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PAIRING: Charles Weasley/Hermione Granger SETTING: Sefore Bill and Fleur's Wedding.  QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: The love of a family is the life's greatest blessing. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ "I'd never be able to get used to this." Charlie commented, as he watched his fiancée preparing breakfast for the both of them. Hermione chuckled and turned to her fiancée with a mug of strong coffee that he likes in one hand, and a Turkey sandwich in other hand. He closed the gap between them, as he pressed his lips against her as an act of gratitude. She moaned. "Why is that my dear soon-to-be-husband?" He caught both the occupants of her hands and placed them on the kitchen counter beside her. His hands drifted up and down his t-shirt that she was wearing, along with only a pair of knickers. "Ah. We should stop if we won't want to do what we did yesterday night, 'lie" She chuckled, as she let her arms wrap around his torso, and placed her ear on his chest, listening to his erratic heartbeat. "Aww, but why? We both enjoyed that, didn't we?" He pouted. Hermione was obliged to giggle at him. "It's because we can't let your mother wait longer than necessary for us, right?" He rubbed his imaginary stubble on his cheek and chin, thinking very hard. "Fair point-" At his words, a victorious smile formed on her face, and he smirked instantly. " - I call dibs for the shower." and ran away from her. "Hey! Not fair!" She yelled as she chased him to the bathroom. The thumping of their footsteps was the only sound that was heard in the house, before the 'slam' of the door echoed, followed by the sounds of moans, groans, giggles and breathless sounds. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ SETTING: At the Burrow. "Charlie! Hermione! Come on in you two! You look skinnier than the last time that I saw you! What are you both eating?!" Molly squealed as Charlie and Hermione helped themselves out of the fireplace and used 'scourgify' to clean themselves. Arthur, Bill, Fred, George, Ronald, Harry and Ginny were just seated at the dining table for lunch, whilst Fleur was 'helping' Molly (all she ever did was trying to act all caring towards Molly and the other members of the Weasley family, but as the days grew she was getting on their nerves) when the couple had entered. And after Molly had squeezed both Charlie and Hermione in her signature back-breaking hug, Bill pulled his mother away from them, just to let them breathe, before they are bombarded with questions again. "Th-Thank you, Molly. We missed you too." Hermione gasped lightly, as her fiancée pushed a strand of hair that covered her side of the face. "How're you mate? How's the egg coming up?" Bill questioned his brother, as he man-hugged him. Charlie answered his brother, as he ran his hand through his now-newly-cut red hair. "Yeah, just a few more weeks. After that, we're going to have the first ever Bulgarium Colorado baby dragon." He rolled his eyes as his brother pulled back from him and enveloped Hermione in a tickling hug. She giggled and squealed trying to get away from his ticklish hands. Bill laughed as he continued tickling her, when suddenly Fleur stopped him, by pulling him away from Hermione. She gave the said Dragon Reserve Manager a fake smile, and greeted her in the French style of greeting. Bill and Charlie caught each other's eyes and rolled their eyes at Bill's fiancée's antics. It was seen very well that she was very jealous of Charlie's fiancée. Harry whispered frantically to Ron. "Who is that?" Ronald just gave him a breathy sigh. "It's Hermione Granger, fiancée of Charlie." His face not betraying any amount of adoration he felt for her. Harry's eyes widened heavily. "I thought that Charlie wasn't into all this." He had always assumed that Charlie was very workaholic who had no time, even for his family. This was proved by his absence in the day-to-day activities of the family, but the news that Charlie was engaged had enthralled him. "Yeah, the whole family thought that, but those two started dating in their third year and are still going. He had just proposed to her a month ago." Ron explained his best friend. Ron, even though he has got 5 older brothers, was never close to any of them. Bill had Charlie, the Twins had each other, Percy had no one but but his Ministry Job, and Ron was left alone, like every other bloody day. But still, that doesn't mean he doesn't love any of them. "Whoa! That's long." Harry commented, Ron and Ginny even agreed to it. It's only a few things in which Harry, Ron and Ginny agree wholeheartedly. This situation being one of them was a delight to hear. "She's beautiful. I don't know why, but I find her more appealing than Fleur. I mean, Hermione is just an ordinary Pureblood woman, but Fleur is a quarter-veela. No offense, mate." the boy-who-lived hastily added the last bit, scared that he had gotten carried away and had unconsciously offended his best mate. "None taken. You're right, of course..." Ron just shrugged it off as nothing, since his views were just as the same as Harry's. "Granger you said, huh?" Harry asked Ron for confirmation, who nodded his head at him. Harry and heard, well, read of this name somewhere, more accurately, in a newspaper. "Is she related to Heiron Granger by some chance?" Deep down he knew that in the Magical World, no family will have the same family name as another. Each family is entitled to its own unique name which was used by its forefathers generations ago. But, still a man can have his moments. Ginny nodded her head at him, as she had heard of his words. "Yeah, it's her older brother. He works at the Prophet." "I heard that he had no parents-" he started, and was interrupted by his girlfriend, Ginny who continued his words. "-You're right, Harry. Their mother died giving birth to Hermione. Heiron and Hermione's father was actually a spy for the light side, just like Snape, and was killed during a death eater raid in a muggle office." Harry's mouth snapped shut at that. Even though he hates Snape with passion, no one deserves death as their punishment. "But why is Molly acting quite off with them?" Ron explained to him. "Charlie and Hermione bought a nice cottage in Romania next to the Reserve, and moved in just yesterday. Mum wants them to go by tradition, which means 'no living together before marriage', but they had adamantly said that they would have their marriage after the War, but will still continue to live together. Mum's gone bat-s**t crazy about that." "S-She works in the Reserve, too?" He questioned. Ginny nodded her head at him. "She works as a Manager, whilst Charlie is the Head Dragon Tamer. She is the only female staff in the whole of the Reserve." Harry was practically blown away by the info dump. Surely, he had heard no lady working at a Dragon Reserve, especially the one that is in Romania. Back at our couple, Fred and George had moved past their youngest siblings (including Harry) and to their older brother (Charlie) and his soon-to-be-wife. "How art thou, fair maiden?" Fred questioned as he twirled his soon-to-be-sister-in-law around, and placed a sweet kiss on her cheek. "It seems that you're hanging around with the wrong blokes, beautiful lady." George commented, as he discreetly glanced at Bill and Charlie, who both shouted a 'Hey!' at that. Hermione giggled and gave a hug to both the twins, smiling hugely. "I'm great, my dear sir-" she answered to Fred's question and turned to George. "-If that's so why don't you show me the right blokes so that I can hook up with them?" She teased. "Well, all you have-" Fred started as he marched in front of her, with his hand held out to her, as he stood stiffly. He looked like he was about to ask her for a dance, or, ask her hand for marriage, or some deep s**t. "-to do is ask, beautiful." George finished as the twins winked at Hermione in unison. George took Hermione's hand and placed a kiss on the back of her palm. This usually happens between these three. There is always harmless, meaningless flirting; trying to get Charlie riled up and all jealously; but, there is a deep connection that they share. It's called as trust. Family. Platonic Love for each other. Charlie pushed past Bill and slapped the twins on their heads upside down. "Hands off of my wife, Muppets. It's took 8 years for this to happen." Hermione giggled as he possessively wrapped his arm around her waist, with his nose high up in the air as if though he owns this place. "Well, someone has to break your snogging sessions, don't ya think Charlotte?" Bill teased him, and the whole Weasley clan convulsed into heaps of laughter. "Language Billikins. Stop teasing Charlie and how will you get married and lead a good life if you're still such a boy?" Molly screeched as her face started growing red. She fanned her face, whilst everyone else were holding out their laughter. It was so Molly of Molly to worry for non-existent things. "By the way, where has your long hair - that was growing for so many years without any objection - gone, Charlotte?" Fred questioned his older brother, as he leaned on his twin's shoulder. Charlie flushed bright deep red at that. Only after Fred's words, everyone noticed that Charles was lacking his usual long red hair. "Oh, come on Freddie. People listen to it only when the right person persuades them to. That too at the right time." Ginny snickered glancing at Hermione, who fidgeted. And, suddenly a weight landed in front of Hermione. It had same facial structure as the rest of the Weasley, had brown eyes and red hair. "Ginny! I've missed you girl, how're you?!" "Thank you for your late help, Mione.. Why didn't you come sooner enough to save me from all the testosterone?" The redhead girl accused, as her hands went to her hips and she started tapping her feet impatiently. There was something about her that reminded Hermione of Molly. Hermione giggled and answered in a serious tone. "You have your mother to save you. But I don't have anyone to save me! How cruel is that?!" Ginny laughed and pinched her sister's cheeks, cooing at her. Hermione swatted her hands away from her face, and growled out. "Even Heiron thinks it's good for me to spend time in my office, but he doesn't let me out with the boys. I don't know whether he realises that I'm the only female in my office. Ugh!" Ginny laughed out loud at that, and punched Hermione's shoulder lightly. "Hello, Ron. How's everything going?" Hermione ignored the teenage girl and greeted her brother-in-law with a hug, to which he flushed bright red, leaving his older brothers to laugh out loud at that. Ron threw his brothers a deathly glare and grinned at Charlie's wife. "I'm really good, Mione. Just a few nuts and bolts to pick up." Hermione smiled hugely at that and patted his shoulder lightly. "I'm Harry, nice to meet your Ms. Granger." Harry said as he greeted Hermione with a low bow and a kiss to the back of her palm. "Pleasure to meet you, Harry. Please call me-" she started but was soon interrupted by her husband, who hastily added. "- Mrs. Charles Septimus Weasley." There was an uproar of laughter at that. Hermione swatted her husband lightly, and gave Harry a firm handshake. "Nice meeting you, Harry. I hope we can be good friends." She winked at him, making Harry flush. Another roar of laughter escaped the occupants' lips at the exchange. Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Fred and George were now engaged in filling each other of the happenings in England, Romania, Gringotts, Dragon Reserve, The Ministry of Magic, Diagon Alley, money, Order of the Phoenix duties, Fidelius Charms for the Burrow, Bill and Fleur's Shell Cottage, Charlie and Hermione's the Lair, the Twins' Weasley Wizarding Wheezes shop and flat, etc and etc. Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione were all involved in talking about Hogwarts, the Ministry, Dragon Reserve, their future, their hobbies, their interests, etc and etc. The only ones that weren't involved in any conversations were Molly and Fleur. While the former gazed at her family with adoration, the latter stared at the Manager of the Dragon Reserve with jealousy. When she figured out that Charlie had not fallen as a prey into her allure, Fleur was naturally curious. It was a major blow to her as a Quarter-Veela, and soon made up her mind that him working with Dragons and other magical creatures and made him immune to her Veela charms. But when she saw the whole Weasley men plus Harry Potter fall at the other girl's feet, it took a toll on her. A fresh migraine formed on the veela's head. Hermione ended the conversation with the teenagers and ushered the Weasley clan onto the dining room. She practically sat everyone on their chairs, even Molly. "I'll serve, dear. You take your seat." Mrs.Weasley tried to argue, but Hermione was having none of it. She shook her head firmly at the Weasley Matriarch and said. "Nope, you made the food, so now it's my turn to serve it." Molly was about to protest, but Charlie intertupted her. "Mum, you know about Mione. She's not backing down. Let her do the work, and you should cut some slack." Molly sighed as she sunk into her chair unceremoniously, making Hermione punch her fist in the air victoriously. Everyone snickered at that. Hermione, being the most best host, served everyone their favorite food items that she had managed to remember, and engaged everyone in a desired conversation, that raised their moods up a notch, if that is even possible. Walking past Charlie, she placed a kiss on his cheek, as she arranged his plate with his desired food. Molly sighed adoringly at the couple, as Charlie stopped Hermione, by tugging on her arm and feeding her a mouthful of soup. "Aren't they the cutest couple?" She whispered to get husband, who nodded his head enthusiastically agreeing to his wife. Fleur disguised the frown that formed on her face as a sweet fake smile, when she heard what the Weasley parents had commented. Hermione scrunched her nose when the hot soup touched the insides of her mouth, but slurped the delicious liquid down quietly. "Soup's delicious, Molly. You've got to teach me how to make those!" She appraised the older witch, who blushed at the praise and nodded her head. Fleur had done everything the past month she had stayed at the poor dwelling of the Weasleys', starting from the laundry to sweeping the floors, to helping Molly, etc and etc. But, she couldn't understand why no one liked her the way, they liked - well, loved- Hermione. She was determined to find that out. "When is Heiron coming, dear?" Molly questioned her daughter-in-law, who had sat next to her husband, as she ate from his plate. Charlie cast a look at his pocket watch and said. "He should be here any moment by now, Mum. He said he had special work to interview some bloke, and said will be back for lunch." Molly's face contorted into a look of concern as she forked her pasta taking it to her plump lips. "I wonder where he is." "Don't worry, Molly. He'll be now buried in his books, forgotten to drink his long past freezing cold tea, letting the time drift by as he ran his eyes over the same passage over and over again trying to decipher the riddle that would be found in 'the tale of three brothers'. He should probably be out of his fantasy by now, according to the calculations." Hermione stated, and everyone looked at her knowingly. "Now what had happened between you two? Should I hear about your rant again?" Molly said amusedly. Hermione sighed deeply, and just as she was about to start her ranting again, green light glowed throughout the house, followed by a man coughing. "Stupid floo! Setting up and about dust that gets 3 showers completely to get out." A smile lit up Hermione's entire features as she sprinted in the direction of her brother. Everyone waited as they gave the siblings some alone time. Charlie could hear the thumping of feet, giggles, laughter and slapping sounds. He had to bite his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing out loud at his wife and his brother-in-law's antics. "Finally, someone decides to show up!" Hermione pointed out, as she dragged her brother to the dining table, even though he could walk perfectly without her help. After Heiron had introduced himself to Harry, he answered his sister's question, or more like, statement. "Well, someone needs to find out the secret about the Tale of the three brothers and its connection to some powerful wizard, right?" He retorted, and the whole Weasley family groaned loudly at that. "I don't know how you do that, but I'm so tired of it." Charlie commented, and hastily added, when his wife and brother-in-law glared in sync at him. "-It's not that I don't love you both. I mean, that I'd love to watch you rant, fight, argue and pull each other's hair out with so much amusement that I'd love to play the referee." The occupants of the Burrow laughed out loud at that. Fleur and Harry still didn't understood what made Hermione so special. They only know that she's a different person. And, no one can compare to her. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
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