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PAIRING: None.  QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: When the prison doors are opened, the real dragon will fly out - Unknown. SETTING: Acheloids ~~~~~~~~~~~ Her reflection on mirror - or any other surface, for that matter - had never made her feel good. Ever. Maybe that's what is to be expected of a person, a woman - most notably - whose life and destiny was sealed shut even before she was of age or even worse, born. Promises happen now and then, but offering their own child to win an already won war? Now, that is foolishness. How could a father sell his unborn child's life over something so much as trivial as claiming victory over a poorly developed kingdom? Such a foolish man was her father. How could a mother dare not question her husband on ruining their child's life? This is a finest example of abhorrence. Such an abhorrent woman was her mother. How could a child's own parents destroy her life and still act as if though they're trying to protect her from the evils of the mortal world, even though they are the real danger that she should be protected from? How could someone wreck their daughter just to save their hides? Such abominable human beings are her parents. Furthermore, how could people always look at her with pity and trepidation for suffering from such a god-awful fate? How dare they! Such was and is her life. Noble or not there's only so much a woman can take, before she breaks. And, here is Princess Hermione waiting for her's, with her wild and untameable heart waiting - for once - to meet her destiny. When people meet her, they only see a Princess who has never faced even the slightest difficulty in her entire life, but they don't see a woman - more often, a mere girl - who just wanted to lead and live her life according to her wishes. They should know. They should've known. That she never goes out without a flourish. Hermione smirked - a feature that she picked up from her mother - a smug smile, as her ladies-in-waiting led her from her sitting chambers to the Throne room where the entire Kingdom was awaiting her arrival. The second the huge oak doors to the Throne room opened, the previously chattering crowd stopped dead short at the sight that greeted them. Their Princess was truly a beautiful woman, indeed! Dressed in a bridal white gossamer wedding gown, sporting a plunging neckline that teased her bountiful breasts, and the low backline that teased her bare upper back, she was decidedly a bride meant to be. Her pale porcelain skin glowed like the moon on a starless night, and her stormy blue eyes dazzled in the light. Her silvery white hair was braided with lots of little flowers, and were let to cascade down her shoulders naturally. Adding extra pulchritude to her beauty was the way her hourglass figure was accentuated in the figure hugging dress that she wore. She had the perfect figure every man would want in a woman, and every woman would kill for. To top it off, a flimsy veil was draped elegantly over her, which trailed along with her gown in a long trail behind her. On the whole, she was a sight to behold. "My daughter is so beautiful, that even Aphrodite would be so jealous!" And there she did it. Her w***e of a mother had to bring the Greek Goddess of Love into this mess. That one sentence would surely wreak havoc on whatever love that she had expected to have in his horrible life of hers. As if to acknowledge the statement made by the Acheloidian Queen, an unexpected lightning hit, followed by the rumbling of thunder. Hermione swallowed back a groan. As if her life wasn't horrid enough, now she has got a Goddess after her hide. All thanks to her pathetic so-called parents. Whenever they mess up her life like this, it makes her wonder, whether she was actually born to them or was adopted into their family. The latter thought was more plausible since she shared none of her parents' or her family line's traits. While, her father and mother both had auburn brown hair, she had striking silvery white hair that looks like it is made of pure snow. She had stormy blue eyes contrasting to the brown eyes of her father and reddish brown eyes of her mother. Where her father was tanned due to being a warrior and her mother was a 'bronze Goddess', she was much of a pale skin tone. She's so much pale, that without using the witches' lotion every single day, she'd become a fully grown human sized lobster. But that idea was also shot down soon. If she had been by chance adopted, wouldn't they at least be affectionate towards her? Surely, only if they had been 'barren' for so long, Noble couples usually go for adoption officially. Even if she had been found out on their doorstep or somewhere else, and they had decided to raise her, wouldn't they be more caring of her? If they weren't slightly interested in doing so, why would they take her in? Were they tortured? Blackmailed into raising her? Her inquisitive thoughts were gratefully shattered, when she felt a hand on the small of her back, pushing her slightly forwards. She was being whisked away to the courtyard where she would be 'married' to the Dragon. Hermione bit back a shudder, at the images that filled her mind at the mere thought of it. At that moment, she really questioned the ultimate plan of her parents. Growing up, she always knew that she was promised to a Dragon, regardless of it, her mother made sure of telling her tales from faraway lands about the destruction the dragons caused. The tales usually contained wild, ferocious, uncivilised dragons destroying cities, ruining families, killing humans for fun and taking maidens as their slaves. She could remember the way she would shudder in fear, hide under her duvet, and clutch at her mother's hand, hoping to every God and Goddess out there to not let a Dragon come into their Kingdom. But her mother would just slap her hands away, chiding her for being so cowardly. As if to taunt her, she'd include here and there of how she'd be able to handle a Dragon all alone, if the mere tales of them scare her. All that fear had changed her into the woman she is today. Her plan was all set. Now, there's only one thing to wait for. The Dragon's arrival. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
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