaker. My voice was low rumbling but louder than intended. “Boss, I've gathered what you asked for.” His energetic voice boomed into the phone. “And I've sent you a video, you need to check it out immediately.” Still on the call with him, I turned the phone away from my ears and opened the new notification that popped up on my screen. It was a video that triggered the anger that has once faded. This time, it came with hate, and, I was going to hurt many people for it. The early morning headline had given out the worst report about my intention. And of course, I am sure the Alonso's had a lot to do with it. “The wealthiest eligible bachelor in Seattle is off the Market.” A very attractive, groomed, blonde young woman said, smiling as if she had just won a million dollars lottery. “The announcement made by Mr. Fernando Alonso, himself, soon to be brother-in-law of Mr. Preston, when he granted a sudden interview during the early hours of today, came as a surprise to us all. He made the happy announcement saying, “I couldn't be happier with anything else, than to know that, my only sister, Victoria, is going to be in capable hands. Don't hurt my sister, James, or you will pay,” he joked. The single ladies who have been drooling over Mr. Hottie will be very much disappointed.” The video was what gave Carlos the audacity to be rude. He had an edge over me, but, I was going to use this headline to my advantage. And as for Victoria, she better get ready for what she signed up for. I was playing nice, but, she decided to move roughly. It wasn't as if I didn't like her, she was, well, resourceful. But, nothing more than that. And, I made it crystal clear to her even before we started anything, that I only wanted fun and nothing else. I have never imagined myself having something serious with a woman. For one, I hated sleeping and waking up on the same bed with anyone, talk more of a woman. Secondly, I have never had that true emotional connection with any of them. Thirdly, they were gold diggers, always looking for where to earn from. I wasn't ready to become that source for any of those hungry bitches. And lastly, people like Victoria were spoiled, arrogant, selfish and power tasty sluts that only appreciated the idea of being with someone of equal standard with them. Nothing more. So, for now, women are off the list of my priorities and no one would sway me into changing it. “How did I miss this? I was supposed to be the first person to have seen this.” Barking at Athens. For f***s sake! Are my people becoming incompetent or there is much laxity in my system. I will have to find out what the problem is once I finish with Carlos. “Sorry, boss. I thought you had it under control.” “I'll take care of it. Have my assistant set a dinner date with Victoria. Choose somewhere secured but elegant. Preferably, make the time eight at night.” “Copy that boss.” “That would be all for now. Good work.” Ending that call, I felt the urge to punch the bathroom mirror into a thousand pieces. That will just let out the anger building up inside me. Like a strong lion I was, I will pull myself together, walk back into that room and look even more unaffected. Fernando or Victoria really did take this far. The mirror that showed my reflection wasn't helping matters. Staring into it, I looked more like an angry beast, ready to reign havoc on my enemies, than a gentle businessman. This look wasn't for now, I had to put up a less frightening attitude. Going out looking like that, would only give Carlos the ability to figure out what I was thinking. For one, he would be able to know that I was furious and affected by the drama the Alonso's had created. That won't be good. Because it will cause him to start planning on a counter-attack or build up a wall to protect himself from whatever plan I had in mind. Not good. Remember, keep them in the dark. Let them feel the suspense. Besides, you should win with a game no one knew about. Of what use is it when it is an open game? If I critically look at this too, putting my emotions aside, it was of an advantage to me. I only had to wisely play the situation. It wasn't all that bad. The news would increase my stock market and attract investors. I only have to use Victoria to get the merger. Simple! Taking a deep breath, I exhaled. Clearing my head from all the negativity I was seeing. I needed to sort out the possible positive outcomes. I had to change my game and the style in which I played the game. For one, I needed to make Carlos crawl while begging me. And, for this single act, he had put up, I'll make sure that he will live to wish that he had made a smarter choice. “Come on, boy, get it together!” Lowly grumbling while looking at myself in the mirror. Taking a deep breath once more, I pulled a loose strand of my hair In order, fixing my suit and making sure that I had a very calm look. Now I looked better and ready to continue the battle from where I had stopped. I turned off the streaming water, I heard a commotion outside. It must be coming from Carlos's office because it sounded within. Carefully, I reached for the door, gently and quietly twisting the doorknob. I was able to slide it a bit open, not too wide for whatever that was happening to turn its attention to me, but, just enough for me to see and study the situation. Surprisingly, it was the innocent-looking girl from the elevator incident. I saw another side of her that kind of marveled me. She was raging, Standing before Carlos, she wasn't wavering or stammering. She stood with boldness and spoke fiercely. Looking like a tigress that was about to devour her prey. The words that flowed out of her mouth, conveyed all the emotions that I felt towards Carlos. There was anger, despair, disgust, hatred, and bitterness as she spoke. It was as if she spoke to him on behalf of me, but, that wasn't the case. For some reason, I chuckled while looking at the scenario. I didn't know what had led to the situation, but it was obvious that she didn't want to leave without putting up a fight. And, menh! She fought so well, rendering Carols speechless before she left with that satisfaction of defeat written all over her beautiful, love shaped face. But, I knew too well that, that victory walk was the last one she was ever going to have in Carlos & Co. She was definitely get fired. Despite all that, I was impressed. She wasn't a coward who would let someone walk all over her because the person had the power to put her out of her job. No, she wasn't having that. She wasn't sucking up, even if it turned her stomach. No, she was pouring out her heart, even with knowing that she would never see the inside of this Enterprise once she left. That was bravery. That was elegance and class for me. And, we do not have many people that can stand boldly and express themselves. She was a woman out of this world. A fighter! She wasn't arrogant. Just fighting for what is hers. Who was this girl? Walking out of the bathroom, Carlos plastered a fake smile that I put up whenever I wanted to mask my real expression. But, he was so terrible at it. “I believe we are settled here. I will be on my way now,” stretching my hands. “Very well. I'll see you to the door.” Carlos just signed his downfall warrant, and there was no going back for me. He made it clear that he wanted it the hard way, and, I was going to work my bones to give him hardship. In this game, most people who had ever crossed me didn't tell the tale, smiling, it was gruesome for them. He should have asked around before making a fool of me. I left better than when I had come in. I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. The only thing I had to patently do is gather sufficient information and strike at the appropriate time. I was busy plotting in my head when I reached the elevator. Just before it closed, I heard that same voice. “Hold the elevator! Please.” It thundered. I wasn't in the mood to show any act of kindness so, I didn't bother. Although I didn't hold the elevator, I was forced to look up. That voice was familiar. I've heard it numerous times today. Ah! She! The same girl from the morning elevator incident, the office quarrel and now. She really did choose to be everywhere today. Sadly, from the way she was holding a medium box in her hands, she had been fired. The bravery, boldness, and strength that her expression gave out earlier wasn't the case anymore. She looked fragile. The vibrant and energetic spirit has been dampened. She was staring off to space. I bet she was thinking about a thousand and one things at that moment. Now, I felt regret. The walk to my car wasn't smooth at all. Unlike other times when I walk with ease, I felt uncomfortable this time around. Guilt and regret filled me. I really wish I had held that elevator for her. Why was I feeling this way? Really. It was none of my business regardless of how she felt. Besides, I don't know her and there was a very slim possibility of us ever meeting again. Why was I affected by her? Even though I was desperately trying to deny that I felt the need to protect her fragility, the emotion kept building. I wanted to go back and tell her that everything will be okay. That I admired her courage. Damn this girl! I didn't have time for frivolous things. I had businesses to take care of and billions to make. A girl's feelings should be the most irrelevant thing to me. I bet she did what she did just to put up a show. It wasn't really necessary. f**k! I was just looking for an excuse to forget her. Anything that could just turn me off. “Back to the office,” I ordered, as soon as I got into the waiting vehicle parked at the entrance of the building. “Yes, sir,” Rodriguez replied, speeding off the tinted bullet-proof BMW. My mind kept pondering about the mystery girl, trying to remember where I had seen her. It occurred to me that she looked too familiar to be ignored. I needed to know who she was and why my mind kept drifting to her, despite how hard I tried to focus on other things. “Athens, call my P.I. and ask him to look into the girl who got fired from Carlos and Co. Leave no stone unturned. I want everything that has to do with her. Everything. Even to the least thing as the food she eats, where she buys her thing and who she's laughing with at this very moment. I want her tailed until till I say otherwise.” I ordered, heaving a heavy breath of relief. “Ask the office team to carry out a clean sweep. I am headed for the office. I wouldn't want any surprises.” Ending the call before I got any response from him. By the time we rode by to the office, the heavy traffic had cleared. Thankfully, that facilitated our journey to be fast and smooth. I didn't have the time to think about her once more. But, there was a feeling that I fought too hard to oppress, which was what I got the most towards her. The feeling that I somehow owed her. That is so funny and delusional. There is no how on earth I should be getting that kind of sentiment towards some random girl I just saw. It was true that she looked familiar, but, you can't blame me. I see and deal with numerous people each day, and occasionally, they all look like I've seen them somewhere. To put my mind at ease, I'll just wait and hear what my P.I. has for me. “Sir, the building is safe. We are approaching the vicinity.” Rodriguez informed me, distracting my thought. I gave him a slight nod for him to proceed. It took less than a minute for us to arrive. “Rodriguez, I'll inform you when we are about to leave. I'll like to head to my office alone.” I informed him immediately the car came to a halt in front of my building. “Yes, sir.” He responded. I got out of the car, and he left to park at the V.I.P parking lot. Immediately, I stepped into the building, tons of greeting from employees, visitors, and complainers filled the air. Most of them smiling and some of them frowning. On some smiling faces, you could tell that it wasn't from their heart. They were just putting up the pleasant approach because they had to. That made me remember her. Remember her? What was happening? How can I remember her just because I saw what I have been seeing every other day? Fake people. But today, I read a different meaning into it. She didn't have to pretend so that she could stay there. She expressed herself not minding the consequences. Not only that, but she was true and unpretentious. How many of the cowards that lurked around my office could do that? None! No sign of bravery. All of them cowered at my feet simply because of what they would get and for the fear of what they would lose. She had somehow reminded me a lot about myself. I've built my way to the point that I didn't have to lick anybody's feet. I only had to make sure that I toss the ball appropriately into the net to win. That is why I plan, strategize and evaluate before implementing. I never want to go back low. That is why I will do everything possible to maintain my position.
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