2-1 How Could You

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Caroline POV "Caroline, there is nothing that pressing that I need to go to the office right now. I'll go to visit the kids with you", Donovan says, and I smile. It's been three days since the doctor told us about the pup. He has been very protective and possessive. I love this man more than I could ever say in words. Honestly, becoming a mother wasn't even something I thought about, but now I can't wait. Donovan is going to be a great father. "Don't be ridiculous. You haven't left my side for three days. I told you I won't be training until we speak to the doctor at our next visit." I know that's what he is worried about but I would never put our pup at risk. "I just want to make sure that you're alright. I don't want anything to happen to you or our pup. I would lose my mind without you" he says with pleading eyes. "I haven't had pain since the day we found out. The doctor said everything looks good. Please just go to the office for half a day and then we can go grab some dinner together later." "Fine, I'll go but take your mother with you and link me immediately if you feel anything." He kisses my lips and forehead before he heads out of our room. "Clover, are you excited to see the pups today?" She practically purrs in my mind. She loves to visit the children and they love to see her. "I hope Angelica actually plays today. She always seems so sad. She really is a sweet little girl who has lost so much", Clover says. Angelica is a six-year-old little girl that lost her parents to a car accident. She doesn't speak much and we never see her play with the other kids during our visits. We have even tried to get her to play with Clover but she won't. She breaks my heart every time we visit. I hope that someday we can see her smile. I head to our walk-in closet and grab a blue sundress and my sandals. Once I'm showered, I stand in front of the full-length mirror. I place my hands on my still flat belly. "I can't wait to meet you. Your dad and I are so excited little one." I slide the dress over my head and slide on my sandals. Once I reach the second floor I head to Candy's room. She moved out of the room she shared with my father after we buried him. She didn't want to be reminded of all she had lost. I know she gets lonely but she has been doing better the last week. I knock twice and the door swings open. "Mom, you look beautiful. Do you have plans today?" She smiles "no sweet girl. I'm just trying to keep myself out of a funk. You look very pretty in that dress. I knew it would be perfect for you. Where are you off to?" "I'm going for my visit to the orphanage. I was hoping you would join me." "I would, but I'm meeting with Trish, the head omega, about this week's menu. Besides, I know how much you enjoy the time with the pups, but don't forget you can't shift today." I smile "the doctor told me not to shift and I promise we won't forget. At least join me for breakfast before I make my visit." She nods and follows me down to the dining room. After we eat, she heads to the kitchen and I head out of the pack house. "Clover, why are you being so quiet? You are usually a chatter box, but the last few days you haven't said much." "I need you to understand that sometimes things happen that can't be undone. You will always have me no matter what happens in the future." I stopped walking and I could feel my heart rate accelerate. What the hell is going to happen? "Clover, what the hell are you talking about? You are freaking me out." "Let's go visit the kids. We can talk about it later." I really wasn't happy with her answer, but I trust my wolf not to keep secrets from me. She will tell me when she is ready to. We reach the steps and Jenny is waiting for us. "Luna, the children are so excited about your visit", Jenny says. Jenny is a pretty woman in her thirties. She lost her mate and found a purpose in caring for the children. She really is perfect for the job and the children love her. "I'm excited to see them too." Donovan POV As soon as I leave our room, I head to my office. Once I'm inside, I lock the door and take a seat at my desk. "Lazlo, are you going to talk to me today?" He growls in my head and I figure that he is still pissed. "Pissed doesn't even begin to cover it human. You hurt our mate and for what, a f**k." "Lazlo, I made a mistake. I love Caroline and she is having our pup. I would never hurt her intentionally." "So, you didn't know that f**king that nasty b**ch would hurt our precious mate? Don't even try to lie because I am part of you. You were thinking with your d**k." "I'm sorry Lazlo. I swear to you that I will never do it again. I love Caroline and I can't lose her. It was a mistake." "You better not because next time I will tell Clover everything. You will lose everything. I will not stand by while you hurt our mate. I don't care if I have to suffer right along with you." A knock on the door interrupts our conversation. I head over to open the door, expecting an omega with my breakfast. I open the door and it's my breakfast but it's not an omega. "Candy, what are you doing here?" "Can't a mother-in-law bring her son-in-law breakfast?" I cringe at her words. What the hell is wrong with this woman? "Set it on the table and leave." She smirks as she walks past me. She sets the tray down and heads back toward the door. Instead of walking out, she closes it and locks the door. "Candy, you need to leave now." "Donovan, I know that you really don't want me to leave. You enjoyed what I did to you the other day. There is no reason it can't happen again." She takes a step toward me and I growl. She stops and crosses her arms over her chest. "That was a mistake. It will never happen again. You need to leave my office and never speak of it again." She laughs "what can't I speak about? The fact that I sucked your c**k until you c*me down my throat or how you bent me over the desk. How about how you f**ked me until you buried your seed deep inside me? I won't speak of it, Donovan, but it will happen again. Caroline will never know. You know as well as I do that she is a good f**k at best. I will do everything that she won't. You can have the best of both of us." “I will not hurt my mate or pup just to f**k you. How could you want to hurt your daughter like this?”
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