What do you do?

1559 Words
UNO peeked at her mobile phone. She put it back inside the white coat with displeasure. It has been two weeks. She has been checking her phone on the daily basis hoping to get a call or a message from a certain individual. Unfortunately, she got none. “Everything alright with you, Dr. Stone?” After heaving a deep sigh she nodded her head. She was currently having coffee in the doctors’ lounge on the second floor of the hospital. It was situated in the left wing wherein most of the offices of the resident doctors are found. The right wing has the office of the president and other  spaces for authorized personnel only. “A patient?” “Yeah.” She responded to the colleague she was sharing the table with. “You can surpass it. You’re the ‘magical hand’ after all.” She made a face at the smiling doctor. “How was your operation?” She asked, changing the topic of the conversation. She raised her eyes to glanced at the male surgeon. Doctor David Lopez was the head of the neurological department. He was one of the doctors in St. Martha that enlisted his services for the charity. Due to his hectic schedule, he can only lend a hand twice a year. Last night was his schedule. The second he can have for this year. “It was hard. The clotting in the patient head was not really the issue but the rise and fall of his blood pressure during the operation.” “How old is the patient?” “He’s fifty-four.” “How is he now?” “He’s stable but the nurses were checking on him every hour.” “What’s his case?” “He was working in the construction site. Apparently, a portion of the working platform fell form the tenth floor. He was able to avoid the debris but he tripped. The parietal lobe received the huge impact of his fall.” Doctor Lopez explained in his soft. It was clear that the previous operation has been hard on him. “Did you get yourself a nap?” She inquired after seeing the dark circle around his eyes. He sent her a smile before sipping his black coffee. “I had an emergency operation early this morning.” “Poor you. Let’s have a decent meal then.” “I won’t turn down an invite from a pretty doctor.” He responded before finishing his coffee. The neuro-surgeon and her used to date but due to their demanding schedule in the hospital they call it quits. They only been going out twice. Eventually, they realized that they were better off as colleagues than lovers. David is in his early forties. Though they have a very challenging career, the surgeon has a lean physique. Possibly because of his great genes but he also run at least twice a week. If she remembered it right, the ran was not for physical reasons but rather as a stress reliever. They ended up having a late breakfast in the nearby cupcake house. David used his car since he mentioned that he was going home right after. The other doctor was just like Uno. No one was waiting for them at home. She got the confirmation while they were having a meal. She waved goodbye at her colleague before he closed the door to the driver’s side. David wanted to send her back to the hospital but she declined. His house was on the opposite route of the hospital.   She hailed a taxi. Like she always did, she checked her phone again. She put it back to the bag when she found no notifications. Uno was about to turn to the direction of the stairs going to the second floor when she saw a familiar shade of hair. She was thankful that she wears flat shoes in her daily routine in the hospital. She does not need a boast in her height of five feet, ten inches. “Stop!” She yelled as she sprinted downstairs. It was the route towards the parking in the basement. Frowning, the woman turned to her. Her brown eyes were focused on her in an instant. Uno was taken aback with the fury that reflected on her eyes. “Where are you going?” She marched until she stood in front of her. The woman was standing beside the handrail of the stairs. “What are you doing here?” She asked again. “What do people do in the hospital?” Her voiced laced with sarcasm. “Sunbathing.” She heard her huff before turning her back on her. She sauntered towards the exit. Uno followed her. “Stop following me, Dr. Stone.” “You haven’t call me.” “I don’t need to. I’m fine.” “Then what are you doing here?” “Sunbathing.” “Where’s your swimsuit?” When she opened the door to the passenger side, she immediately occupied the shotgun seat. Exasperated, the almost red head turned to her. “What are you doing?” “Looking for your swimsuit?” She startled when she slapped the stirring wheel with her hands. “Stop it. It might open your stitches.” “Get out!” She released a deep breath. “Can we check your health first? I was worried when you did not call.” She expressed softly. “I said I’m fine.” Uno was glad that her voice was a little lower and less angry. “You have a family inside?” The other woman shook her head. “Would you like to have coffee with me?” It clear that she has been taken by surprise with the question. She sent her a smile. “Winona, right?” She continued when she got no respond from her. “I have thirty minutes before my duty starts.” She went out of the car. She smiled when she saw Winona round the car and stood beside her. She walked ahead. She was overjoyed that Winona followed her. They went back to the ground floor. They entered the coffee shop in the vicinity of the hospital. They both have a cup of brewed coffee. “Did you see a doctor in your place after you left this hospital?” “I did. I visited the family doctor. She told me that you did well.” “I’m glad that you didn’t have any complications.” She beamed at her. “What happened to you? Those gunshots were meant to kill. It targeted your chest area.” “My people were on the case. I’m still waiting for the report.” “Do you have enemies?” Winona stared at her before looking away. “Yes.” “Why?” “It has to do with my position. It’s the price that I have to pay.” “What do you do?” Uno received that look again. A look that was trying to categorize if she is worthy. Winona took a deep breath. She sipped from her cup. “I’m a president of a small company.” “What company?” “Security First.” “What does it do?” “Were a private firm that specialized in security programs.” “You mean, like CCTV installation in the buildings?” “Yes.” “You can also hack the footages?” “Yes.” “The way you possibly did with the footage you have in the hospital.” “Yes.” Uno stilled at the admission. She exhaled. “Why are you here, Winona?” “What do you want to hear, Doctor Stone?” “The truth.” Her dark brown orbs settled on her. Winona was still unsmiling. “I’m here to see you.” “I thought you’re fine? Do you have chest pain?” She questioned. She felt a sudden alarm. “I’m feeling pain in my chest, alright.” Winona answered in her bored tone. “Did you tell your doctor about it? Why didn’t you give me call? You should pay me a visit way before today.” The agitation she felt was pacified when Winona held her hand. “That’s why I’m here. I’m good now.” She blinked her eyes. When understanding dawned on her, she pulled her hand back. “It’s not funny.” “Who’s laughing now, Uno?” Their stared down halted when her phone rang. It was the number from the nurses’ information in her department. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” She said curtly. She turned to the woman in front of her. She was still under the scrutiny of the mysterious woman. “See me in my clinic this afternoon.” Winona nodded. That was her cue to stand up but stilled when the other woman uttered a question. “Who’s that guy, by the way?”
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