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PAIRING: Remus Lupin/Hermione Granger (Moony/Selene) SETTING: In the Marauders Era. QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ "Mione? Are you feeling quite alright?" Lily Evans questioned her best friend, with concern. The said bestfriend was found lying in one of the overly stuffed love seats next to the fireplace in the Gryffindor Common Room, wrapped in thick blankets. Yet, she was shivering. Hermione bit back a sarcastic reply, and answered her best friend in a shaky voice. "T-This is nothing t-that I can't ma-manage. I'm alright, Lils." The love interest of James Potter frowned, scrutinising the Lycan girl that is affected by the side-effects of Full moon, which was due tomorrow. "Should I call Remus here?" The Muggle-born witch offered. Remus Lupin being another Lycan, that too the Mate of Hermione is a brownie point. Hermione found herself swallowing loudly at the mention of her Mate. She didn't want to sound needy and dependent; she'd really appreciate if Remus was with her, but unfortunately, he's with his best friends, stuck in a detention with Professor McGonagall. "I-I nee-" before Hermione could complete her sentence, the portrait door was thrown open with a bang, that was followed by... Her Mate. His scent of pine wood, fresh grass, ink, parchment and a unique scent of his, invaded her senses first, making her impotent to think of anything else. Her body shivered when his eyes finally fell on her. She almost purred when she saw him lick his lips, as he drank in the image of her. Her eyes drifted up and down his body, as she took in his ripped muscles, hot just-forming six pack, powerful arms and ink stained fingers. "He's so hot." Hermione thought as she saw him taking deep breaths, which made his defined chest to rise and fall rapidly. Remus growled as he smelt his Mate's arousal. It was such a sweet, alluring scent, that she had. Roses, vanilla, ink, fresh parchment, books, sweat... And, arousal. She was dressed in one of his t-shirt shirts that was paired with her short knee-high skirt. Her brown curly hair was sported in a messy bun, with a few loose strands framing her sweet-heart shaped face well enough to make her look seductive, even without trying. "Mate." Remus said in a hoarse, throaty, possessive voice. The tone of his voice made her shiver and shudder in need. Hermione found her eyes following the path of a bead of sweat, that ran from his forehead, down his cheek, powerful jawline, chin, throat and... A warning guttural growl escaped the male Lycan's lips, which brought the Mate out of her trance in a hectic way. Their friends (a.k.a the Marauders + Lily) found themselves not knowing what to do. This situation was very unfamiliar to them. Heck, none of the Full moons made the Lycans to behave like this. "Mine!" Remus growled when Lily made a move to touch Hermione. He almost attacked the said Muggle-born if not for James to pull her aside, and away from the possessive Lycan's way. The pull of the Full moon had affected the Lycans in more than one way. This being a one particular powerful full moon, along with the fact that this is the first transformation for Remus and Hermione, didn't help for any matter. Remus growled loudly as a warning and glared at James, Sirius, Peter and Lily daringly. He stood in front of Hermione, hiding her petite form completely behind his back. Daring them to touch his female. Hermione found her arousal growing at the sight of her Mate laying his claim on her. If female wolves love anything, it's a worthy, compatible mate who should be powerful enough to stake claim and dare anyone for stating otherwise. These things show that the male is powerful enough to provide her with powerful pups, and is also able to protect his Mate and pups from any kind of impending danger. Remus turned his head slowly to his Mate, and growled again as his wolf began fighting against him. Moony wanted to take his Mate. It wouldn't matter if he took her against the wall or on the floor itself, or somewhere in the woods or bed. The scent of her arousal had affected Remus and Moony well enough to make them fight. Again, the said 16 year old Lycan teenage boy growled and took steps to close the gap between him and his girlfriend. Hermione purred as her Mate walked towards her. That was when everything set in their friends' minds. "S-She-She's in H-Heat." James stuttered, his face turning a colour of rich pink at that. Lily blushed  heavily at that. Sirius whistled suggestively and commented. "Finally, all the s****l tension will go away as they go at it like rabbits." Lily groaned as she slapped her palm to get forehead soundly. "Do you know what will happen if 'they go at it like rabbits'?" Sirius quirked a black eyebrow at her, as he answered her. "They'll be doing it more, I guess. It's going to be first time for both of them.. are they going to do it in their wolf forms? If that's so, it's going to be so hot and wild and primal and Wolfy.. it's going to be a scene to watch. Don't ya think, Jamie-boy?" James grinned at that, and rubbed his invisible stubble on his chin. "Do you think we should grab the camera then? They'd love to see how they did it in their wolfy forms!" James and Sirius high-fived loudly. Lily slapped them on the backs of their heads and growled. "If they do it in their wolf forms, then Hermione has a 99.9% chance at becoming PREGNANT!" "They can use anti-pregnancy charms right or, what is that I use?.. Ah, right.. a Contraception charm..." Sirius answered almost immediately. Lily scrunched her nose in disgust. James grinned at Sirius and kicked his ass, playfully. "Oi! I'll get you back for that!" Sirius threatened. James just rolled his eyes and shoved his tongue at him. Together, the friends turned to look at the couple. Remus was found sitting next to his girlfriend, as he nuzzled her neck whilst massaging her shoulder blades. Hermione sat cuddled next to her Mate, with a peaceful expression on her face. "We should leave them alone." Lily stated after observing the couple. They looked comfortable, and Remus being here helped Hermione way much better than words could say. Sirius argued. "But, look at them... You said she's in heat and they're going to shag each other's brains out, but nothing is happening in here.. They're just dancing around each other again! LIKE EVERY OTHER BLOODY DAY!" Remus shot his best friend a look of warning - when he felt his female shift irritated at the noise - before turning to his Mate and tending to her. Lily glared at Sirius, who glared back right at her, which left James to ease the tension that rolling off in waves from one of his best friends and soon-to-be-girlfriend. In this chaos, everyone had forgotten about Peter Pettigrew, who had been staring at the Lycan Couple, especially Remus with jealousy and Hermione with longing. After so much screaming and ordering, Lily pulled all the three remaining Marauders by their ears out of the Common Room, and to their doom, a.k.a the Library. This scared the said Marauders off their wits that they practically mounted their brooms in the hallway itself, and they flew away in search of safe haven. Back to our Werewolf couple, Remus found himself tending to his Mate's pain and aches. He knew that neither he nor his Mate would want to make love in their wolf forms. Well, not for the first time. They had wanted their first time to be loving, romantic and no-rushing. But, this.. They knew couldn't be avoided and had accepted it the way it is. Knowing very well the side effects and the meaning of 'in heat', he transfigured the love seat and sat his Mate into a muggle massaging chair, settling her in a way that she found as comfortable. He conjured a bucket of warm water and lowered her feet into it, and massaged her shoulders. Hermione smiled at the sensations and leaned into her male's touch. If a female is in heat, it means that her body is getting her ready for the mating process that she is going to have with her Mate. It marks the ovulation of the female. Heat makes the body of the female to experience shivering, sweating and a kind of pain that only her Mate would be able to nullify. Mating with her Mate would help, but being closer with the Mate also helps the female werewolf well enough. The female werewolf would be able to produce pups only if both the parties are aiming towards reproducing offsprings. Hermione sighed as her Mate freed a few knots on her shoulders, and kissed her forehead. "How's your Mother?" "She's good. She asked for you. Wanted to know whether you want to stay over during the summer. Says she misses you." He whispered, as he sat down next to her, pulling her petite body into his arms. "I'd love to stay over, Remmy. I miss your mother too. She's so sweet. I miss her extra special double chocolate chip cookies though." Hermione giggled, as her Mate bit her earlobe at her words. Remus smiled at his girlfriend's words. His mother loves his mate very much, and has already started planning out the wedding. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ SETTING: At the Shrieking Shack. During the Full Moon. Two teenagers sat in the bed of the dusty shrieking shack, known as the haunted house to the common public. The boy had his arm wrapped around the girl, as she leaned into his touch. Their friends, the Marauders, who usually accompany the said Lycans during the Full Moon were asked to not to take them this time, because of the fact that two Lycans were here to MATE. Even though this is their first transformation, the early full moons all were spent in the shrieking shack in the company of their friends, because the said werewolves' emotions were all out of control, and they suffered from insomnia. The Werewolves gasped loudly when the full moon was cleared off clouds, that revealed the magnificent sight of the huge pearly white full moon, marking the arrival of a new era. Hermione screamed as a wave of pain tore through her body. Her eyes clenched close as she collapsed to the ground. It felt as if her insides were on fire. She could feel her bones twisting and growing, could feel as her muscles began to bulge and grow more dense. It was the most painful thing she had ever experienced. Soon her screams of pain turned into a cacophony of harsh growls, snarls, and whines. Remus' eyesight suddenly sharpened and he watched as his Mate change in front of him. He bit back his screams as he began to experience his own pain. But he kept his eyes open, focused on Hermione. He could see the muscles and bone beneath her skin changing. Her mouth and nose elongated into a snout as her teeth began to sharpen. About the time that her ears began to move up her head, Remus no longer cared, he was transforming along with her. And it was at this point that his instincts began to fight with his mind. Neither noticed when the other began to sprout fur, when the clothes they had worn were shredded, or when they grew in size. At the end of the transformation, two long howls echoed throughout the shack and the surrounding countryside. Remus and Hermione were muscular creatures that stood taller than most grown men if they were to stand upon their hind legs. Their shoulders were broad and muscular, though Hermione's stuck out slightly further than Remus', the only immediate visible difference besides size and genitalia that marked Hermione as the female. Wicked claws curved from their fore and hind paws, sharp as razors and hard as stone. Gleaming white teeth were equally sharp. Hermione was slightly shorter than Remus, standing at a little over eight feet tall. Brown hair the same shade as her hair now covered her body, with a tuft protruding out over her right eye in a strange mimic of her human haircut. Chocolate brown eyes that normally held compassion, kindness, and curiosity were now filled with a thirst for violence and lust. Remus stood at an even nine feet. His fur dark blond and his blue eyes echoing the look in his Mate's. When she looked over her shoulder, she didn't see Remus, she saw a strong and healthy male. More over, her Mate, Moony. But he would have to prove himself worthy of her. She let out a long howl, a challenge to the male, and she took off deeper into the forest upon all fours. She weaved through the trees with a speed and agility that was disguised by her large size, bounding through the forest and around the tree close to thirty miles per hour. Just as Hermione did not see Remus, he did not see Hermione. When he gazed upon her, he saw a strong, healthy, and fertile female. More over, he saw his Mate, Selene. His nostrils flared as he smelled her heat. Then she challenged him and took off into the forest. He let out his long hunting howl as took off after her. Hermione could feel herself become more aroused as the male chased after her, unintentionally making the scent of her stronger for Remus to smell as he chased her. This in turn made him more aroused. The two lycans continued their chase through the forest, going deeper than many humans had dare go. They tore through the forest at high speed, moving with a deadly grace. After a good two hours of a running, Remus leaped forward, tackling Hermione to the forest floor. He growled in warning, telling her not to try and run again. The female lycan whined a plea in response, asking him to take her. The chase had only made them more lustful. She raised her hind end up off of the ground, offering herself to her worthy male. Remus gripped her hips with his claws, tearing into her flesh and preventing his b***h from fleeing. His jaw bit down into her shoulder, securing her even more. And, then he mated her. For hours and hours until the early day lights dawned. They growled and groaned as their bones shifted back and finally both of them fell to the grounds in a heap. Remus groaned heavily, as he felt his Mate fall asleep almost immediately. He waved his hand over the both of them, using wand less magic to clean all the sweat, blood, dirt and everything else from their bodies. Hermione sighed and moved comfortably over to her Mate in her sleepy state. Remus had to grin weakly at that. He again used wand less magic to dress them up and wrap a thick blankets around their forms. Hermione groaned as the sunlight fell on her face. She squinted her eyes, and buried her face in her male's bare chest, trying to shy away from the impending sunlight. "I love you, Hermione. Very much." Remus confessed as he pressed his lips against her forehead firmly. Hermione smiled at that, and kissed his chest. "I love you too, Remus." Remus sighed happily, pulling his Mate deeper into his arms, and placed a few kisses on her neck, "So, what do you say about a date tomorrow? The location is all a secret and no sweet, innocent pups eyes." Hermione sighed at him, and nodded her head as she sunk deeper into his warm, loving embrace. "And, Remmy?" She questioned him sleepily, and he answered just as sleepy as her. "Yes, love?" She brushed away his bangs away from his face and said. "Next time, I hope, you go into heat." And, winked saucily at him, which was responded by a groan coming from the said male Lycan. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
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