1-2 Fated Mate

796 Words
Six Months Later It's hard to believe that my father has been gone for a month. We had our ceremony shortly after we completed the marking and mating. Candy and my father decided to travel after they passed the titles to us. They were returning from a trip when they were attacked by rogues. My father was the target and Candy barely survived. I sat by her bed and when she finally woke up, I feared she would die of a broken heart when she learned my father had perished. It took her two weeks before I could get her to leave their room. She seems to be doing better and she has been helping me with my Luna duties to keep herself busy. I'm glad to let her plan menus and parties. It gives me more time to train. I don't have to do it in secret anymore. Donovan stayed true to his word and encourages me to train. I am a part of every meeting and decision that is made for the pack. I truly feel like he is the perfect mate. I dress in my workout clothes and head out to the training field. I start to spar with Chris. He rushes me and I move to the side while I do a kick that takes his legs out from under him. I stand over him and he smiles up at me. I reach down to grab his hand to help him up when I get a pain in my stomach that knocks the wind out of me. "Caroline, what's wrong?" "I'm not sure. I've never felt anything like this before." "Let's go, we can get you checked out" Chirs says, concern evident in his voice. "It's fine, just give me a minute." I have my hands on my knees sucking in lungs full of air. I start to run through what this could be in my mind when I think about when I had my last period. I start to panic because I can't remember. "Clover, what's wrong with me?" "Listen to Chris and go to the hospital" she says before she puts a block up. What the hell is she keeping from me? I manage to stand up straight. "Chris, don't say anything to Donovan. I'm going to get checked out and I'll tell him anything I find out." I can see he wants to argue but he just nods. I start to walk toward the pack hospital when the pain completely subsides. I'm tempted to just head to my room, but the thought that I might be pregnant is very real in my mind. I reach the hospital and one of the nurses rushes to me. I'm sure Chris linked her that I was on my way. "Luna, please sit down and I'll take you to the back." I roll my eyes but do as she asks. They take some blood work and I wait for the pack doctor to come to update me. The door opens and I expect to see Dr. Nelson step inside, but to my surprise, it's Donovan. I'm going to kick Chris's a**. "Do you want to tell me why I had to hear from a nurse that my Luna is in the hospital?" I roll my eyes. What the hell happened to patient confidentiality? "I'm fine Donovan. I was having some pain in my stomach and I thought I should just be checked out." I see a pained expression on his face and I grab his hand. "Hey, I'm fine. It's probably just cramps." He smiles and bends down to press a soft kiss to my lips. A throat clearing brings us out of our moment. Dr. Nelson steps in with a huge smile on his face. "I have great news, Alpha and Luna, you are expecting." My hand goes to my belly. I'm going to have a pup. After the ultrasound, we learned that I'm only two weeks pregnant. I laugh when Donovan scoops me up and carries me back to the pack house. "I can't believe we are going to have a pup", he says, and his smile is contagious. We reach the pack house and when we step inside Candy rushes over to us. "Are you alright, Caroline?" "Yes, I'm fine. Donovan is just being silly. I'm pregnant, not incapacitated." She places her hand over her mouth. "Oh, my goddess that's wonderful news." Clover growls in my mind but I don't have much time to think about it when Donovan heads toward the stairs. I can feel her sadness and anger. "Clover, we're going to have a pup." "I know precious girl." "Are you alright, Clover?" “I will be. We can talk about it later, just be happy now.”
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