Chapter6. Jake

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I was in my room resting a bit after all the hard work I did. Aaron wasn’t home as yet and I wanted to talk to him about how he kept on disappearing and leaving all the work for me to do. I felt angry at the fact that he didn’t seem to care about our parents farm even though this was what we both agreed to do in the first place. I heard a knock on my bedroom door and Aaron walked in with a weird look in his face. “ where the hell have you been!? Do you know what time it is!? You are supposed to be here helping out instead you are gone to god knows where!” I shouted and he held his hand up to stop me which irritated the hell out of me. “ first of all the farm was your idea in the first place, I’m not going to be stuck here everyday working my a*s off to please you!” Aaron shouted and I was a bit shocked to hear him say that. “ to please me!? This is our parents farm! We are both supposed to be here helping out no matter what!” I shouted and he began to walk away from me, I have had enough of his b******t. “ where the hell do you think you are going!” I shouted while following him but he shrugged his shoulders instead as if not having a care in the world that I was talking to him. He can be so disrespectful. “ getting away from your brooding a*s, I don’t want to be around you right now.” He slammed the front door and jumped in his Jeep. I followed him on my motorcycle and saw that he was heading straight for the Andrews farm. Couple minutes later he jumped out of the Jeep and began to march around the side of the house but I got off my bike and ran after him. We were identical in every way, shape or form but he acts so differently from me. “ Aaron I’m still talking to you!” I shouted as I grabbed his hand to stop him. He shrugged my hand off and glared at me then sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “ listen Jake there’s something I need to tell you and I was going to before you began to jump down my throat.” I sighed and gestured for him to go on while folding my arms. This should be interesting. “ I-I met someone. His name is Adam, we’ve been together for two weeks now and I was going to ask you something.” He began looking at me strangely and I started backing away. What the hell is this man up to? Why was he looking at me like that? He Bursts out laughing, wiping away fake tears from his eyes. “ you-you should have seen your face! Gosh that was so funny!” He laughed and laughed until he calmed down enough to tell me his ridiculous plan. “ listen Adam and I were going on a date tonight since it’s Friday, I thought that maybe you would like to do a double date with Ashley?” He asked and I relaxed a bit after hearing his plan. “ Ashley? What does she have to say about this?” I asked and he had the nerve to shrug his shoulders again. “ don’t know, Adam’s asking her as we speak. Come on I want you to officially meet her since you’ve already met Adam.” He said and I nodded my head. This would give us a chance to talk so I followed him hoping that we can all go on this date tonight because god knows I need to get over this dry spell once and for all. I haven’t been on a date for so long at one point Aaron even though I was gay as well. I had to argue my point with him that I wasn’t and that’s how he stopped pestering me about it. We both have jet black hair and green green eyes and stand at six feet two inches tall. I could get any girl I wanted but all I wanted to do was focus on my career. It wasn’t helping that I lost my parents in an accident and that also contributed to me working even more because it was the only thing that could keep my mind off them. Aaron and I were spoiled by our parents, they loved us so much with all of their hearts. I knew he had it hard and blamed himself for their deaths but there was nothing we could do about it. We were all the way in Australia at the time of the accident. I sighed and listened to Aaron talking about Adam and how he finally found someone he could call his. I was happy for him, happy that at least one of us were getting all the love in the world. My heart was beating so hard while I got ready to meet Ashley. Aaron said she is beautiful, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. I couldn’t wait to see for myself since I haven’t met her before. I only met Adam and he seems like a nice young man so hopefully she will be nice as well. The place was hot, so hot I found myself sweating a bit. So much for first impression. I snickered to myslef and Aaron paused and looked at me as if I was weird. I waved my hand at him and he continued talking my ears off. I laughed at his silly jokes which I loved the most about him. He’s always the one who helps me whenever I’m down, he would find ways to make me laugh which I needed the most. I’m glad that I’m here with him because I could never function without him at all.
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