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PAIRING: Marcus Flint/Hermione Black QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: I look at her sometimes and wonder out of all those faces how did I find one that was so perfect to me - Atticus.  SETTING: HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY, SCOTLAND. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was the end of the term for the students and teachers at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so the entire population living in the said boarding school for the year were imminently waiting to go home, meet their family, friends and acquaintances alike that if the students exhibited behaviour which is generally considered to be appalling, they were gratuitously overlooked by the teachers. They were humans too, thank you very much. They too knew how homesickness felt like. Unlike the popular opinion, they aren't heartless bastards. Even Professor Snape. The excitement buzzing in the Snakes' Den were high, as opposed to the general expectations. Though, they are expected to be uptight, matured youths in the public, they certainly aren't expected to behave in such a manner in the Common Room. Believe it or not, Snakes stick with each other; especially due to the bashing they receive (at times, unnecessarily) from the rest of the school. You got a problem with one, accept it or not, you're dealing with the entire horde. Which is so completely contrasts with the clinical dysfunctionality residing with the resident Gryffindors. For these young Purebloods, it is always a bash whenever they come back home; but when it's the Hols, the avoirdupois is different. There are a lot of Balls, Galas, Charity events to begin with. Of all, there's the Malfoy Yuletide Ball - one of the highly exclusive events in the Social Calendar prevailing for centuries. Receiving invites for thus, is treated as such irrevocable political, financial and social opportunity that no witch or wizard would, even in their comatose state, give up. Talking of the Malfoy Yuletide Ball, the Young Malfoy Heir - who also happens to be the in the Sixth Year - was seated upon one of the wonderfully overstuffed leather couches in the Slytherin Common Room, deep in thought, while he played with his betrothed's - Theodore Nott - hair in one hand and petted his cousin's cute little Husky Siberian with the other hand. The entire scene was so serene and phenomenal at the same time that none of the Snakes ever wished to disturb the three. Theo sighed happily at the feeling his betrothed was pulling on him, just by playing with his hair, and let his head, on Draco's lap, loll; while, Oreo the Siberian Husky let out sounds that could only be referred to as purring, at different intervals, despite the fact that dogs don't purr. Draco, unaware to what he was doing to the two males in his custody, merely continued with his ministrations. All was well until the real owner/master of Oreo showed up. "Oreo? Baby, where are you?" Hermione Regalia Black, the young Heiress of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, called out, as she descended the flight of stairs headed from the Girls' Dormitories. It was Oreo's Dinner Time and he had the annoying habit of being restless and whiny if he missed his meal times. Hearing the voice of his human counterpart, a previously content Oreo, sprung up from his place on the couch, morphed into his 'overtly-clingy-puppy' mode, and yipped loudly to grab her attention. He was so loud that the entire populace at the Common Room stopped whatever they were doing for a moment and looked at the perpetrator exasperatedly, before continuing with their work, once they realised that the little guy was just happy. Oreo was and is THE attention seeker. He loves to be in the centre of attention, all the time. Especially with his owner. "Must you do that?!" Draco groaned, throwing his platinum blond haired head back, irritably. "Do what?" Hermione asked in confusion, as she neared the couple. The distance between himself and his human was enough for Oreo to jump into her outstretched arms. Settling into her loving embrace, the little beady eyed, wolfish dog began purring like a cat. "That. You interrupted the moment." Theo explained, now with a great frown on his handsome face. "Oh, I'm sorry, you guys. Oreo's gotta eat now." She said sweetly, batting her long beautiful eyelashes at them. "You can't do that too!" Draco pointed out. It is a well-known fact that the naturally charming Black Heiress uses underhanded techniques to the escape sticky situations. Her lovable father, beloved betrothed, Gryffindor uncle, Malfoy Uncle and Draco himself were her usual victims. Don't forget the entire teaching and the non-teaching staff. Or the entire Slytherin male population and a few from the rest of the Houses. "As if that's gonna stop her." Theo shook his head, with a dismissive wave of his hand. Oreo barked in agreement. Hermione rolled her eyes in response to the dramtics of her cousin, her soon-to-be cousin-in-law and her familiar. If they'd see themselves, they wouldn't accuse her of being dramatic. Oreo, already on his path to become a discontented puppy, whined, gazing soulfully into her eyes. "Okay, okay, here he goes. I'm off, lads." She kissed both Draco and Theo on their cheek(s) and parted with a smile on her face. Theo smiled at the younger girl as she walked away, all the while trying to calm her familiar. When he turned to look back at his betrothed, he was surprised to see him staring at him with his trademark Black Family molten grey eyes. "What?" Theo grinned. "Nothing." Draco replied, grinning back. _____________ Dragging Oreo's food and water bowls, Hermione poured out enough puppy food and water to full his little stomach. Watching the little puppy tear into his food fiercely as if he's never been fed before was always refreshing. She giggled to herself. No matter which form they take, men will always be men. Shaking her head, she returned to her rather-finished Potions Essay on Polyjuice Potion. As the room got filled with the sounds of a puppy devouring his puppy food from his puppy bowl: flipping of parchments at regular intervals and the scratching of a quill against the surface of the parchment, it dissolved the almost-silent creak the door made when it was opened. "Angel, are you still checking over your essay for the nth time today?" The low, husky voice of her beloved betrothed came from behind her. It startled the poor witch so much that she screamed loudly, grabbed her wand and turned around, with one of her family's darkest spells on the tip of her tongue that would surely result in one slow, painful death for the person on the receiving end. Only when she saw the handsome face of her supposed violator, she exploded. "Gods damn you, Marcus! You had me freaked out!" Oreo glanced up from his meal at the outburst to stare suspiciously at his human and her mate. In her defense, she was completely focussed on her bearings, she wasn't aware of her surroundings. And, her little puppy guardian too didn't make a scene by attacking the said so-called intruder, so it only meant that the person was friendly enough to be in her private rooms. "I can't tell." Marcus Alexander Flint, the Quidditch Captain of the Slytherin Team, said drily. "f**k you! Goddamnit!" Hermione bemoaned, placing a hand on her rapidly beating heart. "Not so fast, Angel. We gotta wait till we're married for me to ravish you to my liking." He smirked at her. Glaring at her handsome companion, she ignored his rather tempting words. Then, crossed her arms against her chest, giving him an undeniable sight of her bountiful breasts. Marcus bit his bottom lip to control his hay-wiry emotions and went over the strategies used by former Slytherin Quidditch Captains to distract him from the enchanting sight. Clearing his throat, he told her. "You should be aware of your surroundings more often, Angel." "Well, you shouldn't sneak in on people like that! I mean, who does that? Oh yeah, look at my betrothed, all vulnerable and unawares, now let's try and give her a heart attack, so that she'll die and I can marry another Pureblood witch." She mocked, throwing her hands up in the air. Marcus growled loudly at her accusation and in a moment had her wrapped up in his warm embrace, contrasting to the cool atmosphere of the Dungeons. Burying his face in her black, wavy hair, he breathed. "Angel." Hermione shivered in response to his whisper. Marcus, noticing her reaction, merely smirked in return and tightened his arms around her. Having her tempting body pressed up this close to him always had him rise up to occasion. And, he was rather hoping for it to not happen as of now. Lest, he scare the fifteen year old. Yes, she's beautiful. Yes, she's his intended. Yes, she is available to him right now. But. But. He will not disrespect her by taking advantage of her vulnerability and trust. If he could abstain from ravishing her right now, then when he really is ravishing her, the pleasure will be even more. That's been his mantra since he got aroused for the first time. Plus, he's older than her. It means that he has even more of a responsibility to keep her safe and untainted. He just cannot. Nothing would ever induce him into... taking her like he intended to. At least not now itself. 'Calm yourself down, Marcus! Hermione shouldn't become a widow even before marrying you!' He told himself. Then, taking a deep inhale of her lavish scent of fresh Green Apples, he released her from his embrace. "So....?" "So what?" Hermione grinned at him, twirling her hair in her finger unconsciously. Instantly, his mind started focusing on how her hair would feel in his hands, when he'd grip them, in the throes of mind-numbing passion. "N-nothing." The Heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Flint muttered under his breath. Immediately, she realised that something was wrong with her betrothed, because he never.. well, he is sure silent, but not in her company. "Baby, are you-" "-Can I take Oreo with me tonight?" He interrupted her speech mid-way, surprising her with his request. Oreo, hearing his name being called, especially by his human's mate, barked happily and ran over to the said person, wagging his tail happily and lolling his tongue out. Then, he pressed up by the Flint Heir's legs and started rubbing himself all over his human. Hermione, frozen, looked at the cute scene unfolding in front of her, and then nodded her head, almost absentmindedly. "Sure." Marcus wanted to bang his head on a wall. He actually didn't intend to ask Oreo over to his dorm. He was just trying to divert the direction of the conversation, so he just exhorted her to hand over the little guy over. It wasn't even a request. He more like, just demanded for her to perform his wishes. 'Merlin, I hate myself!' He bemoaned. It wasn't the fact that he didn't like Oreo. Actually, he loved Oreo. He was the one that gifted the little guy to Hermione on her 15th birthday. When he'd zoned in, Hermione was handing over Oreo's kennel and litter box to him, while the said puppy was rubbing himself against his legs, cutely. Marcus couldn't help smiling, despite himself. 'God. He's cute.' ~~~~~~~~~~
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