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R A Y V I N We got led to our table by the young waiter. As soon as we settled down, he handed a large one-sheet menu to us. He produced a notepad and pen, waiting to take our orders. That made me feel uncomfortable. I felt like I was punishing him by keeping him waiting. It will take time to finally come to a decision of what we wanted, so, there was no point in making him stand. “We will place our orders once we have settled. For now, sparkling water is fine.” I said, earning a deadly glare from Miranda. “Okay, ma'am,” filling our cups with the jug of water that was already on the table. After pouring the water, he hurried off. Dropping the pink purse which she came with on the vacant seat next to her. “You just had to send him away. I was still enjoying the sight of him.” “Remember, no men. Just the both of us enjoying our evening.” “I hear you.” Scanning through the menu, “what would you like to have?” She asked, holding the large menu that obscured her beautiful face. “I don't know. Everything listed here seems expensive and fancy. It is difficult to make a choice. I feel it would be better not to end up going for an exaggerated meal.” Dropping the menu back on the table, she placed her palms on top of it. Squinting her eyes, “why don't we say hello to my friend, David. He is a remarkable chef. Maybe we could get recommendations of what to go for from him. How is that?” “Sounds like a great idea to me.” My throat was dry, so, I drank from the glass already poured for me. Miranda noticed my nervousness and smiled at me, but not in a nice way. She was warning me with her eyes to just enjoy the evening and not do anything that would ruin it. Miranda grabbing her purse, We stood. With her leading the way, we walked to one of the back doors with RESTRICTED AREA. STAFF ONLY, boldly written on it. Yet, she twisted the doorknob, walking through the door while looking all relaxed and bouncing her Amazonian ass while she walked. Entering the second door, a pungent smell pricked my nose. The smell awoke my sense organs, sending a direct message to my brain, which caused my stomach to grumble. It smelled like spices, steam with a mix of fruity and greenish cooking. “You can't be here, ma'am,” a bulky man in a black tuxedo blocked us. “I am sure you didn't miss the sign on the door. It is for staff only,” he angrily said. “I know. We were just searching for a friend of mine.” Miranda's voice was seductive. Was she seriously trying to talk her way out of us getting thrown out from a kitchen we just barged into? “David!” She shouted and waved at a very hot guy. Phew! He was so damn hot that I could be eating off his hand. Turning, he gave us a room-grabbing smile that revealed a perfect set of white teeth. “I know this one,” he said as he came closer, gently tapping the huge scary bald security man on his shoulder. The security man gave us a once overlook before leaving. Hugging him, “It has been ages, Saint.” She said, embracing him tightly. From the gesture, it should that there was a close relationship between them. He had a toque on, a white coat, black pants and comfortable black sturdy slip-resistant shoes. “And who is this gorgeous lady?” He said in a very deep voice, stretching his long, slim and sexy hand. “This is my sister, Rayvin. Rayvin, this is my long-time friend and one of the best masters when it comes to food, Saint.” She introduced. I took his hand, and the universe paused. The only thing existent was my loud heartbeat, which was drumming to the hearing of everyone within the room. I felt myself going into shock at how someone could be this hot. Perfect body, well-structured face and that British accent that made me lose it. This gentleman was making me feel a particular kind of way which I haven't felt in a long time. Well, I wasn't bothered. It was only for a short while, and I'll be back to my senses. After all, this might be all about getting loose and enjoying the moment. Nothing more and nothing less. “Nice to meet you,” I whispered. Traitor! My voice had betrayed me by getting stuck. I couldn't get my brain to function. It just froze at the sight of Saint. Withdrawing his hand, “you ladies look lovely. I am so glad you could make it.” His eyes were fixed on me while he spoke. What he said was for Miranda and not me, but he kept looking at me. I had no option than to notice his true-sapphire eye color. The way they sparkled with life and warmth, drowned me in them. I could see a reflection of myself with them. “Thank you for inviting me, now, us. This place looks beyond amazing. Congratulations.” Miranda hugged him once more. “Congratulations,” I mumbled. I had no idea what we were congratulating him about but to not make the scene awkward, I had to say it. “I hope you are comfortable.” His eyes gazing at me. They were roaming my body. He was checking me out. That made me flush. “Saint, we couldn't choose what to eat. I would love for you to recommend the best for us. Hope that is okay.” Miranda pleaded. She had deliberately been touchy and sweet. “Sure. Just relax, your food is on me. I'll cook something up. Something as amazing as you both. It would be with you in a moment.” “Thank you.” “See you ladies later. I have to get back to work.” “That is fine. We have to get back to our table anyway.” She hugs him once more, while I just shook his hand. Making it back to our table, we crossed the security guy who had earlier stopped us, Miranda made it a point to wiggle her ass more than normal while walking past him. She was such a drama queen. “Who is Saint?” I blurted out immediately after we got back to our table. “Uhh,” she arched a perfect eyebrow at me. “I just wanted to know who your friend was. Nothing else. Don't misinterpret my intentions.” I tried sounding uninterested. “Someone is being defensive. It is not bad if you like him. At least, he gets to be the one to, you know,” clicking her tongue. “You know, what?” I asked, confused at the non-verbal cue. “Unlock the paradise, which might be a little rusty.” “Ewe, Miranda Hall. That is a nasty thing to say.” “In case it doesn't bother you, it bothers me that my sister is the world's oldest virgin. I mean look around,” pointing at a brunette in tasteful blue eyes, “she has been laid.” Pointing at a blonde with semi-exposed breasts and a big, honking laugh, “she has been laid. We all have had good s*x. Except for you. You need to release some of that energy. Feel that steamy…” “Enough. I get your point. You don't need to get descriptive about it. I understand that you are worried about my v****a, but, you don't need to be. I promise you everything is fine down there.” “If you say so,” chuckling. “Saint is a longtime friend. We went to college together and after college, he disappeared. He only reappeared four months ago, and, I happened to have bumped into him while on a stroll with Katherine. One thing led to the other, and he invited me to his new workplace, to celebrate him getting hired. That is what brought us here. He was the one who made the reservation and all that. So in case toy are being grateful, it should be to saint and not me.” “Has he always had the ambition of becoming a chef?” “Always. He would joke about owing his restaurant one day. The gentleman is obsessed with the kitchen.” “Hmm,” that is not bad.” “Why the sudden interest in him? Do you like him?” “Nope. Just curious.” “Curious my ass.” She muttered. I scowled at her, but, she just ignored me and pretended to have been going over the many once more. I could read her like an open pamphlet. I knew what was running through her mind at that moment was how to hook me up with Saint. She has said numerous time that she was worried of me dying alone. For her, she didn't necessarily have to worry about men because she had her smart and beautiful daughter, Katherine. But for me, I had only her, and she was not always going to be around. That was her problem. I told Miranda countless times, I didn't need anyone. What was the point of getting attached to someone who might take up and leave you. Either intentionally or unintentionally. They always left. The best thing was just to work so hard and get wealthy, build a legacy and enjoy my youth. When I get to the bridge of old age, then I'll know how to cross it. For now, I was still young, vibrant and smart, the best I could do was to invest it in myself rather than some no good. A waiter came with a cart, wheeling different dishes. “Wow!” I am pretty sure even Saint wouldn't have stressed to have this much delivered to our table. After emptying the cart on our table, he handed a small card to me and left. “Some has a secret admirer,” Miranda sung. Reading the card, I rolled my eyes and passed it to my overexcited sister. “Your beauty struck me like lightning. I hope you enjoy what I've put up. Enjoy your evening. Saint,” she read out loud. “Aww, he even accompanied the dishes with white wine. He is such a romantic.” Tossing the card to one side of the table, “that was fast. More result-oriented than I had expected,” she said, grinning. The dishes all smelled savory and looked appetizing. Even if I desperately wanted to reject them, my stomach betrayed me. It growled so loud that I had to stuff a forkful of the green salad into my mouth to distract it. The salad smelled green and fresh, tasting even better. We are in silence. Enjoying every bit of the scrumptious meal hitting my taste bud. I left nothing untouched. The fruit salad, shish kebab, rice, sauce and grilled chicken, fries and sauce, I had every bit of them. The could not take my eyes off the toasted bread and garlic butter. It was so enticing. As I dipped my bread into the butter, I couldn’t help but wonder if my garlicky breath would have gotten in the way of a kiss goodnight, if I had someone to go home to. Lucky me, there was no one. I gulped down the tasty white wine, using it to wash the sour taste that came with the butter. I wasn't too savvy with wines, but from the little experience I've had with occasionally drinking them at Carlos & Co., I knew that this one belonged to the expensive stand. It wasn't the regular, cheap one that I was used to drinking. “I can't breathe,” Miranda panted as she chewed on her bread. “Me, too,” dropping the slice of watermelon I had removed from the fruit salad. I felt too filled to even lift an arm. The food was behind delicious. Saint had done an impressive job. “Thank you for this, sis.” I meant every bit of what I just said to her. “You are welcome,” warmly smiling. I couldn't be more grateful that she had dragged me out of the house. I would have shut down from lacking feeding properly. Likewise, I can't remember the last time I had eaten real food, This was undoubtedly what I needed. As we slumped back into our chair, a waiter came over and cleared our table after getting the go-ahead order from us. We did justice to the food. Devouring most of it. So, the waiter had little to clean and take away. We continued sipping our wines, talking about the good old days, until some unhappy couple decided to interrupt the cool evening. I hadn't even been aware of the clicks and murmuring that went on around us until I noticed that almost everyone in the restaurant was pointing at the same place. Whispering about and ogling the couple that sat on the raised platform. It was none of my business, so, I resumed my conversation with Miranda, who seemed to have lost interest because she kept shifting her gaze in the same direction as everyone. “That can't be.” “What?” “They look so familiar.” “What are you talking about?” Sipping my wine casually. The wine was so nice that I was constantly sipping it until the bottle was nearly empty. “It must be them.” She was not making sense, that was testing my patience. I had to see for myself why they were such a big deal, and there was nothing special. “Miranda, I'll stand, grab my purse and go home, if you won't pay attention to what I am saying,” I said through clenched teeth. “Sorry. What were you saying?” “You…” “Excuse me, ma'am. A gentleman sent this to your table.”
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