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PAIRING: Fenrir Greyback/Hermione Granger QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: For it was not into my ears you whispered  but into my heart. For it was my lips you kissed, but my very soul - Unknown.  ~~~~~~~~~ Getting away from her mate's tantalising embrace had been a little harder than she had expected it to be, even though she had been mated to him long enough to read him quite in a way no one had ever done before. She admitted that underestimating him is one of the many misapprehensions she'd done in her life. Instead of starting their morning in their usual way of whiling away at least an hour in their bed, the Alpha couple had spent three and a half hours in each other's arms. All thanks to Hermione reminding her mate of her schedule for the day. Although she had enjoyed every single second her male was onto her, she couldn't help but curl her upper lip wolfishly at the way he was withholding her. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, considering the fact that male wolves are wildly possessive and territorial by nature. But the brunette witch couldn't help but disagree onto that one. Yes, she could understand why he behaves like that, why should he really do it!? She knew that she was being utterly delirious right now, but with the new moon closing on them, she blamed her irrationality on that. Completely. It had taken her another hour to push her big, bad wolf into the shower, and force him to get ready for the day, before he could get another idea of making her go back on her plans. He even tried to make her join the shower, thrice, mind you, but she would not be swayed. Even by the most irresistible, guilty puppy dog eyes. She was not called 'the most stubbornest witch the era has seen' without a reason. The male had further infuriated her by using his Alpha Command to help him get dressed, since 'his limbs weren't working from the one hour shower he was forced to take'. Absolutely impossible, if you would ask her. She tried to ignore his order for as long as she could, which was only for a few conflicting seconds, before submissive thoughts flooded her mind and she found herself following his whimsical not-so-much-of-a-requisition. She could still remember the grin her mate wore on his face at the sight of her working tirelessly on dressing him. As much as she had wanted to beat the s**t of him, she couldn't, not today of course. She knew that he was planning on grating on her nerves, so that she would snap at him, but she would not fall prey to his trap. She knew her predator/hunter enough to recognise every single one of his actions. As if though her mate wasn't persuading enough, the mate bond thrumming between them started it's daily duty of matchmaking, by chaffing at her. Her entire body started reacting in time with the thoughts the bond was imposing on her and at the sight her eyes had the opportunity to experience. Her mate was a peng to be exact. With his thick midnight black hair that had always been in the state of bedhead for as long as she remembered and striking blue eyes that could stare into one's soul itself in one glance and find out a person's deepest and darkest secrets, he was an enigma to anyone who would as much gaze upon him by accident. His strong, powerful and dangerously fit body just added additional sexiness to him. And he was using it to his complete advantage. A momentary lapse in her judgement had left her face first on their bed with her Alpha Male behind her, rubbing his raging erection against her arse. She should've expected this from him. The bond doesn't just affect one of them. While she had a little bit of restraint, he had lost his excellent self-control after finishing the mating process with her. He still blamed her for it, not like it was her fault. But to him, it is her fault for being all ravishing and edible, that he couldn't control his urge to devour her every time she did something. The bond too wasn't helping her and was rather at ease with the way things were going. She knew that her male wouldn't let her go, not until he had claimed his prize once more for the nth time today. She had to give in. AGAIN. By the time her mate was done claiming her, it was already past breakfast, and the two had to call in the kitchen staff to bring them their food directly to their quarters. Which the wolves did do, a few minutes later, with smug smirks on their faces. After scarfing down her breakfast in a hurry, she had instantly run to the shower, not wanting to have another encounter with her mate, with him hot on her heels. The beast in him loved to chase her. It excited him, or that's what she's been told. Even though she knew that a measly latch wouldn't hold her male down, especially when he was dead set on taking her, she did push her luck. She wasn't surprised when the door itself fell down, completely off of its hinges, unable to hold him off, when she was in the shower, covered in soap suds from her head to toe. She was very, very sure that her screams of indignation had echoed throughout the lands of the Pack, but for once, she didn't care. Her male was being completely irrational by NOT letting her do as per heart's wishes. Following the fallen door was an explosive, lustful argument which is still continuing. "-you ARE my mate and you will NOT leave my side! I forbid you to do so as your Alpha! You will abide by my orders!" "Yes, I AM your mate! Yes, you ARE my Alpha! But, I will NOT stand and listen to your junky ideas!" "My orders aren't junky! How dare you even think that I make pointless arguments!?" "Dare? Are you daring me to prove it?" "Yes, but how bout you do it in a much pleasurable way?" He glowered lustfully at his female, eyeing her naked body brazenly. She, unable to resist his advances again, flushed considerably under his stare. "See, you agree to it. I'm much more appealing to the eyes and body than those measly Weasleys." "Fenrir!" "What? It's the truth." Fenrir growled appreciatively as he enveloped his mate in his embrace once more, completely covering her body with his. "It's not like I'm leaving you-" a warning growl escaped his lips at that mere thought. "-for them. I'll be away for just a day. We're just going shopping." "With ickle Ronnie?" "No, with Ginny!" Hermione cried, trying to make her mate understand that she wasn't meeting her ex. Things went completely sour with Ron during the seventh year and Hermione finally came into an earth shattering realisation that she never liked Ron. Not as a lad. Not as a friend. Not even as a person. She had only tolerated his presence because he was Harry's 'best lad friend'. She still doesn't understand how he can be the title holder of that position when he had never done anything remotely close to being that to Harry. "You don't even like her anymore. She annoys you." That statement hit home. It was true that Hermione started to NOT like the youngest Weasley after her first shifting. She was too obnoxious for her liking. She had no personal goals, no fixed likings and absolutely no class. Chatting about boys all day, gossiping, spreading rumors, while sitting on her arse and doing nothing to help her struggling family weren't one's best traits, but it seemed that that's what the ginger could do best. Throughout her life, Hermione had never fit in with anyone. Being with the Weasleys' just made her realise that even more. She didn't even fit with the Weasleys' and that scared her. But after Fenrir bit her, soon things started to make sense. Her Alpha had explained that a few humans who successfully transitioned into werewolves had experienced it. The inability to fit in with humans, just meant that they were NOT to be with them. Life had something great waiting for them. After her transition, everything fell into the puzzle. She felt at home. After so many years. "My love, you don't have to do anything that you don't like. If you wish to go shopping, you can surely go with Reina and Sabreen. They would love to go with you. It's time that you girls go enjoy yourselves, don't you think?" Reina and Sabreen were just like Hermione. They were Muggle borns who were mated to Kol and Damon, the Beta Primes (or, just Primes) of the pack. Since they all have a similar background, the three witches grew close naturally. And, she finally understood what it feels to have female friends. Much to the approval of their males. It's only right for a Alpha Female and a Prime Female to be close. But the only thing wrong with the Alpha's words was that her schedule already contained Reina and Sabreen. In fact, she was actually going with Reina, Sabreen, Ginny, Lavender and Parvati to shop in Muggle London. Hermione smirked. "In case you've forgotten already, Alpha-" Fenrir puffed up his chest at his mate's submission. "-the Prime Females are accompanying me." Fenrir looked at her for a minute in utter silence, before he opened and closed his jaw and then finally shook his head. "Yes, I remember that." Her smirk widened. "So... You have no objection to my schedule?" Fenrir groaned, his hand coming up to cover his face, and he mumbled a "yes" under his breath. "What was that, Alpha? I couldn't hear it." Even though she heard him, all thanks to her lycanthropy, she still loved to rile her male up. It was such a sight to see her big, bad Alpha mate with his beautiful baby blue eyes darkened to black and in half-shift. "Don't test my patience, mate." He growled in warning, which sent a delicious tingle up her spine. "Or what, Alpha?" She purred. Before she could even realise what was happening, Fenrir had caged her in such a way that her breasts were pressed against the wall, and he had enveloped her bare, naked body from behind. "Try saying that in a few minutes, love." He said huskily, a dark warning, as he bit her earlobe, enjoying the way his mate shivered under his ministrations. Regardless to say, by the time her mate had allowed the two of them to emerge from the bathroom, their skin was completely shrivelled up and their carnal appetite was more than a little sated. For the time being. Quickly shimming onto the vanity seat, Hermione worked on her makeup, while a little spell was working on her hair. Even though she was focussed on her task at hand, her eyes couldn't help but follow her Male as he entered her line-of-sight as naked as the day he was born and strode over to their walk-in wardrobe with an all knowing smirk on his rather handsome face. Once she finished her touch up, she used the recently introduced cosmetic spell to make sure her makeup stays intact and made her way over to the large king sized bed where her chosen outfit lay. Slipping on the black ripped short shorts and the printed crop top, Hermione smiled appreciatively at her reflection in the mirror. She looked good. Add in the leather jacket, those sexy boots, the netted choker and those multiple rings, she looked bomb as f**k. Suddenly, she didn't want her male to see her like this, since it would only induce him to stall her even more. Maybe it was her rotten luck at play, but the second she had that particular thought, her male re-entered the living room, now dressed for the day in a black tunic shirt, black ripped jeans and black leather boots. Her mouth salivated instinctively at the sight. God. He was f*****g hot. His previously shoulder length black hair was chopped off after the war, much to her pleasure, now frames his face properly as it was meant to be. His large, bulky tanned build only incited her submissiveness. She wanted her pale throat to be bared vulnerably to him, eyes downtrodden and head tucked under his chin. His jeans were riding low on his powerful hips, giving her an undeniable view of his perfect muscular arse. "You're drooling, mate." An amused Fenrir said as he looked at the pleased face she was making. That instantly pulled her head out of the gutter, and she straightened up immediately. Looking at the vanity mirror, Hermione checked over her appearance once more. An enraged growl escaped her mate's lips when his eyes finally traced her reflection the mirror. "You will not leave the cabin wearing that, mate!" Knowing that if she responded to her mate, he would either make her change her choice of outfit or use it to his advantage and NOT let her go at all. Merlin no! Her legs moved as if they had a mind of their own, and she pushed past the door of the cabin. "HERMIONE!" A pissed off male's roar sounded after her. The second she lost her mate in a combination of tactful twists and turns, she breathed a sigh of relief and slowed down her pace. A few pack members grinned and waved at her, obviously knowing that their Alpha was after her. Smiling back at them, Hermione lifted her nose up in the air to sniff out the familiar scents of her Prime Females. Following the direction in which the scent trail led out to her, she ran, mindful of the fact that her Alpha male could still be onto her. But the sight of Reina and Sabreen sitting underneath a huge willow tree, completely camoflaged by the huge thickets and bushes that covered the area, made her grin. "Psst!" Watching the two female jump at the sound made her lose her composure and Hermione let out a bark of laughter. "Haha, it's just me! You should've seen the way you both jumped!" The two Prime Females merely raised their brows in exasperation. "Heard that the Alpha is hunting you down." Reina coughed, slyly. "Heard that your males too are hunting you down." She shot back. "Actually, all three of them are after us. If we don't get the hell out of here in a few minutes chance, we aren't going out today. At all!" Sabreen, the only logical one among them, said. Her words instantly flared up their females. While they all loved their respective males, they can get a little overbearing at times, and the only way to escape it is to escape from them. "You're absolutely right." A very familiar voice deadpanned. Standing in front of them were the people who they were exactly escaping from. Oh s**t. ~~~~~~~~
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