Chapter 3: Sunny Skies and Blue Eyes

1988 Words
Cassidy I took my bag downstairs, where Brad was waiting. “I will drop you at the hanger. The jet is ready and waiting. I already told Captain Jake where you’re heading. There will be a car waiting for you when you land. When are you thinking of coming back?” he asks me. “I will stay until the weekend and come back on Sunday. I want to go into the office on Monday to catch up.” I say. “Thank God, I can’t stand that office.” He says and I chuckle. “Thank you for stepping in for me. I don’t deserve such an awesome brother like you.” I say, hugging him. “That’s what big bros are there for.” He says and I roll my eyes. “You are older by two minutes. Two minutes!” I yell and he chuckles. “Still older,” he says, shrugging, and I slap his arm. He takes my bag out to the car and I go say goodbye to my grandparents. The drive to the airfield was so much fun. He caught me up on all the family and office drama. It was good to be with my twin again. Just Bradley and Cassidy, no bells and whistles. I boarded the jet and was pleasantly surprised to see that all the staff were still the same. They were all happy to see me back, and I must admit, it felt good to be around people who actually cared about me. I have gotten so used to feeling neglected. It’s a quick flight to the island and when we landed, the regular driver was waiting for me. “It’s good to see you, Akeef.” I said when he came to get my bag. “Miss Cassidy, I am so happy to see you too. We missed you. Mrs. Webb got everything ready for your visit. The kitchen is stocked and if you need anything, just give her a call.” He says as we get in the car. The drive to the beach house is short. When we pulled up, I looked over to the house next door and saw that the lights were on. I had better go greet Mr. Ohlsen, or I will never hear the end of it. But first, I wanted to drop my bag and change into my bikini. I need a swim before I go to bed. Akeef carries my things inside and bids me good night before leaving. I head to the kitchen for a bottle of water, and see a casserole dish on the counter with a note. The note read; ‘Hey Miss Cassidy, sorry I missed you. I will see you on Sunday before you leave. Please drop this chicken casserole next door for me. He wasn’t home when I left. Love you lots, Mrs. Webb.’ I chuckle and run upstairs to quickly change into a black bikini and tie my brown hair into a ponytail, before I go next door. I headed out with the casserole and my beach bag. I knock on the door and hear a deep masculine voice yell, “Coming” and I frown. I know it’s been three years, but that is not Mr. Ohlsen’s voice. Maybe one of his grandchildren is over. The door opens and my eyes widen. Who is this God, and what has he done with Mr. Ohlsen? “Can I help you?” he asks. “Hi, I am Cassidy. My family owns the house next door.” I said, pointing to our house. “Mrs. Webb left a note for me to bring this over. Is Mr. Ohlsen home?” I ask and he frowns. “Mr. Ohlsen doesn’t own this house anymore. He passed away last year, and I bought the house over from his son. Hi, my name is Jessie. I think Mrs. Webb left that for me. She knows I love her casserole.” He says with a smile. God, this man is s*x on legs. He has the clearest blue eyes I have ever seen. He has a sharp nose and deep dimples when he smiles. His back hair is short on the sides but long on top. He is shirtless, in a pair of swimming shorts, with a very big bulge. His toned abs look mouthwatering. “Would you like to come in?” he asks, snapping me out of my ogling. Judging by the smirk on his face, he caught me. “No, it’s okay, I just wanted to drop this off. I am heading for a quick swim before bed. It was nice meeting you Jessie. Please say hi to your wife for me.” I say as I hand him the dish, and turn to leave. “Can I join you?” he asks, and I turn back and look at him. “Well, I just wanted a quick swim alone. Wouldn’t you rather want to take a swim with your wife and not a complete stranger?” I ask and he chuckles. “I am not married, so I would much rather take a swim with you. You aren’t a complete stranger; I know where you live. And you did just bring me a casserole.” He says with a chuckle. Hmm not married, I wonder why? He is too good-looking to be single. “I am not good company at the moment. But the beach is open, and I can’t stop you, now, can I?” I said and shrugged as I walked away. Soon, I hear him run up behind me with a towel in hand. “So, what brings you out here alone?” he asks. “What makes you think I am here alone?” I ask and he chuckles. “Akeef told me that Eric’s granddaughter is staying until the weekend. He asked me to keep an eye on you,” Jessie said, and I frowned. “I don’t need anyone to keep an eye on me. I can look after myself, thank you.” I tell him and he chuckles. “You still didn’t answer my question,” he says. “What question?” I ask, slightly annoyed by this snooping man. “Why are you here alone? I am just trying to understand why such a beautiful woman like you would come here alone,” he says. “It’s a long story,” I say. He thinks I’m beautiful? Maybe he is just being nice. “I have time.” He says, taking a seat on his towel. I throw mine open and sit next to him. “Well, I just got divorced today, and needed a little me-time.” I say and he frowns. “I am sorry to hear that. May I ask who filed for divorce?” he asks. I looked out over the water and bite my bottom lip. I am not sure how much of my life I want to share with this man. I don’t even know him. But then again, I will probably only see him when I come out here, so no harm. Jessie She is even more beautiful than I remember. I waited three long years for this, and I am not going to mess this up. She has been through a lot, so I know I need to be gentle. The minute Brad called me to tell me the news, I rushed over here. I think I did a good job setting up this ‘chance encounter’. The first time I saw her I was mesmerized. I have never seen a woman so beautiful before. She was helping an elderly woman cross the road, and I know she didn’t know her. It was a homeless woman struggling to get her trolley off the pavement. She happily helped her and gave her some money for food. I was about to approach her, but that asshole pulled her away and yelled at her for helping street scum. Those were his exact words, the f*****g asshole. I should’ve punched him then and there. Then I heard him calling her his wife, so I stood back and just watched them. I didn’t know who she was back then, not until I met her grandparents. They invited me over to their beach house and that’s when I saw the pictures of her and put the pieces together. Her grandfather told me about her husband and how much they disliked him, and how she hid her identity from him. I am actually glad she did that. Now he won’t be able to use her anymore. Without her backing, he is nothing. I already did my digging, and I know that his business will fall flat without her support. And the best part is that he doesn’t even know what’s coming for him. “Are you sure you want to know the whole story?” she asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. I nod, and she proceeds to tell me the whole sordid affair. From when she first met Joseph, to how she helped his company. She told me how his family treated her, and finally she told me what happened earlier today. “That son of a b***h. I hope your brother beat his ass.” I said. “No, I stopped him, he isn’t worth it anyway. I just need a clean break and a fresh start. That’s why I am here. I just need some time to myself, before I go back to work,” she says, and I nod my understanding. “Thank you for sharing.” I say and she smiles. “So, why do you live here alone?” She asks and I chuckle. “I don’t live here; this is just my beach house. I needed a bit of downtime before I started a new project. I am also hiding from my parents.” “They keep trying to set me up with random women, hoping I will get married and produce an heir.” I say. It's not the whole truth, but it isn’t a lie either. My parents are pushing me to get married, but I was waiting for this beautiful woman beside me. “So, no one special in your life?” she asks, and I look over at her and smile. “There is someone I have my eye on. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I just don’t know if she is ready for a new relationship just yet.” I said, smirking. “Well, maybe you should just go for it. You won’t know if she is ready if you don’t ask her.” She says, but is that a hint of disappointment I see? “So, are you ready for a relationship?” I ask her, and she looks at me and frowns. “Why are you asking me that?” she asks and I chuckle. “You said to just go for it and ask. So, I am asking you. Are you ready for a new relationship?” I asked. She opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. She closes her mouth and looks back out over the water. “I don’t know,” she answers. “I get that, but you wouldn’t know if you didn’t give it a try.” I said. “That’s sound advice. But I don’t even know you, we literally just met. You don’t know me or anything about me,” she says. “I know enough about you to know that you need a distraction. If you aren’t ready for a relationship, that’s okay. But why not have a little fun under the sun, with a handsome stranger?” I said with a smirk. Oh, my beautiful Cassidy, I do know everything about you, and I can’t wait to learn more.
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