4397 Words
Pairing: Fabian Prewett / Hermione Cassiopeia Black / Gideon Prewett ●~~~●~~~●~~~● Setting: The Prewett's Folly Date: August 1, 1970 ●~~~●~~~●~~~● "If we eloped right this moment, will they disown us?" Hermione mused, her molten grey eyes twinkling with thought. She was sitting under one of the many peach trees that littered the Prewett Folly's gardens, in the company of her twin betrotheds, enjoying the light breeze that grazed the property on this particularly sunny day. Fabian snorted. "They will disown you. Not us." "Mum will surely be horrified. She wants to welcome you into the family as lavishly as possible." Gideon added, placing a soft kiss on his Mate's luscious raven tresses. The grey eyed beauty smiled unconsciously at that. "Mainly to piss off Mother, I suppose." Irma Black née Crabbe had sniffed and droned about having to hand over her precious daughter to, and I quote, 'a repugnant House which might as well be filled with Mudbloods", for days on end. "Mainly, yes. But, she also wishes to show you how much our House can take care of you." Fabian added, entwining his callous hand with that of her soft one, noting the difference with a smirk. A comfortable silence enveloped them, contrasting the current political climate in the Wizarding World, which stands split into two by the people who reside in it. The Death Eater forces led by Lord Voldemort was wreaking havoc every other day, as they preyed on the families of those who opposed them and their ideology. Defenseless Muggles and Muggleborns were their primary targets. While, the Order of the Phoenix led by Albus Dumbledore was fighting within an inch of its life against their opponents by engaging in everything that they deem to be 'proper'. Amidst this seemingly never-ending chaos, the Prewett Triad lived on. Fabian and Gideon were in their Third Year at Hogwarts when Hermione entered the said Magical School as a First Year and got herself sorted into the House of Snakes, much to the disappointment of the Twins since their magic had gone barmy the second their eyes laid on her. They immediately knew that she was their Mate. Their third. The third of their potential Triad Bond. Twins are exceptional in the Magical World, since they are fabled to be two halves of the same soul and hold a bond that is believed to be unbreakable even after their deaths. Magical Twins naturally form a Triad bond with a person (in case of case of more than one person, then it is a Quartet Bond or a Poly Bond) whose Magical Core is identical to theirs. After the consummation of the bond, the individual Magical Cores of the members tend to coalesce into one, single Core from which they'd have to share their magic from, thereon. The magic created by a Triad or a Quartet or a Poly Bond is said to be the purest form of Magic to have ever come into being. It is as powerful as it can get. The magical population had gone down tremendously due to the clashes between the Light and the Dark Side, due to which the Greater Magics such as Triads, Quartets and Polys were deemed to have disappeared off the face of earth, since multiple birth pregnancies dropped, almost to a negligible rate, in the Wizarding World. In such a time the mere potential of having a potential Triad Bond will surely send shockwaves throughout the community. Fabian and Gideon were taught of this ever since they were little and had grown up hoping to meet their third, one day. And now, that they finally did get to meet her, they were ecstatic. It didn't matter to them that she was a Slytherin, she was theirs, and they were surely not going to let something as trivial as House rivalry to keep them away from their Mate. So, they started their plan off slowly. They made sure to bump into her every day; either at the Great Hall or the corridors that she had her classes on, even though they definitely didn't have their classes on the same ones or the Quidditch Pitch when she came over to meet her Cousins or the Great Lake when she needed some time off. When they found out that she was a Bibliophile and loved to spend her every waking moment at the Library, they decided to lurk around there, just to be close to her. The Gryffindors found it immensely unsettling to see the usually playful Prewett slave off at the Library every other day. Some thought that they were cursed, most likely a cold revenge by someone who might've been pranked by them. For the next few days, the Snakes found themselves to be under a great scrutiny by several Lions. While others, were of the opinion that they were being imperiused by Professor McGonagall, since they made a poor Badger bloke profess his undying love to the said Scot when she was investigating him on his rather trollish-assignment. Some thought that they were at the Library only to research about improving their prank lines. One lad, apparently had no such patience for useless gimmicks, and had the gall to inquire the pranksters outright on their rather religious visit to the Study. He was immediately shut off when the Twins went on a villanic-monologue rant where they revealed their secretive near-future goal that certainly constitutes a part where they prank all of Hogwarts in one go. All the occupants in the Common Room shuddered at the mere thought, instictinctively, since they have all been on the receiving end of the Twins' pranks at least once, ever since they had stepped into Hogwarts. So, the Lions did what every other Lion would do, when they were threatened by the Prewett Twins. They fled their presences immediately, seeking refuge either in their dorms or literally, the outside. Hermione, though obvious at first, soon caught on, as she started noticing the Prewett Twins hanging around her at all times, like a bad smell. On the last day of the term, she cornered them, like the Slytherin she is, and asked them to spill the beans as to why they've been stalking her since time innumerable. And, so they did. The Black Princess was frozen to her place. Shocked was the understatement of the century, here. The twins didn't hold back even a single detail and revealed everything to her. Hermione was suspicious of them, since there are enough necromancers in the World as it is, but after a little Magical display by them, which made her Magical Core to pulse in reaction, she agreed that she indeed was their Mate, much to the happiness of the two-thirds of their potential Bond. As she had acknowledged the potential Bond between them and received a certainly unexpected reaction from her own Magical Core, she felt a connection to them. An imaginary string that connected her to them. An imaginary string that thrummed with a kind of Magic, that made her skin to gooseflesh with power. The awed look on the twins' face let her know that she wasn't the only one that had felt it. The three decided, then, to let the cat out of the bag, unceremoniously to their families. The reaction they got, after the potential Triad sprung up the news, made a stark contrast between both the families. Lord Betram Prewett and Lady Honouria Prewett née Behn were simply happy for their sons. Molly Prewett - the twins' younger sister, who is also Hermione's year mate - was overjoyed at the fact that their family was going to get bigger and that she was going to get a new sister. A Black, at that! Lord Pollux Black and Lady Irma Black née Crabbe were appalled. The fact that their daughter was a part of a potential Triad Bond made them proud, but they weren't very fond of her to-be two-thirds. Hermione's older sister, Walburga Black raged about how her sister had failed her by becoming a Third to a set of blood traitorous twins, while her husband and second cousin - Orion Black - righteously ignored his insane wife and congratulated his much younger sister-in-law on the news, although secretly. Alphard, her oldest brother, had hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead, saying that he would do anything to keep her and her two-thirds safe. Walburga, enraged at the sight unfolding in front of her, aimed an ancient flower vase at his head. The handsome wizard ducked right in time, and the vase hit the wall and shattered into million little pieces - much to the devastation of his mother, who went into a further catatonic state, if that was even possible. Then, he got involved in a screaming match with Walburga, who lost her hold on sanity and started shrieking about how he was supposed to die by her hands and how he's still alive. Giving up on his family and, apparently his life as well, he apparated away, after giving his younger sister a kiss. Cygnus III, her older brother, took to glaring at her as if though she told him that the sky was violet, the ground was blue and he was an i***t. Druella Black née Rosier sat beside her, smiling uncertainly at her younger sister-in-law as ten tears old Bellatrix glared at her Aunt, eight years old Andromeda and six years old Narcissa hugged her. As the chaos unfolded, two years old Sirius and newborn Regulus were fast asleep in the crib together, while being watched over by Kreacher who kept muttering about blood traitors poisoning Sweet Miss Mione's mind. Hermione had sighed throughout the night. She was already aware that her family would react violently to the news and had anticipated it, so she got along fine with it. All she had to do was wait for them to calm down and do whatever it takes. It wasn't a rather well-hid secret that both the Houses belong to different sides of the war, with House Prewett to the Light Side and House Black to the Dark Side. So, in a move that totally shocked none, each House took to informing their Leader(s) of the state of affairs. To say that Lord Voldemort and Headmaster Dumbledore were shocked was again the understatement of the century. Both decided that the Prewett Triad was the Trump Card that their respective side(s) needed to win over the other, even though it is still a potential Triad Bond and it was not even completed yet. A meeting had to be arranged in order to do damage-control on the situation. The Houses met up, and the first meeting was a utter failure, as each tried to make things go their way. Despite hating the fact that their daughter is forced to associate with blood traitors, the Blacks certainly knew the perks of the Triad Bond. And they were hardly the ones to miss the chance to rise up in the Death Eater ranks. The second meeting was arranged, and again it was a failure. Then, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh meeting all failed, in front of their eyes and it was safe to say that both the sets of parents were irate beyond limit. And, it remained that way, for a long time. But, Voldemort placed House Black in his Inner Circle and Dumbledore placed House Prewett in his own version of the Death Eater inner circle in the Order, so that did bring hope to the Houses that not everything is unwell. On the other hand, Hermione and the Twins started communicating, almost on a daily basis, with each other - as their Bond had demanded of them. They shared their childhood stories, their day-to-day happenings, their likes and dislikes, their hobbies, their favourite everythings, their future and everything that rots. They soon went from being each other's acquaintances to confidantes to friends to best friends to proper Triad Mates in the years that came by. When the Contracts were finally drawn up - in the Twins' Seventh Year and Hermione's Fifth Year - the entire Wizarding World were in for a treat, as the Houses had given a Public Interview with The Daily Prophet about the Prewett Triad, on the insistence of Lord Voldemort and Headmaster Dembledore. Neither Side was willing to give up on them, especially now that the World knew of the Bond. They were not, apparently, ready to lose their popularity rating with the common public. The squabble which started way back in 1960, is continuing till now, even after 10 years. Fabian and Gideon, after graduating from Hogwarts, worked on receving a Potions Mastery. When they had been successful, they started a Potions Firm called The Prewett Apothecary, which instantly went on to become a hit, not only due to their popularity, but also because of their creativity. As of now, the twins are respected businessmen in the Wizarding World, much to the approval of their mother, who had initially wanted them to join the Ministry like their Father and brother-in-law before them, but after seeing their success with her own eyes, she admitted defeat. Hermione, joined the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, after her education, where she obliterated the ancient Werewolf laws and introduced a new ones, according to which, Werewolves were given the right to education, healthcare and housing. The law was a huge success with the lycanthropes and other "Dark Creatures". Though she did receive backlash from prominent Houses that "are only trying to protect the magical community from being eaten alive by these brutal mutts", the positive feedback had catapulted her into a pedestal of being the Savior of the Dark Creatures. And the fact that she had decided to focus on the House Elf Laws next, made her the talk of the town. Much to the devastation of her mother and older sister, who had both raged and raved about how the traitorous blood of her twins had f****d up her Pureblood brain full time. She paid no attention to them, since she was in a superior social status compared to them after the Laws were effected. She attended Parties, Conferences and other "higher up" Social Events that even her mother or older sister didn't get invited to. To make matters worse, her sister is the future Matriarch of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. The Triad, not giving a f**k about the politics of the War, decided to stay neutral, because they got to know enough of both the Sides to not join either of them. While, Voldemort was outright rotten and appealed to the generic blood status pride of the Purebloods to shut out the Muggle World from ever breaching the Wizarding World, Dumbledore manipulated all those that are around him by maintaining a façade of a doting grandfather to make sure that the Muggle World becomes entwined with the Magical World, mainly in order to piss off his opponent. The Triad knowing the shortcomings of both the Sides announced that they will never choose a particular Side, since they only wish to improve the Wizarding World regardless of what happens. Such has been their lives. "If I have to sit in a close-knit space with that horrid woman sighing about my skinny ankles and how witches these days are thin like sticks and how they will never be able boost the population of the magical community, once more, then I will surely throw hands." Hermione muttered, as the reason as to why she was visiting the Prewett's struck in her mind. She was invited to attend a family dinner with her soon-to-be in-laws, and she couldn't even work up the effort to refuse, as it's been two weeks since she last spent time with the twins. The bond had twisted and pulled throughout in agony, having little to no physical connection between the parties involved. Aside from an occasional owl the Triad had been unable to meet up, as it was the Allergy Season and the sales at the Apothecary had doubled, forcing the twins to work round the clock alongside their employees to even meet up the supply with the demand. Hermione, on the other hand, was working with the House Elves, pulling all-nighters left and right, that her oldest brother had to literally shove down The Sleeping Draught down her throat one day to make her sleep, since she literally looked like she was meeting up with Death for Tea. As Aunt Muriel's face flashed into her mind, she blanched. And the fact that she was going to have to endure that in not less than half an hour made her twitch. Fabian lifted his head from his place on her lap. "Why, surely, darling-" "-our delightfully, pleasant Aunt Muriel-" Gideon continued with the back of his hand pressed on his forehead, theatrically. "-who is as innocent and gullible as a Niffler-" "-can't be going around making our Lady upset- " "-can she?" The molten grey eyed beauty rolled her eyes, even though a smile did escape her luscious lips. The Prewett Twins smirked at the pretty picture she made at that moment. "She makes me love those classes where I had to read The Whole Duty of a Pureblood woman; or, an infallible guide to the fair s*x containing Rules, Directions and Observations, for their Conduct and Behaviour through all Ages and Circumstances of life, as Virgins, Wives or Widows on the insistence of grandmother Melania." Gideon scoffed playfully. "She did that because she loves you, dear Mate." Hermione growled. "She is just getting at me because grandfather didn't make her the Matriarch, I mean how am I even responsible for what goes on in that old coot's head!" A flare in the Bond made the twins to shiver in response. "Maybe... because you look like him?" Fabian started, blandly. "I never had represented that mentally unstable gaffer physically and I don't understand why she takes it out on me! She could take one for the team, innit? But nooo, let's ruin little Hermione to get back at her absent grandfather because it will strike him down. As if! Bastard still doesn't even know your names, and it's been ten f*****g years already!" The playful atmosphere that lingered in the air previously faded away as soon as it came into being. "What!" Gideon shrieked. Fabian looked like he officially lost it. "Really? He was there when the Contracts were signed. He authorised, innit?" "He even said our names out loud for Merlin's right bollock's sake!" Hermione smiled calmly at them. "Now we are all on the same page." The twins looked at her, then at the sky and then finally sighed. "We should just wish our families away from now on." Fabian commented. Hermione pressed a kiss to his lips in agreement with his observation. The handsome red haired wizard, in return, merely deepened it by tracing the contour of her full lips, asking permission to enter the warm cavern of her obviously delicious mouth. She moaned, a full-on throaty moan, that made Gideon - who had been rolling his cement grey eyes at the scene in front of him - to join his Triad. Since his twin was currently occupying the spot ahead of their Third, he settled behind her and latched his thin lips onto the sensitive skin in the crook of her porcelain skin. The Black Princess sighed, feeling her skin heat up under the onslaught of her Twins' attentions. The Bond between them purred in response. A lightness, which she was starved off for weeks on end, spread throughout her chest. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and she clenched her thighs in response, as liquid heat shot up in her abdomen. Wind swept past her cheeks, making her squirm at the coldness. Soon that was rectified when Fabian crushed her to his hard, muscular chest and his warmth enveloped her like a blanket. Gideon's large, warm hand gripped her waist tightly, sure to leave his fingerprints on it, as his other hand pulled her hair to the side, giving him more space to work with. The damned wizard then proceeded to devour her wickedly, rendering her breathless and only able to gasp out their names against her Mate's lips.  Oxygen ran out sooner than she would've liked and she was forced to part from his tantalisingly warm lips. Fabian buried his face in her neck, once their kiss broke up, breathing out against the little hairs making it all stand upright in response. Feeling ticklish, Hermione squirmed in response. Immediately her head was tilted to one side by a hand from behind her, and before she could register what was happening, she found herself being snogged rotten by her other Mate. A chuckle resonated from the twin who wasn't eating her face, and the sound reverberated against her body invitingly. Hermione blindly reached a hand towards him and when her fingers came into contact with the silk of his robes, she tugged him to her, enjoying the way his defined body felt against her soft one. Too caught up in the moment, the Triad failed to notice that they had an audience. A well-timed "Uh-humpph" had the three jump into the air and untangle themselves from the rather unbelievable tangle of limbs they had gotten into. The widely-grinning face of a very pregnant Molly Weasley née Prewett greeted them and they groaned in response, unashamedly. "As your chaperone, I understand, I have failed in my duty. Please refrain from indulging in such activities hereafter." The pregnant woman stated, with a stern face. Gideon tilted his head to the side, his eyes twinkling mirthfully. "Mollywobbles-" He looked pretty ravished with his lips swollen like that and hair mussed up around his head. "-the pot is calling the kettle black now." Fabian finished, looking every bit like a person who was snogged to within an inch of his life. A hot blush covered Molly's cheeks and she stuttered. "S-Shut up, you! I only came here to inform you that our dear Aunt Muriel has arrived." That one sentence was enough to send the infamous Triad into motion, much to the satisfaction of Molly, who surely did get back at her brothers for mocking her. They were instantly on their feet and helped the other with straightening up their clothes and glamour charms to cover the love bites. In record time, they were all as poised as they had been before. Molly giggled. "Come, let's go before Aunt eats all of us alive for dinner." Hermione rolled her eyes. "As if Honouria will let her Lancashire Hotpot go waste. She'll let her eat us for breakfast, not dinner." Fabian and Gideon, knowing that it might become a possible outcome if they didn't reach the house on time, quickly extended their arm(s) to the ladies and walked them back to the Manor, before it could occur. The second the four reached the foyer where Lord and Lady Prewett, along with Arthur Weasley, were stood already welcoming their guest, they knew they will become flobberworms by the end of the night. H ermione and Molly curtsied instantly, while the Twins bowed dutifully to the her. With a sniff, the horrible woman bore her brown eyes into Hermione. "In my days, Ladies don't venture alone in the dark with the Gentlemen. Especially without being chaperoned." The Black Princess clenched her jaw at that. Fabian coughed. "Dear Aunt, Molly was with us the whole time." Aunt Muriel whipped her head so fast to glare at the Twins (since she didn't know who was talking back to her, with them looking so damned identical), they wondered how she didn't get a whiplash. "Like I would believe that." Then, she turned to the Lady of the Manor and crowed. "Honouria! I'm hungry. Let's go have dinner." Lady Prewett nodded her head impeccably, after she aimed a small apologetic smile at her future daughter-in-law. "Yes, my Lady." Lord Prewett sending a quick teasing grin at the Triad, led his sister to the Dining Room. Arthur and Molly soon joined the elders, leaving the Triad at the foyer to fend for themselves. Gideon looked at his Third to check over her. Hermione, noticing his look of concern waved him off. "I'm fine, I've seen worse from my family." Fabian shook his head. "I don't know how it makes me feel. The fact that you've had to put up with this all your life from your family or that you should put up with this for the rest of your life from our family... You've got a rotten luck, my love." Then, kissed her forehead soundly. The black haired beauty grinned at him and his twin. "Marry me and save me from my family then, my heroes." "You do have a way with words." Gideon shook his head. Hermione smirked at him. "I believe then, that is a right time to inform you of a certain wedding tradition that we must follow." The Twins glanced back at her, offering each of their arm to her. The Black Princess entwined her arms with that of theirs and sighed dramatically. "The bride and the grooms must not be in contact with each other for 34 days before the wedding, in order to appease Lady Hera into blessing us with a prosperous married life and beautiful children." "39?!" "Bloody hell!" "I know..." "39?!" "Its not fair! The Bond itself will kill us!" "I know..." "39?!" "How will we fare that?" "I know..." "39?!" "There are two scenarios that can occur. One, either one of us will die, and you will become a widow even before marrying us and you will die of heartbreak. Or-" "-I will die, making you widowers and you will die of heartbreak!" "39?!" "Are you going to say something else, Fab-" "-or are you just going to repeat the same thing over and over again? Even if you do that the number of days aren't gonna reduce itself!" "39?!" "I believe he's gone into shock, this brother of mine." "Decidedly so." "Can we use him as an excuse and flee?" "Of course!" "39?!" ●~~~●~~~●~~~●
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