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R A Y V I N  “I think I should have requested a cab earlier than this.” Miranda, fumbling with her purse. “It is fine.” I freely said. I rocked onto the pointed heels of my strappy shoes. “Why don't we just stroll a bit? Enjoy the cool air before we hitch a ride.” She smiled. “It’s cooled down from this afternoon. Should be nice. A little stroll and we get a cab. You know I don't do well with walking on heels. Wouldn't want to visit the hospital because of having blisters.” “Okay. Just a little stroll and that is it. We need to enjoy the July weather before it gets wicked hot.” “Going home every night, I have had plenty of time to enjoy the weather. What I would love, is a nice ride to where we are heading to and a superb evening. But, since this will make you happy, that is fine. A little strolling and that is all to it.” “Settled!” Grabbing her arm in mine. Stepping out from the crappy wooden entrance overhang of the building, that somehow meshed with the age of the building and its neighbors, I enjoyed the relative quiet of my tree-lined street before I reached the bustle and flow of traffic on Brooke Street, Downtown Seattle. One day soon, I hoped to work my way up and move to a more safe and less noisy place. Although I wanted to enjoy the cool air, it wasn't without the consciousness of how the place was crawling with fraudsters and pickpockets. It wasn't safe but, no one would dare cross a girl from the Bronx We tried not to walk around wide-eyed and distracted, but it was hard. There was just so much to see and experience. The sensory input was astonishing—the smell of vehicle exhaust mixed with food from vendor carts. The shouts of hawkers blended with music blaring from the speakers of street entertainers, the awe-inspiring range of faces and styles and accents, the gorgeous architectural wonders of some buildings… And, the cars. I have missed having this pleasant sight. While working at Carlos & Co. My life was practically taken from me. I lived for the company. There was absolutely no time to have a nice stroll, work out or just hang out. Gosh, I forgot how this felt. The reforming balance that came with it was incomparable. “Hey! Move your f*****g car!” A taxi driver shouted at some other taxi driver. It made me smile, remembering how people around here don't care who or what you are. They would scream, curse at you and express themselves freely. There was no class or power on Brooke Street. Everyone was his or her master. The furious flow of tightly packed cars was unlike any other time. It came with a lot of honking, screaming, cursing and screeching of tires. Looking at most of the drivers, they were so exhausted that could give anything at that moment just to get to their destination. It was a beautiful sight, and it made me feel human again rather than the robot I was becoming. “Ray!” She snapped. “What have I done this time around, dearest Miranda Hall?” Smiling at her. “You keep doing that thing with your face.” “What thing?” “Smiling out of the blue with nothing being funny. I don't want people thinking that I am with an insane person.” “Happiness doesn't come with a price tag. It is free. No restrictions. Just you exercising your facial muscles while relaxing your heart, leading you to live a long and healthy life. You should try that more often.” “That is total crap. You do well with smiling. I don't.” A cab stopped before us, and Miranda grabbed my hand, dragging me to it. "What are you doing?” “Saving the rest of my youth. I prefer not to age on Brooke Street, simply because my insane sister wants to enjoy a stroll. I need to put my fine ass down on the soft leathers of the car seat. Besides, these shoes are killing me.” “But that isn't our cab. Someone else must have stopped it.' “ I did, while you were smiling and reminiscing about God knows what.” Getting to the cab door, she opens it wide. “Please get in her Royal Majesty,” bowing “Miranda, it is so unfair. I was enjoying the atmosphere,” throwing a fit. With no response, she got in. “Suit yourself. Maybe you will have to walk the rest of the way to our location. Oh, there's the ad….” Getting into the car, “you don't have to be that dramatic. Let's go.” “You just made a wise decision, sister.” “Where are we going? I still don't have an idea. You just barged into my apartment, harassed and forced me to wear this uncomfortable clothe and shoes. I could sue you.” “And what exactly would you present as your case?” She asked wide-eyed. “Assault. Intrusion. I don't know. Anything at all. As long as I get you sued.” Smiling, “very funny.” Turning to the cab driver, “Take us to any beautiful restaurant in Uptown Seattle” She said with excitement before stretching her hand across the driver's seat to tap the driver. She pushed herself forward and whispered something into the ears of the driver, which followed with a nod from the man. “Okay. Buckle up, ladies,” the driver said. “What did you whisper to him?” Curiosity got the best of me. “I begged him to take us to a place with some hotties in it,” winking at me. “I can't believe you. Such a typical Miranda move. Always hunting down a place with men.” “Don't blame me. Put the blame on the hormones. Even if I don't get to go home with any, I would love to have a blissful sight throughout the night.” The car pulled out, and Miranda suddenly laced her fingers through mine. Something she did whenever we were bounding. It reminded me so much that she was the only family that I had. We have been through a lot. Seen countless downs than ups. I wouldn't wish for anyone else to be my sister, despite the past. There were times when I had to scream and curse because she was turning into a hooker. Today she was with a different man and the next day a different man. What bothered me was that she was young, innocent, and naive. Most of those men did not have her best interest in mind. They wanted her for her gorgeous body, and, she never believed me whenever I warned her. In the end, she learned the hard way. But a blessing like Katherine was a product of that lesson. Now, I know that I don't have to worry about her decision with men. She sorted it out and decided it was best to focus on her daughter. That still doesn't completely rule out the fact that she f***s them with her eyes. My sister is one hungry girl. And she taunts me for my stand on s*x. As we get going and going, I glued myself to the cab window, eager to continue feeding my eyes with the activities of Seattle. From the view, I could tell we were in uptown Seattle. Of course, it had to be. The expensive cars, elegant designers stores, beautiful restaurants, the neat and more organized street, it had to be Uptown. I could catch a fly with the way my mouth dropped open. The beauty of the place did come into full existence with lights radiating from different angles. What were we doing here? I visit this side of the city only for work. Not for pleasure, dressed like this. Turning to face Miranda who had a glamorous smile plastered on her face, “What is going in? You know we can't be here because I can't afford it. It is not too late to turn back and find the normal street bar, which I can afford.” I whispered desperately into her ears. “All you do is take care of me and Katherine. You have even forgotten how to live because you are so focused on nothing else but our happiness. Tonight, this is my way of saying thank you. Let us just have a great night, thinking about nothing else but ourselves.” She said with so much warmth and love in her eyes. “Miranda, this is beautiful. I couldn't love you less.” I said, almost tearing up. “But, that doesn't change the fact that this environment is expensive and cost tons of money whenever you come around it.” “Hahaha, I told you not to worry. I know one of the Chef's here. We would pay so little while we eat so much.” She smiled. “I still find that hard to believe. You told the cab driver to take us to any good restaurant here. Remember? And besides, establishments are not run that way. We have managers. Accountants…” Gently touching my laps with both her hands, “Rayvin Hall, you won't die from one night of having fun. Absolute, uncontrolled, mad and uncoordinated fun! Just you, your rules and nothing more. No business. No bills. No men. Nothing. Two sisters on a date with each other. Can you do that for me? Because, I swear to God, one more word about anything that isn't fun, I'll be hitting your head with these painful pumps. Understood?” She threatened with her gaze fixed and voice stern. “Yes,” swallowing hard. Miranda might be my sister, but, I can never get used to whenever she speaks with much authority. I was the older sister, it still didn't count as anything. I've always been in control, more like her mom, yet, she got our dad's 'don't mess with me look.' “Ladies, you have arrived at your destination. I can vouch for this place. They are the best when it comes to food and wine.” The cab driver announced. “Why are we stopping so far away instead of the entrance?” “I am afraid, miss, only private scanned vehicles get to drive into the premises. Sorry for the inconvenience,” the cab driver, for the first time, turned to look us squarely in the eyes. His Native American face glowing. Maybe around his late fifties, blue eyes and a kind smile. Although his voice was too energetic for his age. “Thank you for the ride,” getting off the cab. Miranda grabbed some cash from her purse and paid the man. We waved him goodbye, and he left. Adjusting my clothe, we began to walk the rest of the way to the entrance. Getting to the door, just before we entered, an electrifying feeling shot through my entire body. I was more nervous at this moment than I had ever been for any formal occasion. The question is, why was I? This wasn't some kind of job interview or business occasion. Yes, we were in a place that people like me didn't visit often because we couldn't afford it, that shouldn't be enough reason for this nervousness. I wanted to turn back and go home. Just slump into my comfortable couch, wearing my oversized t-shirt and pants, eating my popcorn and drinking my soda. I took a deep breath, held and exhaled. 'Nobody else would matter this night but me. Rayvin you are going to walk through the shiny beautiful glass doors, find a spot and sit your sweet ass and then have a great time. It is just you and your sister among strangers. No one was going to grab the bill for the both of you, so, you don't owe anyone,' I encouraged myself. From the entrance, the doorman, the waiters, and waitresses, I could tell that eating here, for people like us, it would definitely shake our bank account. We would notice the dollars that were going to be deducted because it screamed expensive! Starting from the exterior, the name of the restaurant was written in italics on a firmly hung billboard at the entrance with beautiful lighting blasting around it. The door was one of those that you see at five-star hotels. “Are you coming?” Miranda once again interrupted my thought. “Sure,” hurrying behind her. Stepping in through the modern rotating glass entrance, my eyes almost popped out of their socket. The place was elegant. Built with this natural theme, making it look like an open door garden but with fewer flowers. The seats were made from something that looks like tree branches and leaves, but in a creative way. The table was wooden and white, giving immediate life to the green chairs that surrounded it. The ceilings were designed in a way that made it look like an outdoor space. The architectural design, well detailed, created in a pattern that made it look like veins on a leaf. All transparent glass, making the night sky visible in all its beauty. The lighting was dim, but still bright enough for one to see. Left to right in rows, colorful candles were lighted and placed in the middle of each table. By the far right, there was a raised platform. Almost hidden, darker than the lower platform, and, it had few tables to it. It smelled like food, wine, and cologne. The place was filled to the brim. People dressed in costly clothes, quietly chattering, some eating, and others, casually sipping their wines. The doorman gave a small bow. “Good evening, Ladies. Do you have a reservation?” The doorman asked in his thick Irish accent. He looked too handsome to be a doorman. Tall and very handsome with sparkling hazel eyes and a well-shaped round face. Brown, sleek hair and a black suit. “Yes,” Miranda answered with a smile on her face. “Please walk to that lady over the counter. She will have you sorted out. Enjoy your evening,” bowing again. As soon as the golden-haired lady in a black suit sighted us walking in her direction, she smiled broadly at us. “Welcome. Your reservation, please.” “It is under the name Miranda Hall," she replied, equally smiling at the lady. “Aha! Reservation. Right. The cab driver had to pick here, out of all the places In Seattle, to drop us. Why do I have a feeling that us being here is not coincidental?” “Okay, you got me. I might have whispered the address to the driver.” “You did lie to me when you said it was just for him to take us to a place with hot men.” “I had to. If I had told you the truth at that time, you would have jumped off the cab and head back to the apartment. You would scream that 'it is expensive. We can't be here.' I just want us to have a great night.” “Well, shocker, I love the place and since I don't even know how we are going to pay, why worry myself?” “That is the spirit.” She smiled. I had no choice but to give her the widest grin. A strand of my hair chose that very moment to almost poke my eyes out, so, I tucked it back in its place. “Thank you, ma'am. It has been sorted out. He will take you to your seats.” She said, pointing to a young boy in a suit that was standing close to me and we hadn't even noticed his entrance.
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