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PAIRING: Fred Weasley/Hermione Potter/George Weasley QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: The best medicine in the world is a mother's kiss - Unknown. SETTING: Little Stars Play School, Crawley, London NOTE: A continuation to the previous chapter: Theirs. ~ F/H/G ~ Two handsome red haired blokes of mid twenties, stood in front of the Little Stars Play School holding the hands of two identical toddlers. The toddlers looked like the exact splitting image of the youngsters, ginger red hair and hazel brown eyes, with mischief and mayhem almost printed on their respective faces. The two men were none other than the infamous businessmen - Fred and George Weasley - themselves. They were in the Muggle Crawley to drop their twin sons - Finn and Glenn Weasley - at their school. Usually, it's their wife - Hermione Weasley née Potter's - job to drop and pick up the kids from school before and after work. But, Fred and George suddenly came to an earth shattering realisation that they hadn't been spending enough time with their family. Between their tight schedule at their shop in Diagon Alley and the new branch (which they had launched only one month back) in the Hogsmead Village, they haven't gotten much time to even breathe, let alone spend a little more time with their family. A werewolf never lets his female or pups, starve for his attention. So, the older twins vowed to make up for the time that they had lost with their family. After planning out a special date with their (one and only) beautiful wife, the two then drew out a plan to take care of their sons. The first stage of the plan was to first drop the twins at school and pick them up after school. While the toddlers had been nothing but Angels since they'd left home, they surely didn't stay that way. "No! I want Mummy!" Three years old Finn and Glenn Weasley cried, throwing a early morning temper tantrum in front of their play school. The second they saw the school building, Glenn - the youngest of the two, by one minute - realised that they forgot to get their share of morning kisses from their mother. It was a tradition started by Hermione, when she got married to Fred and George. The main implication is 'no one gets left behind'. The tradition still continues in the Twin Weasley's household even after five years of marriage. And, not once had it been broken before. This is the first time. Reality hit the older twins like dung bombs, they realised that they too had forgotten to get their share of morning kisses from their wife in their frenzy. Never once had they missed it. Never. Just the mere thought of it, had them get an unsettling feeling in their stomachs. When the fathers tried placating their twins, their efforts only ended up with making them fuss even more. Finn and Glenn Weasley are known for their world-class temper tantrums, all thanks to their stubborn mother. Even after using their werewolfy powers on the twins, the two toddlers were headstrong in their decision. Did I mention the fact that the toddler twins are immune to the superhuman powers of their fathers? "AHHHHHHHH! MUMMY! I WANT MUMMY! I WANT MUMMY!" Their cries had attracted the required attention now from both the parents and the students. Fred sighed, whipping his phone out, about to make a call to Hermione, when the phone rang signalling an incoming call. "Hey, how are things coming up there?" Hermione's sweet voice filled the line, and Fred had to hold himself from spouting out random pick up lines to her - all favouring her voice, of course. The toddlers' snapped their eyes over to their fathers in one millisecond. A million emotions swirling on their faces, their cries having been stopped, but now after a break of about five seconds, the procedure started once more. The two started crying again. "MUMMY! I WANT MUMMY!" "What's happening there, Fred?" Hermione's panicked voice had him wince. He could hear her shuffling around, and he chewed his bottom lip. George snatched the gadget from his twin's hand without hesitation. "The twins are having one of their moments here. Would you mind coming over?" "Of course. I'll be there in five." The line went dead, and the cries of the two toddlers continued, though now most of the audience had disappeared after making sure that everything was under control. George shook his head at Fred, who rolled his eyes at him. The two had had enough with these temper tantrums. Their only source of comfort came when Hermione dressed in a trenchcoat came rushing toward them. The intricate designs of the silky ankle length dress that she wore below her trenchcoat had them realise that she was only in her nightgown. She had been in a hurry, and had just rushed of to get to her sons and husbands. Smile like no other lit up the faces of the four in an incredible syncopation, and they stood up from their respective places to meet the dark haired beauty. Hermione, obviously out of breath, instantly knelt down to her twin sons' height. "What happened to you, boys?" That was all that the two needed to jump into their mother's arms, burying their faces in her neck. Hermione widened her eyes at her husbands, who merely shrugged their shoulders sheepishly. "Hush now, my loves, it's alright. Mummy's here. There, there." "Mummy, you didn't give morning kisses to Glenny and I." Finn said, almost accusingly, as he looked into his mother's emerald green eyes with his watery ones. Glenn nodded his head, vigorously. Understanding dawned Hermione, and she instantly tightened her hold on her toddlers. "I'm so sorry, boys. I can't believe I forgot. I'm sorry." And, the two toddlers were enveloped in a rain of kisses, which had them jump up and down in joy. Watching their wife-mate comfort their pups, had the twins grow in jealousy for her love. "I want morning kisses too." ~ F/H/G ~
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