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PAIRING:  Fred Weasley/Hermione Potter/George Weasley QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: Our soulmate is the one that makes life come to life - Unknown.  DATE: September 1, 1991 SETTING: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. ~ F/H/G ~ "How could it be?" The same question echoed in the minds of 12 years old Fred and George Weasley - the infamous Weasley twins. Surely, she's pretty in the way no one had ever been, with her silky black hair and beautiful emerald green and perfect rosy pale skin; she had captured their attention the second she stepped into the Great Hall, along with the rest of the first year students, in which their younger brother - Ronald Weasley - too was of part. Her amazing scent of vanilla and the great extract of roses was what that attracted their attentions firsthand. Even before she could enter, the two red haired identical twin boys were already floored. But the second their eyes fell on her and the word 'mate' resonated from their inner-wolfy-selves, they knew that she was "it". The other half of their soul. Their girl. The two had shivered like crazy at the revelation. They had had this conversation with their father - Arthur Weasley - even before they entered Hogwarts. Arthur had educated them about the Mating Principle, of how the Moon Goddess - who is the one and only deity of the Werewolf kind - assigns a mate for each werewolf, who will be their soulmate and the other half of their soul. Of how the mate will make the werewolf feel alive, whole and at home. Of how that the mate will be the werewolf's strength and weakness as well. Of how that the lupine can't live without his/her mate, and would rather choose to die than live without them. The twins were at first skeptical, stating that how something so wonderfully perfect can happen in this world. But now, after seeing her, feeling all those emotions and run through them like water out of a dam, they weren't very sure whether it was all a dream or not. Because, it simply felt like it. So perfect. "Things like this happen only in dreams and fairytales. They don't happen for real... Or, do they?" Was their question now. They heard Professor McGonagall call for their mate, and that turned their attentions from the black haired girl they were staring at, to the ragged Sorting Hat. "She should get into Gryffindor. She ought to get into Gryffindor." The two chanted under their breath. She could get into any house (even Slytherin, considering her bloodline) for all they know. But coming to know of the FACT that the little Princess out there was their mate, they surely knew that they won't be able to let her go. Or, get away from her. So, the only choice was left for her to get sorted into the House of Lions. "GRYFFINDOR!" The Hat came up with a shout. They'd even admit publicly that they were the ones that came up with the loudest whoop amongst all the Gryffindors. They have never been so happy. Not even this happy when their Hogwarts letter came or when the letter of dinner rejection from Aunt Muriel came. Their Princess grinned at the Transfiguration Professor, then shot like a bullet towards the Lions' Table. The students were already congratulating and welcoming her warmly into their House. With the only seat available in the entirety of the Gryffindor table, which fatefully was the one next to Fred, the second years caught each other's eyes. A silent conversation passed between them. With a quick nod, Fred jumped to the empty seat, leaving his previous one now available. The twins' hearts hammered as the dark haired girl made her way over to them, with a grin that looked like it was almost permanently plastered on her face. Sending a quick smile to the on-lookers, she took her seat gracefully. Fred and George thought that had died and went to heaven when she smiled prettily at them. That was all that they needed to introduce themselves, and make a quick conversation about the sorting. "My parents would be so happy! I can't believe it, that I'm finally here... at Hogwarts..." Looking at the way her emerald green eyes twinkled like the stars in the sky, the two felt their heart beat increase. If it was beating like a maniac before, now it's beating like a hooligan. And, it was all because of her. Only her. ~ F/H/G ~
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