Chapter 5: Morning After

1999 Words
Cassidy “Your grandfather told me what happened.” He says, answering my unspoken question. “Thank you, I didn’t mean to bring down the mood. Being here just reminds me of them.” I say and he nods and takes my hand. “It’s okay, you aren’t bringing down the mood. I want to get to know you. You can tell me anything.” He says and I smile. He is actually very sweet, and any woman would be lucky to have him. But not me, this is just one night. “Thank you, you are very sweet. But I would rather not talk about that now. Tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living?” I said, and took another bite of the yummy casserole. “I am a businessman and my life isn’t that interesting.” He says and continues eating. “Okay, so you want me to divulge all my secrets, but you don’t tell me anything?” I ask with one eyebrow raised. “The only interesting thing in my life in a while has been meeting you.” He says chuckling. I highly doubt that. By the time we had finished eating and making small talk, we also finished the bottle and moved on to another one. I can feel the wine is starting to affect me and I think I should go home. “Thank you for a lovely evening, but I really should go.” I said as I got up on unsteady legs. He catches me by my waist and chuckles. “You aren’t going anywhere. I told you I am not done with you yet.” He says and picks me up and carries me upstairs, with me giggling the whole way. I don’t know how many times we had s*x before he let me rest. Or maybe I passed out. I am not too sure. The wine and all the orgasms were making my brain foggy. I have never had so many orgasms in a row before. With Joseph, I was lucky if I had an orgasm at all. I wake up, and I am in a warm embrace. I turned my head and saw that I was being spooned by Jessie. He is still fast asleep, so I try to make my escape. I can’t believe I am still here. My plan was to escape right after the s*x. I don’t need any awkward mornings after conversations. I try to get out of his embrace, but he just tightens his hold. f**k, I need to get away. I waited a while before I moved again. I quickly hand him the pillow to hold, and he groans and goes back to sleep. I looked at him and smiled. He is so handsome and so sexy. And my God, the things he did to me last night should be illegal. I quickly got up and grabbed his shirt and put it on. I tiptoed downstairs and quietly opened the door and made my escape. I headed down to the beach and saw my bag wasn’t there anymore. Oh well, it's mostly my cell phone that I needed, and maybe it is time for a new one. I don’t need any of the numbers on it anyway, and I know Brad and my grandparents’ numbers by heart. The others are all in the past. I headed to the beach house and used the landline to call Akeef. “Good morning Ms. Cassidy, everything okay?” he asks me. “Morning Akeef, yes, all good. I was wondering if you could come pick me up now. I changed my mind and wanted to head back home. I have a lot of work to catch up on,” I told him. “I will be there in 20 minutes. Did you let the captain know?” he asked me. “No, I was going to call him next.” I said. “Don’t worry, I will let him know. See you soon.” He says and hangs up. I ran upstairs and took a quick shower. Well, not so quick, because I found myself replaying the events of last night in my mind, and my clit immediately throbbed. I can’t believe I am doing this, but I start touching myself. I orgasm very quickly, just imagining his hands and mouth on me. That man has me tied up in knots and I need to get away. There is no way I am ready for a relationship again. I quickly dressed and grabbed my bags and went outside to meet Akeef. True to his word, he arrived exactly 20 minutes later. I get in and he loads my luggage. I glanced back at Jessie’s place and smiled. “Thank you for a wonderful evening I will never forget.” I whispered before I looked away. The drive to the airport is a quick one, and I bid Akeef goodbye before boarding the jet. I still didn’t have a phone, so I use the one on the jet to call Brad to collect me at the airport. He obviously had a lot of questions due to my sudden arrival, but I just brushed him off. I don’t want to go there right now. So, I maintained the lie about wanting to catch up on work. It’s not exactly a lie, it’s just not the full story. He is there waiting for me when I land. He really is such a good brother, and he is always there when I need him. When we are finally in the car and driving back home, I spill the truth. “Wait, so you came running back home because you had a one-night stand with some guy?” he asks me and I nod. “Yes, I couldn’t face him.” I say and Brad chuckles. “You are a grown ass woman. Why did you run?” he asked me, and I glared at him. “He was so sweet, and I knew he wanted more. So, I ran away before he woke up, so that I didn’t have to say no to his face.” I say and Brad shakes his head. “But you like him?” he asks. “I do, but Cassidy 2.0 has no time for relationships with sexy, mysterious men. She needs to work on herself first,” I said, and he smiled. “Cassidy 2.0 ha?” he asks and I nod and giggle. “So, what is Cassidy 2.0’s plan exactly?” he asks and I smirk. “Take back control of my life. Take my place at the company and cancel all contracts in favor of Joseph. I won’t spend another dime of this family’s money helping that lying son of a b***h. I also won't support his mistress’s baby. I have nothing against the child, whoever its father is, but the mom is a scandalous home wrecker. Then I want to get some new business and clients for us. I want to grow the business and expand to other fields. I will spend the rest of the week working on a new business model to have it ready for the board on Monday.” I said, and he smiled. “I am so proud of you, sis. It's time you took back your power.” He says and squeezes my hand. We pull up to the house, and we get my luggage and go inside. My grandparents are shocked to see me, but I explained that I really want to get started on work. Grandpa looked so proud, and I felt so guilty about lying. Jessie I open my eyes and see that I am hugging a pillow, and not Cassidy. Where is she? I looked around the room and didn’t see her. “Cassidy? You in the bathroom?” I yelled and got no response. Maybe she was hungry. I get up, still naked, and walk downstairs, but she isn’t there either. “Cassidy!” I yell but get no response. Did she really just leave? I wonder if something has come up? I ran upstairs and took a quick shower and dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, and headed next door to check on her. I took her bag and phone with me. I don’t think she knows I went back for it. I smile as I remember how shattered she was, when I finally let her sleep. God that woman does things to me. From the moment I looked into her bright green eyes, I was a goner. I still can’t believe she let me have my way with her. She didn’t back down at all, and gave as good as she got. She is something else, and I can’t wait to have her again. I knocked on the door and got no answer. I rang the doorbell and no answer either. I walked around the back, but it was closed too. Where could she be? I can’t call her because I have her phone. I dialed Akeef’s number in the hopes that she was with him. He is her driver after all. “Morning Mr. Golding, what can I do for you?” he says when he answers the phone. “Morning Akeef, sorry to bother you. Is Cassidy with you?” I ask. “No sir, she isn’t.” he answers and I frown. “Do you know where she is? I am in front of her door and no one is answering. She left her cellphone at my place, so I can’t get hold of her.” I say. “She left in a hurry this morning sir. I am driving back from the airfield now. I just dropped her off.” he says. What the f**k? “Do you know where she went?” I asked through gritted teeth. “She said she was going back home to catch up on work.” he answered. f**k, I can’t believe this. “Thank you Akeef. See you soon.” I said and hung up. “I can’t believe she actually ran away from me.” I whispered to myself. No one has ever run away from me before, its more the other way around. I lean my head against her front door and close my eyes. I replay last night in my mind and open my eyes. There is no way I am letting her get away from me that easily. “Don’t you worry Cassidy Ember. I will come for you, and no one will stop me from having you again.” I said to myself and walked with renewed purpose back to my house. I just have to take a quick trip to Paris to close a deal, and then onto my new venture. Winning over Miss Cassidy Ember. I will make her fall in love with me and I will marry that woman. I don’t think a woman has ever caught my attention like she has. And now that I know that bastard isn’t in her life anymore, nothing is standing in my way of having her. I ran upstairs and quickly packed up my things. I smile when I see her bikini still lying on the bathroom floor. I picked it up and took it with me. I called my pilot to be ready for takeoff. I have a lot to do so that I can clear my schedule. I also need to call Brad and hear what she said to him. I can see that she is going to drive me crazy, but I am looking forward to it. I can’t help replaying last night in my mind. I never imagined that I would get so far with her on the first night. I bet she thinks she will never see me again. She is in for a big surprise. I want her, I always have. I won’t stop until she is mine.
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