Chapter 9: Clearing Out The Board

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Cassidy When I enter the boardroom again, he is still there alone, and I see the food is also set up. I go back to my laptop, and he walks over to me again and slaps my ass. “Don’t touch me. I will report you. This is highly inappropriate, and I did not give you permission to touch me.” I say, moving away, and he chuckles. “What’s inappropriate, is you playing hard to get. I like the chase as much as the next man, but I prefer my woman to be compliant. To whom are you going to report me? I own you, and you will do what I say.” He says just as Brad comes in. He quickly walked away from me, and over to Brad. “Good morning Mr. Ember, I see you have a new assistant.” He says, shaking Brad’s hand. Brad looks at me, but I shake my head. Another gentleman walks in that I don’t know, before Brad can answer. He looks to be in his late forties. “Ah Mr. Adams, good to see you.” Kurt says and shakes his hand. “Get me a coffee and hurry up. Two sugars and no cream.” Mr. Adams says, looking at me. Brad is about to speak, but I silence him. “It's an open table, you are free to fix your own coffee.” I say and he scowls at me. “Is this the type of insolent woman we have working at our company? I demand you fire this stupid b***h. We don’t need useless eye candy here.” Mr. Adams says to Brad. Our company? Hmm interesting. Everyone else comes in before anything else can be said. Mr. Evans walks over to me, and smiles broadly. He pulls me into a hug and I smile. He was one of my dad’s closest friends. Mrs. Petersen also comes to hug me, and I see the men are watching us. I showed her not to say anything, and she went to have a seat. The last person to enter, I also don’t know. She looks to be my age, and just one glance tells me that she is trouble. She looks at me with her nose turned up before she sits. “Welcome, I see everyone is here, so let’s get started. I am so...” I say before I get cut off. “Where is my coffee? Don’t order me around, woman.” Mr. Adams says. Brad gets up, but I show him with my hand to stop. “And I told you, it's an open table. Feel free to get your own coffee. And I will order you around as much as I like. Next time you speak to me, address me as Ms. Ember and not ‘woman’. Or I may be forced to address you as ‘asshole’. As I was saying before, I was so rudely interrupted, welcome everyone. It's good to see some old faces. For those who do not know me, I am your CEO, Cassidy Ember. I am so glad to be back, and look forward to a successful year. I have a few ideas for re-branding and expansion that I want to run by you.” I said and handed them each a copy of my presentation. “I know Mr. Evans and Mrs. Petersen. And I have just met Mr. Wells and Mr. Adams, and who might you be?” I asked the woman that came in last. “I am Katrina Micov. I have taken over from my father, John Micov.” She says in a bored tone. So, this is Katrina. “Well, it’s good to meet you, does anyone have anything to say before we start?” I asked, looking at them. “Yes, why didn’t you tell me who you are?” Kurt Wells asked me. “And miss out on the opportunity to watch a s****l harassment lawsuit in action? You can stay after the meeting; I have some things I would like to discuss with you.” I said and he glared at me. “I won’t, you can’t order me around. My father will hear of this,” he says. “I can and I will. Or why not just do it now, and clear the air? You seem to like to throw your weight and status around. I can stoop to your level if I must. I am not sure if you are aware of this, but every room on this floor is equipped with cameras that include sound. Every time you harassed and inappropriately touched one of my employees, you did it on camera. We won’t be paying any more hush money for you. Either you step down from the board, or we allow all the lawsuits to continue. The only reason you are still here is because of my family’s respect for your father. I won’t have a predator in my company.” I said, looking at Mr. Adams, when I said, ‘my company’. “This is bullshit, and you will hear from my lawyer.” He says, standing up and banging on the table. “Yes, please ask him to give me a call. I think he would like to see the footage I have of you too.” I say, and he glares at me, and stomps out of the room. “He is just going to run to daddy to complain.” Mrs. Petersen says, chuckling. “Now that the pleasantries are over, let's get down to it.” I said and they all nodded except Mr. Adams. I have already summed him up, and he seems to be unhappy about being ordered around by a female. I honestly don’t care, I am here to do my job, not make friends. I present my ideas and, just like I suspected, Katrina and Mr. Adams are not onboard. “You can’t just come in now and want to make changes.” Mr. Adams says. “We need to expand Will, these are good ideas. Especially if we launch worldwide.” Mr. Evans says, and Katrina scoffs. “It's mediocre, at best,” she says. “And what is your area of expertise? What are your qualifications?” I ask her and she glares at me. “I don’t have to answer you.” She says and I chuckle. “Were any of you explaining how the board works at Ember Inc.?” I ask, looking at the two assholes. They just look at me, and don’t answer. “Well, let me make it clear to you now. Your parents were on the board as advisors and investors, each holding a 5% share in the company. My dear brother, Bradley, owns 22.5% of the company. I am the majority shareholder, owning 50% of the shares, and I have the final say. The other 2.5% belongs to Maggie. So, you see, you will answer to me, and you will show me respect. We can easily vote you out, and take over your shares. But that isn’t who we are. Your fathers helped build this company, and we honor them by having them on the board. Don’t think either one of you can throw your weight around. You both seem to have a personal issue with me, rather than my ideas. I am not here to make friends, I am here to make you all more money, and create more jobs in the process. I don’t need your okay for any of my ideas, I do this out of respect. But you have shown me none since the minute you walked in the door. Effective immediately, you are both removed from the board. Your fathers are welcome to come back and fill their seats, but you aren’t. Ms. Micov, we also do not need your services in advertising any longer. I have done my checks, and you aren’t qualified to head such an important department within my company. I am well within my right to fire you for falsifying your qualifications. Not to mention all the complaints we have on file for you.” I said, and her eyes were as wide as saucers. She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. Mr. Adams is still glaring daggers at me and hasn’t said a word. Mr. Evans is enjoying the show, and silently chuckling in the background. “Are you going to let her speak to me like that, Brad?” Katrina asks, and Brad chuckles. “Of course, I am. My twin is always right, and she is the boss after all. I can’t say that I will be sad to see you go. I think half the men would agree. Should I get security?” Brad asks me and I nod. He takes out his phone, but I see Maggie has already sent for security. “Please escort these two off the premises. They are not allowed to step foot in this building again. Have all their access removed immediately.” I say and the guard nods. “Don’t touch me,” Katrina screeches, while Mr. Adams is yelling about pressing charges. I don’t care, I just block them out. “Wow sis, like I said, I can’t take you anywhere.” Brad says, and he comes over to hug me and I chuckle. “Are you okay?” he asks me and I nod. “Let’s continue, shall we,” I say and everyone chuckles. We spent well over an hour going over my business plan, and everyone in the room was on board. I plan to expand on our restaurant's clothing line as well as go into a partnership with Mr. Gil, for original pieces to match our wedding, and evening wear lines. When we are done, I head back to my office. It's only after 11am, and I am already tired. Too much drama for my first day. First, I need to call Mr. Gil and set up an appointment with him, and then I had that lunch meeting with Mr. Golding. I am about to call Mr. Gil, when Brad comes into my office. “I know you are busy, but I just want to check that you are really okay.” He says and I smile. “I am, thank you, Brad. I was just about to call Mr. Gil to set up an appointment with him to discuss my ideas.” I say and Brad frowns. “You know he likes you, right?” he asks. “I know, but I am not interested.” I say and he chuckles. The only man that is constantly on my mind is Jessie, but I am not ready for a relationship now. “He seems like someone that doesn’t give up. You are his muse after all,” Brad says chuckling. “I didn’t ask to be his muse. All I want is a business relationship that can profit us both,” I say, and he nods and walks to the door. “I will leave you to it then. Just be careful. Let me know if you need anything. When you have time, I have something I want to discuss with you. But later, you have a busy day.” He says. “Okay Brad, thank you for everything.” I say “Don’t forget your meeting with Mr. Golding. It should be interesting.” He says and smiles and winks at me, before he leaves. I wonder what he means by that? I really don’t deserve him; he always has my back, and I have been so distant these past three years. I will make things right between us. I picked up the phone and dialed Mr. Gil’s number, and sighed as I waited for him to answer. I have a feeling he is going to ask for a date again, and I am not looking forward to it. “Simon Gil speaking,” he says when he answers the phone. “Good day Mr. Gil, it's Cassidy Ember, from Ember Inc. Do you have a moment to chat?” I said. “Good morning, Cassidy, I will always make time for a beautiful woman like yourself.” He answers, and I rolled my eyes. “I wanted to follow up with you, on your availability for a meeting with me. I would really like to discuss my ideas with you. I think a partnership will be very beneficial to both of us.” I said. “Yes, I agree, but I am very busy at the moment. The only time I am free is tomorrow evening. Can we meet for dinner?” he asks, and I have to roll my eyes again. Fuck, I really want to make a deal with him, but I know he is forcing me to have dinner with him. “Do you have any other time available, my schedule is filled for the evenings.” I say. “I am sorry Cassidy, that is the only time I have available.” he says. I have a feeling he is lying, but I need to make this work. “I will see if I can move my appointments around. What time do you suggest?” I asked. “7pm, I will pick you up at home.” He said and I frowned. Oh no, I need to set clear boundaries. This is purely business. “I won’t be coming from home, so I will meet you there. How does Pierre’s sound?” I asked. “That sounds great. I will meet you there at 7pm. I look forward to a lovely evening,” he says. “I will have my business plan ready for your perusal. See you then. Goodbye, Mr. Gil,” I said. “Til then Ms. Ember.” He says, and I hang up. I can tell by his tone and him wanting to pick me up at home, that he thinks it’s a date. Well, I will be sure to make it known that it is a business meeting. I shake my head, and start to tackle the contracts that are up for renewal. I have so much to catch up on, but I am ready. My desk phone rang, and it gave me such a fright. I was so engrossed in my work that I blocked everything out. I answered because I knew it was Maggie. “Yes Maggie,” I said in answer, while scribbling down my notes. “Mr. Golding is on his way up to your office. Lunch will be brought in as soon as you give the go ahead.” She says and I gasp. f**k, I lost track of time. “Okay, thank you, Maggie.” I said and hung up. I quickly ran to my bathroom to check that I still looked presentable, and fixed my hair. First impressions last, and I need to impress this man. Grandpa really wants this collaboration to work, and I won’t let him down. I go back to my desk and tidy up. I was busy putting the files away, with my back to the door, when I heard Bradley’s voice, and a voice that sounded somewhat familiar. I turn around just as they walk in, and my whole world stops. What the actual f**k? Standing at the door with Brad, was none other than Jessie, with a smirk on his face. f**k he looks so hot in a black tailored business suit, with a crisp white shirt and a black tie. His hair is styled perfectly, and he is cleanly shaved, and he looks like a freaking male model for office attire.
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