The longest wait

1042 Words
ACE Star has been asleep for two days. They are going to try to bring her around today. My brothers and I have taken it in turns to stay with her, and it’s my turn now. I am sitting crossed legged the bed we had set up beside her, I tend to spend my time reading to her. The doctor said that even if she wakes up today, that she will still need time to recover, so she is likely to be here for at least another week. Her bruising has gone down a lot, her gorgeous face is now different shades of purple, but the swelling has gone. Dad arranged for us to take the week off from school. Teachers have sent work home for us, so we don’t fall behind. But I don’t think any of us have hardly looked at it yet. We have spent most of our free time getting our suite ready for our girl to come home to. Ashton took Maxine and Suzie shopping for Star, buying everything the girls said she would like. She now has a closet full of new clothes, enough makeup to stock our own shop. Along with a laptop, tablet, new phone, watch, and all sorts of jewellery, these are all wrapped for her birthday. I think we are all trying to keep busy, anything to stop us from marching into the cells and ripping those as.sholes to pieces. Putting the book I have been reading to her away, and lie down facing my angel, holding her hand. I close my eyes and link my wolf, Maximus. Our wolves have been linking with Saffron, hoping the mare bond will help her recover faster. "Hey buddy, how is she doing today?" I felt him pull back from Star’s mind. He gave me a huge grin. "She is awake, tired but awake, goddess. She is beautiful" I smiled at that. "Just like her human, does she think Star will be able to wake up today?" "She is not sure, Ace, there was so much damage, she is not sure they are strong enough yet." I sighed and lifted Star’s hand to my lips. I lay with her quietly, just holding her hand, trying to give her strength. "Come on beautiful, you can do it." The door opens behind me and I sense Alexei. He comes and climbs on the bed, leaning over Star and kissing her forehead, then both cheeks, before whispering in her ear. "It’s okay baby, your favourite Alpha is here to save you from Ace. It’s wake up day baby. You have to open those sexy eyes for me." I chuckled at him and pulled him off her. "You are going to crush her with your gigantic head in a minute." "You both know I am the favourite. It’s my job as the youngest and best looking." Ashton walks to the other side of Star and leans down to kiss her cheek. "Hello Starlight, are you ready for your busy day? I miss you, babe." We settled down to wait for the doctor "Maximus says. Saffron is awake. She isn’t sure if they are strong enough to wake up yet. Goddess, I just want to hear her voice. Has all the furniture arrived?" Ash nods, the doctor arrives with a nurse, "Okay boys, let’s get our girl down for a scan and see what’s going on in that head of hers." They wheel our girl away and we just sit there, none of us wanting to admit our fears. What if she doesn’t wake up? Mum and dad came in and sat with us. The council had made a decision about what to do with Charlotte, Sandie, and Billy. They decided to send them to work in the council's territory. They would work with the domestic staff, and in return will be given room and board, and a small wage. Their parents were not happy, and have tried to kick up a stink, but the council have taken the same view as mum, and blamed them for their daughters' behavior. They had been told to suck it up, or they would also be transferred to another pack across the country, further away from their daughters. The council also decided that Dexter and his friends would be sent to a council rehabilitation centre. It's like a bootcamp. They will also be doing community service for the next twelve months. Now we just have to deal with Stars’ family to deal with. Dr Phillips came back in and sighed. "Good news, the swelling on her brain has been reduced but there is still a lot of bruising and there had been a small bleed that the swelling had hidden." "We have stopped the medication that kept her comatose, so it’s just a waiting game now. She will wake up in her own time, just keep doing what you are doing, it is making a difference, your wolves are making her wolf get stronger, she will be the key to waking Star." "The nurses are removing her bandages, giving her a bath, and washing her hair. Do we have some pajamas for her? Let’s make her comfortable, shall we?" Ashton grabs a duffel bag from the door, he put it on the bed and pulled out a set of pink flannel pajamas, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, a hairbrush and hair dryer and a pack of hair ties. We all looked at him like he had two heads. He gave a sheepish grin. "Max and Suzie packed it with me." The doctor chuckled and took everything to the nurses. Half an hour later, they wheeled my angel back in all clean and in her cute pj’s, her hair had been put into two long braids that lay on her chest. I could see Lex frowning at them, it is his night to sleep here, so those braids are done for. She looked like she was just sleeping. "We don’t need to plug her back into everything. Just call if you notice any change, okay?" He left us all alone. Mum and dad said good night, and we spent the evening playing cards and talking to Star. Goddess, please let her wake up soon.
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