6384 Words
PAIRING: Harry Potter/Hermione Granger SETTING: 8 years after the Battle of Hogwarts. QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ "Is it ready?" Harry Potter, the next Dark Lord of the Wizarding World, asked one of his Pureblood servants, impatiently in a sinister tone with a sneer that now permanently resides on his face. It had been a couple of months now, since Harry had commissioned the job to that wannabe death eater, and he was getting impatient.  It was supposedly going to be finished by today, he'd been assured of it. That's what the last 20 had said. But then again, people would always tell lies to save their own skin, to buy some time... Don't they? Really, how long did it take to brew a simple potion, anyway? Granted, it had never been done before, but still... It shouldn't have taken 3 months, right? Now, if Hermione had been there; she would've finished it in a matter of days, if not hours. But really, no one could compare with her, no one. If Remus and Sirius had been there, they would've found another way to solve the problem; if..if his parents were alive... Then, he wouldn't have to face so many obstacles in his supposed life... Like so many other times, the ghost of a tear tried to appear upon his face, but he wouldn't let it. No, he would be strong. He would go on until he finished his task, and then everything would be all right. He'd be back with her and their family, no worries, and no one would ever take her or his family away again. Gone was the scrawny, underfed, malnourished, moody, brooding, ignorant, not-much-educated Gryffindor teenager, who was dependent on the 'elders', and pray that everything will be in his favor. In his place, stood the emancipated Lord Potter-Black, Order of Merlin, First Class; Supreme Mugwump; The Cheif Warlock of Wizengamot; the most powerful Dark Lord the planet Earth has ever seen; the world's most richest wizard; the heir of the Slytherin; the true epitome of cunningness, maliciousness and cruelty. His rage knowing no limits, was fueled by the heartbreak of having seen his Hermione, his parents, dog father (pun intended) and Wolfy uncle lay dead right in front of his eyes, and being able to do nothing about it. He may be all this, but he had the handsomeness too that comes right along with the involvement with Dark Arts. His Raven black hair is still unruly and untameable, showcasing his demeanour perfectly - that Harry Potter-Black will never bow before anyone. His cream skin tone glowing with power, that runs deep in his blood, bones, muscles, tissues, heck, even in his cells. His emerald green eyes often projecting blood red flashing through is ready to kill the opponent just as much by gazing upon them. His body of the perfect view and everything any male or female would kill for - but that's not it, everyone is too scared to even look at him. That's what makes Harry feel so good, after everything that has happened to him. Anyways, the Pureblood servant, who is none other than, Kraken Umbridge, shivered and stuttered. "M-My L-Lord, the p-potion is ready." A ghost of a smile lifted the corners of the Dark Lord's lips, as his heart leaped up in joy. I can go back in Time! I can save my Hermione and my family! Even my parents, too! He thought joyously. For 8 years, all of his main concentration was on avenging his family's death, and getting the whole Wizarding World pay for it. The other unimportant things were to make sure no one would question anything he said. For achieving the task, he was just required to make his power knowing to everyone. The first thing he did after he got everyone under his thumb was to pass many laws that Hermione, Remus and Sirius were planning on suggesting (when they were alive, of course) for the welfare of House Elves, Werewolves, Vampires and other Magical Creatures. And many more laws, acts, schemes, programmes, were formulated within a year. Through this, Harry received much positive response from the Magical Creatures, Goblins, Abused Children, Squibs, Destitutes, Orphans, etc and etc, but he received mixed response from the Pureblood society, who could do nothing other than to accept the change in the system or die. Harry's mind flashed the day he became a Dark Lord, and he felt the reality slipping away from him, as his mind recalled the happenings of the Battle.   〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ It was just the time he had defeated Voldemort. Harry had smiled grimly and let out a sigh of relief as the snake-face's body disintegrated like a parchment and disappeared into the sky, marking his victory and bringing the annoying prophecy to an end. Everyone had cheered for him, and surrounded him as they changed his name over and again. "HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER! HARRY POTTER!" He smiled at them, but a frown appeared on his face when he couldn't see Hermione or Remus anywhere in the crowd. Harry waved the crowd of ecstatic survivors away and pulled Ron to his side. "Hey mate, have you seen Mia or Remus?" Ron darkly commented with a sneer on his face. "I would've been hurt! My family would've been hurt! But all you care for is that bookworm girlfriend of yours and a werewolf of all things.. I still can't understand you!" Harry was actually hurt by the comment of his supposed best mate. "What do you mean, Ron? I can see that you're not hurt, so I don't have to worry about you, but that's not the same in Mia and Mus' case... Of course, I care for them. Heck, they're my family! I don't know what's gotten into you! Now have you seen them or not?" He was actually screaming the last few sentences. He still couldn't understand the red head. All of the things that Hermione, Remus and Sirius had told him, confirmed the fact that Ron we just using him by his behaviour right now. And, his weasel of a mother (Molly) had been trying to dose Harry and his girlfriend with love Potions, so that Ginny could get him, and wittle Ronnie would get Hermione. Ronald just shook his head and strutted, yes strutted away, leaving Harry to fend for himself. Harry ran from corridor to corridor, place to place searching for his remaining family. The battle wasn't over yet, as few death eaters still put up a fight, even after their Masters had fallen. His whole world came crashing down when he saw his Hermione and his Wolfy uncle Remus Lupin lying dead amongst the other casualties. All of a sudden, his magic became too hard to control, his eyes stung as tears continually fell, his breathing became harder by the passing second. On the whole, he felt like he was being crucified. He screamed painfully as he projected out a huge white flash of pure hatred, pure desperation, pure rage, and pure magic from his chest that killed every death eater in the most gruesome-est way. They exploded like a balloon, spraying blood and gore everywhere. Gone was Harry Potter. Gone was the boy-who-lived. Harry Potter was dead, in his place, someone else stood. An orphan. Everyone stared wide-eyed at him. The whole hall was pin drop silent. No one dared to move. No one dared to reach for their wand. No one dared to even breathe. "H-Hermione? Re-Remus? Why? Why does it have to be you?! WHY?! WHY SHOULD IT ALWAYS BE OUR FAMILY?!" Harry screamed, as he hugged the dead bodies of his family members. Unofficially James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Hermione and Harry were a family. They were the Potter-Evans-Black-Lupin-Granger family or simply, the Marauders family. Without thinking of the consequences she would have to face, Ginny, walked past everyone and pounced on Harry, not caring that he was shitty angry. She threw her arms around him and giggled loudly. Harry pushed her arms off of him, the second it fell on him with a sneer on his face. Ginny giggled again, and cooed. "Oh, Harry love, we can now be happy, without the mudblood b***h and that dark creature to stop us." Everyone held their breath in fear to see what was going to happen, except for Molly and Ron, who were now glowing with happiness as they had 100 percent surety that their plan would be successful. The love story of the boy-who-lived and the girl-who-knew was wide known all over the Magical World. The fact that a person was actually disrespecting his Hermione, who was taken away from him forcibly, put his sanity at the end didn't help Harry the least. The voice they heard Harry use sent chills down the spine of the occupants of the hall. It was cold, sinister and.. lifeless. As if though he had given up hope. "HOW DARE YOU, SLUT, TRY TO TOUCH ME, AND OF THEM ALL, SPIT ON MY HERMIONE AND UNCLE?! DON'T I KNOW WHAT YOU DID? KISSING THE TOMMY BOY'S ROBES AND BEING HIS PERSONAL CONCUBINE! YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO EVEN COME NEAR MY FAMILY'S SHADOW! CRUCIO!" He saw in sickly satisfaction as her screams reverberated all throughout the place. The whole hall gasped out loud at that. Harry wasn't sure whether they were gasping at the information dump he had provided or the Crucio he had used or in fear of what was going to happen. A screaming Molly Weasley tried to stun him, as she yelled put profanities at not only him but his family too. "BOY! YOU SEE WHO'S DAUGHTER SHE IS?! I'LL KILL YOU! I'VE ALREADY KILLED YOUR BLOOD TRAITOR FAMILY AND YOU WON'T BE MUCH OF A PROBLEM!" Hearing her words, Harry's rage only intensified. He dodged the stunner spell and sent a CRUCIO down right at her. The CRUCIO sent at Ginny was still running, giving the teenage red head girl a taste of what Bellatrix did to his Hermione. "MOTHER OF CONCUBINES, POTIONS MISTRESS FOR THE SNAKE FACE AND ONE OF THE ARSE SUCKER OF VOLDEMORT HAS NO RESPECT IN HERE! DON'T THINK THAT I HAD FORGOTTEN HOW YOU DOSED MY LOVE AND I WITH LOVE AND LUST POTIONS, SO THAT WE'LL MARRY YOUR YOUNGEST TROLLS!" Harry revealed and everyone gasped out loud at that. Again, he didn't know whether they were gasping at the information dump or the Crucio. Ronald sputtered as he pointed his wand at the boy-who-lived, and spat venomously. "GIT! THAT'S MY MOTHER AND SISTER YOU HURT! I SHOULD'VE LET YOU DIE IN THE COLD RATHER THAN SAVING YOU IF YOU WERE HERE TO TREAT ME AND MY FAMILY LIKE THIS! AVADA-" before the red head could even complete the spell, a CRUCIO had hit him square on his face. "HA! UNMARKED DEATH EATER, MY SO-CALLED BEST MATE THAT WAS PAID 20 GALLEONS FOR BEING MY BEST MATE BY ALBUS BLOODY GREATER GOOD MANIPULATOR DUMBLEDORE!! NO ONE HERE ASKED TO OPEN YOUR BIG MOUTH!" Harry yelled. Next what happened was a miracle. "CRUCIO MAXIMUS!" He yelled again, and saw in satisfaction as all the three screamed bloody murder. The whole Great Hall convulsed into heaps of murmurs. "SILENCE!" He yelled, and everyone even stopped breathing in fear that Harry would turn their attention over to them. "MY FAMILY WAS SACRIFICED! IT WAS ALL FOR YOU! I WAS STRIPPED OFF MY PARENTS, GODFATHER, UNCLE... AND FINALLY, MY LOVE! MY WHOLE FAMILY WAS KILLED IN A COLD BLOOD WAY! IT WAS ALL FOR YOU!" Everyone cheered, not realising what they were unleashing upon themselves. "IT WAS ALL FOR YOU... SO IT'S YOU THAT MUST BE PUNISHED FOR TAKING MY FAMILY AWAY FROM ME!" The whole hall gasped. A few tried protesting, but a huge blinding white light enveloped them."CRUCIO MAXIMUS!" Each and every occupants of the whole of Hogwarts convulsed into unbearable pain, that seemingly didn't stop.  〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ A scream woke the Dark Lord out of his fantasy, and he realised that he had Crucio'ed his servant in apparent joy. Harry just shrugged him off-handedly, and stepped right over him as he walked out of the one room, with his cloak bellowing like his former Potion's master. He entered the study room, where the apparent world's best Potions master was standing, holding a cauldron full of golden misty water, shaking and shivering heavily. "Is the potion done, Jugson, for all its worth?" Harry sneered with a huge grin on his face. The Potions Master was sure that he had never seen this kind of emotion in the face of the Lord. Judith Jugson, the world's best Potions master was searched, more like hunted, by Lord Potter-Black for a more than couple of days. The said Lord had ordered three of his troops in search of the Master. The reason was to mix a potion that will take the user back in time. It was rumored, or maybe it's true, that Lord Potter-Black was having at least 20 Potion masters to work for the said going-back-in-time potion. Since none of their works were successful, they were all murdered for treason and the breach of trust of the Lord of not just one, but two noble and Ancient families. "Y-Yes, m-my Lord. The Time Turner and the potion is ready. All that is to be done is your permission to p-proceed." The Master went from highly nervous, to confident, to realisation in few minutes. "Good. Make sure that it works." The threat was left hanging, as the Master gulped loudly and started fluttering around the table, setting up the table for the use. Harry wandered around the study, immediately heading to the portraits of his family. "Hello, Harry love." His Mum greeted him, as she waved her hand from the balcony of the Godric's Hollow Cottage from the portraits. His father and Godfather were standing next to her, and they waved at him. "Yo, Bambi! What did Jugson say? Is he a jug's son yet?" Sirius sassed, as his black hair tousled in the wind. Harry laughed out loud at that. "Forget your dog father, mate, how's the potion coming up?" His father, James, questioned him with an encouraging smile on his face. Sirius and James high fived at the pun, whilst Lily groaned and Harry just chuckled. "Morning, Mum, Dad, Siri. Says it's coming up good. If it does, I'll be able to meet you, lot." Harry left the sentence hanging. His family smiled encouragingly at him. "Go get our girl and Moony, mate. It's your call. Whatever happens, we're here with you. And, let's show that no one can or will mess with the Marauders family." James said with a evil sneer on his face. Lily and Sirius nodded their heads, agreeing to James. Harry nodded his head curtly and walked away from his family, and towards Jugson. "Is it ready yet?" "Yes, my Lord." Jugson said as he placed the Time Turner in a platter and poured the golden potion on it. The second, the potion touched the surface of the time Turner, the small watch started glowing in golden light. "Lord, you have to turn the Time Turner to the desired date to go back. You'll be able to have the same power you have right now back then. Your memory will be intact. If a drastic change happens in the timeline, it will change the outcome of the future. The time turner will self-destruct after you reach the desired date. Your magic will be only intact for about 5 hours. So, if you have to change something, Lord, you have to accomplish it within the time. Then, everything goes on with the time." He explained with great cautiousness. "What will be of this timeline?" The Dark Lord commented, as he questioned the Potions Master. A frown formed on his handsome face. "This timeline would freeze, and would change according to the changes that would be done by you in the past, my Lord." Jugson elucidated and Harry sneered at that, happily. Just as the Time Turner swallowed the golden light, Harry snatched it into his hand and twisted the date back to the day his parents were killed: 30 October, 1981. A white flash erupted from the time instrument and Harry could feel himself floating. He felt like he was floating in the sky. Before he could relax, he felt himself falling. That too, from the sky. Harry opened his eyes to see himself sitting in a crib. He lets his eyes roam and found that he was back in his childhood room. In his 15 months old form. He knew at this time good ol' TOMMY boy must've been ordering Bellatrix to attack the Long bottoms. So, Harry closed his eyes and followed Voldemort's magical signature. He found it a few miles away from Godric's Hollow. Along with him, he also found a few familiar magical signatures like: Bellatrix, Rudolphus and Rabastan Lestrange; Antonin Dolohov; Lucius Malfoy; Crabbe, Goyle and Nott Sr, Amycus and Alecto Carrow, Severus Snape and surprisingly, Peter Pettigrew. Sneering, he used his mind control spell (the one that he had made) on Voldemort. The spell Harry had invented the mind control spell that works on everyone. But, it takes a few minutes to get a strong willed minded, and well-accomplished Occlumens to get them under control. Harry cackled evilly, but it sounded like a baby's giggles, and that quite deflated his pride. Without wasting another second, the future Dark Lord got Tommy Boy's mind under his complete control. Taking a deep breath, he sent 12 Avada Kedavras without a second's pause. The next minute saw the dead bodies of Lord Voldemort's inner circle. Next 10 minutes later, saw the HQ of the Dark Lord filled with dead bodies of Death Eaters, Unmarked Death eaters, and potential Death Eaters (i.e. The ones that are undergoing the process of becoming a Death Eater), who were all killed by their own master. The only emotions that they felt were confusion and fear before the darkness succumbed and the Death devoured them. Harry also controlled Voldemort to search for his snake, Nagini that is one of his horcruxes. And, when he found her snoring away in her bed (do snakes snore? Or, do they hiss in their sleep?), he realised that her signature was different. A quick spell told him that she wasn't a horcrux. With a doubtful glance at her, Voldemort called forth all of his horcruxes, or the items that were supposed to be his horcruxes. With another spell, he figured out that none of the artefacts had a horcrux. Another spell was performed on himself (Voldemort) which said that he seems to be intact with his whole soul. Harry grinned when he realised that Voldemort having his whole soul trickles down Harry's to-do list even shorter. He needed Voldemort closer to his house to kill him, so he ordered him to near his home. He sneered (adorably) and waved his baby hand at the figure, that appeared at the end of his street. A powerful green light emitted from his hand, hit the Dark Lord on his chest, and disintegrated him into the air (just like how Voldy died at the Battle of Hogwarts) with a huge explosion that emitted loads and loads of light, power and magic. Harry could see the explosion right from his crib too, and wondered if the Order, Dumbledore, and everyone else figured it out yet. Not wanting to waste his time, he set up powerful spells on the door of his room that emits beams that would potential kill the person, heck, even the house will collapse after the expiry of a certain period of time. He set up this trap for Dumbledore, who will surely visit him. Harry remembered that the former headmaster had talked to him about it in the past, er, future's past. A few minutes later, he heard the front door open, downstairs. So, he placed a wandless amplifying charm on him (no one would know that the charm was placed and it will fade over 30 minutes) that will facilitate him to over hear them. "VOLDEMORT AND HIS WHOLE HERD OF DEATH EATERS ARE DEAD! THE ORDER JUST CONFIRMED IT! NO ONE KNEW HOW OR WHY, BUT THE s**t EATERS WERE LYING DEAD ALL OVER THEIR HQ!" The familiar voice of Sirius Black, his godfather, had Harry grinning goofily. And, the fact that he had saved not only his parents and other innocent people's lives, but also his godfather's had him smiling. "Peter was also there. He was dead too. He was a marked Death Eater, the rat, who knew. What would've happened if he had led you-know-who here." Remus Lupin, the ever calm one, informed wisely. Harry could hear shouts and cheers of victory. A few minutes later, the door to his room opened, and in walked his parents, godfather and uncle with a bounce on their feet. "Hey, mate." His father said, as he ruffled Harry's hair. Harry grinned at his father, and held his hands out for him to take him in his arms. "Dada!" James grinned and swirled his son in the air, revelling in the sounds of the laughter from his son, as he announced. "We're all safe, Harry! Everything's going to be better from now on!" "Yep, no Voldymoldy to disturb our cub here!" Sirius squealed and actually Harry giggled at the antics of his godfather. Sirius goofily grinned and swirled Young Harry up in the air. "We're going to be infinite, Bambi!" Lily giggled that soon became a sigh of relief as the Marauders pulled her and their cub into a group hug, wanting to confirm the fact that their family is in safe. And, alive.  "Did Dumbledore come here yet?" Sirius said. Lily shook her head at the person she considers as her her brother. "No, Siri.. I think he's caught somewhere.. Anyways, James and I have been discussing about going to the Muggle world. We were already discussing about going there, and now with the death of him, we'll be free to start anew..." Sirius and Remus had a 'thinking hard' look on their faces, which shows that they very analysing the possibility. Harry's grin widened as he realised that if they're going to the Muggle world, he could meet Hermione somewhere. Somehow. But first, he'll use undetectable compulsion charms on them to make sure that they'll choose the place Hermione is already living. As much as he hates to use compulsion charms on them, he knows that to make them take good decisions was to do this. It was for the 'greater good' as Dumbledore says. To influence their decisions more, he shouted in excitement. "Mo-Muggle!" Harry raised his small fist in the air and pumped wildly. The youthful elders laughed out loud at the sight of their cub, excited about something. Being the responsible and loving adults, they decided to make his wish come true. "I think it's a good idea. Whaddya say, Remey?" Sirius asked his other best mate, with a black raised eyebrow. Remus hesitated. "See, if you're thinking about your 'furry little problem' I'll hex you, Remus John Lupin!" Lily said. Sirius and James just chose to step back and enjoy the show. Remus swallowed loudly and threw a glance at James. "Hey, don't look at me! You know she terrifies me more than Mum!" James exclaimed as he threw his hands up in surrender motion and moved back. Sirius who was holding Harry started cackling like an i***t. Only at the mention of 'Mum' by his father, Harry realised that his grandparents too were supposed to be murdered tonight. Actually, many were supposed to be dead by tonight: Fleamont and Euphemia Potter (Harry's Grandparents), James and Lily Potter, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Frank and Alice Longbottom (they were supposed to be 'gone') to name a few. Harry started calculating how to bring his grandparents too into the picture, and decided to do something about it. Lily glared at her husband, who shrunk in fear at the deadly sight and shiver-shuddered. Even then, Sirius didn't stop laughing, but another deadly glare got him right. "There are a few places where we own a property. And I think, Crawley is the place where the Blacks also own a cottage. Right?" At her words, Sirius nodded his head. "Maybe that would be good. We can be next door neighbours! How's that?" James exclaimed with his hazel brown eyes twinkling with excitement. Remus hesitated again. "We can go somewhere during that time of the month. No one will think wrong of us.. They'd just think of us to be youths who're having fun every month, that's it. This is not uncommon in the Muggle World, 'Mus. The youths are always out. Say yes, please.." Lily explained, making it much easier for Remus to agreed and much tough for him to disagree. Remus finally nodded his head. "But, I'll pay the rent every month." Sirius looked gobsmacked at that. "There is no way I'm letting you pay rent. You're one of my best mates and my family. There's no way you'll act like an outsider. And, that's an order!" Remus mumbled into his breath and shuffled, showing that he was.. grunting? Sirius looked very pleased of himself. "And, James, what about your Mum and Dad? Send them a letter about everything. I'm sure they'll already be informed of the deaths, but why don't you write them again, confirming everything and about us going to the Muggle World?" Lily ranted, and James instantly took a parchment and quick quill in his hands, jotting down everything she says. Sirius and Remus merely looked amused at the pair. And, when Lily finally caught James red-handed, she gave him a hard earned punch to his ribs. Harry could only grin at the sight of his Mum punching his Dad. This scene reminded him of his third year when Hermione punched Draco Malfoy. Except there was no love. But here... "The Black Cottage is right next to the Potter Cottage, thankfully, so I think Siri and Remus you both should start with placing the wards around the house. Do not place Muggle repelling wards. Just a few protection ones. Dark magic repelling ones. No fidelius charms, we've already been hit once... James would take care of the paperwork-" James groaned at the word 'paperwork' loudly. The remaining Marauders snickered heavily. "-I'll take care of Harry, dinner and packing" Lily finished with a huff, the Marauders gave her a fake applause, even little Harry joined at that. Lily merely chose to ignore them and took Harry in her arms and walked downstairs to start with it. "THIS SHOULD BE DONE RIGHT NOW! WE'RE SLEEPING IN OUR NEW HOMES!" Her voice was heard yelling through the staircase. The next three hours saw the whole household working together to achieve their tasks perfectly. Lily had packed Harry, James and her things in three duffel bags that had the undetectable endless charms on it. It was also charmed NOT to open by anyone else other than the respective owners (and in Harry's case, James and Lily can only open his bag), and feather light charms on them. She had already prepared a huge dinner: Sphagetti and Meatballs, with casseroles. She handed over Harry his sippy bottle that was now filled with milk. Harry almost gagged when he realised that the milk was plain, and didn't have any sugar in it. But, managed to complete it. Remus had a leather bag in which was his possessions. It seems that he had completely wrapped his whole household in his bag. Sirius was another case. Tons and tons of his clothes were already in his bag, followed by a few possessions. Sirius and Remus already popped into the Black Cottage (after packing their bags) and were doing their jobs of setting up and about wards, and decorating the place. Solid 1 hour later saw the place fully decorated for use, and wards roaring into life, with their possessions already in their rooms. They had placed wards around the Potter Cottage and left the decorations for Lily to decided and popped back into the Godric's Cottage in Godric's Hollow to help their friends. James had already sent a letter to his parents informing/confirming them about the sudden deaths of Voldemort and his minions, and also informing them about his family's new living accommodations through the floo. He instantly received a return letter which stated that Fleamont and Euphemia are flying to Australia where they are planning on staying for a year or so as a fully deserved vacation. James and Lily were happy for them. But no one more than, Harry. Harry frowned, when he heard his mother speak highly of the former Headmaster of Hogwarts, well, now he's the Present Headmaster of Hogwarts. He grinned as he placed realisation spells that showcases his manipulative habit and compulsion spells in the occupants of the Pottage Cottage. "I still can't believe Dumbledore was the Manipulator and had used Peter to do all of his evil bindings.." Lily said, disbelievingly. The Menfolk of the house growled, and said simultaneously. "Which means, he'd find out that we had escaped." James said with a serious look on his face. "Which would mean, that he'll come here looking for us." Remus continued, as he ran his hand through his wild dark blond hair. His eyes flashed amber at the thought of it. "Which would simply mean that we should get away from his clutches." Sirius completed, and growled as he sensed the impending danger, that his family would be hurt. "Which would mean that we should get right away from good ol' Dumbles." Lily ordered and the menfolk again nodded their heads. With a crack they side-along-apparated away from the Godric Hollows Potter Cottage to Crawley Potter Cottage. The wards that were placed in the house, cleared every sign of magic signature and instantly, anti-apparation spell was placed intactly. Since Dumbledore is the secret keeper only he can enter the house aside from all of the ones that were checked in to the wards, who were none other than Dumbledore himself, James, Lily, Harry, Remus, Sirius and Peter. With Peter dead, and the others whisked away, only Dumbledore could enter. His doom was confirmed. And, Harry could only grin. With the help of magic, again the luggages were unpacked within a few seconds. Lily had decorated the house in Gryffindor colours with the Potter Family Crest sitting majestically in the living room. The guest rooms were all decorated in neutral colours. Within an hour, dinner was served. And, everyone was full. Neither could barely believe that their lives completely in the last 4 hours. Sirius changed into his animagus form, and took Harry for a ride around the house. James and Remus were at the living room, with the Crawley city map spread in front of them on the tea table. Lily was clearing out the dinner and the dishes. All of a sudden, a knock was heard which echoed throughout the house. Sirius shifted back into his human form and took Harry in his arms as he sprinted to the front door. James yelled out. "Be careful, Siri!" Sirius readied his wand in one hand, where he held little Harry to his chest, and peeped through the peep hole of the door. There stood a 21 year old pretty woman with brown hair and brown eyes with sweetheart face, holding a baby girl of about lesser than Harry's age, who had the same brown hair, brown eyes and sweetheart face like that of her Mother.Harry grinned as he felt Hermione's magical signature closer to him. Sirius pulled the door open slowly, and grinned widely at the woman who stood outside. "How may I help you?" With a quick swipe of his wand, he found out that she was no danger. Sensing that, he pocketed his wand back. "Are you the new neighbours of ours? I'm Emma Granger, a dentist. And, this is my daughter, Hermione Granger." Emma explained with a gentle smile on her face. Harry laughed loudly to make his presence known to the threesome, and tried jumping for Hermione. "Hermi!" Sirius oohed, with a grin splitting his face. "Yo Bambi, Jamie-boy would kill me if you become too much like me. I'm sorry, Emma. I'm Sirius, this is my dogson, Harry. Yes, we are your new neighbours. Please do come inside, ladies." Hermione giggled out loud at that term 'dogson', and demanded that she be put down, when she saw Harry get down. "Did you mean godson?" Emma asked confusedly. Sirius chuckled and then turned to the hallway as he announced. "YO JAMIE, LIL, REMEY! WE'VE GOT NICE NEIGHBOURS!" At his words, James, Lily and Remus appeared from the hallways, as they made a beeline to the entrance. "Oh, we've got nice neighbours! Thank god, I don't want to be alone with you!" James screeched with a horrified look for his face. "Hey, you said you loved me!" Sirius protested, as he pulled his innocent, puppy dog eyes at his brother. "Of course not, pretty face. Come on, let's help the lady inside." James sassed, and threw a saucy wink at the said black dog. "Y-You c-cal-called me pretty. Remey, he called me pretty. Oh, I love you too, Jame!" Sirius sobbed into the chest of Remus, as he held him tightly, wailing out loud at that. Remus rolled his eyes at him, and sighed sarcastically. "James did the wrong job of calling you Pretty.. You're absolutely gorgeous!" Sirius squealed dramatically and hugged Remus tightly, almost choking the Werewolf. Emma was looking at the banter with an amused look on her face, that she completely forgot about her daughter who was now wrapped in a hug with Harry, who looked like he was in heaven. Harry finally revelled in the feeling of his Hermione in his arms, even though she was just 12 months old, and he was 3 months older than her, a mere 15 months old lad. "Forget those sugar-high maniacs, Emma. I'm Lily, and James there is my husband, you've already met Sirius and this is Remus, our best friends who are also going to stay here with us from now on. They'll be living next door to us." Said Lily cheerfully, as she shook hands with Emma. "From the looks of it, you're really good people for neighbours. I'd like to introduce my daughter, Hermione, she is-" Emma was shocked as well as surprised when you saw Harry and Hermione hugging each other, and almost gasped out loud when Harry placed a kiss on Hermione's cheek. "THERE IS MY DOGSON! GO FOR IT, BAMBI!" Sirius squealed as he pumped his fist wildly in the air, in obvious victory. James and Remus laughed loud at that. "Um, did he mean 'godson' by that?" Emma questioned Lily, in obvious confusion. Lily giggled and shook her head. "Sirius here is terrible at puns." Harry turned to the menfolk and blew a raspberry at them. Instantly, the men folk growled, whilst Hermione giggled and poked Harry's dimple. "Haey! No-" she blew a raspberry to show him, as she didn't know what to call that "-sowry!" The elders found themselves rolling on the ground as they saw Harry turn pink at Hermione's insistence, and mumbled a 'sowry' at them. Hermione giggled and placed a kiss on Harry's cheek, when suddenly a huge golden light surrounded them. Harry grinned when he realised that Hermione and him were compatible and formed a bond. He had formed a bond with Hermione back in their time too, which explains their closeness and knack for understanding and being in sync with each other. The adults gasped out loud at that. "A magical bond." It was a shocked James that had commented. Emma was clearly shaken by that. Sure, there had been many weird happenings around her daughter, but as a mother she never knew that her daughter had magical. Harry grinned as he pulled Hermione up on her feet and they wobbled over to Emma. Harry tugged gently at his future mother-in-law's skirt lightly. Emma looked down at the little boy, who now held her not-so-much-of-a-social-butterfly daughter's hand in his his. "Em, Hermi witch!" Dr. Granger found herself gasping not only at the boy's words, but also when he pointed to Hermione, her little girl had a flower vase floating above her head, whilst Harry had a flower floating perpendicular to him. It had taken the magical elder population of the house so many hours to explain everything to Emma, who insisted on bringing her husband, Daniel Granger, so that he too would know about his little girl. This was a start of a beautiful friendship as Emma and Lily instantly picked up and went in sync as they are both of the same age, and are still new to the magical world.  Dan, James, Remus and Sirius picked up almost instantly just as the ladies, and discussed about everything. Whilst the elders were busy, no one noticed when Harry slipped his lips onto Hermione, whose small hand went to his hair. "Love you, Harry. Thank you for not giving up and finally reuniting our family." Little Hermione whispered to little Harry, who looked pretty shocked by the revealation. Hermione just grinned and winked saucily at him. 5 hours passed, Harry's full formed magical abilities, his knowledge about the future and everything disappeared like a puff of smoke, leaving him as developed as a mere 15 months old baby. But this time around, things are gonna change for good. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
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