6050 Words
Pairing: Frederick Gideon Weasley / Hermione Regalia Black / George Fabian Weasley ●~~~●~~~●~~~● Setting: Outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole, Devon, England. Date: The Fourteenth of August, Ninteen Eighty-two. ●~~~●~~~●~~~● Lord Regulus Arcturus Black took a deep breath. Adjusting the precious bundle that was resting on his left shoulder, he stared at the pigpen-like building that would surely be impossible to build with anything but magic. A lopsided sign near the entrance read 'The Burrow'. This architectural structure amazed and scared him at the same time. Amazed, that so many people are going to be here to attend the gathering that the Lady Weasley was throwing on behalf of the Order of Phoenix - when it looks like it's going to fall any moment. Scared, that his little Angel is expected to be under it's roof for the time being. The handsome black haired wizard sighed. Realising that he had sighed many times I this evening than he had ever done in his entire lifetime, he sighed again. Pushing the ragged door, he clenched his jaw - reflexively - when it hissed and opened. He thanked Salazar Slytherin when his Angel was unperturbed by the disturbing noise and continued sleeping her little eyes off. There was laughter resonating from somewhere deep in the house. When he entered, or more specifically when the door opened, he could hear the scraping of chairs, people getting up and walking towards the entrance. Lord and Lady Weasley's pudgy faces greeted his line of sight first. "Lord Weasley, thank you for inviting me." Arthur shook his hand warmly. "It's only fair for what you've done to help us." Regulus nodded his head at the Lady of the House. "You've got a beautiful house, Lady Weasley. Hermione would love to explore it once she wakes up, with your permission of course." "Oh Regulus, call me Molly. Of course little Hermione can do so as she pleases. I'm sure she would've seen beautifuler, larger houses than this." Regulus clenched his jaw in annoyance when the older woman used his given name without his permission, but decided to swallow his Slytherin Pride away since he knew that this is the way Gryffindors normally behave. So, he settled for a polite smile. Molly held onto his shoulder - the one that wasn't occupied at the moment - and chirped. "Remove your coat and come on in, the guests are all inside making merry." Then, shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts. She added. "Let me hold your daughter, whilst you get comfortable." "Lady We-" noticing the look of disapproval she was shooting him, he corrected himself. "-Molly, it's fine." Then, with an incredibly perfect display of wandless, non-verbal magic his coat found itself hanging at the coat hanger. Arthur looked surprised at that. Molly, on the other hand, was not the one to be moved and eyed the obviously expensive grey blanket that he had bundled his little love with. "Do you require the blanket too?" He made the move to answer the incessant woman, but was interrupted by a very familiar voice doing it for him. "-my darling niece likes to have her blankie on her person when she wakes up, Molly." "Sirius." The older Black Wizard stood not more than five feet away from them, with his trademark Black molten grey eyes twinkling happily. "Nice evening innit, little brother?" Dressed in the most garish sweater he's ever seen which he had paired with a corduroy trousers, he surely resembled a homeless tramp who had suddenly come into money and certainly not the rich brat that he was. A grimace found its way onto the younger Black brother's face. "What in the Merlin's name are you wearing?" Sirius actually looked shocked that it induced him to be shocked for a moment. "What's wrong with this? It looks good!" Before he could retort, he was interrupted. Again. "No, it doesn't, Sirius. This is what I've been telling you since forever. You resemble a tramp who's nicked from another." The horrified look on his brother's face made him feel good for coming here for the slightest moment. Only the slightest. "But Remy! I look hot! My arse is-" Seeing that the situation would get out of hand if it wasn't handled properly, Arthur intervened. "Now, now, Sirius. We should get your poor brother in. He's been standing here for almost half an hour." That seemed to do it, since Regulus found himself being pushed to a room where the Order members were apparently lounging. "Look who's here!" Sirius exclaimed happily and the room exploded into chaos. All started screaming his name, congratulating him, clapping him on his shoulder and commenting about his daughter at once. Just as it started, it ended. Within minutes. And, everyone returned to their previous positions. Regulus bit back the urge to appear thunder struck by the heck of it all. "Regulus!" Another familiar voice made him swivel his head in searching of it's owner. His eyes fell on the beautiful woman in her early thirties, seated by the counter. She was dressed in a grey tea gown that complimented her eye colour and pale skin tone. Her curly Black hair was braided on the top and let loose at the bottom. Lady Hermione Prewett née Weasley. "Aunt Hermione." The heir to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black greeted, pressing an obligatory kiss to the back of the said witch's extended hand. "Allow me to compliment the pretty picture you make, dear Aunt." "Oh, shut it you." Aunt Hermione rolled her eyes. As the younger wizard moved to answer, he was interrupted. For the third time today. "Oi-" "-keep your paws to yourself-" "-we've had to wait for ten years-" "-to marry this witch of ours-" "-and we're not letting you, a wee lad of tens, whisk her away!" Fabian and Gideon Prewett, his Twin Uncles, popped out of nowhere and settled on the chairs on the either sides of his Aunt, holding each of her hands. The infamous Prewett Triad. "Like I would ever do that, Uncles, after listening to you two grumble the same thing over and over again for all these years." Regulus retorted. A identically blinding smile(s) overtook their features at that moment that Regulus had to divert his eyes from them in order to not risk losing his eyesight. "Good choice lad-" "-we appreciate it, really." Regulus rolled his eyes at them. Gryffindors. "Stop bullying my nephew, you idiots." Lady Prewett snapped, and on a better note, swatted their arms. "Ow! Witch-" "-you don't even love us-!" "-do you? Their wife rolled her eyes and decided to ignore her melodramatic husbands and focus her attention on her nephew and grand niece. "Come sit by me." The older witch said. As the younger wizard obliged and removed his daughter from his shoulder to settle her against his chest, she continued. "Seeing that you were running late, I assumed my delightfully old sister cuffed you to the Dungeons to prevent you from leaving and sullying the House of Black by associating yourself with the Blood traitors." Regulus smirked. "Are you the one putting those horrendous words in my poor mother's mouth, Auntie?" Aunt Hermione glared at him. And, he, in return, chuckled smoothly. "There were awfully similar words flying, but little Hermione fell asleep so Mother shut herself after I told her that I didn't want her to wake my daughter up." Fabian smirked. "So you threatened to cut her expenses off once you become the Patriarch?" "And blast her off the House." The black haired man added. The Prewett Triad, like one, threw their heads back and laughed out loud, attracting the attentions of the rest of the merry crowd. "What's happening here?" Sirius a.k.a. the nosy sod exclaimed. Remus looked on at the family with an expectant smile, while Lord and Lady Potter, though wanting to know the gossip, had to have half of their attention on little Harry and the other half on them. It seemed that the little Potter was not apparently fed at home and had decided to eat the dining table to satiate his hunger. "Regulus here-" "-Merlin bless his soul-" "-told your mother off-" "-by threatening to cut her expenses-" "-and blast her from the House when-" "-he becomes the Patriach since she-" "-was poking her nose where it didn't belong." A gossamer thread width silence enveloped the room. Then, everything - again - delved into chaos. People were congratulating him, toasting him and clapping him. Few Bloody Hells filled the air. Sirius almost had those cartoon heart eyes popping from his own eye sockets. "Y-You would do that for me?" Regulus rolled his eyes. "I will do that for my own sanity and peace." "You're alright." Lord James Potter observed, eyeing him strangely. Lady Lily Potter glared at him. "And you know of that only now?" Lord Potter, noticing the glare that was aimed at him, stuttered. "Oh Lily darling! Did I mention how beautiful you look in this gown! Fabulous! Marvelous! Aphrodite like! Dazzling! Ho- owwww! That hurt, Lils!" Apparently, Lady Lily liked to beat her husband up. As the rest of the crowd laughed their arses off, Regulus asked. "Where are the little tykes, though?" "They're playing with the Weasley children. All of them were causing ruckus and almost knocked off a vase. So, Molly locked them upstairs." His Aunt replied, looking at the staircase that leads to the floors above. Ivo Saros and Otto Kosmos are the eight year old, redheaded grey eyed, twin sons of the Prewett Triad. And, those little tykes were as mischievous as their fathers and mother were. "Let's forget them for now, Merlin knows how hard I've tried, how's little Hermione?" A dreamy smile lit up Regulus' face instantly that the older witch had to laugh in his face about it. "Aw, look at you." Ignoring that comment, he looked down at the little Angel asleep in his arms. She was a Black through and through with trademark Black looks: black hair, molten grey eyes and pale skin tone. Dressed in a expensive starry silver dress that ended at her knees, with her curly black hair put up in double ponytails and reddish pink lips set in a pout, she looked Angelic. "She's beautiful. I love every moment of it." Their chit chat was cut short when Molly entered the room purposefully and ordered everyone to the dining table. Then, with a flourish, marched upstairs to drag those boys in for dinner. From the top end of the table sat Lily, Harry, James, himself, empty chair for Hermione, Uncle Gideon, Aunt Hermione, Uncle Fabian, last two chairs for Ivo and Otto. On the opposite side, he saw Arthur sit opposite to the seat where Otto or Ivo would sit rather than the seat meant for the Head of the House. Next to him, there were seven empty seats. At the end of the row sat Sirius and Remus opposite to their friends. Only when he saw the seating arrangement he was once again reminded of the number of people who were present in this house. He shuddered at the mere thought. He was brought back into reality when a little fist clutched at his shirt tightly. Regulus smiled breathtakingly at the occupant of his arms. "Oh, Hermione is waking up." At that, everyone at the Table focused their attention on the little beauty. "It's time to wake up, little love." Regulus whispered into her little ear, lovingly. Little Hermione opened her eyes instantly. Her unfocussed bleary eyes stared into the molten grey eyes of her father for a moment, before she gathered her bearings and smiled widely at him. "Papa." "Had a nice nap, Angel?" He asked, dropping a kiss on her head. The toddler stretched her weary bones and smiled up at her father. "Yes, papa. You?" He grinned, shaking his head. "No, my love, I didn't sleep." She looked pretty sad for a moment. Her sadness momentarily disappeared when she noticed the attention she had. "Hi!" Everyone chuckled at the little witch's antics and greeted her. But the second she spotted familiar faces she stared greeting them personally. Sirius' face almost exploded when his niece grinned at him. "Unca Siwi! Hi!" "Unca Emy! Hi!" Remus chuckled but nodded his head nevertheless. Fabian and Gideon grinned. "Unca Fab, Hi! Unca Gid, Hi!" But it was the stare-off between two Hermiones that sent the on-lookers into peals of laughter. "Hi Me!" Little Hermione had decided long back that her Great Aunt was herself and should be referred to as 'Me'. Then, stared at the rest of the populace with confusion brimming in her eyes. Sirius noticing it, took it upon himself to introduce all of them to his niece. "Mione darling, this is Uncle James." "Unca!" "This is Aunt Lily." "Ant!" "This is Arthur!" "Ath!" As the elders laughed, little Hermione's concentration was diverted when she received a little Hi! from the end of the table. Instantly wanting to know who was it, the toddler was up on shaky legs from her father's lap and rocketed towards the person who uttered it. "Wait, wait, darling." "P-Papa! Go!" "You've got to wait a bit, love. Wait. You'll see him soon." Harry was instantly seated on the dining table by James who turned the little lad to face the little girl. "Harry, bud, this is Hermione. Uncle Padfoot's niece." "Hi My! "Hermione love, this is Harry." "Hi Avy!" Saying this, the little girl reached towards the dining table with so much energy that her father finally gave up and made her sit on the table, so that she was only a few feet away from Harry. The two toddlers giggled happily at each other, and talked in their baby language that no one really understood but everyone loved it. Soon enough they could hear footsteps descending from the staircase and one by one Molly herded them towards the table. First came Ivo and Otto, talking each other's ears off in the twin language that no one except their parents could perceive, followed by ten years old William Weasley who was engaged in a Quidditch conversation with his nine years old brother Charles Weasley. Then came four years old Percy Weasley with a book in his hands, three years old Fred and George Weasley and two years old Ronald Weasley followed him. When the Weasley twins toddled into the room, holding hands, their eyes instantly found little Hermione seated on the dining table. Regulus had to bite back the urge to frown when they started grinning like Cheshire cats almost instantly. To make matters worse, Hermione abruptly cut short her conversation with Harry to make eye contact with the twins, as if though she knew they were watching her. In the next second, she was smiling too. A strange sensation bubbled up his chest, threatening to overwhelm him. Unbeknownst to him, the twins, Hermione and he were suddenly the centre of attractions in the Dining Room. He didn't know how or when those boys reached his daughter, but the second their hands held that of his daughter's, a dazzling golden light engulfed the room, rendering the occupants incapacitated. Regulus scrunched his eyes and reached blindly to cover his daughter's eyes, but his hands were only able to grab at the air. Soon the light faded away, and everyone opened their eyes, gathered their bearings, and stared at the three toddlers who were still holding hands, but levitating in the air above the dining table, with eyes still locked onto each other. "Bloody hell!" "A soul bond!" "Another Triad between the Blacks and the Prewetts!" Regulus, who was shocked, jerked when the Triad comment reached his ears. "We've just defeated Voldemort!" Hermione Prewett shook her head lightly, then smirked at him. "You do realise-" "-that these three-" Gideon added. Fabian finished. "-are more powerful than us?" Then, the Prewett Triad smirked - in incredible syncopation - when Regulus groaned, slapping a hand over to his forehead. "Oh, come on!" ●~~~●~~~●~~~● "So, Mistress of Magic...?" He heard James Potter mention casually to Lady Prewett. "No comments." He could obviously make out the sarcasm in his Aunt's voice when she answered. Lily, who had her arm entwined with that of her husband's, smiled eagerly. "You've done so much to the Wizarding World, it's only fair that it gives something back to you by making you the Mistress of Magic." "Yes. Hermione would make a fine Mistress." Molly butted in, as she sat by the fire and continued her knitting. "I'm sure between Regulus, James and Malfoy we can do something about it." Remus added. Arthur piped. "Lucius Malfoy? Can one ever trust him?" "Regulus does. That means we can too. Besides, little Hermione and Draco Malfoy are playdates and Cisssa would absolutely blow up a gasket if Lucius f***s it up. Family is important to her." Sirius confirmed. However he tried, he couldn't bring his attention back to the political conversation at hand. Regulus stared at his little daughter who was wrapped up in the arms of two lads comfortably. The new Triad were seated in front of the fire in a bundle of mismatched blankets, and they were busy playing with each other to notice that they were being watched. Hermione was the product of his drunken mistake with a French Pureblood witch, who'd kept her identity hidden from him. He'd only been made aware of the pregnancy three months later when the witch left the magically preserved embryo at his doorstep. His parents had helped him to cast the darkest spells to sustain his baby. And he spent every waking moment by her side since then. Hermione Regalia Black was born to Regulus Arcturus Black on August fourteenth of Nineteen eighty. The public weren't made aware of her mother, even his Family Tree wasn't able to detect the witch, and that's saying something. But with his unlimited resources and connections that can open any doors, he could've obviously tracked the mother to his baby down and marry her, but he had no intention of doing that. He didn't even remember her face for that matter. Lest alone be familiar with her enough to marry her. Besides, she chose her fate when she left the baby - or, embryo - to him. The Press were having a field day once the news hit. Some even went as far as making up theories involving him wanting to have a heir through surrogacy, since he wasn't keen on allowing control to a Matriarch. He'd let them brainstorm, never once going over to correct them. Those rumours surr did help him with the business. The Black name was at the top, for six months straight. Regardless, he wasn't going to waste time in dealing with measly mongrels like them. He had more important matters at hand. Like raising his beautiful daughter. It's only been two years since his little Angel was born into this world. He was of the belief that he'd lose her to her husband only when she becomes older (like 60), but he'd lost her when she's just two years old! That too to wee lads who are just three! "If you glare that way for a long time, you'll get all wrinkly. And, that's just gross to look at when you're just thirty." A voice interrupted him. James Potter. Regulus scowled. "I'm twenty one." "Not now, but later on in the future, or are you planning on killing yourself before you reach thirty?" The raven haired man took his seat adjacent to him and sipped on his vintage wine. Then, his eyes found the newly formed Triad. "She'll be pissed off." "I know." He grumbled. "You do realise that she will always need you?" A feminine voice interrupted them. The two wizards looked up, surprised, to see Lily and Remus standing behind them. The duo walked over and took their seats beside James on the lumpy couch. Lily stared at him for a while, then shook her head at what she found out. "Do you realise that she will always need you?" It did help him that James and Remus were as surprised as he was, and were looking in awe at what Lady Potter was uttering. "You're her first hero." Those words made him feel strange. Like how he felt when Hermione first opened her eyes at looked at him. He had been the first person to hold her. He had been the first person her eyes fell on. He had been the first person to welcome her into this world. "For girls, their fathers will always be their first heroes, she will always compare the men in her life to you. So, you have nothing to be afraid of. She will always come back to you." His throat tightened up. "R-Really?" He asked, in a suspiciously thick voice. While Lady Potter nodded, with a beautiful smile on her face, the bespectacled wizard throw his head back and laughed like he had just delivered the best joke in the world. "You're just like Sirius, ya know?" Regulus huffed, the mood was instantly ruined. But, he had to admit that this little conversation with them had enlightened him for sure. "By the way, where is Sirius?" Lily asked, as James' arm wrapped around her waist. Remus rolled his eyes. "He must be somewhere around here." "Aw, you should obviously keeping your eye on him, Remy. We've handed him over to you. Now, it's your duty take care of him." James sighed in disappointment, shaking his head. Lily swatted him on his head and he emitted a owwww! That hurts, Lils! As the Gryffindors continued their fruitless conversation, Regulus' eyes located his older brother, who seemed to be in the middle of doing something. A worried, but a cunning smile nonetheless formed on his thin lips. He already knew what was going to happen. Noticing the sudden mood change in the younger wizard, the trio looked at him confused, then their eyes made a beeline to see what had captivated him. Comically, all three of their eyebrows shot into their hairline. Sirius was slowly creeping up on the Triad, since they were facing the fire, their backs were to him and he was going to use it to his advantage. When he was not more than half a feet from them, he cleared his throat and growled dramatically to scare the toddlers. "AH!!!!" Little Hermione screamed. But Sirius was unable to revel in accomplishing his feat, since the plan backfired right in front of his eyes. The Twins instantly clutched her to them in a protective manner and raised a palm - each - to push at the air in front of them. "OH SHITTTT!" To everyone's astonishment, Sirius flew back over ten feet to crash into the wall and crumble into the floor in a heap of limbs. "Fuckkkkkkk that hurts!" One would think that Sirius Black learnt it in the hard way that Triads are not to be messed with. ●~~~●~~~●~~~● Date: The Twenty-eighth of October, Nineteen Eighty-Six. Setting: Ottery St Catchpole ●~~~●~~~●~~~● "Calm down, Angel, the Burrow won't run away if you aren't there on time. " Regulus deadpanned. Him and his six years old daughter were on their way to the Burrow, mainly because the latter had thrown a tantrum about missing her Freddie and Georgie, much to the former's jealousy. "It won't run away, papa, but Ron surely would." She said in her matter of fact voice. As his brow raised questioningly, she answered his invisible question. "Freddie, Georgie and I are pranking him today." "And what did poor Ronald do to beget such an awful fate?" Regulus asked, scratching his forehead. Hermione's molten grey eyes darkened to stormy grey. Her father's eyes widened knowing that somehow the boy had managed to piss off his daughter. Seriously. "He said my socks were ugly!" He released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Then rolled his eyes. It is a standing rule that no one should dare to comment upon Hermione's socks. However cute, frilly, at times pink, they maybe. Everyone blamed Regulus for making her a fashionista. His only form of defense was that the baby clothes he'd dressed his little Angel in were so cute that he had no self-control to stop. Now there's nothing in this whole damned universe to stop her. "So, how are you planning on pranking him?" A smirk that looked so damned similar to his bloomed up her face and he suddenly had the urge to cower away. People have always said that little Hermione was her father's clone and that it's scary to see them interact with each other. He had never truly believed it before. But this... it is truly scary, and it made him feel bad for all those who had messed with both of them in the past. "You will find out soon." With those foreboding words, the six years old girl pulled him, twenty five years old man, towards the Burrow. He could hear footsteps from the inside of the house. Someone was about to open the door and he saw the handle being turned, but before the lock could unlatch, the door burst open and hit something or someone that or who was standing behind it. A pained groan resonated from the 'something or someone'. "PRINCESS!!" Two familiar voice screamed in sync, as two redheaded blue-green eyed boys, a bit tall for their age, raced like raging bulls towards them. "Freddie! Georgie!" His daughter exclaimed happily. She was snatched from next to him in a second and was enveloped in a tight hug and a rain of kisses by those twin tornadoes. "Remind me to never get in between those three." Sirius rose up from the ground with a groan, rubbing his red nose. Regulus laughed, smacking his brother on his back affectionately. "As if it would ever get into your thick head." Sirius glared at him, then rolled his eyes. "Well, if you are done conveying your regards to the Ladies join the Wizards for a round of wizarding chess." With an arrogant tilt of his chin, the older Black sashayed over to the backyard, not before adding. "We're betting. Lucius is losing, maybe you can help him out." Regulus scoffed. There's no way in hell would Lucius Abraxas Malfoy would lose to a bunch of lousy Gryffindors. He is a Slytherin through and through. When he looked back at the Triad, they had already pulled away. One twin started, bowing deeply. "Good Morning, Mr. Black.-" "-we hope you have a great day.-" the next one continued. It's been four year years now and he still had difficulty figuring out who was who. Even their mother is incapable of identifying the right twin, so he deemed it to be 'fine' on his part. The only person who can correctly identify the Twins is Hermione and he was sure that even without the help of the Bond, she would still be able to do it. "-we're sure we will have one-" "-but you should excuse us-" "-and our Princess, here-" At this, the twins leaned in to place a kiss each on his daughter's cheeks in sync that had her grinning. His jaw clenched in response. His gaze was locked on the Twins, as he knew they were speaking in that Twin language of theirs, but he was sure surprised - even after all these years - when his daughter too joined in it and made it a Triadic language - even though she does that whenever they're all together. "-we've got something to do." The three then grinned like the melodramatic villains from the Telly. "Surely, you'll greet your Aunts before you leave, darling, to whatever you've planned to do?" He enquired. The Triad's eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlights and like they were burnt, they jerked their heads and made a beeline to the living room. Rolling his eyes, he followed them. There seated were the Mothers of the extended family of Prewett-Black-Weasley-Malfoy-Longbottom-Potter, with Hermione Prewett being an exception, since she was at the Ministry. No one would've ever believed if he told them that Narcissa Malfoy was at the Burrow. Or that she loved to while her time away banally chit-chatting with her older sister Andromeda Tonks. Coiffed in a expensive Slytherin green tea gown, Narcissa was the epitome of grace and poise as she sipped on her cup of Earl Grey Tea, seated in the dining table. Andromeda, dressed in a silky, yet comfy, grey tea gown, looked as beautiful as ever, as she nibbled on some biscuits that Molly had laid out for them. He had reinstated her into the House after he became the Patriarch two years ago. And, he should mention that he loved having such a huge family. Alice Longbottom, after escaping from the clutches of Bellatrix, had found her Tea and Shopping companions in the other Black Princesses. Donned in a blue tea gown, she glowed with happiness. Lily Potter wearing an emerald green tea gown, giggled happily with Lady Longbottom, looking as beautiful as ever. But it was Molly Weasley who stole the show with her enthusiasm. Out of the five witches, Molly was the only one who loved to cook and bake, so she was almost high on the praises she had obviously received from her guests. "Good day, Ladies." He greeted them in general and walked over to press a customary kiss each on his Cousins. "Regulus, how do you do?" Narcissa asked, smiling at them. "As good as I could. But since I've had the chance to see your beautiful faces, I believe my day will be as good as Molly's Tea." He replied bowing his head. "Aw!" "Shut it, you!" "A real smooth talker, he is." "Learnt from Cousin Orion surely." "Like father, like son." He smirked, watching them all blush. His daughter and her twins rolled their eyes at him. "Good morning Auntie Cissa, Auntie Meda, Auntie Alice, Auntie Lily and Molly." Hermione greeted, then exchanged kisses on the cheek with each of them, while still holding hands with her little wizards. "Oh Hermione darling, I've missed you! You look so pretty!" Molly gasped excitedly, while looking over the girl up and down. Hermione was dressed in a sleeveless white lace top and silky floral print short skirt that ended just below her knees, with white frilly ankle length socks and pink Mary Janes. "Thank you Molly." Hermione blushed along with Fred and George for some reason. Narcissa, Andromeda, Alice and Lily giggled watching the three squirm with red faces. Then, without further ado, the twins pulled her out of the room and ran upstairs along the while conversing with her in their Triadic language - that no one could ever understand except themselves. Regulus sighed. "Well, I should take leave. Good day, Ladies." Regulus joined the Wizards for a round of Exploding Snaps (they'd gotten bored of Wizarding Chess), sipping on some Butterbeer, and whooped some Gryffindor arses with Lucius, while Bill, Charlie, Ivo, Otto and Wesley Lupin-Black were flying around the property on their brooms. Out of nowhere, a very distinctive girly scream resonated from inside the house. The wizards were up on their feet instantaneously and Arthur called the boys back down. Chaos is definitive whenever the kids met up. So, any sound that disturbs the normal routine is set to make the parents jerky. As the lads landed on the ground gracefully and joined the wizards with confusion evident on all of their eyes, Ronald came running down the stairs and towards the backyard screaming like he was being chased by Death himself. It seemed that the little anology was right, because a second later, an army of boogers with wings came flying after him. "Oh shite." Wesley muttered, as the lad ran towards them all. Remus was too shocked to even reprimand his eight year old. "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!" James Potter announced and instantly the wizards were on their feet, pushing past each other to take cover. It didn't take long for the Ladies to hear the commotion and come up to check on them. Molly was the first one out, her eyes narrowed in confusion seeing full grown Wizards (and lads) hiding behind tree trunks (Regulus, Bill, Wesley and Remus - they had the right mind to cast protegos on themselves), under the garden table (James, Charlie, Lucius and Arthur), and with picnic chairs on their heads (Sirius). Then, when she finally spotted Ron running in circles with boogies chasing him, she screamed. "RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" "MUM! IT-IT'S NOT MY-MY FAULT! IT'S MIONE AND-AND FRED AND GEORGE-THEY- AHHHH!!!" Ron squeaked, still running around the backyard, trying to lose his attackers. As if they heard their names being called, the Weasley-Black Triad came down the stairs, looking every bit their innocent selves. "Yes mum-" "-you called for us?" Hermione asked, batting her long eyelashes at the Weasley Matriarch. Molly looked at them, then stared back at Ron. "ARE YOU LYING?" James, still hiding under the table, called out to Regulus to question him, while Ron screamed a I'M NOT! in the background. "Did they do it?" "Yes." The Black Patriarch answered. Remus frowned. "Why?" "Ronald called Mione's socks ugly." The wizards groaned at once. "Little Weasley lost his mind, did he?" Lucius hissed. Arthur smiled sheepishly. "We must've dropped him one too many times on his head when he was a babe." "We should've sold him when the twins tried to, dad." Charlie said, shaking his head in disappointment. Arthur frowned. "Yes dad, you were the one who brought him back home from Diagon Alley now look at what he's done." Bill added. "They really tried to sell him? I thought you were lying, pops." Wesley asked. "I don't lie about these kind of things, Pup." Remus narrowed his eyes at his son, wondering why he would think that such a peculiar situation was just a figment of imagination. Anything that concerns the Weasley-Black Triad is not imaginary. "But why did they do that?" Draco asked, since he couldn't really believe it at all. "Well, when you have too many siblings and one of them misbehaves, you do that to keep them in line." Charlie replied. Draco then muttered something that suspiciously sounded like 'thank Merlin, I'm an only child'. Lucius rolled his eyes. "MIONE! I-I-I'M SOR-SORRY! I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!" Ron screamed, his respiration laboured. The Twins smirked. "What-" "-do you say-" "-Princess? Should we let-" "-the nosy sod go?" Hermione smirked, looking on as Ron still ran around the backyard. "Yup." At her answer, the boogies mysteriously disappeared. The elders' eyes widened instantly. Was that a wandless, non-verbal spell? Or... Ron crashed into the grass breathing like he'd just run a marathon. Maybe he really did. "It was really you? You did this?" Molly asked, with a dazed look on her face. The Triad merely started batting their eyelashes at her. "Or, did we?" Even from this distance he could see that only his daughter's technique looked cute. In a move that surprised everyone, apparently Hermione too, one of the twin grabbed her and threw her on his shoulders. "W-What...?" Regulus' eyes widened and instantly he transfigured Hermione's skirt into a full length trouser. Floral trousers, specifically. He didn't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath. The twins, then, ran like maniacs towards the little pond that sat on the Weasley property, all the while screaming like a pair of banshees. Hermione shouted, trying to squirm out of their grip, but she couldn't and Regulus detected the use of magic because no seven year old can lift a six year old with such ease and carry her while she tries to loosen herself like her life depended on it. "CANNON BALL!" They screamed and threw Hermione into the water. In she went into the pond with a scream."I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Then, the twins laughed like hyenas about it. Soon, laughter erupted in the air as the elders too joined in, as Hermione used her magic to pull her twins into the water with her. Regulus rolled his eyes. It was just another day in the lives of the Weasley-Black Triad. ●~~~●~~~●~~~●

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