Chapter 8: First Day Back At The Office

1995 Words
Cassidy I spent the whole Sunday with my family and it was so great. I haven’t been surrounded by so much love in a long time. All I got at home was abuse from Joseph’s mother and sister. While he just basically ignored me. I need to stop comparing everything to them, but its hard. I never realized how badly I was treated until it was too late. At the time, I felt I deserved it, but now I know better. I will get back the confidence I once had. I just need time. It’s now Monday morning, and I am dressed and ready for my first day back at the office. I decided on a white slim sheath pencil dress with a three-quarter sleeve, that has a classic v-cut and comes down to my knees. I paired it with a black belt and a black pointed toe stiletto. My brown hair is curled and pinned to the back and I applied some light makeup. I think I look okay for my first day. I grab my purse and my laptop bag and head downstairs. “Miss CEO looks ready to face the board,” Brad says when he sees me. He comes over and kisses my forehead and takes my laptop bag. “You are looking very spiffy yourself, Mr. COO.” I say, and he chuckles. He is wearing a black tailored suit, with a white shirt and black tie. I guess our color scheme matched without even trying. I just grab a muffin and a banana. My stomach is in knots and I don’t want to eat anything heavy. I can’t start my day without coffee, so I pour myself a big cup, and wait for Brad to eat. When he is done, we head out together. He wanted me to drive with him today and I didn’t mind one bit. He fills me in on what and who I need to be aware of on the drive over. We have a meeting set with the board for 9am and I feel ready. I haven’t seen most of them in over three years, but I know who to watch out for. When we enter the building, the receptionist greets Brad, and gave me the stink eye. What is wrong with these women? Can’t they see we look alike? “Good morning Mr. Ember. You look very handsome today and ready for the board meeting. Your PA is running late, but Maggie is already at her desk. You didn’t mention that you would be accompanied by someone.” She says brightly. “Good morning, Suzie, why is Yolanda late? She knows we have the board meeting at 9?” Brad asks. “Her car broke down on the freeway. We sent a car to get her. Can I get you anything?” she asks. “No, it's fine, I am going up now. I need to speak to Maggie.” Brad says and walks towards the elevator and I follow him. “Excuse me miss, you need to sign in please. We only allow management on the top floor. You are welcome to wait here until Mr. Ember is ready to see you.” She says to me. Her tone might sound sweet, but the look she is giving me isn’t. “That’s okay, I will go up with him.” I said and turned back around. “Should I get security, Mr. Ember. This woman isn’t listening. She has to wait for you here.” She says, glaring at me with the phone in her hand. “This woman, as you put it, is my sister and the CEO. She doesn’t need anyone’s permission to enter her own building or the top floor.” Brad says, glaring at Suzie. Her eyes widen, and she looks me up and down. “I apologize mam, I didn’t know who you are.” She says, and I just give her a small frown, and get in the elevator when it opens. “Are all the staff so snobbish and judgmental?” I ask and he chuckles. “Not all, just a few. Suzie, Yolanda and Katrina are the biggest office problems. HR can’t pin anything on them, but believe me, they are trying. They are clever and don’t do anything that goes against the harassment policies, but the intent is still there.” Brad says. I will remember those names. The elevator opens on our floor, and I am greeted by Maggie and I can’t help but smile. Maggie was my dad’s PA, and she has always been like family. She is the office manager now, because she knows this place, in and out. I ran to her and hugged her while she cried. “Oh, sweet child, I missed you so much. I am so glad you are back.” She says while wiping her tears. “I am glad to be back. I have missed you too, Maggie. Why is it that you haven’t aged a day?” I ask and she chuckles. “Running after Brad keeps me young.” She says, and he mocks hurt, and we all chuckle. The elevator opens, and a brunet woman comes running out. “I am so sorry I am late Brad.” She says and he frowns. “Is that how you address your employer?” Maggie asks her, and she glares at Maggie and walks over to Brad and touches his arm. “You forgive me right, Brad?” she asks, batting her eyelids and rubbing his arm. He pulls his arm away from her and steps towards me. She finally notices me and glares at me. “Is this your PA?” I ask Brad and he nods. “As far as I know, all the office staff report to Maggie. Why are you ignoring an instruction from your office manager?” I asked her and she glared at me. “Who are you? I didn’t report to you. I don’t even know who you are. Brad is my employer, and he is quite happy with my performance. Aren’t you Brad?” She says, batting her eyelids. “Maggie, can you please send out an ad for a new PA for Brad. And please get someone from HR up here right away.” I said, and Yolanda glared at me. “Who the f**k are you?” she asks me and steps towards me, pointing a finger at me. “You have no say or power here. Brad is in charge and I work for him, not Maggie, or you.” She says, looking me up and down with distain. “Are all you women crazy? I can’t deal with this anymore, Brad. I am going to my office.” I said and walked past her, with Maggie following me, chuckling. “You can’t just walk on this floor as you please,” she yelled after me, and I turned back. “You should’ve just kept quiet when I left. You are digging a deeper hole for yourself.” I say and she stomps over. “I am calling security right now.” She yells and picks up the phone. “Please do, and have them escort you out of my offices. You are fired, and you can be sure no one will hire you if I have a say in it.” I said, and she lifted her hand to slap me. But I grabbed her arm before she could. Brad comes over and grabs her arm and pulls her away. “You should’ve listened. You just tried to assault our CEO. You are done for.” He says, and she looks at me, and then back at Brad and up and down between us. It looks comical, and I can’t help but giggle. It took her all of three minutes to put the pieces together. Her eyes widen and she gasps. “Brad, please handle that, I need to get ready,” I say, and he chuckles. I walk off and Maggie chuckles. I walk into the office; I haven’t used it in three years and sit at my desk. It feels weird to be back, but it also feels good. Now, first the meeting with the board, and then I will contact Simon to set up an appointment. I look at the calendar and see I had a lunchtime meeting with Mr. Golding. He is the elusive CEO of the Golding Group. I don’t know much about them, but I know that they are ranked as the second-wealthiest family in the city. He wants to collaborate with us, and I am not yet sure what he has in mind. Maybe I can pitch my new ideas to him too. Grandpa really wants us to work with them. I will see what they have to say before I make a decision. I gather my files and laptop and go to the boardroom. I will set up there and wait for them. “I have asked someone from finance to temp for Brad, while I find a replacement. I ordered some snacks for the meeting; they are bringing it up shortly. As you know, we have three new board members who took over from their fathers. I am sure that Brad filled you in on what assholes they are. It doesn’t matter though, you have the ultimate say. Please don’t forget your meeting with Mr. Golding. I ordered lunch to be brought up for you too. Your granddad really wants this partnership to work. I got your email about Joseph, and I have canceled all contracts due to him. The paperwork is on your desk. As soon as you sign, all funding will cease. You also have a Chamber of Commerce function this Friday night. Brad is also attending, as well as your grandparents.” Maggie says as she joins me, and hands me a tablet with an invitation for the dinner. “I hate these things,” I say and she chuckles. “I know, your dad did too. But they are a must for networking.” She says and I nod. She helps me set up my presentation, and leaves to get the catering staff. I was bending over the desk trying to get to my charger, when I felt a hand on my ass. I jumped away in shock and I saw a man standing smiling at me. “The office staff here just keep getting prettier.” He said and I frowned. He is wearing a very ill-fitted charcoal suit, and he looks to be in his forties. “Do you normally sexually harass the women that work in this building?” I asked him. “Only the help. They never complain. You must be new. I am Kurt Wells of the Wells foundation. What I want, I get. And right now, I want you. So, if you don’t comply like a good little slut, I will have you fired. I am on the board and your career is in the palm of my hand,” he says while eyeing me up and down and licking his lips. “I see, one moment please.” I said as I walked out of the room and over to Brad’s office. He was busy looking over some papers when I knocked. “I had just met Kurt Wells. I doubt he knows who I am, because he just groped my ass. Apparently, it’s the norm here, or he will get me fired.” I said. “That son of a b***h. We lost two temps because of him. His father promised grandpa that he wouldn’t do it again. We have written too many hush cheques because of him.” Brad says. “Do the cameras in the boardroom have sound?” I ask, and he smirks and nods. “Good,” I say, and walk back to the boardroom.
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