Chapter 03 Not A Dream

1990 Words
~ Luan ~ My eyes snapped open. They…didn’t. Am I still dreaming? I pinched my arm and felt the pain. Wha- “You’re awake?” I heard the Alpha say sleepily, like he had just woken up. “I can’t see,” I whispered, anxiety eating at my now racing heartbeats. I touched my face, moved my legs – I felt weak and tired, but they moved. Everything was dark. I could feel the coldness of the room that goosebumps ran through my skin. I tugged at the loose fabric covering my body – rough and thin. I could smell the refreshing scent of spearmint, but everything was dark. I made a move to sit up, arms out in front of me. “Careful,” he said, holding my arm. I gasped when he touched me, sparks flying in my mind. “It’s the bond, cupcake,” he explained. “Nothing to be worried about.” “Wha-what bond?” This couldn’t be happening. He’s not my mate. He’s not even real! “The mate bond, cupcake,” he said with a light chuckle. He lifted my hand and his touch sent shivers down my spine. “I’m so happy you’re awake. How are you? You can open your eyes now. It’s just the two of us here.” “Where- where’s –“ Their names didn’t leave the tip of my tongue. I couldn’t remember the last time I said their names. “Your brothers are back at the packhouse,” he said as he rubbed circles on the back of my hand. “But they’ll be coming by later to visit you. They were so worried, cupcake. We all were.” I pinched myself again, twisting the skin on my forearm until I couldn’t handle the pain. This was impossible. I laid back down, pulling the sheets over my head and turning to my side, trying to get back to sleep. “Is something wrong?” he asked. “Are you tired?” My brothers were worried about me? They caused the most pain for four years of my existence! I needed to wake up and sleep again so I could dream, and maybe never wake up from it. “Cupcake?” he asked, sounding anxious. “Is something wrong? Are you hurt?” Am I hurt! Yes, yes, I’m hurting! I’ve been hurting for years now… thank Goddess someone finally asked. “Please talk to me.” “Leave me alone!” I replied, sounding louder than I intended. None of this was real – the pain when I pinched myself, it was part of this nightmare that I woke up to. I couldn’t see anything – this would only be possible when I wasn’t in the real world. He sighed. “I can’t do that, cupcake,” he said. “Leave me alone!” I screamed, frustrated that this was happening. Where was he when I needed him most? I didn’t need anyone pitying over me, sympathizing with me now that I was lying in what seemed like a hospital bed when every single one of them had years to say a simple nice word. To hell with them all. I’m going to sleep to maybe wake up from this and escape… again. So what if I almost got hit by a truck? I didn’t care if they saved me or brought me here for recovery. I was leaving this pack behind, all of them, including the memories that I had of this place and start anew in the human world where nobody knew who I am and what I am. I heard that in their world, one was independent when one turned eighteen and had to look after themselves. I was well-adept with household chores, maybe I could do something with it. It shouldn’t be so hard – I secretly watched movies with the pack until Siel caught me and beat me up for it. My knowledge of the human society might be lacking, but I was confident I could fit in just fine. Maybe with them, at least no one would hurt me the way my family did. “Cupcake, are you going to sleep?” he asked. “I’m not going anywhere so sleep for as long as you want, alright? I’ll be here when you wake up again.” I covered my ears with my hands. He was lying. I wasn’t awake right now! “I’m asleep right now!” He chuckled. “If you’re sleeping, you won’t be talking back to me.” I felt the surrounding area dip, then felt warm air penetrate the flimsy sheet unto my face. It pressed down on my skin, landing on my cheek. “Thank you for waking up, cupcake. I promise you won’t regret it.” Why? What was he planning to do? “Stop calling me cupcake,” I replied bitterly. “I’m sleeping. When I wake up, you’ll be gone, and I’ll be in my bed in my room in the attic. I’ll pack my things again and run away from here.” “Where will you go?” he asked, and I could feel his presence beside me. It was alright. I could tell him anything since this wasn’t real. At least no one was hitting me here. “Far, far away from here that nobody will be able to find me, ever,” I confessed. “Why?” he asked, choking on the word. Was I waking up? “So… no one will hurt me,” I replied, sniffling as tears threatened to surface. “I’ll be safe.” “Who’s hurting you, cupcake? Are you not safe in the pack?” There was a sense of panic in his voice, and I feared that it might be fake. It was easy to deceive me when I couldn’t see him. But just this once, in a dream, I wanted to confide to someone. “Will you please tell me?” he asked, noticing that I was hesitating to answer. “Sa-“ I began, then shook my head. “Everyone. The Alpha and Luna, my brothers, that b***h, almost everyone in the pack. Some of them leave me alone, but no one really wants me here. It’s alright. I don’t like it here either, not since my Mom and Dad passed away.” I felt a twang of pain in my chest at the memory of my parents, of that day. “I miss my Mom and Dad. They loved this pack. But I couldn’t…” “What about the new Alpha?” “Are you really the new Alpha?” I asked, hoping to clear the doubt in my mind. “I am, cupcake. Do you remember my name?” What a strange question. “I’ve never met you before,” I replied. “Ever since I was a little girl, the Alpha and Luna’s son appeared only in special occasions, and I didn’t like going but my parents forced me. I sat on the corner only, and my brothers would come over to cheer me up.” This was when we were close, when we were siblings. When they were my heroes, and I was their small princess. Now they were merciless tormentors, and I was their punching bag and maid. “I’m sorry about your parents,” he said. This was the first real conversation I had in years, and it was easy talking to him. His words sounded genuine, and it felt like we shared a deep connection with each other. What a really strange dream – a really good dream. “It’s alright. I couldn’t remember what happened, but everyone blames me for it. Do you also think I killed them?” “No, cupcake,” he replied. “I believe you.” I bit my lip and breathed deeply to keep the tears from falling but they did. It felt so good to have someone finally believe in me. I told them for months on end that I couldn’t remember, and that I didn’t kill them, but nobody believed me – they didn’t even listen. Their fists and feet woke me to the reality that my sweet and innocent princess state was no more than an illusion – I was a murderer in their eyes. I lowered the sheets until the top half of my face was exposed. “You do?” I squeaked, just to make sure I heard him right. “I do,” he said firmly. “Why?” “I don’t believe my mate, my cupcake, would do what they’re accusing you of,” he answered. A finger brushed against my cheek, and I shuddered. “I’m sorry, cupcake. I should’ve returned sooner. I promise no one will ever hurt you again, Luan. Now that I’m here, no one will dare lay a hand on you.” I smiled a little. “I want to stay here,” I replied. “I don’t want to wake up. I want to stay here with you. Are you really my mate? You’re not going to… you’re not going to reject me?” I prepared myself for rejection. I knew that when my mate was from the pack, he’d reject me on the spot. A mate was supposed to love and cherish their partner. It was a dead concept to me – waiting for my mate to save me was like wishing the Goddess to bring my parents back to life – none of either was going to happen. So, I gave it up and accepted that I’d have no mate for life. But what did he think about me? “I have been waiting years to see you again, cupcake. I’m so happy you’re my mate and so is my wolf. You’re the best thing that ever happened to us, Luan.” My heart jumped in joy at his words. My mate wanted me! I felt his hand cup my cheek and something soft pressed unto my forehead. When it left, I touched it. What was that – an insect? I shuddered – a bug? “There are bugs around here,” I said, rubbing at my forehead. He laughed loudly at that. “That was me, sweet thing.” “Sweet thing? What did you do? Why do you call me cupcake? I don’t like being called cupcake.” I admitted. “To answer your questions: Yes. I kissed you. You actually forgot about me. I like calling you cupcake. I think it suits you.” Heat crept up my cheeks. It wasn’t a bug, but his lips? He chuckled as he poked my cheek. “You forgot about me, cupcake,” he whined. “How could I forget you when I never met you –“ I paused, realizing I didn’t know his name and that I should’ve asked him first, “- I’m sorry. Would you mind telling me your name?” I heard a loud dramatic gasp, making me giggle. My mate’s a drama queen. “Did you really forget about me? Try opening your eyes, cupcake. If you see me, I have no doubt you’ll remember.” I tried doing as he said but my lids remained closed. “I can’t,” I said, frowning. “I can’t open them.” “What do you mean you can’t? Do your eyes hurt? Are you feeling something?” he asked. Hands grabbed both of my shoulders and his panicked breathing came down on the top of my head. I shook my head. “Nothing hurts. I just felt weak and tired,” I replied. “When I wake up, my eyes will open by themselves.” “Luan, you are awake,” he said, and I felt the same sensation on my forehead. “You were asleep for a week, and you woke up yesterday.” XXX
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