Chapter 1: The End Of One Chapter

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Cassidy "I, Cassidy Jones, voluntarily and unconditionally withdrew from my marriage to Joseph Jones, because I was unable to conceive during our 3-year marriage, and promised that I would not seek any financial compensation from Joseph in the future.” "I agree to transfer my personal 10% stake in the company to Joseph at the original price." ...... Every word in the contract deeply hurt my heart, telling me just how ridiculous my three-year marriage to Joseph had been. "Is this the surprise you prepared for me on our third wedding anniversary?" I said, looking up at my husband. We fell in love at first sight more than three years ago, and he proposed to me after we were dating for six months. We had a small wedding, with just us, witnesses and the pastor. His mother didn’t bother to show up, none of his family did. Even though his building company was on the verge of ruin at that time, I was willing to marry him, and invest all my own savings in his company. Or what he thought was all my savings. I believe things will get better as long as we are together. “Are you deaf, Cassidy? I said, sign the damn papers. I have s**t to do, you are wasting my time.” Joseph says. “Why?” I whispered because I didn’t trust my voice not to break. But I figure it won’t make a difference anyway. The way he is looking at me now, it’s like I am garbage he is waiting to discard. “I don’t want you anymore, I don’t think I ever did. I found someone else, and she doesn’t deserve to be a mistress. She is worthy of being my wife, not you. She is the reason my company is doing so well. She is very well-connected, and the reason for all my new contracts. Whereas you are just an uneducated housewife. Just sign the damn papers so that we can move on.” he says. No Joseph, I am your only investor, and I am the reason you got all those contracts. I never told him who I really am. “It’s our three-year anniversary today. Please don’t do this, Joseph, I love you.” I said and he laughed. “I know, that’s why I am doing it today. I don’t want to be married to you a day longer. Sarah is pregnant, and my heir will not be born a bastard.” He says, not even looking at me. He is scrolling through his phone, paying no attention to me and my shattered heart. Sarah was his receptionist, and she made it very clear that she wanted him. She wasn’t exactly subtle in her advances. Whenever I took him lunch to work, she would make sure to be very handsy with him. When I questioned him about her, he told me to concern myself with the housework. He started to come home reeking of her perfume, and I just knew he was sleeping with her. I should’ve left him then, but I held out hope that the Joseph I fell in love with was still in there. Money changes people, and sometimes not in a good way. I look down at the divorce papers, and can’t help the tears that fall. I picked up the pen with a trembling hand, and I signed my name on the line. He looks up and sees me signing and smiles. “Good girl.” He says as I put the pen down. He takes the papers and puts them in his briefcase, and hands me a copy. “Here, this card has 100k on it. That is what you initially invested in the company. You should be able to get accommodation with that. As per clause 5.1 in the divorce agreement, if you are not out of here by Friday at noon, you are liable to pay me 20k for every hour you remain here. And we all know you can’t afford that.” he says, smirking, and I internally roll my eyes. When he finds out exactly what I can afford, he is going to kick himself. “Sarah is moving in, and I don’t need any negativity upsetting her or our baby.” He says and throws a bank card at me. “I don’t want your money. I invested in you because I love you. I never wanted it back. Keep it for your baby, you will need it.” I said in anger and threw the card back at him. Even though that baby is definitely not his. I have the paperwork to prove it. He shrugs and puts the card back in his pocket. “Don’t say I didn’t try to help you. There is also a shelter downtown you could go to. I am sure they will take pity on you. Take all your clothes with you, or I will burn them. I have already ordered a whole new wardrobe for Sarah, and it will arrive on Friday at 1pm.” He says, packing up, ready to leave. “You can burn them for all I care. I don’t need anything that reminds me of you.” I said and got up, and walked out of the dining room. I take one last look around, before heading to the door. “Wait!” he yells, and I stop and turn. Maybe he changed his mind. I can’t help the instant joy I feel. “Where are you going?” he asks. “I am leaving. Isn’t that what you want?” I asked him. “Yes, but clean up that mess first. I didn’t ask you to make me lunch,” he says. What is wrong with me? How could I possibly have thought that this man wanted me to stay? “Get Sarah to clean it up. I don’t want to be here another minute,” I said. He stomps towards me and grabs hold of my arm. “You ungrateful b***h. I gave you a good life and this is how you repay me?” he shouts. I try to break the hold, but he only tightens his grip. “A good life? You gave me nothing, and that is what I will give you in return. Oh, my dear Joseph, you made your choice, and every choice has consequences. I hope you can live with yours.” I said, and kneed him in the balls. He yelled out in pain, and immediately let’s go of my arm. I turned around and walked out the door of the place I had called home, for two long years. I didn’t even look back as I walked towards the gate, and out into the street. I take out my phone and dial a number I haven’t called in a long time. He answers on the second ring, sounding rather panicked. “Cassy, are you okay?” he asks. “No Brad, but I will be. Please come get me, I am in the street outside my house.” I say and he sighs. “Did he hurt you?” he asks, and I can hear the anger in his voice. “Just come get me please, I will explain then.” I say and he agrees and ends the call. I sat down on the sidewalk and waited for him. Three years… I gave that lying son of a b***h, three years of my life. Does that mean nothing to him? Does the love I gave him, and all the sacrifices I made, mean nothing to him? I put up with his mother’s abuse and his sisters' ridicule, just to be with him. I humbled and degraded myself, because I thought he loved me. Love should conquer all, shouldn’t it? How could I have been so naive? I lowered my head into my hands. I was such a fool; I should’ve listened to my grandparents. There is nothing worse than having to crawl back home after you fail. When I first met Joseph, his building company was on the verge of ruin. I had just finished university, and was only working at my family’s company for a few months. Obviously, my family found out. Grandpa did a background check on him, and he was not very happy with my choice. I begged them not to interfere, and they gave me the space I needed. After a few months of marriage, Joseph would come home drunk or not at all. I convinced grandpa to invest more in Joseph’s company on my behalf, and to ensure that he gets the contract he was bidding for. Joseph doesn’t know any of this, though. He doesn’t know that I am a billionaire, and his only financial backer. After he got the news that he had won the bid, things went back to normal for a bit. The bigger contracts his company got, the less I would see him. He started to ignore me, and would sometimes come home reeking of women’s perfume. I brushed it off, and hoped that things would change. He bought a bigger house and we moved in. All of a sudden, his mother and sister would always be around. After a month, they moved in with us and started taking over. They treated me like their maid. I had to cook and clean while they lounged around, and spent all Joseph's money. All he ever gave me was barely enough money to buy food. I used my own money to make sure the pantry was always stocked. Not that he knew or cared anyway. I don’t know how long I sat there, feeling sorry for myself. I hear Joseph’s car pull out of the driveway, so I don’t even look up. “You f*****g b***h, what are you still doing here?” he yells out of his car window. “Waiting for my ride.” I say. He switches the car off, gets out and stomps over to me. He grabs my arm and yanks me up. “You think you can get away so easily after that stunt you just pulled?” he asks and lifts his hand, and slaps me hard across my face. I was so caught off guard that I didn’t dodge the slap. He had never hit me before, so I didn’t expect that. I hear a vehicle stop behind me, and I already know who it is. “Get your f*****g hands off her!” Bradley yells, and runs over to us. He punches Joseph in his face, and pulls me behind him. He is about to attack Joseph, but I pull him back. “He isn’t worth it, Brad. Let’s go, I am okay.” I said and held Bradley close. He looks at me and cups my cheek. “He hit you.” He whispers. “I have had worse; he hits like a b***h anyway. I already kicked him in his balls, so we are even.” I said and giggled. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me. “I am sorry sis, but I am here now. I won’t let him lay a finger on you again.” Brad whispers in my ear and I smile. We head towards the car, while Joseph yells profanities. “You slut, how much is he paying you?” Joseph yells and I roll my eyes, and pull Bradley to walk. “Let’s just go.” I tell Brad, and he sighs and walks over to his car, and opens the passenger door for me. I got in and gave the house one last look. “Ready?” Brad asked me. “Yes, it’s time for my life to really begin.” I said and buckled my seat belt. I gave Joseph the middle finger and threw one last wink at him, before we drove off. He is still yelling at us, but I don’t pay him any attention. No more self-pity, I deserve better. I will apologize to my grandparents and do what they have always asked me to. But before I do that, I think a nice vacation is in order. I need some time alone; I need to rebuild my confidence. I can’t believe I allowed a man to make me feel unworthy. It's time I showed him and everyone else exactly who I really am.
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