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SHE laughed at David’s version of the story that has occurred in one of his visits to his ward. It seems that his patient was trying to prank his family that he has amnesia. It was unfortunate that the parents almost believed him. However, the mother asked for David’s recommendation for a second opinion. Since David did not know about the prank, the patient eventually admitted that it was all a hoax. After cursing his son, the parents let it go and were grateful that their son remembers everything. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dr. Lopez.” Uno expressed when they were finally in the entrance of the hospital. “Where’s your car?” “I sent it for a check-up this morning.” “I’ll send you home.” “She’s coming with me.” She spun on her heel when she heard that. Her eyes widen upon seeing Winona standing a couple of meters from her back. As usual, the almost redhead was unsmiling. Her air of command can be felt even at this slight distance between the three of them. She and David made a stare off before the male doctor put his hands up in surrender. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Uno.” “Drive safely, David.” She became aware that Winona stood beside her as she watched the neuro-surgeon drive away. “You guys dating?” She glanced at the smaller woman before she made the first step towards the pavement away from the hospital. Winona filled in space beside her. “If we're dating, he would not allow you to bring me home.” “Who’s that guy?” “Doctor David Lopez. He’s the head of Neuro-surgery.” “You like him?” “What’s not to like? He’s a good-looking guy, single and very good at his job.” “And he walks on water.” Uno chuckled. “He wished.” She glanced at the other woman. “What are you doing here? Your schedule will be in a couple of days.” “Did I interrupt something between you and that guy?” Her brow shot up at the woman’s question. Winona seems annoyed. “What crawled up your ass?” “I’m asking you a question, Uno.” The tall woman break discontinues walking. Winona did the same. Uno faced the short woman. She stared at Winona’s muddy brown eyes. With brows puckered, the doctor realized that something angers her patient.  “I don’t know what happened to you today, Miss Strange. However, I had a long day. I almost lost a patient at my table. I don’t appreciate your brash attitude.” After expressing herself, she turned her back from her and resumed walking in the pathway going to the bus stop. Her mouth went ajar when the jolt of electricity ran from her wrist to the center of her spine. She halted from pacing. Her eyes went to the hand that has its fingers surrounding her left wrist. “I’m sorry.” Uno raised her chin. She had a quick looked at her face before her eyes went to the hand that caged her left arm. “W-what?” “I’m not going to repeat myself.” “Huh?” The frown was back on her face. “I’m not going to apologize again.” She blinked her eyes at the defiance on Winona’s face. Uno pulled her hand back to remove the shorter woman’s grip. Nevertheless, Winona refused to release her wrist. Instead, her clutch tightened. “Take your claws off me. You emit static vibration.” She frowned when she found Winona smiling at their conjoined skin. She shook her arm but the other woman tightened the grip more. “Let go, Winona.” With the smile still on her face, the woman held her hand. “Did you have your dinner yet?” “No.” She still responded despite the confusion. Winona pulled her like a child. They walked hand in hand until they reached the bus stop. “I’ll treat you to dinner then.” “I’m not in a mood to eat. I want to get home and rest.” “Not happening.” “Winona, I’m really tired.” “Fine. I’m sending you home.” “I’ll get a cab from here. You go wherever you want to be.” “I’m sending you home. End of conversation.” Taken aback, she found herself staring at Winona’s. How many times can this woman change her mood in the span of twenty minutes? Before Uno can utter another statement, a white Chevrolet Trailblazer stopped in front of them. Flabbergasted by the sight of the car, Winona marched towards the vehicle with her in tow. The short woman opened the door in the back seat. She was given a signal to get in the car that she did without protest. “Where to, boss?” Uno’s eyes went to the big guy behind the wheels. He was Caucasian with a bald head. He has a buff body that was obvious from the shirt that he was wearing. “Tell him your address, Dr. Stone.” She sighed before stating her home address and the direction towards her house. She heard the woman beside her ordered the driver to find the nearest drive-thru. Ten minutes later, they were making a turn in Mcdonald's. She chose a double cheeseburger when Winona asked her what she wants. Another ten minutes, they were in front of the Highrise condominium where she owned a unit. Winona opened the door for her before she could say no. Holding the takeaway paper bag from Mcdonald's and her hand on the other, the shorter woman led the steps toward the brightly lit entrance. She opened her unit and invited the woman inside. Uno owned a single-bedroom condo unit on the 10th floor of the building. She has been living there for the last couple of years. What she like best in the unit was the view. In her window, she overlooks the park boulevard connected to the river under the bridge. The view was at its best in the morning at sunrise. The orange sky provides a sliver of hope. Promising a better and beautiful day ahead. At the moment, Uno knew that the lights coming from the lamp posts and the cars driving home glittered in the streets. When she looked back to find her guest, Winona was already in her kitchen. She was placing the take-away food from the brown bag. She placed her handbag on top of the coffee table before joining the at the homed woman. She gets canned soda and cold water from the fridge. A smile formed on her lips when she caught sight of the food on the table. A bucket of fried chicken, two double cheeseburgers, and large fries were placed beside each other in the center. “We definitely going to have clog arteries with all these greasy goodness.” “The more that we’re going to enjoy them.” Her smile widens when she saw the smirk formed on Winona’s. She washed her hand before occupying a seat. The shorter woman did the same. They were on the second helping of the chicken when she noticed the frown on her guest. Her eyes were staring at something in the living room. Uno never experienced seeing a ghost in this unit since she lived here. “What’s wrong?” “That’s a man’s jacket.” Sporting a frown of her own, she glanced in the direction where Winona was looking. An understanding dawned on her when she saw the black leather jacket in one of the couch’s arms. “That was David’s.” Eyes focused on hers, Uno noticed that Winona’s pupils were black. She was stunned at the change. “You let that man inside this unit?” Despite the calm voice, the underlying anger was in her voice. “No.” She answered. “He never stepped foot in this place.” She noticed Winona took a deep breath. She knew that the woman was trying to calm herself. Needing to explain herself, she continued. “He lent me his jacket the other night. My car didn’t start and he sent me home. It was raining and he gave me that jacket since he has no umbrella in his car.” Winona exhaled before she made a statement. “Remove that thing from your house, Uno.” She glared at her. “What’s wrong with you today? I’m having a headache with your bipolar attitude. Do you have an issue with me?” “N-no. I mean I don’t have an issue with you.” She gazed on the woman stayed longer than intended. It was never Winona’s character to stutter. Is the woman sick? Or is she sick in the head? She looks fine though. Uno found herself biting on the drumstick when the other woman refused to look at her in the eyes. Looks could be deceiving though. Why on earth did she let an unstable person in her house?
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