Chapter5. Jake

1026 Words
“ shoot I stepped in horse s**t again!” I screamed as I as I ran to get the hose to wash the s**t from off my three hundred dollar shoes. Aaron was laughing and closed his eyes for a minute but slipped and fell to the ground instead. “ the whole place is covered in s**t! We’ve been away for two years and this is what we’ve come home to!?” I shouted getting angrier at the fact that these people didn’t take care of our home or animals as they were told to do while living rent free. Aaron wipes his face but got some of the s**t on his cheek as well, that was so disgusting. “ eww your’e so f*****g gross!” I shouted and laughed while I pointed at it. he jumped up and pointed at my pants laughing at me. “ hey your pants is covered in poo.” He said and I shook my head. Sometimes I forgot that Aaron was gay and he had the vocabulary of a three year old, but I loved him dearly and wouldn’t change him for the world. Since we are twins, we are both thirty two years old. He’s the only one that acts immature all the time and no matter how I try to get him to change his ways, he’s just not going to. “ ready for this?” He asked and I nodded my head and sighed and looked at him since I had no other choice but to go through with our plans. I hope it works though because I needed my house back. “ as ill ever be.” I said and opened the door with the key I had. It doesnt matter that I left someone here to stay and I should respect their privacy and knock, this was my house and I wanted them gone. I wa so shocked because The entire place was a mess, there were food everywhere, furnitures overturned, bottles all over and loud rock music playing in the background. “ what the hell did we get ourselves into!” Aaron shouted while looking at the mess of our home. It was a three story house with eleven bedrooms and bath, I loved it here but right now I wanted to murder them for messing up the house like this. Ever since our parents passed away we’ve occupied it, we’ve moved all the way from Australia to live here.because of our jobs, we had to be traveling for long periods of times since we were in the security business but now we were back for good. It was going to be a challenge to get rid of the tenants but what could offering a little money hurt? It was either that or plan b and that was to beat the s**t out of them. “ hey yow dudes are back!” The short, fat, sweaty guy came rushing towards us and Aaron shrieked like a girl trying to get out of his way. “ jack um where is Stacy?” Jack shouted and I covered my ears because he almost damage my eardrum, f*****g a*****e. “ what the heck are you shouting for I’m right here!” Stacy shouted back coming towards us covered in smoke. She always smokes a lot and because of that she have a coughing fit all the time.She chewed at the end of the cigarette and spits on the floor which caused Aaron and I to cringe a little from it. “ we need to talk to you” I said in a serious tone and that got their attention. “ we are moving back in and would like you guys to move out right away. For your troubles we would like to offer you something to keep you until you find another place.” I said and Stacy started coughing again which sounded so disgusting which had Aaron to gagging and running out of here leaving me alone to deal with these pigs. “ ok we have a friend who’s place is unoccupied, we could go there and live. How much are you talking?” Stacy asked and I showed her the Cheque. It was ten thousand dollars and with that jack and Stacy ran towards the bedroom they were staying and began packing. Twenty minutes later they were out the door without so much as a goodbye. I sighed and looked around the mess Aaron and I are going to have to clean. Could this day get any worse? It’s been two days since we’ve cleaned the entire place. Luckily for Mrs.Andrews after she passed away Aaron and I have been supplying water to her farm and taking care of the animals. I stopped by to purchase some of the animals there to take the burden off her granddaughter and the guy I met kinda reminded me of Aaron. Luckily I didn’t bring him with be because I would be surrounded by gays and that’s something that I couldn’t deal with right now. Aaron and I had a huge farm land so we have to hire a couple people to take care of the animals so there’s no more s**t laying around outside. I was finally able to breathe properly and I’m glad that the place is back to normal again. Aaron kept on disappearing and I didn’t like it one bit. I had so many things to take care of and with him being so irresponsible sometimes, only god knows what he’s really been up to. I need to talk to him because he couldn’t just leave all the work up to me. We both agreed to come back here and help out as much as we could because our parents would want this. He was slacking in his work and if he doesn’t man up and help out I don’t know what will really happen. I don’t know where he’s running off to all the time and quite frankly I didn’t care, I just wanted him here and the only way that could happen is if i spoke to him about this once and for all.
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