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PAIRING: William Weasley/Hermione Granger SETTING: 3 years after the Second Wizarding War. Autumn of 2001. QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER:  I'm amazed when I look at you. Not just because of your looks, but for the fact that everything I've ever wanted is right in front of me. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ Hermione Granger, the senior undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, the ex-Head of the Department of Care of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic, the War Heroine, the Brightest Witch of our Age, the girl-who-knew, 1/3rd of the Golden Trio, the ex-resident bookworm of Gryffindor, the Head Girl of the batch of 1999 at Hogwarts, the know-it-all, the Muggle-born extraordinaire, etc and etc was found sitting at a wizard pub drinking fire whiskey to relax herself after two years full of work. The past two years had passed away after her graduation from Hogwarts, in the blink of an eye. She had joined the Department of Care of Magical Creatures after Hogwarts, at the insistence of the Minister for Magic (Presently, Kingsley Shacklebolt) himself. She had taken her job no lightly, and had passed so many laws concerning with Werewolves, House Elves, etc and was also begotten positive response from the common public. After the Battle at Hogwarts, the Golden Trio, Neville Longbottom, and few other teachers and students were awarded Order of Merlin, First Class - Which proved to be an advantage to them in getting jobs from the Ministry and in the Magical World. The students that had participated in the Second Wizarding World - supporting the Light side - were also given the concession of NOT needing their N.E.W.T.S if they desire to work for the Ministry. Using this, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley didn't return for their 8th year, and joined the Ministry, training to be Aurors. The boy-who-lived invested all of his hard works, brains, experience and quickly became the Head Auror, just in 2 years. Daphne Potter née Greengrass has always supported Harry in all the ways she could. The boy-who-believed did nothing other than to spend uselessly and engage in unproductive businesses (that includes gambling, drinking, etc), completely wasting time and money. Yet, Lavender Weasley née Brown finds him hardworking and endearing. Hermione on the other hand, is now the Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry. She had also gotten hold of the title as 'The most sought out bachelorette of the Magical World' after her failed relationships with Viktor Krum, Cormac McLaggen, Ronald Weasley, Pollux Malloy (a Pureblood businessman), Pallor King (a Half-blood Medi-Wizard), and 10 more. With her parents' memory unable to be restored, she had left them in Australia, where they had adopted a 19 year old girl named Hermione - it was a coincidence that the girl had brown hair and brown eyes, and was also named Hermione. She had bought a huge piece of land, where now proudly sat her 'Grange', housing the one and only Hermione Granger. Now with everything settled, she had finally succumbed into a well-needed recuperation after the War, graduation, and her job. Her need for recuperation was well noted by the Minster himself, who had instantly ordered her not be seen at the Ministry for straight 6 months. She had protested, but the Minster didn't hear anything from her and ordered her out. Only now, she realised her need to be rested. After a failing argument with the Minister, she walked out of the MoM, accompanied by one of the Goblins working there. Yes. Goblins are now working with the Ministry after the War. It was her idea after all. It was a well know fact that the Goblins have magical equipments to detect Polyjuice and imperious curse, so she had made a contract with them. She had agreed to make sure that the Goblins are given respect from the Wizards and the Witches, and also extended the invitation to make sure that the MoM would protect the Goblins even though they needed no help. Now, the Goblins are found at the entrance of the Ministry where they would check everyone for any mishap before allowing them inside. Anyways, she had gotten a quick lunch at one of the Wizarding Restaurants; before having a quick check at the Bookstores, where she managed to beget a few maps and other books and brochures that she might need for her world tour. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a familiar voice call out for her. "Hey Hermione. What're you doing here?" She whirled around to see: William Weasley. He wore form fitting robes, with his long hair cropped short, and his face that was now not adorning any scars. A grin was present on his lips, and his turquoise eyes twinkled. She grinned at him, and waved for him to come, over to her. "Hey Bill! I'm good, how are you?" He gave her a quick hug that sent her heart in flutters. Her mind flashed all those times in which her heart would flutter whenever the oldest Weasley was closer by to her. Unbeknownst to her, the said Weasley was also feeling the same for the younger witch. He had started having these feelings towards her from during the Quidditch World Cup. He had married the Quarter Veela to distract himself from falling in love with a younger witch, who was at the time, the crush of her youngest brother. Even when he was married, he couldn't force himself to not follow the Brightest witch of our Age like a lost puppy. His deep infatuation with Hermione was one of the reasons, why his marriage with Fleur never worked out. The other reason was that she was his Mate. Of course, you heard him right. Hermione was his wolf's Mate, making her his Mate. His wolf wouldn't let Bill touch Fleur, because 'she smells like wet chicken, and she is not my Mate' his wolf had told him. Sure, he agreed to him later, that the Quarter Veela truly smelled like Chicken. Anyways, because his wolf wouldn't let him, the ex-married couple had never once, well, tried to have s*x, at all. Back to the present, anyways, after inhaling a whiff of her scent, sent his inner wolf into shambles. His deepest desire would've sprung into life, if not for him to pull down his thoughts.  The twosome had pulled away from each other, and had seated themselves opposite to other, and had lost themselves in a conversation about their jobs, and their present recuperations. It was such a coincidence that the Goblins too have agreed, well, more like commanded Bill to go on a vacation for half a year to reinstate him in his life. "Really? I can't believe it. So, how are you going to spend the holiday?" Hermione questioned him, as she took a sip of her butter beer. Her free hand went to push curly hair away from her eyes, only to be beaten by Bill, who had done the task before her. Hermione was shocked slightly, but relaxed instantly, and waited for him to answer her question. "I was planning on going a world tour, you know... I've got enough (money), and of course, world tour would be good to meet new scenarios, people and culture." He answered, and a huge grin broke out in his companion's face. Hermione was in heaven now. She squealed, actually squealed, and jumped over the table to hug the living lights out of William Weasley, who first looked shocked, but then indulged into the hug. "Merlin's sweet underpants. I was planning on doing the same! I hope, you don't mind having company, do you?" She squealed, as her eyes twinkled in excitement, whilst her face had the s**t-eating grin on. Bill could do nothing other than to nod his head at the said Granger, and was now again ambushed by the younger witch, who again hugged the life out of him. A few hours later, the owner of the pub, found the two still talking, eating, drinking, grinning, laughing, joking - in his shop, still sitting in the same table. They both had been sitting there for like 10 hours straight, and when the owner finally shooed them away, only then they realised the time. They had both bunked at their homes, and had promised to catch up again. A few weeks later found the two at the London Airport as they boarded a plane to the States. The news had been well accepted by the Weasley family members, even though Ron was sulking. No one could ever understand why he was so in rage about this news, not even his wife could figure it out. But only Ron knew why. He had married Lavender to k****e Hermione's jealousy and get her begging him on her knees; then he would patch up with her, divorcing Lavender only to re-marry Hermione. But his plan had so amazingly failed. Right in front of him. Everything would've gone good, if not for him to be amazingly drunk in a family night, where he had announced everyone (that means everyone, Arthur and Molly Weasley; Charlie Weasley; Fred and Alicia Weasley; Mr. And Mrs. Spinnet; George and Angelina Weasley; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson; Harry and Daphne Potter; Mr. And Mrs. Greengrass; Ginny and Anthony Goldstein; Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein; Lavender Weasley; Mr. And Mrs. Brown) about his master mind plan. The night ended with a crying Lavender who was escorted out of the Burrow by her parents, who had vocalised to break their daughter's marriage; and a very furious and disgusted Weasley Family, the Potter Family; whilst, a disgusted Greengrass Family, Goldstein Family,  Spinnet Family and Johnson Family. The night was a total chaos. A year later saw William and Hermione, happily married. And, another year later, the couple were blessed with a beautiful red haired, brown eyed baby boy, who was named, Rusel John Weasley. And, it was all because they had they had decided to follow their hearts and finally get together. Above the clouds, the Goddess of Love sat on her throne as she happily ogled at the perfect family. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
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