Chapter 6: Dinner At Pierre’s

1994 Words
Cassidy I spent the rest of the week in the study, working on my business plan. I only took a break on Saturday to have an early dinner with Brad. Everything looks good, and I have done all the research I needed. I am ready for Monday, and excited to share my new vision for our brand. I am in my room, getting ready for dinner, when grandma peeks in. “Do you have a minute?” she asks me, and I smile. “Sure, come in, I am just getting ready for dinner with Brad.” I say. Grandma giggles and takes a seat on the sofa. “I have someone I would like you to meet. Now that you are free from that horrid man, you need to find yourself a good husband. Someone who can take care of you,” she says. “Please don’t do this to me grandma. Don’t force me to go on any blind dates. I just want to be alone for a while, and work on my own issues,” I say. “Fine, but let me know when you are ready. I know he is dying to meet you, and you won’t be sorry.” She says and I giggle. This woman, I can’t help but love her. “I will, grandma. I just need some time to build up my self-confidence again.” I said, and besides, the only man I have on my mind constantly, is Jessie. I think its best that I never see him again. “Okay sweety, have fun at dinner. Brad is taking you to an auction. There is a necklace I want you to bid on for me please. Its by a local designer, and I have had my eye on it for a while. Brad knows which one it is.” She says. “Price range?” I ask. “None, he is very talented. The more he earns from his pieces, the better. I can set you up on a date with him too, if you like.” She says and I have to chuckle. “Grandma!” I yell. She giggles and winks at me before she leaves. That actually gives me an idea. Maybe we can collaborate with him on some of my new ideas. Grandma already likes him so he must be good. I must check out his work. I will get the details from Brad. When I am done, I look in the mirror. I haven’t dressed up like this in a while. I kept my makeup light, and the only pop of color is my red lips to match the dress. I am wearing a red off the shoulder, floor-length gown, with black lace on the edging over my breasts. I feel sexy, thanks to my new wardrobe from grandma. I matched it with black stiletto sandals, and a black purse. Now for some dinner with my twin, and a bid or two. I meet him downstairs, and he whistles when he sees me. “Looking mighty fine, Miss Ember. Should I take my shotgun with me, to chase off all the men?” he asks. “Yeah right, no one wants me.” I say and he frowns. “They will be lucky to have someone as perfect as you. But as your big brother, my role is to keep them away, and that is what I will do.” He says and offers me his arm. I hook mine through his and chuckle. “Let’s just go.” I say, and he chuckles and leads me to his car. On the drive over, I asked him about the piece grandma wanted. He gave me the details of the designer and I explained my plan to him. “I like the idea, sis. You really are back in the game,” He says. I polish my nails on my clothes and smirk. “I plan to make a grand entrance, dear brother.” I say and he chuckles. We pull up to the restaurant my family owns. “Why here?” I ask. “I love Pierre’s cooking. He is waiting for you. Just be ready for an earful.” He says, and I roll my eyes. Pierre is my very gay cousin, who is the head chef at the restaurant. I basically opened it just for him. So, he can realize his vision without having to worry about the business side. He just wants to cook and drive the staff crazy. “Good evening Mr. Ember. Why didn’t you let me know you were coming?” The hostess says, batting her eyelids at Brad and ignoring me. “Can we have a table at the window please. I missed this view,” I asked her, and she looked me up and down. She rolls her eyes and looks at Brad again. “Where would you like to be seated tonight sir?” she asks, bending over slightly to give him a better view of her cleavage. “You heard my date. A table overlooking the ocean please.” He says, and smiles down at me. She glares at me, and leads us to a table. When we get there, Brad pulls out my chair and I look at him. “Just give me a second, I want to use the powder room.” I say and he nods. “Better hurry up, or Pierre will come get you. You know he will.” He says and I chuckle as I walk away. He really will, he has no shame. I headed to the ladies, because I really needed to pee. When I came out of the stall, little Miss hostess was waiting for me. “He is mine and off limits. Take yourself back to whatever corner he took you off. He doesn’t need your services, and we don’t allow hookers in our establishment.” She says, glaring at me. I am a bit taken aback by her rudeness, and I wonder if she treats all the customers like that. “Excuse me?” I say and she scoffs. “You heard me. Leave, b***h, before I make you.” She says and takes a step closer to me. The door opens, and Pierre barrels in. “b***h, are you hiding from me?” he asks in his usual sassy tone. “No Pierre, I just needed to pee. Then I was accosted by this, not so lovely lady, who basically called me a hooker and asked me to leave. Apparently, Brad belongs to her.” I say and Pierre gasps dramatically and spins around to face the hostess. “Do you even know who she is?” he asks her, and she shrugs. “She looks like a hooker to me, and we don’t allow them in here.” She says and I roll my eyes. Pierre steps towards her and he looked so angry. “Get your things and leave. I never want to see your face here again. I will make sure to blacklist you with everyone I know,” he says, and her eyes widen. “Why? I did nothing wrong. You should throw her out.” She says. “She is the owner of this restaurant you imbecile. You really take the dumb blonde stereotype to the next level, don’t you? Can’t you see she looks exactly like Bradley, you i***t?” Pierre asks and she gasps. “You are the twin sister?” she asks, and I give her a wink. “I am so sorry Ms. Ember, I didn’t know who you were. Please forgive me.” She says and I chuckle. “I get that you didn’t know who I was. But that doesn’t give you the right to speak to anyone, the way you spoke to me. I can’t have someone like you around my clientele. I am sure you act this way every time Brad brings a date. The way I see it, if he felt anything for you, I would’ve heard about you. Since I haven’t, I guess you are a gold digger that throws herself at him. And just so you know, no hooker could afford this dress I am wearing. Whereas you actually do look like a hooker, rather than a hostess. And as you said, we don’t allow hookers in our establishment. Either way, you no longer work here. Please leave.” I said and took Pierre’s hand, and pulled him with me. “And I thank you,” Pierre says and winks at her, and skips after me. “I missed your sass. Please tell me you are back?” he says, hugging me tightly. “I am back. I missed you too. I am a free woman now, and I plan to reinvent myself and step back into society.” I say and he claps his hands excitedly. “I am with you every step of the way, just let me know what you need.” He says and walks me over to our table. “What are you having?” he asks. “Surprise us, I am sure I have missed out on many new creations since I was last here.” I say, and he gives me a look with one eyebrow raised. “Girl, it’s been over three years. Do you know how many bursts of inspiration I have had? All I do is create masterpieces,” he says. “I know, just pick one and let me try it.” I say and he smiles. “I will be back soon.” He says and Brad chuckles. “I told you he would come get you. Why were you taking so long anyway?” he asks, and I fill him in. “I really don’t like that girl. She always throws herself at me. I normally come on her off days, but the other hostess is down with the flu.” He says and I chuckle. “I don’t blame her; my brother is quite a catch,” I say and he frowns. “She is just after our money. I can’t stand women like her.” He says and I nod. “Me too, and now my ex is stuck with someone like her, and someone else’s baby.” I say, and we both burst out laughing. The waiter served our starter and after that, Pierre came by to personally bring our meal. I was in love from the first bite. He knows I love seafood and this Lobster Thermidor is the best I have ever had. He always adds his own twists to things, and I love it. He stayed and ate with us, and we had so much fun. I told him everything that went down with Joseph, and my encounter with Jessie. When I mentioned Jessie, I saw the look he and Brad exchanged. But I chose not to comment. “So now you are taking your power back. I love that for you girlfriend. Own that sexy body of yours.” He says and I chuckle. “So, do you think you will see this Jessie guy again?” Pierre asks me and I frown. “I really hope not. We did some really risky things I had never done before. I am not ashamed, but one-night stands are so not me.” I say and he nods. “Well, for what its worth, he sounds much better than that ex of yours. How you put up with him for so long, both amazes me and pisses me off.” He says and I chuckle. “The odds of seeing him again are slim to none. Unless I go back to the beach house. Which I don’t plan to do for a very long time.” I say and Brad scoffs. “What?” I ask and he just chuckles and shakes his head.
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