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PAIRING: Fred Weasley/Hermione Granger/George Weasley SETTING: The Battle of Hogwarts. QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: I believe in true love, and the person who is my true love, doesn't have to be just one. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ The second Wizarding war or famously known as 'the Battle of Hogwarts' just came to an end. Voldemort, the so-called Dark Lord, the Pureblood Supremacist, who was secretly a half-blood himself, was dead. Killed in the hands of his enemy. Thus, fulfilling the last line of the prophecy: ' ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... ' Harry Potter became the Master of the Death and the Deathly Hallows, but snapped the Elder Wand into two pieces and lost the Resurrection Stone when he was 'killed' in the Forbidden Forest; thus, separating the Deathly Hallows again. Bellatrix Lestrange, the most faithful servant of the Dark Lord is dead. The Malfoys and many other Purebloods had fled the war zone, even before the battle could even start. Many casualties were recorded on both the sides. The Magical Society of Britain was in shambles. If anything, the whole society is to be started anew, right from the beginning, from the roots. Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, the Chosen One, the Saviour of the Wizarding World was found lying on a hospital bed in the Great Hall, amongst the victims. Ron Weasley, the boy-who-believed, the best mate to Harry, the one that always supported him, was lying next to Harry, like the very faithful sidekick he is. Hermione Granger, the girl-who-knew, the brains of the Golden Trio, the Muggle-born extraordinaire, occupied the bed on the other side of Harry, loyally as always. All the three of them had only minor injuries, but they have thoroughly exhausted their magical cores, that they couldn't even use a simple lumos spell, without passing out promptly. Madam Pomfrey, the school Matron, had ordered them not to move a muscle until they have fully regenerated their magical cores. In this, the Golden Trio had no other option but to listen to her or face the infamous wrath of Madam Poppy Pomfrey, which none is ready to do right now. Harry was watching everyone. By everyone, he meant the people who were wounded and are now in the Great Hall. The Weasley Family had miraculously escaped without any casualties, and he was thankful for it. It is already painful for him to watch familiar faces die or get fatally wounded, and it will surely kill him if he sees anyone in his surrogate die. He saw from his peripheral vision of how Ronald was munching on a few Turkey Sandwiches. The war hadn't done anything to alter his walrus-sized appetite of his best mate, and Harry didn't know whether to be happy or disgusted by that. So, he settled for a silent chuckle. Then he glanced at Hermione, who was watching the Great Hall doors every 5 minutes, anxiously. "Hey, are you alright?" Harry had queried her even before the words could be processed in his brain. Hermione turned to him and a forced smile. "I'm alright, Harry. I don't know why I should waste the bed since I'm completely fine, whilst many others need it." Harry knew her enough to find out that she was lying through her teeth about 'I'm alright'. He shook his head smiling lightly at the girl who he like a little sister he never had; and was about to retort along the lines of 'you deserve rest', when all of a sudden, he noticed a brilliant smile on her face. She was practically glowing the next second. His eyebrows furrowed and followed the bee-line her eyes were making. Finally, his gaze fell on the Weasley Twins, who had just entered the Great Hall. Their eyes too were focussed on something. More like, someone. And, it was Hermione. He had always known that something or the other is going on between the three, but he had always brushed it off. But, now, he's not that sure.. "What's up with you? You look as if though you just got a free ticket to some premium library." Ron said, smart-ass-edly. He was still stuffing his face with the sandwiches, but his eyes were focussed on Hermione. The other reason why Harry had always dismissed the fact something was going on between the three of them was Ron. His best mate was head-over-heels for Hermione, Harry's sister in anything but blood. Harry was waiting for a reply from Hermione, when a familiar cheerful voice yelled. "She didn't see a ticket, but us!" Fred and George were walking towards them. Now, he could identify George since he doesn't have one ear. Both of them were looking muddy, with bloodied and torn clothes. But all the more, they looked good. The war hadn't relented their cheerful demeanour and Harry was thankful to every god out there. It had happened within a minute, and Harry could only see was a blurred image. All of a sudden, Hermione jumped into the arms of Fred and George Weasley who unhesitatingly wrapped her in a tight hug. The hug didn't look platonic. It looked like how two lovers - well in this case, three lovers - reuniting many years of staying apart, would hug each other. It was intimate. More than intimate, and Harry didn't know what to call it. He instantly turned to Ron, who had forgotten that he was eating, and his jaw hung open in shock. His sandwich was halfway to his mouth. Harry again turned to the threesome, who were now whispering amongst themselves. Even though it looked like a private conversation, he couldn't help but eavesdrop on them. "I was so worried for the two of you. Thank Merlin, nothing has happened to you both." Hermione whispered, sentimentally. He could hear the crack in her voice. He couldn't see her face as her back was to him, but he could imagine the worry adorning her face. "Oh, come on! It's gonna take more than 1000 death eaters-" Fred said. His one arm was wrapped around her slender waist, and the other lay by his side. Fred and George were facing Hermione so Harry could see their faces well. "-a and a candle stick to take down the Weasley Twins. And, our milady, you know of it." George continued in the weird Weasley Twins language of theirs, and they both leaned in to kiss the either side of her cheeks. Harry raised an eyebrow at the 'our milady' comment. The twins had grins on their faces, but the boy-who-lived could see the worry, tiredness and relief in their identical turquoise eyes. "But still." Hermione protested, weakly. He could visually imagine the tears welling up in her red-rimmed eyes. And, the way how her cheeks would flush up red whenever she starts crying. "No, buts. Well not in the public, we can always crash into some dorm or classroom or an alcove or even a broom closet. Come on." Harry grimaced at the words of s****l innuendos from Fred. He seriously hadn't expected their conversation to go on like this. If he had known, then he wouldn't have even thought of eavesdropping on them. Now, he was scarred for life. "I think little Harrikins is trying to eavesdrop on us, and its for the best if we let missile Hermione on him." George continued and he threw a side-long wink at Harry discreetly. At that, Harry jumped up.He almost peed his pants when Hermione turned slowly towards him. He had expected her to disembowel him manually; but she gave him a sheepish look and started her infamous ranting. "Harry, I should've told you at the beginning, but the elders were all over us. They didn't want us to let anyone know of this. Only the Professors that too the ones in the Order, Molly and Arthur, and the Order are the ones that know of this. I'm so sorry, Harry. You've done so much for us, and I haven't been truthful with you. I feel like a crap-" "Merlin! Morgan! You made our wife here swear! Thank you, Harry! Thank you so much!" Fred exclaimed excitedly with George mirroring the emotions of his twin. Now, that Hermione had turned, all the three were facing Harry; Hermione was in the middle with the twins on the either sides of her. Fred and George had their arms wrapped around the 17 year old girl's shoulders, whilst she had her arms around their torsos. They were all standing so close to each other, as if though they were attached hip to hip with each other. Harry jerked at his words, whilst Ron spat out his sandwich at his elder brother's words. "What in the bloody hell?!" "Yes, Ronald. Hermione here, is a Weasley. Well, to-be-Weasley, don't worry, we'll invite you." Fred commented off-handedly, as he took his bride-to-be's hand in his and kissed it lingeringly, before showcasing the ring that Hermione had worn in her left ring finger. The ring was simple, but elegant, nonetheless. The band was made of Platinum and white gold merged together with magical silver (that gives eternal shine). A brilliant shining diamond sat in the centre, that had carvings on it, which said: Always. At the twin's words, almost 3/4th of the Great Hall's occupants were staring at the them, with the Order members being an exception. Harry's thoughts were all running up and down, cris-cross apple sauce all the way up in light speed. All of a sudden, he was thankful for being an accomplished Occlumens, which helped him prevent the impending headache. "But, why would they do that? I mean, I thought that the.. um, three lovers thingy was common in the Magical World? What is so special about keeping this a secret?" "Harry, the three lovers thingy is called as a triad-" Hermione started with a gentle tone. Her eyes were completely softened when the twins pulled a chair out for her, and sat her down. Unconsciously, Harry smiled at the sight. "- It is when three people's magic is compatible with each other and starts a bond that acts as an energy/magic reserve for the three involving witches and wizards-" Fred said, as he and George sat down on the either sides of Hermione. Instantly, the Twins had their hands entwined with her, and kissed her forehead again. "- This was one type of the Greater Battle Magic used by the Light Side in the First Wizarding War. After that not many had formed the triad, quartet or pent bonds. Since, we can share our magic, we proved to be a weapon against Voldemort in the war. We had to be kept in because he'd naturally kill or mortally injure any one of us, thus, ending our bond, which would prove to be fatal for all the three of us, as the bond runs in our magical core." George finished the explanation neatly, and Hermione threw a proud smile at him. "When did you form this bond?" Seamus Finnegan was listening in on their conversation, well everyone was but he was the one that questioned. The Triad turned to the enquirer and answered him, well, Hermione did. "We formed the bond the second we saw each other. In the Train." Everyone's jaws fell open at her words. And, before anyone could say anything, Hermione continued. "I was with Fred and George before I met you and Ron, Harry. Actually, we literally bumped into each other at the Platform. When we did, my magic felt like it was swirling all over the place, and since I was new to this world I didn't know what it meant. Apparently, Fred and George here were also feeling the same, and they too didn't know what it meant. We chose a compartment first and spent almost 2 hours talking about our lives with each other. The Twins suddenly realised that they hadn't finished their homework, not that they cared about it anyways, but then also Lee pulled them away. They promised to sit with me at the Opening Feast. And, then I met you two." The occupants of the Hall were making the perfect imitation of a fish that was thrown out of water. But, no one more than Ron. Molly appeared out of nowhere, followed by the rest of the Weasley Clan. "Looks like you've been explaining them about everything." The Weasley family Matriarch said, as she placed a hand on Hermione's shoulder. Harry looked up at her and questioned her. "How did you find that they had a bond, Molly?" "Well, Dumbledore had sent me a letter about the potential bond that these three could form. And, when we met Hermione, we could see the bond she had with the Twins. So, we had a meeting about this and decided to keep them as a secret" Molly explained, as she lovingly braided Hermione's hair into a elegant braid; much to the amusement of the Weasley Twins, who received hard-earned glares from their fiancée. Hermione leaned into Fred, who discreetly pressed his forehead against hers, whilst George played with her braid unconsciously. Ron's jaw fell to the ground and Harry was gobsmacked at the information dump but soon got into his legs, as he hugged Hermione tightly. "I'm so happy for you. I'm mad that you didn't tell me of this, but I can understand why you didn't. You deserve the best, Hermione, and I can sure as hell see that the twins are best for you." Hermione sobbed. "Oh, Harry! You're the best person ever! You're the best brother anyone could ask for! I'm really sorry for not telling you, but I'm really thankful to you! Thank you so much!" She had Harry wrapped in her signature hug, and this time Harry didn't flinch but patted her back lightly. "It's alright, Mione." The Weasleys and everyone in the Great Hall (well, the conscious ones) smiled nodding their heads at them. Fred and George had a mischievous look on their faces when they glanced at Ron, who was still frozen. They winked at each other, before George pulled Hermione lightly out of Harry's arms, all the while chiding her. "Don't stress yourself, sweet heart. You know it's not good for the baby." Everyone gasped loudly at the enlightenment, whilst Hermione blushed and slapped her fiancée's arm. "Oh shut up you!" George tee-heed and hugged her to his side, whilst Fred had his arms around her stomach lightly. "Gred is right, Mione love. Baby Mumma shouldn't be under stress-" Fred chided his fiancée. Molly was jumping up and down in surprise, whilst the other Weasleys were congratulating each other. Hermione blushed again, and Harry almost fainted. "You-You?" "No, Harry. They're lying." Hermione blushed again, and Harry breathed a sigh of relief. That stopped the Weasleys from celebrating and they started pelting the twins for lying. Harry and Hermione joined in that too. "Ow! Ow! That hurt! You can't blame men for having their dreams!" Harry's heart almost stopped at the imaginary fact at what would've happened if Hermione was pregnant and was fighting a war. Their heads snapped over to Ron's direction when they heard a 'thump' from him. The said Weasley was now lying - unconscious - on the bed. His eyes rolled into his head, whilst his tongue rolled out of his mouth. Molly gasped and rushed to his side, followed by Arthur, whilst the other Weasleys stayed in their places. "I think you broke him." Harry commented, but his words went into a deaf man's ears as when he glanced at the triad. A uneasy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach as he saw the three involved in monkey business. Hermione was engaged in a hot snogging session with George, whilst Fred was kissing along her neck. All the three of them were panting, groaning, moaning and groping each other. Harry, Bill, Charlie and Percy groaned loudly. "OH, COME ON, GET A ROOM! THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE!" 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
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