Chapter 04 Reason To Care

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~ Luan ~ I held his hand tighter; my palms clammy and my nerves on edge as we stood in front of the packhouse. I could feel pairs of eyes on me. The pack doctor verified his words, and it must’ve taken them hours to calm me down. The last thing I remembered before I woke up this morning was his embrace and the words of assurance he whispered – that I’d be alright, that no one would ever hurt me again, and that he’d always be by my side. “Ky… I don’t think I can do this,” I mumbled. The doctor said my blindness was caused by trauma, and that there was no cure for it. She said my case was rare and oftentimes, the patient had to live with it. So here I was, darkness surrounding my world, relying on the rest of my senses to keep me sane and relying on Ky. I didn’t want to be near anyone, not when I was more vulnerable than I ever was before. I didn’t have to see their faces to fear them when their hateful eyes and bitter words already left a mark in my soul. My mate will protect me, right? He wasn’t here for as long as I could remember – he was in training. Questions rapid-fired in my brain but I had no answers to any and I was too afraid to ask him directly. I couldn’t trust him completely, but if I was to stay here for a while, he was my best bet at staying alive. At least, until I could formulate a plan to get away from here. When before, I was still of use to them, doing chores all around the packhouse, I was useless to them with my sight gone. With my eyesight gone, there wasn’t anything I could do without anyone’s assistance. Goddess, help me. “Just hold my hand, cupcake,” he said, ruffling my hair before kissing my head. Normally, I irked away from anyone touching me. However, it was different with him. Ky was gentle with me, and he sounded like he meant everything he said. A kind mate, one I didn’t expect to have, but not for long when he learnt the truth. People change, and so would he. For now, I’d trust him, but it didn’t mean I wouldn’t use every second of everyday plotting a way to get out of here. If I was going to die, it was nowhere near here, and it wouldn’t be by their hands but mine. I intertwined my fingers with his, feeling sparks all over my skin. Nodding my head, I said, “Don’t let go.” “I won’t,” he said, then swayed our arms together as he walked forward. I matched his rhythm, neither fast nor slow, and soon I heard the doors open. Needles pricked my stomach at the hushed voices, sweat and bacon filled my lungs with every short breath, and the palpable tension in the air bit at my skin. Suffocating, scary, the packhouse seemed like an unknown place to me, and I could feel it rejecting me, pushing me out the door with heated stares. “Is there a problem?” Ky said in a commanding voice that the room fell silent. “I’d like you all to meet Luan Laister, my mate and your Luna.” I heard multiple gasps. Someone dropped a plate, the ceramic breaking against the tiled floor echoing, and another dropped glass. I could tell the difference – they did love to throw those things at me. No one spoke. I bit my lip as I lowered my head, uncomfortable at their stares. Ky’s arm wrapped around my waist, and he pulled me to his side. My cheeks flamed at the proximity. “Aren’t any of you going to ask how she’s doing? She got discharged just this morning,” he said as if being shoved into the spotlight wasn’t nerve wracking already. “Luan,” someone said. Sandalwood and spice tickled my nose. I let go of Ky’s hand and stepped behind him, hiding myself from his broad back, clinging to his shirt. “Can we talk? Please?” I buried my head in his back and shook my head. My knees felt like they were going to give away any second. What’s he going to do? Why’s he being nice to me? “Please, princess,” said another voice. He smelled like oranges and cinnamon. I shook my head again, stepping to Ky’s other side. Samuel was saying please and Siel was calling me princess. They were planning something – of course they’d act nicely in front of their Alpha and best friend. “Come here,” said Ky, putting an arm around my shoulders and keeping me close to him. “Do you want to talk to them, cupcake?” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “No,” I squeaked. “Please, princess. It won’t take long. Just –“ “She said ‘no’.” His voice scared me, and neither one of my brothers spoke after. He was defending me, but why? Weren’t they best friends? They were his Beta and Gamma, too. “You must be tired, cupcake. Let’s go upstairs so you can get some rest.” Ky led me away from my brothers. I could tell they didn’t follow because I could no longer smell their scents. When he stopped, so did I. “Stairs,” he said. This was the first of many challenges more to come. Think, Luan. “I- I can use the railings to-“ “No,” he said, cutting me off. “I have a better idea.” Before I could contemplate on what his “better idea” was, he swept off my feet that I yelped. My hands flew to him and much to my relief I held on to his shoulders. His arm around my thighs and another around my back, I could feel my entire face go red as I realized the position, I was in. “Hold tight, cupcake. I’m going up now.” I would’ve covered my face if I wasn’t afraid of accidentally falling off him. His arms flexing and relaxing against my hands … too close to him that his scent was making my head spin … I felt safe with him, this I couldn’t deny despite the warning in my head not to get attached. “What was that?” I asked, hearing a growl. There it was again! “What was what?” he asked, chuckling. “There’s only the two of us here.” “There it is again!” I exclaimed. What is going on? “Cupcake, we’re on the second floor. You must be hearing the noise from below?” “Yea-Yeah. That must be it,” I replied, though I wasn’t entirely convinced myself. The sound was too close to my ear, a growl that could only be heard up close. Satisfied and relaxed, whoever was making that sound. It couldn’t possibly come from him; it didn’t sound anywhere near human. I gasped as an idea struck me. Coo-could it be? “Are you my wolf?” I questioned my mind. “Girl, finally…” said a voice, sounding exasperated. “I thought you weren’t going to ever realize I was here the whole time!” My jaw dropped in disbelief. Then a joyous shriek pierced my eardrums as I fluttered my legs and let go of my grip. Oh, no. Ky pressed me closer to him that my head bumped on his chest. “Woah. Easy, cupcake. What’s going on?” “Sorry,” I mumbled. “I have a wolf!” This is great! I thought I was wolf-less! “I have a wolf! She’s the one I heard growling! I thought I have no wolf, but I have a wolf! She just talked!” I felt my eyes get wet again. Being wolf-less was unheard of. I believed myself to be too weak that the Goddess didn’t bless me with a wolf. But She was merciful… Ky laughed aloud. I smiled up at him. “Of course you do, cupcake. We’ve been talking since you were asleep.” “You were?” I gasped. This was really bad. My wolf didn’t divulge everything, did she? “I did,” she replied. “You what!” I blurted out. Then in my mind, I voiced, “Why would you do that? How much does he know?” “Everything,” he said quietly. I froze. He was walking evenly now; I didn’t notice we had left the stairs. “I-I can go up to my room.” My fingers were shaking, hoping he wouldn’t notice. Ky knew about me – all this time he knew what happened. Since before I woke up, he had already known about my status in the pack. He was going to hurt me. There was only the two of us here and the pack wouldn’t care whatever happened to me. I knew it! My brothers were just pretending… and so was he. I made a move to get off his hold, but he shifted me instead and kissed the top of my head. It felt disgusting. I hated this. I didn’t want to think about what he planned to do to me. Anything… hit me and throw me around all he wanted, but please… anything but that. My breath hitched in my throat as he kissed me again and inhaled my scent. I tasted acid in my tongue as bile threatened to rise. It took everything in me to squeeze the words out. “Please… stop.” He sighed. “I’m not going to hurt you, Luan. I promise. Trust me.” My palms found his chest and I pushed to get off him. He let me go and I fell on my butt. “I’m so sorry,” he said immediately, holding my arm. “Don’t!” I screamed, getting up and backing away from him. I winced from the pain in my butt, nothing major. My back hit a wall. I didn’t know where to go, how to get away. I couldn’t hide, I couldn’t run. “Stay away!” “Luan, I’m not going to hurt you,” he said softly. He was lying. They all wanted to hurt me. “Girl, he won’t hurt us. He’s our mate,” said my wolf. I couldn’t see her in my mind but from the tone of her voice, she was getting annoyed at me. “I don’t care if he’s our mate,” I spat. “Even mates abuse and rape their partners.” She whimpered, and I felt a little bad, but I couldn’t help it. How could I swallow his words as true when everyone, including my family, betrayed me and treated me like dirt for every day for four years! I couldn’t even see him to ascertain if he really meant what he was saying. He could be voice acting for all I know! Smirking with hungry eyes as he spoke gently, endearingly. Disgusting. “Mate isn’t like them!” she growled. “Stop defending him!” “I’m not! I’m telling the truth!” She insisted. “Mate cares about us.” Spearmint… he was too close again. I didn’t realize it until his warm breath fanned my face. “Luan,” Ky whispered. I pressed back against the wall, refusing to be this close to him. His hands went around my wrists and pinned my arms above my head. I winced at how tight he gripped them. His hold loosened. “I’m sorry,” he breathed. “I understand it’s hard for you to trust anyone. I understand you’re more scared now because you can’t see. But I hope you can at least trust me, Luan. I’m your mate. I promise not to hurt you. I’ll earn your trust and show you I care so much about you. Please … give me a chance?” Should I? He pressed his forehead on mine, and sparks flew. My wolf growled. What was I supposed to say? I was scared out of my mind. “Please?” my wolf said, whimpering. “You won’t plead if he isn’t a good person, right?” I questioned. “You’re looking out for me, right?” “Lue, I have been here with you all your life. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me when I say I won’t let anyone harm you again now that I’m here. Our mate will also protect us. Trust me Luan, and him.” “What’s your name?” “Thought you’d never ask,” she exclaimed. “Sparkle!” “Pfft- Sparkle?” I replied, and Ky chuckled. I pursed my lips together, realizing I didn’t ask it in my head. She humped. “It’s Leila, silly.” “Why would you lie to me?” “I was trying to make you laugh!” she defended then retreated to the back of my mind. “Sorry,” I said to her. “Thank you, Leila.” “I think it’s cute,” said Ky. “Kai thinks so too.” That is confusing… “Sparkle said to trust you.” “You won’t regret it.” I nodded. “I’ll … give you a chance.” “Thank you, cupcake!” he said, letting go of my wrists and kissing my forehead. I shuddered, unsure of what to feel when he does that. “So, this is our room,” he said, holding my shoulder and I felt a draft from behind me. “Our-our room?” “It’ll be easier for me to keep an eye on you and help you with whatever you need, cupcake. Don’t worry. I won’t do anything without your consent. I’ll sleep on the couch so you can have the bed, so rest easy,” he said, taking my hand and leading me inside. It smelled like him, refreshing. He raised my arms with both his hands, so he was standing in front of me. “Let me give you a tour,” he said, and I nodded. “We’re standing directly in front of the door. Follow me.” “Do I have a choice?” I smirked. Ky chuckled at that. I counted the steps. I made a mental note of the turns. He’d let go of my hand and guide it to touch what he was referring to – the couch, the coffee table, the dresser, the nightstand, the bed, the bathroom door’s handle. “I can choose your clothes for you, if you’re alright with it?” he asked, clearing his throat immediately after. Was he flustered? I’d love to see his flustered face. I frowned. I didn’t know what he looked like. “Or I can have someone choose it for you!” he added, sounding panicked. “Not someone from the pack … I can hire an outside help –“ He was explaining too hard, I giggled. He really cared? “You can choose,” I said, and he sighed in relief. “And the last stop, the balcony.” Wind blew in my face, and I shuddered at how cold it was. The dress I was wearing reached down to my knees and I had to press down on my thighs when it blew harder. Ky made me wear it before we left for the packhouse. I felt his presence in front of me, blocking the wind from hitting me directly. “Let’s go inside. A storm’s coming,” he said. I heard doors close, the violent slashes of wind against the windows. The sudden drop in temperature made me shiver. I heard something open – must be the dresser, then I felt a weight on my shoulders. Raising my right arm, he guided it in sliding into the sleeve, then did the same on the other. The soft fabric clung to my skin. Sliding my hands down along my sides, it reached below my hips. “Cardigan,” he said. “I don’t know much about clothes.” I admitted. “You have everything you need on your dresser, cupcake. And don’t worry. I’ll keep buying more for you. Anything for you,” he said, wrapping his hands around my waist. “Why?” I asked. This was almost like a dream. I had a wolf, a mate who was sensitive to my needs. His scent is getting addictive. “Why are you being kind to me?” “Silly cupcake. I’ve always been kind to you,” he said, chuckling. My brows furrowed and I looked up at him. “What do you mean always? I’ve never met you before.” “That’s because you forgot,” he said, sending an arrow of guilt at my heart. “But I’ll make you remember,” he continued, and I could picture a wide grin on his face. “I want to see you,” I mumbled then looked away. Ky held my hands and brought them to his face. “Here,” he said, smiling. I gulped, my fingers shaking. “I –“ “Do you want me to move your hands for you?” he asked playfully. “No!” I exclaimed. “Sorry.” “Cupcake,” he said gently, “You can be yourself around me.” I moved my hands. Starting with his cheeks, something prickly grazed roughly on the base of my palms. My thumbs brushed past his soft, thin lips, then my fingers traced his straight nose. I covered his eyes, long lashes fluttering against my palms. Finally, my hands went past his forehead and to his cleanly cut hair, then down the back of his head, to the front of his neck, before finally resting on his shoulders. He remained still the entire time, his breathing getting heavier, drowning out the splatter of rain on the glass windows. In my mind’s eye, he was breathtaking. I could feel his eyes studying my face intensely. My heart hammered on my chest, curious as to what he thought of me, but I kept my mouth shut. After a long silence, Ky pulled me closer to him. More silence followed. I listened closely as his breathing grew heavier and matched my own. His hands tightened on the sides of my waist. My skin flushed, feeling warmer all of a sudden – from the cardigan or from his closeness, I couldn’t tell. I was drowning in his scent that the world seemed to fade away. The rain, the howling winds, and the rumbling heavens seemed a distance away. He broke the silence first when he spoke, his voice hoarse. “You’re stunning, Luan.” XXX
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