2-2 How Could You

1185 Words
Donovan POV "She is not my daughter. She was Cain's daughter and he is dead. I did more for her than most would. She is a grown woman and if she can't satisfy her mate that is not my problem." Lazlo growls again and I walk to the door. I swing it open with more force than I mean to. I know what I did was wrong but at least I'm sorry, she isn't at all. "Get out, I meant what I said. You were a mistake that I won't be repeating. I love Caroline and I won't lose her for you." I see anger flash on Candy's face before she stomps out of my office. I lock the door and take a seat behind my desk. "Good job human. There might be hope for you yet", Lazlo says, and I chuckle. I link Chris to join me in my office. Ten minutes later, there is a knock and I'm grateful to see Chris. "Alpha", Chris says, and I roll my eyes. "I've told you to call me Donovan, Chris, when we aren't in a formal setting." I see something in his eyes and it takes me back. "Permission to speak freely Alpha." I nod and sit back in my chair. "I've heard things and I hope they are not true. I grew up with Caroline and she is my best friend. My loyalty will always be with her. So, if you betray her, I will not stay quiet." I can feel my heart squeeze in my chest. Anger rises in me that he dare threaten to expose me to Caroline. How the hell would anyone even know it happened? I keep my face impassive. "I would hope that you would not listen to rumors and just ask me if you have questions. As for my Luna, she means the world to me and I would never hurt her. You are the Beta of his pack and nothing more. You would do well to remember your place. I do not take kindly to threats." He nods his head, but I can see doubt and anger in his eyes. We start our discussion about training. After an hour, he leaves my office and I start to review my financials. I really wish Caroline was here so I could wrap her in my arms and breathe in her scent. "Donovan, I really think we need to go for a run", Lazlo says. "That's a good idea. By the time we get back, Caroline should be on her way back to the pack house." I head downstairs and out of the pack house. As soon as I strip, we shift and take off for the trees. We run for an hour before we head back toward the pack house. I reach the trees and pull on basketball shorts. Once I'm inside, I head up to our room to shower. I stand under the spray and let the hot water soothe my muscles. Arms wrap around me and I immediately know it's not Caroline. I turn putting distance between us. "What the f**k are you doing?" She drops to her knees and looks up at me with hooded eyes. "Pleasing my Alpha" she says and takes my c**k in her hand. She takes my c**k in her mouth and it feels so good. "Candy, you need to leave" I say but she keeps taking me down her throat. I can't help the moan that escapes me. I thread my fingers through her hair and begin to thrust deep into her throat. I roar as I c*m and she stands wiping her mouth after she swallows my seed. I reach out and grab her by the throat. I can feel Lazlo trying to break through the block I put up but I'm being driven by lust. All other thoughts are gone from my head. I pick her up and slam her against the wall before I thrust into her core. Caroline POV I sit and read with the kids. Angelica is sitting a good distance from us but I can tell she is listening. I smile to myself. I'm just about to leave when the pain from a few days ago resurfaces. It's stronger this time and it nearly takes me to my knees. "Luna, are you alright?" I wave Jenny off and start to walk back to the pack house. I can't reach Donovan through our link. "Caroline, go to our room now", Clover says. The pain is getting worse and I'm worried about our pup. That's when I notice blood running down my leg. I start to move faster. I need to get to the pack hospital. "Just go to our room Caroline. We are losing the pup but you need to see why" Clover says. My heart breaks when she says we are losing the pup. How could the goddess be so cruel? I reach the stairs and push myself with every bit of strength I have. I push our door open and as soon as I'm inside, I can hear the moans of Donovan's betrayal. How could he do this to me? He cared nothing for me or our pup. "Clover, did you know? Did you know he was cheating the last time I had this pain?" "I suspected, but you needed to see it for yourself. After he has been the perfect mate you would never have believed he betrayed us. Lazlo told me where he was and what he was doing when the pain started, because he doesn't agree with his humans' choices. He loves us both and would never betray us this way." I don't even realize I'm moving toward the door. I reach for the handle and take a deep breath. I open the door slowly so they won't hear me. Everything inside of me breaks as blood pools around my feet. I stare in disbelief as the man I love thrusts into a woman that I considered my mother. Her screams fill the room along with Donovan's grunts. Everything emotion I felt for these two people who were supposed to love and protect me is gone, replaced by hatred. I see Donovan stiffen as his brain must register my scent. He throws open the shower door and our eyes meet. "Caroline" he says, and I turn without another word. There is nothing left to say. The pain is gone but the emptiness is all to present. I've lost my pup, my mate, and my mother in a matter of minutes. I walk down the hallway toward the stairs when I'm grabbed by the arms and spun around. I come face to face with the eyes of a man that promised to love me. "Caroline, you're bleeding. Please let's get you to the hospital and check on our pup." I can help the evil laugh that escapes me. Donovan takes a step back and I notice Candy standing behind him. “There is no our pup. You and that wh*re killed our pup. I hope that f**king her was worth everything.”
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