Chapter 2: There Is No Place Like Home

1695 Words
Cassidy “What exactly happened? Don’t get me wrong, I am happy you finally came to your senses. But what changed?” Brad asked me as we were driving to my childhood home. “He asked for a divorce. He can’t have his mistress giving birth to a bastard, so he doesn’t need me anymore. His reason for divorce, according to the divorce agreement, was that I was unable to conceive.” I said and shrugged. “That stupid son of a b***h! Is it that slutty receptionist?” he asks and I nod. “Yeah, but do you want to know what the funniest thing about all this is?” I ask him, and he looks over at me with a frown. “What could possibly be funny about your situation?” Brad asks me. “Well, my dear brother, that is not Joseph’s child she is pregnant with.” I say. “How do you know that?” he asks and I chuckle. “We have been trying to have a baby for two years. He decided that it’s my fault, like everything else that goes wrong in his life. Anyway, so, he set up an appointment for us, with a fertility specialist. He didn’t even bother to stay; he just left a sample, and left me there alone. Turns out, he is the infertile one. He has Azoospermia, plus his sperm count is already too low.” I say and he frowns. “What does that mean? And why didn’t you tell him?” he asks and I chuckle. “Basically, there is no sperm in his semen. But the doctor also confirmed that his sperm count is too low and even with IVF, the chances of fertility are slim to none. Men are proud creatures, so I never told him, because I didn’t want him to feel like less of a man. I considered his feelings, but he never once considered mine. He was the problem all along, but he divorced me, because he thinks that I am barren. So, that baby is definitely not his.” I say with a smirk and Brad bursts out laughing. He pulls over just so he could laugh his ass off. “Stupid son of a b***h. Serves him right. Aren’t you going to tell him?” Brad asks. “I am not sure; I will decide when I come back from my vacation. Let him live in his fantasy for now.” I said, tapping my finger on my chin, acting like I was deep in thought. Brad just continues to laugh, and I have to join him. God, it feels good to laugh with my brother again. I missed him so much. He starts the car again, and we drive off, chatting and catching up. My nerves start to get the best of me the closer I get to the house. “Why so quiet?” Brad asks me. “I hope they forgive me. I really let them down.” I say and he gives me a smile. “They already forgave you; they aren’t mad at you. They still helped you, didn’t they? If it wasn’t for you, that assholes business would’ve been done for," he says and I nod. “I know, but I still feel like a disappointment,” I say, and he reaches over and squeezes my hand. We pull up to the driveway of my grandparents' villa and the guard opens the gate and greets me with a smile. I waved back, and we drove up to the house. When I got out of the car, I saw Paul, my grandparent’s handyman, working in the garden, and go over to him. “Hey Paul, how are the kids?” I asked. “Hey Cassy, it’s so good to see you. The kids are great, James just started at university, and Cindy is turning sixteen next month.” He says and I smile. “Wow, I am so happy for you Paul. They grew up so fast. What is James studying?” I asked and he smiled. “Business, he wants to be like you. He still has the biggest crush on you.” He says chuckling and I have to laugh with him. “When he gets his degree, there will be a job ready and waiting for him at Ember Inc.” I say and he nods. “Your grandparents have already done so much for us. They paid for his university fees; I can’t expect a job for him as well.” Paul says and I smile. “They are good kids Paul. Everyone needs a little help sometimes. You are part of the family, and we look after family.” I said and gave him a hug. “It’s good to see you back. Are you staying?” he asks and I smile. “Depends, we’ll see,” I say and wave goodbye as I walk back to Brad. He takes my hand and squeezes it, before he leads me inside. I look around and see that not much has changed since the last time I was there. I walked to the lounge and found my grandparents sitting on a sofa, drinking tea. “Hello grandpa, grandma.” I said as I walked over to them. They both put their cups down and got up. “Oh, my baby, I missed you.” Grandma Mary sobbed while holding me tightly. We are both crying and holding each other. I look at grandpa Eric, and he smiles at me and opens his arms. I hug him and sob, while he holds me tight and grandma joins the hug. When they let me go, grandma pulls me down to sit between her and grandpa. “Are you home for good?” grandma Mary asks me and I look down. “Only if you will have me. I am sorry for not listening to you. I thought he loved me; I was such a fool.” I said, sobbing. “Don’t worry about that now Cassy. You are always welcome here; this is your home. I am just glad you finally see the truth. Now, wipe those tears and let’s get you something to eat.” Grandma says. Grandma’s remedy for everything is food. “We were never angry at you Cassy, we just hoped that you would see the truth earlier. That’s why we gave you the space you asked for.” Grandpa Eric says and I smile. “Thank you, both of you.” I say and grandpa kisses my forehead. “Go, get something to eat. When you are ready, we can discuss your future. Brad has been doing a great job as COO, but you know business isn’t his passion. We need our CEO back and in charge,” Grandpa says, and I nod. “I am ready to go back, grandpa. I won’t let you or grandma down again. It's time I put myself and my needs first. And that company means more to me than anything. But first, I need a vacation. Some sunny skies will do me some good. Can I use the beach house?” I ask and he chuckles. “Sure sweety, whatever you need to get back on track. You know we will always support your decisions.” He says, and I smile and kiss his cheek and get up. I go with grandma to the kitchen and eat, while I fill her in on what just happened. I have never seen grandma this angry. “That cheating son of a b***h. And I can say that because his mother is a big b***h. He will get what’s coming to him. Don’t you worry princess.” Grandma says and I giggle. It’s so odd to hear her cuss. “Oh, he will, I have a big surprise planned for him,” I say and she chuckles. “A little revenge never hurt anyone, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. But the best revenge is for you to live a good happy life without him,” she says, and I nod and smile. She is right though, and he already has a surprise coming when he finds out who I really am. When we were done catching up, I headed to my old room. They left everything the same, but I see my wardrobe is up-to-date. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Only grandma will make sure that the latest fashion is always ready for me, even if I am not here. I wonder what she does with the other clothes? Maybe I should ask her. I lie down on my bed and mull over things. Living with Joseph these past three years has really been an eye-opener for me. His family treated me like s**t, because they thought I was from a poor family. I never disclosed my heritage, and I am so glad I didn’t. They are nothing but money-grabbing whores. All they care about are designer bags and clothes. I wonder if they will still stay when Joseph has nothing? I don’t know anyone that would help him out after I back out of his business. He wasn’t exactly friendly with anyone in the business world. He made enemies rather than friends. His smug attitude doesn’t help him either. I suspect that the minute his money runs out, his mother and sister will leave. It serves him right though. You reap what you sow. As for Sarah, she will definitely leave. I know her background, I did some digging. She is only after his money and when I pull the plug, he won’t have the money she is after. I hear a knock on my door, and Brad peeks in, breaking me out of my thoughts. “Ready to go?” he asks me and I sit up. “Just give me a few minutes to pack. Thanks, Brad.” I said and got up. He leaves, and I start packing a few things for my impromptu trip to the beach. There is nothing some sun and the beach won’t cure.
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