Chapter 7: An Auction To Remember

1997 Words
Cassidy These two know something, and they are keeping it from me. “What are you two hiding from me?” I asked. “Nothing, its just that you will be going back to work soon. And you said he was a businessman? The successful business world is smaller than you think,” Brad says. “I get what you are saying, anyway, change of topic. Are you joining us for the auction?” I asked Pierre. “No dear, I have to get back to work. We are fully booked for after the auction. That’s why Brad brought you early.” He says. “Thank you, guys. I had a great time. I really did miss your cooking,” I said. “Who wouldn’t miss me? Have you seen me? I am just that b***h you can never forget.” He says, and Brad and I chuckle. He gets up and hugs me, and leaves. Brad and I also got up to leave. I am not one for auctions, but I have a feeling this is going to be a good one. I can’t wait to see this designer’s creations. Even Brad said that his pieces are good. The drive to the auction is a quick one, but the place is packed. I really don’t like it when the wealthy gather in one place. It's suffocating how they throw their wealth around. I may be wealthy, but living a simple life makes me happy. That’s why I was so happy when Joseph and I lived in our first flat. It was small and cozy, and all we had was each other. That was all I needed. Brad offers me his arm and leads me inside. The very first face I see makes me want to turn around. “Oh no you don’t. You are an Ember; we hold our heads high. He is so beneath you, it's hilarious. Chin up Buttercup, it's showtime.” Brad says and kisses my cheek, and leads me inside. I walk with purpose and sway my hips. I can do this; I was born for this. He sees me, and scowls. He stomps over with that b***h following behind him. I make like I don’t see or know them, as Brad leads me to our seats. I sat down and Joseph came to stand in front of me. “What the f**k are you doing here? Whoring yourself out already?” he asks and Brad immediately jumps up, and grabs him by his collar. “Say that again.” Brad says, and Joseph looks at me. “Getting your boy-toy to fight your battles?” he asks me, and I scoff. “Please, I can handle you. Brad let him go, he isn’t worth your time or energy. We don’t need to make a scene.” I say and Brad looks at me and scowls. “He is a disrespectful asshole, and he needs to be taught a lesson.” Brad says, but I shake my head, and he lets go. “Come on baby, don’t waste your time on trailer trash. Look at the bargain dress she is wearing. You can see it’s a knock off.” Sarah says in her high, pitched nasal voice. “You are right my love, let’s not waste our time on classless fools.” Joseph says, and they walk off. “I almost feel bad for him. Are you ever going to tell him?” Brad asks me and I chuckle. “Maybe after she milks him dry.” I say, and he laughs so loud, that people start to stare at us. I can’t help but join him. Sarah shoots me a glare, and I give her a wink. “Enjoy my scraps.” I mouth to her, and she gets up to come over, but Joseph stops her and I just chuckle. The auction starts and the bidding prices are crazy. These people have so much money to waste. Finally, the piece grandma wanted is up for auction and I have to admit, it’s beautiful. The designer comes up, and tells us about the piece. He is a handsome man, I must say. He has hazel eyes and brown hair. His features are very chiseled and refined. He carries himself like he comes from money. “Good evening, everyone, my name is Simon Gil, and I am the designer of this unique and original piece. This piece was inspired by a woman I once saw passing my workshop. She had a timeless beauty, and the emeralds reminded me of her eyes. I used clean cut smaller diamonds to accentuate the emeralds, as to not take away from its beauty. I set it all in white gold, just as refined as my muse.” He says, and everyone claps, as he leaves the stage and the bidding begins. What a lovely story. It's crazy how much the bidding started at. There are five bids in, and we are already over a million. Grandma must really want this piece. I see Joseph is bidding too, and I chuckle. Come Monday, he won’t be able to afford gas for his tank. He had better bid wisely. “5 Million,” I say and Sarah gasps and shows Joseph who is bidding. “She can’t afford that, 5.1 million.” Joseph yells. “7 million,” Brad yells. “Isn’t that Bradley Ember? I wonder who the girl is?” I heard someone say. “Are you talking about The Embers?” Sarah asks the woman. “f**k, bid higher, I want to wear that at our wedding. No way am I letting that b***h get it.” Sarah says, and Brad chuckles while he listens to them. “7.1 million” Joseph says and I scoff. “10 million,” I yell, lifting my paddle. “10.1 million,” Joseph yells and I get up. “Stop wasting this talented artist's time. I bid 20 million. Anyone want to counter?” I ask, looking around and no one answers. “20 million going one, twice, and sold to the lovely lady in red.” The auctioneer says, and bidding is over. “It's you, my muse.” I hear the artist say as he steps on stage, and takes the mic. “I can’t believe I found you again.” He says and everyone looks at me. I have no idea what he is talking about, and I am feeling a little flustered with all these eyes on me. He hands the mic back to the auctioneer, and runs over to me. “You are the inspiration for that piece. I cannot let you buy it. Let me gift it to you on our first date.” He says and I giggle. Is this guy for real? I don’t know him at all, and I am not going on any dates. “I would rather support your beautiful art. You deserve to be compensated for your caliber of work.” I say not wanting to offend him. Everyone is now looking at us. “I am Simon Gil; may I please have a moment of your time?” he asks, and I look at Brad and he nods. I got up and followed him outside, away from prying eyes. The minute we were in the foyer, he took hold of my hand. “I can’t believe I found you. I have been looking for you for a long time. What is your name?” he asked me. “My name is Cassidy Ember. I am sorry, but I have never met you before.” I said, a little confused. “I am sorry, I know I sound like a weirdo. It’s just, I was going through a block, and couldn’t come up with new designs. I was staring out of the window of my workshop, and you walked by. You were buying flowers from a vendor. Then you turned around, and I was immediately drawn in, and mesmerized by your eyes and your beauty. I tried to run after you, but some guy picked you up in a black car and I never saw you again.” He says. I really have no idea what he is talking about. “It must’ve been my husband.” I say and he frowns. “So, you are married?” he asks me and I chuckle. “Divorced actually, it’s been five days of blissful freedom.” I say. “Will you please go out on a date with me?” he asks me and I frown. “I just got out of a bad marriage; I am not looking for anything new. I need time for myself. But I do have something I would love to discuss with you.” I say and he smiles. “Sure, discuss away.” He says. He is actually a cool guy. I just really am not looking for romance. I explain who I am, and what I want to do, and he smiles. “Ah yes, so you are Mary’s granddaughter. She promised me a date with you. I would’ve gladly said yes, if I knew it was you.” He says. “Well, I was still married at the time anyway. So what do you think? Would you like to come to my office, so I can show you what I have in mind?” I asked and he nodded. “I would love to, and maybe we can catch a bite to eat.” He said and I smiled. “I will call your store on Monday to set up a meeting. I really have to get back to my brother. Oh, the piece I bought was for my grandmother. She loves your work.” I said. “Well, now she knows the special meaning behind it. I suppose it was always meant to be with you.” He says and I smile and say goodbye. I can feel he is watching me as I walk away, and I just want to get to Brad and leave. I step inside, and Joseph grabs my arm, and yanks me out again. I almost lost my footing, and knocked my shoulder against the wall. f**k that hurt. “What the f**k is wrong with you?” I asked him. “What the f**k is wrong with you? Whoring yourself out to the highest bidder, and going after the Embers money.” He says and I slap him. “f**k you, you have no right to say anything to me. You lost that right the minute I signed the divorce papers. And how dare you man handle me, you useless excuse for a man,” I said. He lifts his hand to hit me, but Brad grabs his arm and headbutts him. He stumbles back and knocks straight into Simon, who was also on his way to help. “Lifting your hands for a woman?” Simon says and punches him in the eye. I walked over to him, and put my hand on his shoulder. “You are nothing but a tiny d**k man child, who prefers sluts to good honest women.” I said and lifted my knee straight into his crotch. He screams out in pain and cups his balls. I walk away and both Bradley and Simon laugh. Security comes over, and they escort him away, with a screaming Sarah behind him. “I take it that’s the ex?” Simon asks and I nod. I introduced him to Brad, and we bid him farewell. “I can’t take you anywhere, can I?” he asks and I chuckle. “He came at me, and so did that hostess. I am the innocent party here.” I say and he chuckles. We head home and I get straight in the shower, and jump into bed after. My first day out in the world and look what happened.
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