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PAIRING,: Remus Lupin/Hermione Black. SETTING: Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Marauders Era. QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: When sister and brother stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?  〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ "Morning, love." Remus Lupin, Moony of the Marauders and boyfriend to Hermione Black, kissed his girlfriend's lips "Ahem. Ahem. Ahem! I sure as hell don't want to see my twin sister snog her boyfriend at dawn." Sirius Black reprimanded, as he got down the stairs of the boys dorm, along with a still sleeping James Potter and Peter Pettigrew. Hermione rolled her eyes at her twin, and entwined her hand with her boyfriend tugging him to the entrance of the Gryffindor Common room. "Hey! I told you no snogging." Sirius screeched as he sprinted towards the couple, and pushed them apart. "How many times have I told you?! No holding hands!" He condemned. The early occupants of the Common Room shook their heads at the antics of the resident Gryffindor playboy.  As much as he loves shagging and snogging different girls in different places, he hates it when boys go after his sister. Ever since she had found her perfect boyfriend in Remus John Lupin, who was a fellow Marauder and one of his best friends, his duty had raised double time. Whenever the couple show any public display of affection, he'll go ballistic and start his lecture on 'not wanting to become a uncle at such a very tender age' or 'not wanting to see little Moony(ies) running around, reading and doing nerdy things'. At first when Sirius caught the couple holding hands, he wasn't even aware that they were in the Great Hall. And, started going on and on about how he didn't want to become an uncle so soon; and, how he didn't want his sister to be taken away from him, and how he still needs her, blah, blah. Everyone was literally scared of him, that they avoided him for a whole week, even his 'bed friends'. Since then, it became a everyday routine, no one ever really paid attention to it anymore. They knew whatever happens, Sirius Orion Black is never going to stop his overprotective attitude. More like, over bearing attitude, so they ignored it, as long as they could. Hermione threw her brother an exasperated look, and swatted his hand away. "Oh? What will you do if I snog him again?" She wasn't sorted into the Gryffindor house for nothing. She had the courage, bravery and dare, that only a true Gryffindor can posses. The whole of Hogwarts won't be shocked even if she pulls out the Sword of the Gryffindor, the myth legend, from the Sorting Hat during a dire need. Sirius had commented that, his sister would do that, if Madam Pince, the school librarian, closed the library for a single minute, because his twin wouldn't be able to live without visiting the ol' library at least a thousand times a day. This had resulted in Sirius 'I'm the sexiest man alive on the planet' Black getting hexed into the next week. The Black twins maybe very powerful, smart, cunning and loyal to a fault, practically attributing every house of the school, but are very different. Sirius Black, the older twin, is a playboy. He likes to flirt, prank, joke, Quidditch, flirt, make out, shag, snog, prank, prank, prank, prank, etc and etc. The only thing he knows is to flirt, prank, and take care of 'family' (i.e the Marauders, his twin and younger brother). Hermione Black, the younger twin, is a bookworm. But, a beauty nonetheless. She's the teacher's pet, but wouldn't dare NOT ago talk back to them if she was denied her rights. She's smart and much more smarter. She's the brightest witch of her age. Even though, she can be a total bookworm at times, she loves to prank, joke, play Quidditch, flirt (even on her brothers' watch, which is saying something). On the whole, the Black twins are not me at to be compared. If one does so, they'll only be at the refining end of a nasty headache and migraine that would be potentially harmful to their soul, at that. "I-I.. I'll take his chocolates away!" Sirius stammered, but regained his composure and maintained a bravado face; trying to make Remus shake under his scrutiny, but his plan failed. Miserably. Remus raised a perfect dark blond eyebrow at one of his best friends (Sirius), and bit back the urge to laugh at his face expressions. He had had this everyday harassment by Padfoot, and is still finding it funny to see how the man acts up for his sister. Hermione just shook her head amusedly at her brother. James was still sleeping, even though he was leaning on one of the walls of the common room. No one noticed that Peter was on the floor, snoring off. Lily was soon rushing down the stairs and gate-crashed the 'scene of crime' (according to her, whenever James and his goons are involved, it becomes a scene of crime). "Potter? Stop all this immediately, if you don't, I'm going to tell Professor McGonagall!" Lily yelled. James jumped from his place, losing his footing and falling on top of Peter, who gasped at the sudden weight on him. "James didn't do anything, Lils. It's my prat of a brother, who is being an incredible, insolent, jealous, overbearing prat, like every other bloody day." Hermione spat, her hands flying wildly. Lily stopped immediately, but stomped off when she saw James smiling smugly at her. Hermione and Remus rolled their eyes in sync at their friends. "Come on, let's go and leave Sirius here to starve." Hermione said, as she pulled Remus, James and Peter out of the common room and to the Great Hall. "I'm offended by that! You know how much I love my food!" Sirius screeched yet again, as he came bouncing off the walls. When Sirius had reached the said Hall, he shouted at top of his lungs, when he saw that his friends had started eating without him. "Herms! You left me!" The occupants of the Great Hall rolled their eyes at the antics of the Black Twins, and chose to ignore them, to lead a peaceful day. Hermione scoffed and shoved her tongue at her brother, before shifting her attention over to her sandwich. "Why don't you love me?" Sirius whined, as he stomped over to the Gryffindor table. Hermione said in a exasperated tone. "I love you, Siri. Very much. Now, sit down and eat your breakfast, before you faint." Sirius grinned like a madman and squeezed in between Remus and Hermione. And, stole the half-eaten sandwich from his sister's hand. "Whatever." She huffed and placed a kiss on his cheek. Sirius grinned again, and blew a raspberry at Remus. The Wolfie boy slapped the said Black upside his head and continued eating his much needed breakfast, with the Full moon nearing, he need not be underfed. Remus now has more or less painless transformations due to the fact that his friends now accompany him for a Full Moon Night Run. This includes Hermione too, who is a Black wolf, much to the amusement of James and Peter. Hermione's gaze flitted over to the Slytherin Table, where her younger brother was sat with his friends. "Where are you going, love?" Remus questioned her as he noticed Hermione getting up from her place. "To see Reggie. You coming, Siri?" The Black heir shook his head as no. "Suit yourself." Hermione shrugged as she placed a peck on Remus' cheek and walked towards the Slytherin Table. The second the occupants of the said table saw the one of the Black family Princess walk towards them, they instantly sat upright. Even though she associated herself with Blood Traitors (Purebloods who were sorted into the Gryffindor house; or, Pure bloods whose acquaintances are Muggles or Muggles Borns); Mud bloods (term used to refer to Muggles and Muggles born Wizards and Witches; means 'dirty blood'); other low life species (Gryffindors, Werewolves, Vampires, etc are considered as low life species in compared to Pure bloods), she's still the only daughter born to Orion and Walburga Black. She's still a Pure blood Princess. And, also the fact that she's very beautiful to even distract a Quidditch-passion-fueled player from his game, is a plus. Her beautiful black hair, the signature hair of the Black family, braided and put in a complicated braid was the epitome of beauty. Her gentle grey eyes, can also be calculating, and dangerous - again, the signature Black family eyes - was in its element. Her body of the perfect curves in right places and of glowing porcelain skin tone - another signature Black family skin tone - made her irresistible. All the more, her endless craving to know things, her power, her family status was a huge plus point to young Pure blood men who are in search of perfect brides. Sirius glared at a few Slytherins, but none seemed to be fazed by that. Remus let out low growls at the sight of men drooling over his girlfriend. The whole female population of the Great Hall (except for the teachers, the fellow Black family Princesses - Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda) found themselves in the wraps of their jealousy for Hermione Cassiopeia Black. Even Lily Evans was overcome with the jealousy for her best friend. She gazed at Hermione's retreating figure longingly for her power, her status, her figure, her knowledge, heck even her brothers, for crying out loud! James shook his head at Lily, when he caught her staring at Hermione. Regulus Arcturus Black glanced up from his plate when he heard the whole Slytherin table go silent. A huge grin formed on his face when he saw his sister walking toward him. Being the perfect Pureblood Prince hadn't given him anything but the appearance of another Pureblood Prince. But, being just Regulus, had give him his siblings, to which he was greatly grateful for. Regulus' black hair was not long like his older brother, or longer like his father, but in a haircut that defined as just Regulus. His grey eyes and great body (even for his age) had attracted more female population. It seemed that the Black siblings, that were born to Orion and Walburga were much popular than any others. "Morning, sis." he grinned as he pushed his friend from the place next to him, so that his sister could sit. Hermione smiled hugely at him, as she sat down next to her brother, and gave him a one armed side-hug and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Good Morning, Reggie. How did you sleep?" The whole Slytherin table had paused their conversation to listen to the Black Princess. "Good. I managed to get five hours of sleep yesterday then came down to the common room to prepare for Potions quiz." he answered his sister honestly, who was looking at him with adoration in her eyes. She ran her hand through his hair, and he revelled in the feel of his sister caressing his hair. He had always loved his sister's hugs and kisses. He had always loved when she shows public display of affections to him. It always makes him feel secure that he at least has her, when the whole world feels like it's collapsing. "Don't stress yourself with anything, Reg." she said gently. Regulus nodded his head and smiled at Hermione, who snuggled closer to his side. He and his siblings are really close. When they had started Hogwarts, and finally found out that they were sorted into different houses, their relationship almost snapped. Regulus being the youngest had always looked up his elder brother and sister all throughout his life, and he couldn't manage the separation. But, the Black twins managed to be okay with it, they had managed since they've got each other. It was during the twins' third year, (and their younger brother's second year) Regulus went into Depression. They were hurt more than what words could explain at the news, and apologised profusely to their younger brother, before vowing to repair their strained relationship. Ever since then, everything had been good. Well, as good as it could be. But just as very good thing comes to an end, this time too came to an end, that too, with a letter. It was because when the twins were forced to involve in Dark Arts, they refused point-out to their mother. They had received letters during their fourth year, stating that Sirius must take the Dark Mark, and become a full-fledged Death Eater, while Hermione was expected to marry Antonin Dolohov, one of the Death Eaters from the inner circle. This was all the mastermind plan of Voldemort. When the Dark Lord was informed that the most Powerful Black Twins were sorted into Gryffindor, he was disgusted by it. And, also when they had refused to involve in Dark Arts, hit him hard. He was in dire need of their power. So, he had sent Walburga to convince her elder children to join the Dark side, but the twins were not swayed by all the expensive, luxurious gifts and offers that were given to them by the Dark Lord. For Sirius, they had offered many females of different age, Ministry Job, etc and etc. For Hermione, jewels, many suitors, endless books on practically everything, Ministry Jobs, etc and etc. But, they didn't agree to any of this, adding to the fact, they are disgusted by the offers. Especially Sirius. He was more hurt than disgusted; they had assumed him to be a womaniser, and nothing more. The twins then - from the exclusive order from the Order of the Phoenix - had successfully stalled the recruitment of Regulus as a Death eater by posing a condition - Regulus was not be influenced by the Dark Lord, if he (Voldemort) needs the twins in his side. "So, RoR at 8 tonight?" Regulus questioned as he looked down his sister. He suddenly felt magic swirling him and figured out that his sister had used her wand less magic to put the silencio spell on them. She nodded her head at him, and said grimly. "The Order has found a new way to take down Tommy boy. We'll explain that to you tonight. It's something about horcruxes." Regulus' eyes widened at the news. "Horcrux? He spilt his soul?! Could that man get even more disgusting?" He was very disgusted of the man that he had desired of becoming in the past. Hermione took a deep breath as she looked into her brother's grey eyes - that was identical to hers - and smiled tightly at him. "Yes. There are seven of them. Missions are being set out to groups of people to bring those items back to the headquarters and destroy it. We'll explain you in a more detailed way tonight." The magical barrier that Hermione had put up flickered. That alerted the siblings, who instantaneously turned around to find the source of interruption. The breathed reliving-ly when they saw the grinning face of Sirius, who was suddenly sitting on the other side of Regulus, with a Hufflepuff blonde in his arms. Regulus grimaced at his brother's penchant for shagging random girls, and not being able to hold a steady relationship for a period longer than a month. "How're you lil' bro?" Sirius grinned as he gave his brother a one armed hug. Regulus grinned at him back, and revelled in the feel of his brother's hug. "I'm good. Who's this?" "Oh right, meet Sarah, my new girlfriend" Sirius introduced and Sarah giggled at him, as she leaned into Sirius. Hermione bit back a grimace and cooed, with a disgust evident on her face, but not to Sarah, who just giggled. "Sarah, how excited are you for your week's long relationship with my twin?" Regulus snickered, and Hermione turned to throw a wink at him. Sarah giggled high pitchedly, that even Sirius had to close his ears to avoid losing his hearing ability. "I'm sooooo excited. Like, totally. Completely excited!! Isn't that great?!" Sirius looked pretty proud of himself, letting the 'avoid losing his hearing ability' situation slide past. "Yeah, that's just so totally cool!" Hermione said with faux excitement. "So, Sar. Can I call you Sar?" Without even giving time to the Hufflepuff, Hermione continued. "I'm going to call you Sar anyways, how did you trap my brother?" Regulus had to clamp his hand onto his mouth to stop his uncontrollable sniggers. Sarah blushed, and before Sirius could answer with his usual robustness and self-admiration, Hermione cut in. "Since, you're dating the Gryffindor's resident playboy, can you set me up with the Hufflepuff's resident playboy?" Hermione even batted her eyelashes at her, looking all innocent. Sirius and Regulus roared at the same time and glared at the said 'Puffs playboy, which made the whole Great Hall to pause their work and look at the Black Brothers, weirdly. The Professors' lips upturned as they guessed what would've happened. They smirked at Hermione, their favourite student, before looking all innocent when she caught them smirking at her. Sarah looked scandalised as well as scared, by the Black Brothers. She knew not to mess with the Blacks. She was taught even at a young age, to not to cross the paths of any Blacks, for they are, the most revengeful of all Puebloods. Amos Diggory, found himself at the receiving end of the death glares, which are in the genes of every Black family member. He too knew not to mess with any of the Blacks. Remus' right eye and hands twitched as he had heard the conversation that the Black siblings had, and directed his glare towards the 'Puff. Whilst, every other had no idea what the hell that was all about. Hermione was the first one to break the ice, by laughing hard. Too hard to control. She was laughing so hard, that her whole body shook, and her face turned red. Sirius and Regulus turned to their sister, and used wand less magic to tickle her. As a revenge. Hermione almost fell of her seat at this. She was laughing heavily, and that put huge satisfied grins on the Black brothers' faces. You sure as hell don't mess with Blacks, and get away with it. Even if you are a Black, yourself. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
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