What now, Alpha?

1449 Words
SHE found Tati standing between the door frame and the slightly open door. Her beta was watching her with that creepy smile on her face. Winona put her signature above her name on the last page of the document before closing the folder. That was the last among the files on top of the table. When she put the folder on top of the other files, Tati entered the office. She has her hands on her back like a strict inspector. Winona leaned her back on the swivel chair while watching her friend until she sat in one of the chairs in front of her table. “Say it.” She ordered. “Did you meet with the doctor?” She stared at her friend who has anticipation all over her face. “I did.” She divulged. She grimaced when Tati shrieked. The stood up and placed both her hands on the edge of the table. “Did you tell her?” “No.” “What?!” Her voice reverberated in the small confinement. “What the hell did you do in that place? You wasted gas, time and effort for nothing?!” “I got a good bill of health. Ain’t that enough?” “Of course not!” The alpha crossed her arms in front of her. With puckered brows, she stared at her beta. Tati did the same. “You were there to let her know that you’re still alive. Did you even offer her a meal?” “No.” “What is wrong with you?!” “She invited me for a coffee though.” As if Christmas came early, Tati smiled widely. Winona was having a second thought on the sanity of her friend. “Is she into you already?” “She was with a guy.” She said almost in whisper. She avoided an eye contact with her good friend “Oh?” “I saw them leave the hospital. They had a meal together.” “Ouch…” “Yeah.” “What now, Alpha?” She sighed at the dejection in her voice. “She told me to visit next week for a check-up after she saw the stitches in my chest.” “What did she say when she saw your chest?” “Shock. She almost wanted to request for an MRI if I have angina when I told her that I have chest pain.” “Did she ask you again about what you are?” She shook her head. “Really?” “She thought I’m funny.” After staring at her for at least two seconds, Tati laughed out loud. “Your woman will be a breath of fresh air in this pack. An eye candy, too.” “I know but I don’t think I am ready for her, Tati.” Her friend sat again. There was understanding in her eyes. “Give her a chance. She will eventually feel the pull of the mating bond.” Winona released a deep sigh. “I don’t have a very good role model when it comes to mates. I may hurt her in the end.” “Have fate. The moon goddess will not let you and her meet if you’re not ready.” “It might not be a good time for us especially with the recent circumstance.” “The recent circumstance brought you together, Ana.” “I know.” “As you said a while ago, there was a guy.” She glanced at her beta who shrugged at her when their eyes made contact. “Humans are known for jumping from one relationship to another. And your woman is a hot commodity.” She glared at her friend. “What are you doing here anyway?” She asked with a trace of annoyance. “Oh, the gamma wanted your presence in the field.” She stood up from her chair. She and the beta left the office together. “By the way, did you update our security?” “Yes, ma’am. I did it while you were gone. I was working hard while you were lagging in getting your mate.” “Shut up, Tati.” Aside from being the alpha and beta in Krieger pack, she and Tati also works as colleagues in the company. Winona was the president while Winona was the head for IT. When it comes to computer technology, Tatiana was the person for it. Years ago, during the reign of the former alpha, Rowan Strange, Winona’s father, he was not very thorough when it comes to security. He relied on the brute capacity of his warriors to defend the pack. However, when Winona succeeded the position, she added the aid of the technology. She was fascinated with anything that has to do with security details and Tatiana was very passionate with anything has to do with computers. They made a great duo as friends growing up. They made a better team as the new leaders of the pack. Tatiana may appear to be weak and a happy go lucky with her attitude but when it comes to work, she was very perfectionist. That attitude brought them closer and replenished pack’s coffer. After taking the position as the alpha, Winona summoned the current leaders of the pack that works under the management of her father. She asked for their support and guidance of at least under a year until she and the incoming successor of their positions will be equipped enough to be their replacement. Tatiana was the daughter of the gamma but she appointed her as her beta. The heir of the gamma was also her good friend but he accepted that he will be the gamma instead. Their parents protested but through reasoning and knowing the capabilities of the children, they concede later on. Joshua became the gamma of the pack. He admitted that he likes the new position than being the beta. He informed Winona that he has better instinct when it comes to physical combat that works inside the four corners of the room. If there was one thing that Winona was thankful for her father was, he allowed his daughter to train in the pack and continue her education like any other pack members. The three of them finished their education in the small town. Like every body’s expectation, Tati graduated with Latin honors. On the other hand, juggling between comprehensive training and school, Winona was ecstatic that she was done with school. It was timely that she already earned her degree when she challenged her father for the position. A couple of years as an alpha, she and Tati established Security First. They started with regular stores to small companies until they earned the trusts of their clients. They set-up security cameras and CCTVs at first until they ventured into a more sophisticated security details to sending security officers in several companies. It was where Joshua focused on. He managed the trainings of the applicants in the agency after it was investigated by Tati’s reliable team of experts. Of course, the training was not as brutal as the warriors in the pack has to underwent. The members of the pack who wanted to work for Security First just need to inform the gamma. With this kind of management, the pack thrive and the lifestyle of each members were not reduced to a barbaric shifter but a functional member of the society. Three years in the business, they were earning millions. “When are you going to visit the doctor again?” “Next week.” Tati clapped her hands. A wide smile paint on her lips. “Just in time for the acquisition of the stuff I needed.” “You already sent your orders of the company, right? You have a team working on things like that.” ‘You know me, my friend. I’m very particular when it comes to the brands and specifications. I need to see them myself. Besides, a client wanted to update his software.” “Really now?” “Yes. I need to be there for at least two days.” “What?!” Her beta waved her goodbye. “Who’s going to manage the pack while were gone?” “We have dependable warriors, alpha.” Walking backwards, Tati faced her. “This pack needs a luna. Do your job well.” Before Winona could retort back, her friend was already running away.
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