Our biggest fear

2272 Words
ALEXEI After mum ripped us all a new as.shole, we spent an hour in our Alpha suite; we are renovating it so that it will be ready for Star to move in. At the moment, we still live in our parent’s suite. We wanted to wait and move in at the same time as our Luna, so she would feel that it is her home as much as ours. It is almost ready to go, and it looks great, goddess. Goddess, I hope she likes it. After leaving my brothers, I decided I needed to let off some steam, so I mind-linked Oliver to meet me in the forest for some sparring. Mum was right. by thinking with our d***s, we caused the situation that almost got Star hurt. We got involved with three crazy who.res, who, let’s face it, while pretty, are really nothing special. Oliver and I had been sparring for about 20 minutes when my wolf, Hunter, got really agitated. He had been pacing for a while but I just put it down to the as.s kicking mum gave us, and having to wait for Star. But now he is going crazy. "Hunter? What’s wrong, dude?" "I don’t know. I have a feeling I can’t shake." While I’m distracted, Olly gets a few good hits in, knocking me on my as.s. He laughs at me, so I attack him, throwing him into a tree. I am laughing at him when I hear a scream that turns my blood to ice. "ALEXEI!" I turned and saw my beautiful Fairy crumple to the ground. I rushed to her shouting for Olly to get help, there was blood all over her, one of her eyes was swollen shut, with a huge gash on her forehead. I picked her up carefully, and ran, talking to her as I headed to the hospital. "It’s going to be OK baby, I have you." I mind-linked my brothers, "Get to the hospital now. They hurt Star." The tears are in my voice. I made it to the hospital in record time; walking in and screaming for a doctor. I gently lay Star on a stretcher and nurses wheeled her down a corridor. When we got to the end, I was told to stay in the waiting room. "Lexi, what the fu.ck happened? You have blood all over you." my brothers sat down next to me. I looked at the blood on my hands. I can’t stop shaking. "I don’t know. I was sparing with Olly, and then I heard her scream my name. She has had the sh.it beaten out of her, but we won’t know more until she wakes up." Mum and Dad showed up a few minutes later, and we waited. A nurse brings me clean clothes and I go shower quickly and dress. And then we waited some more. Finally, Dr Phillips came out of the door they had taken Star through. "Alphas, Luna. Miss Anderson had been badly beaten. Her head injuries are severe, it looked like someone hit her with something heavy and with massive force on the side of her head, causing her brain to swell. She also sustained an impact on the front of her head just above her eye, fracturing her eye socket and her nose." I put my head in my hands, I am going to kill those bas.tards. "They also hit her on the back, breaking several ribs. From the Bruise, it was something large and round. My nurse thinks maybe a frying pan, because there are splash burns down her arms and grease on her clothes. We took her straight through to surgery, we had to make a small hole in her skull to release the pressure." "We have placed her in an induced coma to allow her brain time to heal, and take some strain from her wolf. Saffron is very weak, she has used all of her energy in keeping Star alive. She will be in recovery for several hours, we need to keep a close eye on her. You will be able to see her as soon as she is transferred to her room" "Now I won’t tell you to go home, but maybe you could investigate and get some answers. Her aunt was in a couple of hours ago with fat burns, if that helps." He gave us a nod and headed back to my baby. She had better be okay. Ace punched the wall, plaster flying everywhere. "They were fu.cking warned. I told them what would happen to anyone who hurts her, now they are going to die." "Ace honey, please calm down. We need to do this by the book. Andrew get the medical report on Clementine. We need it as evidence. Boys, can I trust you not to rip anyone’s head off until we have investigated properly? All three of us nodded in agreement. "Great, let’s go then, Lexi, link your warriors to meet us there. Come on, boys." When we got to Star's house, mum knocked on the door. A very drunk Clementine opens the door and sneers at mum, "Well, well, well, if it isn’t our Luna. What can us lowly omegas do for her highness? If you want the brat, she’s not here." The smell of bleach and Star’s blood is overpowering. Mum sniffs the air, "Clementine, I would like to come in and ask you some questions about an incident this morning." Her eyes clouded for a moment, before pushing the door open for us to enter. We walked into the sitting room, the smell of cheap booze almost overpowers everything else, but the smell of bleach and the faint trace of blood can still be scented. Graham strolls in from the kitchen, closing the door behind him. "Luna, Alphas, what can we do for you?" his eyes shifted between us, he looked scared. Ace steps up next to mum. "we heard that there was an incident this morning. Mrs Fuller even needed to go to the hospital. Could you tell us what happened?" His eyes darted around the room, "uumm, oh, Clem had a little accident cooking breakfast this morning, Hot oil splashed over her hand and arm, but she will be okay." Clementine, who had lay down on the couch, lifted her bandaged arm up for us to see. Mum went to sit next to her, a fake look of concern on her face. I frowned at Graham, "Your niece was also brought to the hospital today, she also had oil and burns, but on her face, neck and back, was she here when Mrs Fuller had her 'accident'? Clementine jumped up, "that brat, look what she did to me. She is useless, splashed me with oil." she stumbles and sits back down. Ace turns away from her, "Do you mind if my brother gets us some water from the kitchen, Mr Fuller?" He shakes his head, "oh no, I will get you some water, uuummm, it's a mess in there." Mum steps in front of him, "Graham, I can smell the bleach and blood from here, I know Star was hurt in that kitchen this morning, so I suggest you tell me what happened." The fu.cker pushed her. Big mistake. She grabbed his shoulder and kneed him in the nuts, so hard I think they are in his throat now. She turned him towards the front door and dropkicked him through it. A warrior picked him up and dragged him away. I hear a bang and a squeal from outside and dad crashes through the kitchen door, an unconscious Sebastian over his shoulder. "Little sh.it jumped out of his window, Knocked himself out by running into a tree." he carries the boy out and handed him to a warrior. Clementine looked around the room in confusion, "where has Graham gone? he was right there a second ago." Mum gives her a disgusted look and punched her in the face, knocking her out. She called for a warrior and told them to take the three to the cells. I grinned at her, "So you didn’t need us at all, huh?" Mum grins at me. "You forget, your dad and I are still the most feared warrior couple around. Now you three can go and pack Star's things, we can see what she needs then." I mind-linked Kurtis and Jonah to come and collect evidence from the kitchen, and I followed Star’s scent up to the attic. I am disgusted that my girl lived there. As expected of Star, the room is clean and her things are tidy, but her bed is a thin, lumpy and stained mattress on the floor, with a couple of thin blankets to keep her warm. The window has panes missing and plastic bags have been taped over it to try and keep the elements out. It's January for fu.cks sake, it's been snowing. She is never stepping foot in this house again. We packed her things. Not that there was a lot. We need to go shopping. My girl is only going to have the best from now on. I am the last to leave her room. I remember her room from when we were kids. She had a princess bed and Gemma had put fairy lights around the ceiling. Dad and Alvin had made her a reading nook, two shelves with a love seat built between them. Wolves carved into the sides. To go from that to this, she should never have come here, she should have been with us, we had the room, and we loved her. I felt so guilty at how we had grown apart. Why did we let it happen? Sighing, I headed for the stairs. When I got outside, Dad and Ace were both on the phone. I stand next to Ash and he puts his arm around my shoulder. Ace walks over and joins us. "I have let Maxine know; she is going to get Suzie and meet us at the hospital." Sh.it, I didn’t even think of them. "Good, Kurtis and Jonah are going to look for any evidence in the kitchen." I stared at the bags of Star's stuff, "She is going to need some stuff. Her room was practically empty. Our girl is going to have the best of everything from now on." Dad ends his call and walks over to join us. "The council has given us free rain with the adults, but we need more information on the pup. I would like them to suffer a bit, give them a couple of days of withdrawal, and then we can ask Star what she wants us to do. But she is your mate, so it’s your decision." I looked at my brothers, and we all agreed with Dad. I want to see them in pain, but Star should make the decision. We headed back to the hospital and waited. Mum was talking to dad about Charlotte and the gang. She sighed. "I humiliated the parents, told them that all three of their daughters had ranked as level three Omegas, and as far as I am concerned, it was because of them. Mr Prince was not happy, and threatened us with the council, so I called the council myself and put them on speaker. By the end of the call, The council threatened to drop them all down to Omegas. For now, the girls are on house arrest and tagged, like the boys, and the council will decide on their fate. They don't think the boys' punishment was harsh enough, so they are thinking of what punishment would suit them." Dr Phillips joined us and sat across from us. "Young Star is doing okay. As I said, we have put her in an induced coma, and the next 48 hours are critical. Her other injuries are healing nicely, but Saffron is still very weak." He let out a huge sigh, and rubbed his hand over his face. "I have known Star her whole life, She is such a warm, loving girl, the staff here love her." Shaking his head, his shoulders dropped. "She has a lot of historical injuries. She has been the victim of abuse for a long time, there is evidence of broken fingers and toes, and the scarring on her back is horrifying. You need to make sure she doesn’t return to those conditions." we all nod "Doc, she is our mate. She won’t feel it till her birthday next Saturday, but anything we can do to help, we will do. We would also like one of us to be here at all times, so she is not alone." He smiles at me. "She is so close to her birthday that she may already feel the start of the bond. Her wolf definitely will, so you being with her will help her a lot, get your wolves to connect to hers. It will give her strength." He stands up, "I will arrange for a bed to be put beside hers for you. Hold her hand, talk to her. It will give her something to hold on to. You can see her now, but I ask no more than three at a time, okay?" He leads us to her room. She is so still, her head is wrapped in bandages and her little face is covered in bruises. I walked over to her bed and gently held her hand. "Please hold on my darling, I can’t lose you, so fight for me." The three of us sit around her bed, willing her to pull through.
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