The longest sleep

810 Words
STAR I heard voices, but they were so quiet, like they were miles away. I strained my ears, trying to hear. "Come on fairy-girl, wake up and smile at me. Please, baby, I need you to wake up" "Starlight, can you hear us? Come on beautiful, open those gorgeous eyes." "I am so sorry, Tink. I wasn’t there when you needed me. Please wake up and I will never leave you alone again." I tried to open my eyes, but bright lights blinded me. I tried again and managed to blink; I groaned and heard three voices at once. "Star? Star, she’s waking up." I tried to speak, but only a croak came out. Ace brings a glass to my lips. "wh... what...happened?" Alexei comes closer and kisses my cheek, he whispered in my ear. "You found me fairy-girl." What the hell is going on, my head is fuzzy, I blink a couple of time, then I start to remember, "Clementine attacked me with a fu.cking frying pan! She better not expect me to clean up after that, the b***h!" Ace leans over me and smirks, "They are all in the cells awaiting your judgment, Tink. What else do you remember?" I tried to think, goddess why won't my brain work? "I remember being in the forest, trying to get to the pack house, but then........Alexei you were there." "That's right Fairy-girl, you fell at my feet, so I scooped you up and ran to the hospital. It was real hero stuff, rewards should definitely be given." He puffs out his chest "Oh, what time is it? I am supposed to go to old Mrs Allan's this afternoon to do her housework." All three of them are staring at me, do I have something on my face.... OMG has she fu.cked up my face? Asher stroked my cheek. "Babe, you have been asleep for nearly a week, it's Friday night. Mrs Allen is fine. Maxine went to help her, and they had a blast. You have woken up just in time for your birthday, it's 11:55 pm, so five minutes and you will be 18 gorgeous." Wait! Babe? Gorgeous? Didn't Alexei call me baby just now? What the is going on? And my birthday, Saffron. "I am here honey, we have really been through it, Star, we are getting stronger but not enough to shift. It would hurt you, so we will have to wait." I felt tears starting to form but I know she is right. "Saffy says we are too weak to shift tonight, that we will have to wait." Ace engulfed my tiny hand in his, and all three of them just stared at me, what..............I was hit by the most amazing smell, it's like all my favourite things in one. Coffee, chocolate, cinnamon, cookies, also oak and fresh cut grass. It's like having a picnic in my nose. There are tingles running up my arm. OH, MY GODDESS, is it? Does it? I look up at the three gorgeous men before me and I hear all three of them growl. "MINE!" I gasped, and reached my hand out to Ace, touching his cheek, he sighed and leaned into my palm. I reach my other hand to Ashton and looked at Alexei. He rested his forehead against mine. "You're mine? All of you?" "Yes baby, all yours, forever." I feel myself being lifted carefully and then I am on Ace's lap. I put my arms around his neck, and we held each other. His hands rubbed up and down my back. "I am so sorry we weren't there to save you Tink." I leaned back and cupped his face, touching our foreheads together. "it's not your fault, any of it, please don't put the blame on yourself" He looks so sad, I can't help myself. I pressed my lips to his, his eyes widened for a second before they darkened, he cupped the back of my neck and deepened the kiss by pushing his tongue into my mouth. "mmmmm," I groaned, I am lifted and put on Lexi's lap, so I am straddling him, Ashton grabs my cheeks, smirking at me, "there are three of us Starlight, you need to share your kisses," and then he is devouring my mouth. I gasped and he slipped his tongue in caressing my tongue with his. Alexei kisses my neck, my arms wrap around him, my hands in his hair, I pull back from Ashton and attack Lexi's mouth. He lets me control our kiss but grabs my ass, letting me know who is really in control. He pulled away a little, breathing hard, "I think that's enough kissing for now baby," or I'm going to forget you are still recovering. He plants one last sweet kiss on my lips, before putting me back on my bed.
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